//------------------------------// // Our Friendship // Story: Unrequited // by Nineveh //------------------------------// "Cadence! Cadence, are you awake?" I peek inside Cadence's room, scanning the area for my sister. Actually, we're not sisters by blood. I was adopted by them from the Vanhoover Orphanage ten years ago, when I was at six years of age. Shortly after I was taken in by the Crystal Castle, Cadence and I were able to do some research in the library about my type. I'm what they call a changeling. Ponies like me were often shunned because of our power; the main ability of a changeling is to take the form of somepony you love and gain power by feeding off your love for them. Cadence laughs. "Well, that's definitely not you. I know you, and I know you'd not do something like that," she says with a smile. "Right?" I sense the uncertainty in her voice. I reply to her with an evil smile and cackle. "Maybe," I sneer. Cadence looks taken aback. She quickly realizes its a joke and laughs. I laugh as well and sigh. "Gosh, I didn't know I could do something like that," I say. "And even if I knew how to do something like that, I could never use it against Equestria. . . ." "....rysalis. Chrysalis. Hello! Earth to Chrys!" I snap out of my daydream to find a pink hoof waving in front of my face. "You alright, Chrys?" she asks with a concerned expression on her beautiful face. I smile reassuringly. "You're so pretty, Cadence," I say admiringly. Cadence blushes. "Really? I don't think I'm all that," she says modestly. "Anyway, was there something you wanted to tell me?" Ah, yes, that's right. "Cadence, Shining Armor's coming to pick you up later. Let's go get you fixed up and even prettier." I smirk. "He is your," I pause, clearing my throat, and widening my grin, "boyfriend, after all." At this, she turns an ever brighter shade of red. "N-no. I mean, yes, b-but you," she pauses and continues quietly. "You don't have to say it like that. . . ." I smile, amused. I laugh. "You're so cute." She smiles and laughs happily at this, like we've laughed for so long. Half an hour later, Cadence leaves for her first date. Though they've been in love with each other since forever, they only started dating two weeks ago after Shining Armor confessed to Cadence. I could only cheer her on. It had hurt. I had no choice. Shining could never love someone like me. Though, I've never hated Cadence for it. She's always been there for me, and she was the one who accepted me. Besides, I understand why Shining would be attracted to her; she's kind, beautiful, caring, and she even has a part-time job foalsitting a young unicorn mare. It's unrequited love. And unrequited is all it will ever be. ー I love Shining Armor. Being able to say that to him, being able to be by his side, sharing mutual love. I feel as if I'm on top of the world. Though, I do feel bad leaving Chrys alone. At that moment, a face appears under my muzzle. I tilt my head back, surprised. Shining Armor looks up at me, craning his neck down. "You're spacing out," he says, chuckling and straightening his neck. I feel heat rush to my cheeks. "Was I? Sorry," I apologize. "I kind of feel bad leaving Chrysalis home alone," I say. Shining Armor smiles sweetly. "You've always had a kind heart," he says, rubbing his nose on mine. I giggle. "Thanks, Shining." He smiles. "There's a cake shop I found here while I was exploring earlier that I wanted to take you to." My mouth waters and I feel my eyes glisten. He laughs and says, "So you're a sweet-tooth, Cadence?" Shining Armor isn't from here, so I'm not sure he'd understand how good the bakery products from the Crystal Empire are. He told me he was on leave today, so he took the chance to invite me on a date. It's his first time coming here; usually I'm the one who goes over to Canterlot to visit him, as I had on foalsitting duty, so I went there often with Chrysalis until last year. As Chrysalis had gotten older, Princess Celestia made it so that she had would stop visiting Canterlot. She never told us why. In front of me, Shining Armor stops. I look up, confused. "What's the matter?" I ask. He looks over his shoulder at me. "This is the place." I blink and look up at the bright, decorated sign above our heads. Crystal Cakes. As Shining holds the door open for me, I smile and happily trot inside, Shining Armour following behind be and closing the door. As soon as I enter, the familiar smell of sugar and icing hits me. My nostrils flare, and my pupils dilate. I giggle. "It's like a heaven on Equestria!" I squeak excitedly. Shining Armor laughs. "Well, order anything you'd like. My treat," he says. I look back at him, concerned. "No, I couldn't do something like that. I can pay for my share." "Cadence, it's fine, I have enough-" "I insist." He shrugs and sighs. Then he smiles, exasperated. "Alright, your highness." I let out a satisfied, triumphant "Hmph," and swish around. I trot over to the counter and gaze at the cakes and cupcakes. My mouth waters, and I can only do my best to keep from drooling. The cakes are very well-decorated, and very detailed. The colorful icings on each of the cakes jump out to create beautiful spectral designs, each one original and unique to the next. "They're so pretty," I sigh. "It's as if I can't eat it, or else I would ruin all the hard work." A Crystal pony with a glimmering beige coat and a pastel blue mane and tail bursts from a curtain behind the counter, clearly in a hurry. "Welcome to Crystal Cakes," she says. "Please pardon my tardiness, as I-" She pauses as soon as her purple eyes pass over Shining Armor and Cadence. "The High Captain of the Royal Guard and the Princess," she breathes, astonished. She immediately falls to her knees and bows. "I beg your pardon for my rudeness," she says, "Your Majesty, Your Excellency. I had not anticipated for such royalty and supremacy to visit such a lowly place as this. My deepest apologies for the ragged attire of the shop and of the staff." "Please, don't. We are not here as royalty; we're here as customers," I tell her with a soft smile. The shopkeeper's eyes widen in surprise. "O-of course! Yes," she says, clearing her throat and rising from her low bow. "So, uh, w-what would you like?" I turn my attention to the different cakes lined up neatly behind the glass. My eyes pause on a small light pink mousse with my cutie mark decorated on the top. I giggle and point to it. "I'll take this one." When the shopkeeper sees the selected cake, she smiles and lets out a soft laugh. "Of course," she says, slowly taking a piece from behind the counter and placing it on a square glass plate. She hands it to me with a smile. "Enjoy." "Thank you," I say, sparking my magic to take the plate. I blink, remembering. "Ah, that's right. How much?" The shopkeeper shakes her head. "It's on the house. No pay needed." "No, I insist on paying. How much?" "Princess, I-" "No." She sighs. "Four bits, then." I smile, taking out the requested amount. "Four bits," I say. As I eat my cake, something catches my eye. "Excuse me, ma'am, how much for that cupcake?" I ask, pointing to it. She follows my gaze. "Oh, that one is free of charge. It's only on rare occasions that it's bought," she says. "Would you like it?" I nod. "To go, please." I say my thanks to the shopkeeper, and take my leave. As Shining and I exit the shop, a sudden blast of cold wind blows into my face. From the warmth of the store, I forget that it's nearing the end of fall, and temperatures here, already cold enough, being in the north, drop even more and fall away into bitter and frozen days. After Shining Armor drops me off back at the Castle, I thank him and rush upstairs to Chrysalis's room. I open the door and find her sat next to the window, gazing out into the outside world. I can never know what it feels to be in her place, banned from society and cursed to live her days in the closure of the Castle. It wasn't always like this. When we were foals, before Celestia disallowed Chrysalis's exploring of the world outside, Shining Armor and I would always play with her, together. The two of us never really cared about Chrysalis's odd appearance, or her strange voice, or the fact that she would never be able to attain a cutie mark. Now, everything has changed. As I look at Chrysalis, I let out a sympathetic smile. I quickly regain my attitude and trot over to her. "Hey, Chrys!" I say with much glee. "I'm back!" As soon as I say that, the biggest smile crosses her face, and she turns to me, sparkling with happiness. "It's about time," she says with a sarcastic grin. "So, how was it?" I giggle. "It was fun. Oh, and I brought something for you." I pull out the box with the cupcake inside from my saddlebag and give it to her. "Here." She looks from the box to me, then back to the box, opening the lid. Inside, there is a red velvet cupcake, topped with blue icing decorated with small swirls. A small edible rose sits on the top. She laughs and smiles. "Thanks so much! It's so pretty!" I smile. Normally, a regular pony would see something like this as plain, boring. But not Chrysalis. She sees the wonder and beauty in everything. "I knew you'd like it," I say. She sparks her magic and gives the cupcake a bite. In the blink of an eye, the cupcake disappears, leaving only crumbs and icing stains. Chrysalis swallows the last of the cupcake and laughs. "Delicious!" I snicker, pulling out a handkerchief. Chrysalis blinks. "What?" I take the handkerchief and rub her snout where the icing and crumbs didn't make it inside her mouth. "You're so messy," I giggle. She blushes and pushes the handkerchief away, rubbing the back of her head with her forehoof, chuckling nervously. "Oops," she mumbles. "Yes!" I exclaim, startling Chrys. "I got it!" She blinks. "Got what?" I rub my forehooves together evilly. "The perfect prank," I say darkly. Chrys gasps and snickers. "I haven't done a good prank since we were foals." I giggle. "Shh! I'm about to go," Cadence tells me. I nod. We peep over the corner, and sure enough, the maid is there in front of my Cadence's room, about to knock for cleaning. She pauses and turns her head to where we are. We immediately snap our heads back, covering our muzzles with our forehooves to keep from laughing. "Okay, I'm going," says Cadence. I watch from where I hide. Cadence approaches the grey mare and exclaims, "Oh! Margaret!" Margaret turns, startled. "Ah, Your Majesty," she says, lowering her head in a brief respectful bow. "I thought you were in your room." "I went to get some food from the kitchen." "Your Highness, please refrain from such work; that is my job. All you need to do is request for me and I will take care of it for you." "It's alright. Oh, Margaret, you have something on your face. Here, allow me," Cadence says, wiping her cheek with a napkin. "There." Margaret blushes. "Oh, my apologies, Your Highness. I'll go and clean your room now," she says, hurrying inside. Cadence smiles and hurries to our hiding spot quickly. I giggle softly and hoof-bump her. The two of us hurry off just as Margaret shrieks at her reflectionーher cheek stained with a bright red paint smearーfrom inside the room. ー 5 Years Later ー Wow. I look exactly like her. Even my voice sounds the same. I gaze into my reflection in the mirror, unsure about what I see. I had no idea that I could do this. Wait, I take that backーI do know; I just never had the guts to try. Curiosity got the best of me, and here I stand now. "You look just like me!" Cadence yelps excitedly. "Cadence, are you sure this is fine? I mean, don't you want to go?" "Oh, seriously, I go on dates with Shining all the time! It's your turn to try it out." Finally, after long last, I can finally experience the mutual love I've only ever dreamed of. Every time this crosses my mind, I tell myself, His heart isn't mine. "Alright, Chrys. You know what to do, right?" I nod nervously. She glances outside the window just as Shining Armor arrives. Cadence smiles at me. "Have fun." I pause before smiling happily at her. "Yeah." I trot quickly out the door and down the stairs, my heart fluttering with mixed emotions of happiness and the pain of realizing that Shining Armor loves Cadence. ー I'm happy for Chrysalis. She finally can experience the joy of mutual love with a lover. Even if it's not real. She's never told me personally, but I've seen it in the way she glows when we talk about him. At the same time, I see her agony. I've only felt sentiment towards her. Even so, I can't stop loving Shining. Even if it means hurting others I love. If he would do the same for me, I can only do the same for him. After seeing the two of them off from the window, I slowly rise from my perch and make my way to my bed. Crouching, I retrieve the leather case from under it. Not many ponies know it, but I've played the viola ever since Chrysalis came. I've always thought that the viola reminded me of Chrysalis; often unacknowledged by the audience. But, once you see the true potential and the beauty of it, it suddenly becomes something that one should want to encourage. I uncase the instrument and softly pluck each string to make sure they're in tune. Each string vibrates after the pluck, sound echoing through the sound post, resonating through the quiet room. I pull out the bow, tighten it, and place the bow hair on the strings after maintaining my position. As the bow slides across the strings, sure and in forte, the first note is played. The second note is fostered, and a third, and a fourth, until a story is made with the harmony of just one instrument. The music brushes the walls and echo through the room, each note prolonged and dancing in the air, free and graceful. As the seconds come to minutes, the music flies and swims through the dynamics, each crescendo creating a new life. Every time I hear this music, I feel as if I'm free, as if I stepped into a new world. As if I'd stepped into a new, perfect world; pure and shining. It's as if the music paints so clearly the deep feelings of pain, sadness, lonelinessー Heartbreak. I cut the song off as a tear falls onto the wood of the viola. I am stunned, unmoving, struck with the dark truth. All of this, all of the feelings coming to me, as I am left alone in this room, with no one to turn to for comfort at the momentーall of this is what Chrysalis feels. I've been so spoiled. While my best friendーmy sisterーfights through her agony, I sit basking in the sunlight of love and care. While Chrysalis smiles through her pain and tears, I wallow in the pitiful shallowness of my problems. All I've wanted is to make Chrysalis happy. I had only seen her smiles. I'd never seen her tears. I never dug deeper. I dream of the day when we could play together without any pain, without any heartbreak. I dream of the day when Chrysalis can learn to love as I have. It's not true, but, God, how I wish it was. How I wish I had seen it. How I wish I hadn't been so blind. ー This is bliss. This is all I've ever wanted, all I've ever hoped for. It's as if my unrequited love has been healed, and the days of loneliness and sorrow are over. As if I can finally be by the side of the one I love. At least, it should be. Why do I feel this way? I smile to Shining, but inside I am hesitant. I laugh and nod, but inside I lie in my puddle of tears. How ungrateful I am. I'm finally given the chance of a lifetime, but I waste it harboring feelings of sadness. What causes my pain? Half-conscious and lost in my thoughts, Shining says, "I love you, Cadence." At this, I wake. No. No, this shouldn't be happening. Don't say these things to me. I'm not the one you love. Why are you so kind? You are more than I could ever dream. After years, and years, and years, I've forced myself to believe a lie. Don't talk to me like that. This isn't right. No. A tear rolls down my cheek, and I see a startled Shining lurch forward, taking my hoof. I snap, and I yank my hoof away. He staggers back, surprised. I only stare at him, horrified. This shouldn't be happening. No, no, no, no. No. It's time to end my unrequited love. I gallop back to the castle, tears streaming behind me. My breathing becomes erratic, and I feel my heart punching my rib cage. Soon after, I hear the rhythmic hoofbeats of somepony chasing after me. I immediately know it's Shining Armor, chasing after me. Noー Chasing after Cadence. I unravel my wings and take to the sky, where I know he won't follow me. The wind blows through my mane, a feeling I haven't felt for so long. But my heart is too full with pain to feel satisfaction. As weakness blankets my body, my spell wears off, my own skin beginning to expose. How horrible I am. I've ruined Shining and Cadence's relationship, and I've become selfish and ungrateful. I land on the balcony of Cadence's room as a worried mare rushes to help me in. "Chrysalis! Chrysalis, what happened? Are you alright? Where's Shining Armor?" Cadence bombards me with questions, a concerned crease of her brows forming on her forehead. I look up with a sad smile. "I'm sorry," are the only pitiful words I say. Cadence widens her glistening eyes, filling with tears. More tears fall from my own eyes. "No, Cadence. Smile. Smile like you always have. Please." Cadence shakes her head. "How can I smile when all you've done is fight?" "Smile," I say. She squeezes her eyes shut and releases me from the embrace she had given me. She opens her eyes as tears stream from her eyes. Her lips form into a smile. Not a smile of happiness, or joy, or pleasure. It was a smile of pain, agony, sorrow, loneliness. Who knew that it would be the last smile I ever saw from her?