//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: The Realm of the Black Mirror // Story: Black Mirror // by Electuroo //------------------------------// Black Mirror Chapter 1: The Realm of the Black Mirror A flash from under the doors within the Crystal Empire palace as a guard does his round, he doesn't notice the flash or the pony creeping out of the door by passing him. The unicorn guard without the pony that slip pass him noticing, he just trail his eyes to the shadow moving with a very dark crawl smirk on his snout looking to the shadows with a nod of the head before moving away acting if nothing happened. The mare entered the room for her goal moving to take the crown from the sleeping purple alicorn with a grin she put it in her saddle bag replacing it with a fake. She about to leave but trip over the dragon's tail causing a crashing bang sound, Twilight wakes up seeing the thief. “Thief!” Running down the hallways she called out. “She stolen my crown!” The other ponies came out of their room giving chase she teleports in front of the mare running but she vanishes in her own teleport giving Twilight her robe but Twilight turn with wings open with a hoof out. “She not going anywhere...” Twilight grinned with a dark smirk, the others also calmly standing around their friend. The orange mare look back seeing she got a clean get away but when she look forwards her eyes shrunk instantly. Before her stood three more Alicorn princesses, Shining Armor, Flash Sentry and a set of unicorn and crystal guards in front of the closed door calmly holding their lines. She slid to a stop turning around to see the girls trotting calmly up before her standing there with dark evil looks in all their eyes giving the unicorn a shiver of fear in her eyes. “The failing student that I flung into the mirror returns I see...” Celestia said in a dark tune of voice stepping forwards. “I thought I got rid of you Sunset Shimmer, it seem my choice of words was very unclear, I said for you to never to return to this world for being a total useless foal who couldn't even live to my expectations with magic...” Sunset Shimmer looked right at her with confusion. “What is going on around here? You sound like nothing like the Celestia I know!” “Sister she seem to already get it doesn't she?” Luna chuckled. “Let show her there is no way of escaping.” The guards gave a clean line of sight of the mirror. “You plan on returning to that world?” Sunsent Shimmer stared at her magic started to glow from the horn. “Well this is a one way trip you should of never taken.” With a calm dark smirk from the night princess she used her magic to shatter the mirror into a billion pieces. Sunset Shimmer gulped seeing she was trapped now. “How did you know I would be here!? This is insane!” “Not from where we standing.” Cadance chuckled. “It was rather simple really but that will come in due time, for now we need to know why you came to this realm.” She turn to Flash Sentry. “Flash Sentry and my sweet love Shining, take this idiot away and begin to torture her for information.” They step up and took hold of Sunset Shimmer by her forelegs with Shining Armor taking the bag off her and giving it to Twilight. “Oh boys...” They turn to Cadance. “Have fun torturing her.” She grinned at them. “We will my love.” Shining replied. “Indeed this will be fun.” Flash chuckled as they dragged her away as she tried to break free from their grip but her magic was held back by Shining Armour and their strength overwhelming to her as she was dragged away. Celestia yawned. “Well that was exciting, who want to go see the torture and bet on how long it take to break her will?” Celestia look to all the ponies. Fluttershy raised her hoof. “I would, watching those harm others if lovely.” “Took the words right out of my mouth Flutters, I would best that little wimp wouldn't last ten minutes.” Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs. “No challenge at all...” “I darling will bet on longer but it would be amusing to watch though.” Rarity chuckled. They all turn and head off down the crystal hall way to witness the torturing of Sunset Shimmer. Sunset Shimmer struggled with all her might trying to break free from these dark cold stallions that had dragged her away, she saw the group of ponies following with amusement in their eyes with what about to happen to her. Sunset is thrown on to a cold metal table with hooves bound to metal braces that locked in place, she look up to the ceiling seeing a opening to the sky, her eyes filled with horror seeing a endless black cloud rolling over yet it was daylight, perfect day light... “What is this place!? This isn't Equestria I know!” Sunset Shimmer demanded. Flash Sentry walked around the table the sound of his golden hoofshoes echoing from his steps. “It rather simple yet we won't say since we be the ones asking Sunset Shimmer.” He slammed his front hoof right into the wrist joint of her foreleg causing her yelp in pain. “Now why are you here and what was your reason behind stealing one of the Elements of Darkness!?” “Elements of Darkness!? They suppose to be the Elements of Harm... AHHHH!” Sunset Shimmer screamed out in pain feeling the same spot was hit by Flash very hard with her hoof. Shining Armor stood on his hind legs leaning his back against the wall with front hooves crossed over each other watching this as if it was all fun to him. Behind the black glass the others was doing bets on how long she will last under the torture she was going through. “Now I will ask you again what is the reason behind stealing the crown that house the Element of Black Magic!? What is your purpose!?” “Bite me!” Sunset sneered. CRACK! Sunset Shimmer screamed out in immense pain as she felt the bones in her wrist joint snap under the third hit from the pegasi guard. “Oh did that hurt? I am sorry let me hit it again so you can scream for mummy!” Flash Sentry burst out laughing at the pain the fiery mane pony was in. Sunset growled at him. “No matter what you do to me! I will not tell you a single word!” She snapped at him with tears falling from the pain she was in. Shining Armor used his magic to the opening into the cloud, it started to pour on her draining in the drain holes below. “Let see how long she last with freezing cold rain.” Armor chuckled. Flash Sentry sat on a chair with hind legs up on it crossed over with forelegs behind his back of the head. “Indeed, this be interesting.” Hours past as the rain fell, Sunset Shimmer felt numb through out the experience she was facing, her breaths was becoming shallow with each passing moment, the cold damp feel through out of fur and mane made her sick, she'd never been this humiliated in her life... In fact she did to others, getting what she wants and how she wants it. This was beyond anything she'd experienced, it was overwhelming but she refused to givein to these thugs and give them what they wanted. Another two hours past before she had enough, her breaths was too close to rapid breathing, she couldn't feel anything, the cold freezing droplets had started to cause her to suffer from extreme case of hyperferremia, her limbs in the fur was a shade of blue that showed there was no blood flowing through them, she was next to dead... Her horn was even snapped off after Flash Sentry smashed his hoof very hard down on it, if it wasn't for the numbness she would of howled in pain as the magical energy from her horn exploded out of her smashed horn. She had no will power left... beaten, hurt, frost bitten. She was out for the count... “F-f-fin-fine... I g-gi-give....” Shining Armor stops the rain with a whisk of his hoof, bursting through the door Pinkie Pie dancing around. “I WON I WON!!!! I WIN ALL YOUR BITS!!! MUHAHAHAH!!!!” She dancing around throwing coins all over the place. Shining Armor rolled his eyes and step up to the almost close to death pony. “Speak your words!” He used his magic on her to able to speak clearly. “I took it to use again Equestria, my plan was to invade with my own army of teenagers to conquer this world...” Sunset Shimmer said to him. “That my reason!” Celestia turn to Shining Armor. “Finish off this worthless trash so we can get back to our own enjoyments.” “Yes right away Pr...” A voice came from behind her. “Stand down all of you.” In a instant they all turn and bow to the present before them. “How much fun it is to see this life destroyed, I can't simply let that happen. It the first time in 6000 years we have a lifeforce that from outside the Black Mirror.” Sunset Shimmer eyes weakly saw a old looking human with a staff, purple robe and a purple wizard hat standing before her walking slowly towards Sunset. “I wasn't even sure I be able to hijack the portal path from the connection those two mirrors had, but gladly I was mistaken.” “Who and what are you!?” She sneered at him. He raised his staff pointing it over her with a shimmer of purple and black magical aura all her injuries, frost bite was all gone, she felt every inch of her body once more. Staring at the wizard before her as he uncuffed her from the table. She used her magic feeling it was normal again as if her horn was never smashed to pieces. “I am Nilrem and I welcome you to the place of my birth and the place of my imprisonment.” “Place of your birth?” She sat up sitting on her flank with forelegs in front staring at him. “What the heck is that suppose to mean?” Nilrem chuckled walking over to a walk using his magic to open it like a door, she saw the Crystal Empire but it was dark and shady with endless black clouds from the eyes could see but it was perfect daylight as she seen before. “This is the Black Mirror Realm. I stood alone for countless years. So to keep myself amused I created this world within the mirror.” Sunset blinked with a real creepy feeling to what he said. “But if you did then those? Why are they alive?” “Because I willed it, I allow things to play out for me to watch and have some fun. You get really bored after being stuck here for 6000 years.” Nilrem turn to Celestia standing behind him. “What is it my dark princess of the sun?” Celestia bow to him and raised her head. “No disrespect my master but why are you telling her all this?” “No where to go really, she stuck here since a simple dark alicorn blow the gate way up.” Luna shied a little rubbing a hoof over the side of her snout laughing nervously. “Nicely done I might add.” She grinned at this with a bow. “Thank you my lord. Thy please to please thy master.” Luna replied with graceful words to Nilrem. Nilrem turn to the element bearers of darkness. “You all can go home if you want to. Or just cause a little mayhem for fun.” “As much that sounds nice sir, I rather get back to my shop to finish off those deceitful outfits for you, you need to look your best for your return your highness.” Rarity bows to him and turn to leave. “Yeah I got a few tricks to do and take it out of the Shadowbolts, they turned me down again so I want to hurt them badly.” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Show that the one mare show can steal the crowd from those showponies.” Twilight stood before him as the others left. “Sire may I join you? I wish to see what you plan for this wimp.” “Indeed princess you may, in fact why don't you bring that wimp Sombra along too?” “That idiot in crystal? Sure why not, a goody too shoes like him need some roughing up any how, he had too much peacefulness in that crystal already.” Twilight trots off happily. Nilrem turn to Shining and Flash. “Take her to my carriage and keep her restraint. I be there shortly.” “As you wish.” Shining Armor saluted with Flash Sentry leaving at once taking Sunset Shimmer by the forelegs dragging her away. “I can walk you idiots!!!” She yelled out. Cadance stood by him. “She got quite the temper I see.” “Indeed, it been too long since I been trapped here but with you and those that I created, we have a dark army now to invade including all in within my black clouds, all those windigo, ice ponies, ice humans and all you.” He chuckled looking at each and one of them. “Who would of thought that after relining on Goldenmare I would get so much from the outside world to create this. She been a good puppet.” “Indeed she has, I be awaiting my husbands return. I bid you good day my master.” Cadance leaves. Nilrem turn to the princesses. “Now back to my castle.” “Yes Sire!” Both bowed walking in front of him as he walked with them using his magic as he left to seal the hole in the wall back up. Luna and Celestia pulled the carriage through the air into the black clouds with Nilrem sitting in his chair calmly using his magic to push them back to create a path for them to travel, Sunset was held in hoof by the two armoured ponies Shining and Flash. She saw Twilight just giving her that evil dark smile that was creepy, even for her. Behind Twilight was a large clean crystal of pureness and within was a dark grey unicorn with eyes closed resting peacefully within it. His mane and tail was jet black with it turning into side burns running along side his face on each side, she also noticed the ridged snout with two sharp fangs sticking out of his snout. The cutie mark was of three white crystals and had a rather long tail, she noticed the band with the red jewel just behind his horn, she thought it might look different but it looked like any normal horn to her even he had dark grey hooves similar to that of Shining Armor's hooves. The endless dark skins appeared with no stars, the sun could be seen but it had no power to punch through the darkness, nor did the moon that sat not to far from the sun. “This world is stranger then the world without magic...” Sunset Shimmer muttered. What caught her eyes most of all was a very large dark stoned castle floating on the clouds, it size was massive, the towers was round and stuck out in different points of it, the arch leading out of the castle walls to a platform also sitting aimlessly on the thick black clouds, she peered over the edge seeing icy creatures moving around with the sounds of wailing that made her shiver with fear, Sunset could sense really powerful dark magic within these clouds, the creatures within dark, icy and without feeling... All she felt from it was utter fear of what lurks inside. The dark grey cold castle didn't fair any better for her as they came closer to it. The huge fortress shimmering with dark magical energy basking in the even lasting darkness below and above. “Welcome to my home, Black Mirror Castle Sunset Shimmer, where you will live the rest of your days as my servant.” Nilrem chuckled darkly looking over to the unicorn with a dark look in his eyes making her gulp and now wishing she was dead on that torture table...