Power Ponies in Hostess Ads

by Grenazers


Fili-Second vs Duke Duplicate

In the city of Maretropolis, the superhero speedster known as Fili-Second. She is currently chasing after one of the Power Ponies villain, Duke Duplicate.

Duke Duplicate is villain with the ability to create illusionary copies of himself. Known for stealing, the Duke uses his copies to distract the police, while he escape with the stolen goods.

On his latest theft, he just happens to cross Maretropolis fastest pony, Fili-Second. Fortunately for him, Fili-Second was unable to apprehend him.

“Ha ha ha!” The many clones of Duke Duplicates laughed. “Run, run, run as fast as you can. You'll never catch me. For I am Duke Duplicate! The hundreds of Duke Duplicate gloated.

“I hate to admit, but he is right! Even with my incredible speed, I'll never the find the real Duke Duplicate at this rate.” Fili-Second stated. “If only there was way to get the real Duke to reveal himself, but how?”

Taking the moment to think, one second later she came up with something.

Using her super she went into a nearby bakery, bought something, and returned to the scene.

“Hey all of you Duke Duplicates!” She shouted.

“Yes?” They all said in unison.

“Look at what I got!” She then showed the horde of Duke Duplicates a Hostess Fruit Pie.

“Is that a-”

“That's right! It a Hostess Fruit Pie, now come and get get it!” The mare chucked the Fruit Pie a few hoof ahead of her.

Soon all the copies began rushing to the Fruit Pie.

“It's mine!”

“No, it mine!”

“I want it!”

“Well I want it more.”

The copies argued amongst themselves, while trying to grab the Fruit Pie. Unfortunately, since they were just illusions they couldn't even pick up the tasty treat.

Out of all the horde of copies, one stood out as he picked up the Fruit Pie. This indicated that he is indeed the real Duke Duplicate.

Just as he was about to eat the fruit pie, in a matter of seconds he found himself hoof cuffed and in prison. But, worse of all his hostess fruit pie was gone.

“ Where is it?” He shouted.

“Right here buddy” Said a familiar female voice.

Turning his head around, he spotted Fili-Second holding the fruit pie in her hoof.

“Please give it back to me.” He begged.

“Don't worry Duke you'll get it back, but not before you serve your time in jail.”

“NOOOOOO!” The Duke shouted at the top of his lungs.

You Get A Big Delight In Every Bite Of Hostess Fruit Pies

Fili-Second in Slow Down

The city of Maretropolis, this massive city is currently being inspected by super heroine Fili-Second. She searching the city for any signs of her arch-nemesis, Slow Poke, the slowest pony in Maretropolis.

Slow Poke had made a live announcement, telling everypony of his latest scheme. He is targeting one of the many banks the resides in this city, but does not give any detail which one.

With this information Fili-Second uses her power to travel between every bank in the city. She kept on doing this until she got a call from the police.

“Fili-Second come quick!” Said a distressed officer. “The Royal Equestrian Bank has been robbed.

“What! How can that this be? I was there a second ago.” Fili-Second said as she made a beeline to the robbed bank.

Upon arriving, she immediately asked a nearby officer.

“Officer what happened here?”

“We don't know Fili-Second, the vault was full when we arrived. Then all of sudden the vault is empty!”

“Interesting, show me the vault.”

The police officer showed the heroine to the bank's vault.

“This is it.” He showed. “Once it was full of bits, but not anymore.”

Fili-Second quickly examined the room and found something interesting. The floor was brand new, this was strange since this bank was really old. She theorized the Slow Poke dug a tunnel directly under the bank vault. He then proceeds cut a hole through floor, took all the bits, and fix the floor right up.
Meanwhile down below, Slow Poke and his minions were each carrying large sacks full of bits.

“Ha....Ha.....Fili....Second.......Will......never......find........us.” Slow Poke said. “She......is......always.....rushing......never......slowing......down......for.....anything.

“Well you maybe right about that Slow Poke.” Said a familiar voice, the villain recognized. “But, I do know that not even you can resist the alluring taste of Hostess Twinkies.”

When Slow Poke saw the small yellow spongy treat in her mouth, something changed within him.

“Those Hostess Twinkies are the most delicious snack ever!” He yelled, no longer pausing between words. “The soft bread, the cream filling, those things are just to die for.”

“Well then come and get it!” Fili-Second challenged him.

With speed he never knew he had, Slow Poke chased after Fili-Second. He chased all over the city.

Eventually he saw the heroine tossing the Twinkies inside a room. Not bothering to slow down and look around, the villain entered the room and the door was closed and locked right behind him.

“Good job Fili-Second, you caught the slowest pony in Maretropolis.”

“Don't thank me commissioner Badge, thank Hostess Twinkies for that.” Fili-Second said. “These snacks are quite good and you get a delight for every bite.”

“I'll say.” Hum Drum said while stuffing several Twinkies in his mouth.

“Oh Hum Drum.” Fili-Second responded and laughed afterwards, soon joined by everypony else in the vicinity.

You Get A Big Delight In Every Bite Of Hostess Twinkies