
by Nameless Narrator

New Life: Conflict

[Blazing's Entry]

Ouch. Heart's Warming is tomorrow and for the first time in my life I feel it actually means something. All the family celebrations and all the gifts always left me feeling empty but something about Sharp beating me up with a blunt stick and Choking laughing at my lack of skill makes me feel better.

It's not so one-sided though, I've beaten Sharp more than once but he always pulls out a different weapon to beat any victorious thoughts out of my head and I'm grateful for that because I know more than well how easy it is to start thinking too much of oneself. We still focus mainly on the staff though.

Also, he's interested in stallions apparently. I don't know whether to feel embarrassed or flattered when we shower after every workout and I catch him looking at me but for the time being I have different things to worry about. I'm not even sure whether to worry about him or my own reaction because whenever I catch his stare I know it was only because I wanted to take a peek myself.

The worst part is that Choking showers with us, only when we are alone of course, and there is nothing that escapes her attention. I think I've heard enough quarterstaff innuendos to last a lifetime but Sharp doesn't seem to be bothered so why should I?

Oh and I forgot to mention that the Elements of Harmony defeated the god of chaos some time ago. That's just to put my problems in perspective to the problems of ponies who are truly interesting. I probably should have noted that at the relevant time but I think I was just happy not being turned into a squirrel.

[End Entry]

I walk out of the castle to do my routine after finishing with coal delivery. Having the entire night to do it gives me a lot of flexibility in my schedule and tonight I fancied a bit of rest.

I hate cold. No that's not right. I positively despise cold but something about moving around in it and then walking back into my warm room makes me suddenly burst out in flames from inside - a unique feeling of a body trying to warm itself up while being outside and then still working while recieving the heat from the fireplace.

The best thing about walking outside at night is that I don't have to wear anything and on a clear, calm night like this I enjoy not being constricted without being afraid of anypony noticing my armor plates.

I'm now sure it is armor as it proved strong enough to withstand some blows from Sharp's staff without breaking or bruising, it still hurt though. I begin to stretch and slowly move around in a pattern I learned from my magazines which is supposed to warm up every muscle. The warming up part, however, ends quickly when I accidentally glance towards the castle entrance.

The part more chilling than the night air comes soon after when I recognize the five ponies coming towards me. Two pegasi, two unicorns and their leader in front - a big, brown earthpony with a sadistic smile. The staff on his back signals that tonight's the night I've been trying to avoid for so long, or at least get ready for it. Whether or not he's consciously brought friends in the perfect combat unit pattern (See? I learned something from Sharp!) it only lowers my chances of victory. I squint at them and almost pee myself on the spot. Guess I wasn't really convinced that this is real until now. The pegasi are wearing razors on their wings, the unicorns are levitating swords and still my legs give up when Valiant Charge gets closer and his staff with spiky, metal ends comes to focus. The worst part is that during evey practice with Sharp I was able to block the staff blows with combat horseshoes if worst came to worst but now I don't have them... and they have real weapons, one of which is adapted to be unblockable and two of which I haven't seen before.

"Why hello there, coalface!" he greets me cheerily when he sees me fall down on my rump.

Get up!

What's the point? There's too many of them... maybe they'll make it quick this way.

"Awww, he's crying," he laughs again and his minions join him.

This. Is. Bad.

Yes it is. I trained every little thing I was able to but I forgot one thing - when it comes to the real thing I fold faster than a lawn chair. I'm just a coward who was lying to himself the whole time and these guys will make sure my brown streak ends here.

"I almost pity you, scrub, but you know this could have been avoided if only you kept your filthy hooves off my Choking Darkness."

"You don't even know how much she hates that name," I manage to say between sobs.

The cracking of snow under hooves gets behind me meaning I'm surrounded.

"Well you have no idea how much I LOVE the name. It and everything it's connected to."

"You just want her because you can't have her," I just try to provoke him. Nothing really matters anymore.

"And here was me thinking I'll end you quickly, trash. Just so you understand, she already IS mine. It just might take few more broken legs for her to see it and stop resisting. Or maybe a little mention of you after they find your corpse down the mountain will show her who to obey."

This isn't about you!

What? I'm the one who is getting a final one-way ticket pretty soon.

You know you are worthless but think about her. She will one day find somepony perfect and this... this THING will go after him, or her as the case may be.

I'm pretty sure she's straight but she'll hump anything that moves.

And after few dates she'll find he's either leaving her out of fear or he will just disappear. The guards will not look too hard if there isn't anypony willing to. Or she will break and stay with Valiant, treated like property and then thrown away when he gets bored. You can stop it right here.

I CAN'T DO ANYTHING! I thought I could fight but I can't even force my legs to move.

Then it's over. Nice knowing you.

"Nice knowing you, coalface," he ends it.

"Anypony got the photo?" asks Valiant his group.

"Got it right here, boss. You can even make out the wet face."

"She's gonna love it,"

Some friend you are. Helping this piece of crap.

I'm going to die here either way. Soon everything will stop being important and my business. I can just let go and all the blaming voices will stop, I will cause no more pain to anypony.

But that's not true now, is it?

"Time to take out the trash," says the voice behind me.

I'm not only going to die while causing more pain to the only friend I have but with the worst possible catchphrase imaginable. No... just for giving up this easily I don't deserve the easy way out.

Full of grim determination I grin. With the next crackle of snow behind me I throw myself to the ground and kick hard with my hind legs. It was the pegasus whose pained scream now echoes through the castle gardens, he won't be flying any time soon and the razors drop from his trashed wing.

That's the spirit. If you can't even die without hurting anypony then HURT THE RIGHT ONE! Sword from above.

I roll to the side and blindly charge upwards when I hear steel bury itself in the ground. The shower of blood is my reward when my horn gores the neck of one enemy but I must not stand still otherwise I will die, that much I know.

Wide staff swing.

Jumping back, I feel the draft of air when something just barely misses my chest and I kick the stuck sword out of the ground. It leaves a gash in my armored leg but no blood comes out. If by some divine grace I survive this I'm going to fulfill Sharp's wildest shower fantasy for teaching me some sword basics.

Razors rushing from behind. Staff stab from the front. Sword swing from the left.

Three sides at once is a lot to take in but the repeat of my first risky move pays off and I break the wing of the second pegasus leaving him to feel the impact of Valiant's spiked staff which passes directly above me and sends him flying backwards. My sword flies straight towards the armed unicorn as the unarmed one doesn't want to tangle with the ball of pain around me. The darkness is my friend as my sword isn't as visible for them in the shadows cast by lamps which they dropped on the ground when the assault began.

The pegasi are out, one unicorn is hurt and the other is hesitating.

The voice melds with my thoughts and sensory input letting me dodge everything up to the point where I assess the situation and fail to see the upswing of Valiant's staff which hits my chest directly. For a second I have no idea what happened until I drop on my back a fair distance away. The next swing I can block with my front leg which has the fortunate effect of saving my skull from the hit with the drawback of losing the use one of my limbs.

It's coming again.

I can see it but with one of his hind legs on my stomach I can't dodge and the wide staff arc ends with an impact to my side. I've never played golf but suddenly I have a good idea how the ball must feel.

"Dear Luna NO! PLEASE NO!" I hear a voice I really don't want to hear now but when a scream of pain reaches my ears I grin to myself again. Choking just ended the sex life of one of the attackers.

"Too bad, love. It's happening and will keep on happening until you're a bit more flexible about our relationship. And don't even think about telling anypony, I have four witnesses here."

Yea. That's not happening.
Yea. That's not happening.

For once both me's are in sync and I can feel magic flowing through my body. It is a mix of two powers one of which I can't understand, the first is the usually weak telekinesis but this time it's flowing freely and I rip both swords from their resting places. The other one is the white lady's gift which restores my broken leg in an instant and as the green fire lights Valiant's grimace I want to throw up but for once not because of me. I can feel the red sun from Choking and I can feel every little bit of greed and hatred from the earthpony.

The snarl which escapes my mouth is the vocal equivalent of a judge reading prisoner his charges and with both swords in the air I intend to be the executioner.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, whatever you are," he says and I can't stop in time when I realize he's been baiting me.

I don't even feel any pain. In truth, I don't feel anything and in panic I don't try to analyze and I just send all I have to restore my entire body. It is different from the usual discomfort and I scream in pain as the green fire obscures my vision.

It gives me enough time to act on instinct though. With shattered spine repaired in an instant I swing my heavy hoof and break Valiant's quarterstaff into two pieces. There is only red now but I don't want to kill him... yet. I want to hear him scream, to beg for mercy from Choking so I grab both spiked pieces of his staff and strike over and over.

And not only him. All of them will pay.