//------------------------------// // Ch. 9: "Lambda: Merciless Evil Eyed Milestone" // Story: .hack//Secrets of Equestria // by Hallowedsoul //------------------------------// Chapter Nine “Lambda: Merciless Evil Eyed Milestone” “Chrysalis, queen of the changelings!”  Twilight exclaimed in both anger and terror as she stood to face the newcomer “I thought Cadance and Shining Armor cast you and your swarm from Equestria!” “How sweet, you remember me.”  The changeling queen replied dryly as she conjured a cushion and sat at the coffee table “And yes, I was indeed thrown far, far away by the Royal Couple.  They should consider themselves lucky that they managed to best one of the greatest tacticians to walk Equestria.” “What are you doing here, what do you want?”  Twilight snarled at the queen, who merely feigned a yawn “Start talking and I swear to Celestia if you’re lying to me I’ll-” “You’ll what, put a moustache on my muzzle?  I have centuries of training over you, fledgling Princess, I could destroy you with but an errant thought.  Yet I did not come here for a petty dispute, no; I am here to give your human friend a little warning.”  Chrysalis replied venomously. Jack could tell there was some pretty bad blood between the two mares simply from the way they glared daggers at each other.  But at the same time he could easily tell who would have the advantage in a fight.  He knew Twilight was magically adept, being an alicorn and the Element of Magic, but Chrysalis held herself with a complete lack of fear towards Twilight.  The changeling queen radiated confidence and power and the look in her harlequin eyes said she would not be afraid put her power on display. “Twilight, she didn’t come here to fight.”  Jack said, trying to placate the alicorn “Let’s see what she has to say before we go causing a problem.” “Like I’ll believe anything she says and you shouldn’t either!”  Twilight countered vehemently “She’s a changeling; a monster that abducts ponies and takes their place so that they can leech off the Love of their friends and family!” “A common misconception.  Changelings don’t need to feed solely on Love, it is merely a popular choice for its enticing aroma and unique taste.”  Chrysalis stated with a shrug “It’s much like eating pony food, honestly.  Many changelings, myself included, have an acquired fondness for Anger for its spiciness.” “Oh, so you’re making me angry on purpose to feed on me, is that it?!”  Twilight snapped but Chrysalis chuckled. “Don’t flatter yourself, you have but the barest hint of Anger; it’s Fear that you feel most prominently and I do so despise that flavor.” “The only one who should be afraid here is you!”  Twilight retorted hotly “You and your changelings are nothing but parasites!  If you don’t get out of my library, and for that matter Ponyville as well, I will be forced to take drastic measures!” “I have tolerated your insolence long enough, whelp!”  She snapped at the alicorn “Until such time as you are able to stand with Princess Celestia upon a field of battle, you will hold your tongue in my presence!” “Settle down, ladies.”  Jack said, gesturing with his hands to try and avert a conflict between the two mares “Your Majesty, you were saying something about my friends and I being watched?” Chrysalis blinked her eyes in surprise and smiled “Well, it appears there is a creature that still remembers his manners in the presence of true royalty.”  She said approvingly “Tell me, human; what is your name?” “Jack Harvey, Your Majesty.” “Indeed I was, Jack Harvey.”  Chrysalis stated “It arrogantly believes itself to be terribly clever and smart, but it does not take into consideration that it would be intruding upon the territory of my hive.  Just as its eyes observe you, so too does my brood observe it.” “Do you think it means us harm?”  Jack asked but Chrysalis shrugged. “I can only sense ill intent from these eyes.  Whether the being behind them means you harm is another thing entire.  My guess is it’s watching to see what you do, possibly waiting to see if the esteemed Princess Celestia will send you away.”  She replied calmly as Jack fixed her a cup of tea. “What makes you think that?”  He asked her. “It’s what I would do when an unknown ingredient has been cast into the works.” “This is absurd; why are we even listening to her, Jack?!”  Twilight exclaimed, gesturing a hoof towards Chrysalis “Do I need to remind you that she’s a changeling?!  There’s no guarantee she’s telling the truth.  We can’t trust anything she says!” “You are correct; you have no reason to believe that what I say is true.”  The changeling queen said with a shrug, but then fixed Twilight with a piercing gaze “But before you dismiss me outright, I want to ask you a question.”   “Yeah, what’s that?” “When was the last time Ponyville faced a serious crisis?  And I am not talking about the banal chores you and your friends come up with for your reports; I speak of a crisis like the parasprites or the Ursa Minor.”  Chrysalis stated.  Twilight opened her mouth to retort, but hesitated when the changeling queen’s words hit her. “There hasn’t been one, or at least not one that I’ve heard of.  And I’m usually the first one anypony goes to when something comes up.”  She eventually replied and the changeling queen grinned at her. “And why, pray tell, do you think that is?”  Chrysalis asked.  Twilight stared at her warily. “I figured things were finally settling down around town.”  She replied “Why do you ask?” “No reason.”  The changeling said in a sing-song voice while giving Twilight a smug look and drinking daintily from her tea. While Twilight growled in frustration, Jack was staring at Chrysalis, trying to gauge her motives.  Nothing added up; near as he could tell, there was no advantage to her revealing herself.  For all she knew, the country’s military could swoop down on top of her head and systematically wipe the changelings out, so why do this?  What was she hiding? “I recognize that look on your face, Jack.”  Chrysalis purred and she leaned a little closer to him “You are wondering what my motives are for such a bold move, why I would risk the wrath of the Diarchy for something so mundane as a warning.  Well, feel free to wonder at your leisure; I am a changeling, and secrets are what we do best.” “Even so, you have to have some ulterior reason for coming to warn me, Your Majesty.”  Jack said and te changeling giggled. “Perhaps I do.  Or perhaps I merely felt like portraying a model citizen for once.”  Chrysalis stated with a shrug but then leaned even closer to Jack, her eyes half-lidded and a coy smile on her muzzle “Or perhaps I am curious and want to see what you will do with this knowledge.” Suddenly she stood from her cushion, which disappeared swiftly “Whatever you plan to do, I’m afraid I must leave.”  She said, but then walked behind Jack and leaned in close to his ear “I hope you bring your manners with you when next we meet.  I find it refreshing to be respected by somepony other than my changelings.  Farewell, Jack Harvey.” And with that, Chrysalis shifted back into the disguise she entered in and exited the library.  Jack and Twilight stared after her for a moment before Twilight sighed and regarded the Wavemaster. “I’m glad that didn’t devolve into a conflict.  I’ve seen what she can do and I’m not exactly eager to fight her.”  The alicorn said but then noticed that her guest looked puzzled and a little flustered “Jack, what’s wrong?” “Well…”  The Wavemaster began hesitantly “She said a lot without actually revealing anything, and it didn’t help that you were antagonising her.  Even so, while she seemed to be on the level, I’m still wary of her true motives.” Then he blushed and pushed his glasses along his nose “That and, uh… I’m not entirely sure, but… I think she was flirting with me.” Chrysalis trotted away from the library, no pony giving her a second glance.  Even the Eye that was observing the tree house didn’t pay her any mind.  However, once she managed to disappear into the first available alley, she got in touch with the some of her changelings.  She asked and it was a moment before one of the changelings she had sent after Rosemary and Haruka responded.  She asked.  The other changeling replied morosely Chrysalis sighed irritably  One of them replied and Chrysalis growled.  She replied and there was silence for a moment before one of them responded. “YOU ARE GROWN CHANGELINGS AND YOU WILL ACT AS SUCH; HOLD IT IN!”  She snapped and then realized she actually spoke, with a few concerned ponies glancing down the alley at her.  She put on an embarrassed smile and waved a hoof at them “Sorry about that, we’re shooting an independant movie down here.  Nothing to worry about and certainly no real changelings.” She looked away and growled; those two were not her brightest ponies but they did exactly what they were told… that and her choices were rather limited at the moment; most of her other workers were busy building a hive for her brood.  So with that out of the way, she decided to get in touch with her agent in the castle. Instead of just outright communicating with her agent, however, she “buzzed” her; a signal she sends to deep cover agents to let them know she needed to talk to them.  There was a brief glimmer of panic on the other end and a moment of silence before the agent responded.  Chrysalis mused and then her thoughts became coy  Bella Donna retorted irritably.  Of all the changelings in Chrysalis’ hive, Bella Donna was both the changeling queen’s best agent and best friend; they had sleepovers, they gossiped and they had “Mare’s Nights” in Las Pegasus.  She even let Bella get away with not using her title most of the time.  Chrysalis replied, her tone becoming professional Bella suddenly cut off for a moment before coming back, her tone urgent Chrysalis frowned but she didn’t press it.  The only ways agents remained agents was if the changeling queens left them largely to their own devices.  So instead she mulled over Bella’s new coltfriend.  She must really like him, considering the changeling agent had been dating him for over two months; her previous lovers never made it past two weeks. She smiled, excitement coursing through her at the prospect of their next Mare’s Night. ‘Dammit, Chryssie, can’t you ever buzz me when I’m not on duty or with my coltfriend?!’  Bella thought irritably as she trotted back into the morgue, where Princess Celestia and Aura awaited her.  Azure Kite stood in a corner and tracked her progress. “Is everything okay, Bella Donna?”  Celestia asked and the changeling nodded. “Yes, Princess, everything’s fine.  Just clearing my head.”  She said and the Sun Princess gave her a coy smile. “Is it Chrysalis again?”  She asked. Yes… I love my queen as much as the next changeling but that mare is going to drive me insane one of these days.”  Bella sighed and then looked at both alicorns expectantly “Alright.  So you’ve figured out what killed these ponies?” “Yes I have, and unfortunately it does not bode well for your kind.”  Aura said “These ponies were the target of an ability known in The World as Data Drain.” Bella looked from Celestia to Aura and back again in confusion. “But ponies aren’t made up of data.”  She stated, causing Celestia to quirk an eyebrow at her. “Are they not, my little pony?”  She asked quizzically. “Of course not, Your Highness, ponies are made of microscopic strands in their bodies called DNA which contain all of the genetic codes that determine…”  Bella began but then her own words hit her like a brick “Oh… so what does it man?” “It means your world is in grave peril.”  Aura stated, giving the changeling a worried look “A being that had been beaten in The World has appeared here via the Chaos Gate and she now seeks to regain her lost power.” “What is it called?”  Bella asked, her heart thumping rapidly in her chest.  The little alicorn was silent for a moment before uttering three words that made the changeling tremble. “Morganna Mode Gone.”