//------------------------------// // Research! // Story: Love Sick // by FlameingToast //------------------------------// "So, Twi..." Spike started, looking sideways at her as they walked towards the library. "How are you feeling?" Twilight shrugged "Fine, I guess. I'm not passing out, so that's good." She looked around the fairly vacant street; it seemed like just another typical day. Spike groaned "Well, you're right about that. I'm going to take a nap." He yawned, as they came up to the front door of their home. "Staying up all night isn't all it's cracked up to be." "Alright, Spike." Twilight gave him a small grin "I'll just be reading down here." Spike looked at her smiling friend for a few more seconds, before shrugging "Okay, just don't do anything too crazy." Twilight rolled her eyes "Yes mother." Spike sighed, climbing up the steps and eagerly flopping onto his bed. I will never stay up that late again, he thought already half-asleep. Twilight waited until she heard Spike reach their room, and waited a few minutes afterwards until light snoring could be heard. "Spike...?" She tentatively called out and, when she received no response, smiled. I'll just be gone for a bit, Twilight thought walking to the door and quietly shutting it behind her. He won't even know I left. Twilight looked around Ponyville; it looked like it was almost lunchtime judging from the sun. I have plenty of time. She started trotting towards the Carousel Boutique, a very large grin plastered on her face. She was in an unusually happy mood for somepony who had just gotten out of the hospital, and that seemed weird. Twilight's thoughts started to drift away from Rarity, and to how she actually felt. The past few days had been so hectic, that she had little time to think of anything else except Rarity. I was just put into the hospital, and I might've been very sick...and I really didn't care. Twilight frowned, beginning to think that this poison was starting to overstay it's welcome. The word poison should have tipped her off. Of course, I'll still be in love with Rarity if I get cured. I just won't have to deal with all this bad stuff! Twilight gave a small squeak of excitement as an idea came to her, and her excitement continued to grow as the Carousel Boutique came into view. Yeah, I'll just have to get a cure! Then Rarity will know that I really do love her and it isn't some dumb potion! Twilight could barely contain her excitement at the plan and practically skipped to the front door of the boutique. Twilight knocked loudly on the door, and started to hum as she waited. A few minutes later, Rarity flung open the door. "Twilight!? You should be home in bed!" Rarity exclaimed, with a hint of worry. Twilight shook her head "Don't worry, I'm perfectly fine." She walked past Rarity into her house. "So...how has your day been?" Rarity just stared at Twilight "How do you think it was?" Twilight was looking absentmindedly around the room while Rarity stood in the doorway. "Right." Twilight replied embarrassingly. C'mon, Twi! Don't screw this up! "So...you wanna come back with me to the library?" She pointed out the door. Rarity sighed "Twilight, I don't think that would be such a good idea." "Why not?" Twilight looked down "I just wanted to know if you could help me research..." She looked back into Rarity's eyes, her lips quivering. I am good at this, she thought as Rarity's stern expression softened. Rarity frowned "Oh, you know I hate when you do that." She sighed, "Alright, research what exactly?" "A cure." Twilight smiled, instantly brightening up "I was thinking, and it will be a whole easier to prove that I love you without this poison in me." "Really!?" Rarity grinned, getting excited "Do you think we can do it?" Twilight nodded vigorously "It can't be too hard, can it?" Rarity mulled it over. On one hoof, she wanted a little break from the whole mess. But, at the same time, the thought of curing Twilight was too good to pass up. "Alright, but please we are only going to research, understand?" Rarity said. Twilight smirked "Fine, but maybe next time you visit we can-" "I will tape your mouth shut if you try to finish that sentence." Rarity quickly interjected. "Oh, you're into that kind of stuff, huh?!" Twilight giggled. Rarity's right eye began to twitch "..." She looked at Twilight for a few seconds, before calmly walking out of the Boutique and heading towards the library. Twilight squealed in excitement "YES! This is gonna be sooo fun!" Twilight skipped out of the boutique, beaming. Rarity had to admit, she loved seeing Twilight this happy. Plus, her filly-like happiness was rather cute. Rarity shook her head, enough of that, let's get this over with. She won't be so cute coming on to you again! Rarity frowned, her mind had been all over the place since that stupid dream. Let's just try to fix this, so that we can all can put it behind us...Rarity took a deep breath to help calm herself, and she started towards Twilight who had skipped farther ahead as she was thinking. *** Spike was awoken from his nap by loud voices coming from downstairs. He tried to go back to sleep, but the excited talking was really hard to tune out. Ugh, why can't Twi and Rarity be quiet? He closed his eyes tightly, and rolled over in his bed. I need more sl- "RARITY!" Spike exclaimed, eyes shooting open. He flung the covers off of himself, sprinting for the staircase. He almost tripped running down the stairs, but made it to the bottom unscathed. Once he reached the bottom, he was met with an interesting sight. Twilight and Rarity were sitting next to each other on the couch. Each had a large pile of books on the floor near them, and were holding up a few with their magic and skimming through them. "What are you two doing?" Spike asked curiously, in truth a little put off by Rarity's happy expression. "Oh, hello Spike!" Rarity said with a grin directed at him "We were just looking up love potions and poisons." Twilight nodded "Yeah, Rarity is a really good researcher." Twilight's smile widened while Spike's frown deepened as Rarity blushed at the compliment "We've learned quite a bit about the poison." "Did you learn how to cure it?" Spike asked hopefully. Rarity frowned, and shook her head "Apparently potions and poisons really change after a while. Love poison can change drastically, or even lose all of its affects over a period of time. We're not sure what variation Twilight's sick with." Twilight levitated a small checklist over to Spike "But we're narrowing it down." Spike looked over the list, noting the first few options, before putting the list back on the table "Listen, isn't there anypony else who can help find a cure? I'm sure you girls will be able to find a cure, but it might take you longer than somepony with actual experience with this stuff." Twilight shrugged "Zecora isn't here, and I don't know anypony else who is a potions expert." Spike sighed "Your right, I can't think of anypony else who would know that much about love...potions..." He trailed off, his eyes widening in excitement "Wait a second! We do!" "Who?" Rarity and Twilight simultaneously asked. Spike didn't answer, instead he picked up a piece of parchment and sprinted over to an inkwell on Twilight's desk. He hastily scribbled a short message, rolled up the scroll and gently breathed fire onto it. "Princess Celestia?" Twilight frowned "She's incredibly smart, but I'm not sure if-" Rarity interrupted "Did you just tell the princess about this whole mess!? She better not tell anypony!" Her thoughts were filled headlines. "New Princess of Equestria Drugged by Best Friend's Sister." That wouldn't be good for her image, or for Twilight after she snapped out of everything. Spike shook his head "I did tell a princess, but not Celestia." He was about to explain further when, with a small pop, a scroll materialized out of thin air. Spike opened it, and his eyes scanned the letter; his smile growing with every line "Awesome! She can come!" Spike punched the air in victory while Rarity and Twilight looked at each other, confused as ever. Spike looked between them "Oh, right." He chuckled "I asked Cadence if she could help, after all she knows a ton about love!" Rarity smiled "That's...actually a brilliant idea! Wait, I thought you could only send letters to Celestia?" Spike nodded "I used to only be able to, but she thought it would be better if I could send messages through dragon fire to all of the princesses. Only for important matters of course!" Twilight glared "Spike, you can't send frivolous letters to Cadence! She has a kingdom to take care of!" Spike rolled his eyes "Of course. Even when your poisoned and all happy, you get mad at me for sending a letter. It can't have bothered her too much, she said she'll be here tomorrow." "Tomorrow!?" Twilight shouted. Rarity gave a sigh of relief "Thank Celestia." Spike grinned "Yup, everything will finally be normal again." And now Twilight won't be in love, and Rarity can stop worrying about her...and I'll be able to ask her out. Spike smiled at the thought, he realized throughout this whole ordeal that Rarity could be snatched away at any time, and it was now or never to see if they could work. Rarity put the book she was reading on the table, and got up from the couch "Well, I should be getting home now. After all, Cadence will be able to cure you tomorrow. Or at the very least help us make one." "What!?" Twilight frowned and swooned on the couch, raising a hoof to her forehead "But you can't leave a sick mare home alone!" Rarity chuckled "You've been fine for the past few hours, and Spike is right over there." she pointed at Spike who stood at the foot of the stairs. He cheerily waved. "Pretty please with sprinkles on top?" Twilight puffed out her lip. Rarity shook her head "Twilight, please stop." Twilight groaned "Fine, but can I at the very, absolute least have a kiss?" To her surprise, Rarity immediately leaned forward and lightly kissed Twilight's cheek. "Is that enough to tide you over?" Rarity asked blushing at what she had just done, and Twilight's awestruck expression. "Rarity-" Spike started, annoyance creeping into his voice. She quickly trotted over to him "It was only so she wouldn't throw a fit." she smiled, and slowly so did Spike. At least...mostly to stop her. Shut up me! Rarity mentally shouted at herself. "Hey, Rarity?" Twilight meekly said. Rarity turned around to come face to face with Twilight. Without hesitation, Twilight practically jumped forward and kissed Rarity on the lips. Rarity felt the soft touch of Twilight's lips against her own for a few seconds before she reeled backwards. She stared at her friend, cheeks aglow. Before anypony could say anything, Rarity sprinted out of the library. Twilight opened her mouth to call out something when Spike beat her to it. "What the heck!?" Spike exclaimed "Don't you understand she doesn't like you that way!? Are you trying to ruin your friendship." Spike growled. He turned away, and stomped out of the library to follow Rarity. Twilight looked at the door, shocked. She sat down and remained quiet, confused at her conflicting feelings of guiltiness, regret, happiness, and...pride? Was she happy she kissed Rarity? Yes. Was she she happy she fled? No...but why did that matter, she kissed her! Twilight felt flustered, all these thoughts and emotions were too much. She was beginning to feel sick. She sighed, and got up from the floor and slowly started walking to her room; struggling to make sense of all the conflicting feelings.