//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Nothing Says Bad Like A Flaming Bush // Story: You Wouldn't Happen To Be The Jarl Would You? // by SCP Pinkamena //------------------------------// "...After going to Sovngarde, I met someone by the name Tsun. He was a giant compared to the men I've seen. He stood over me at least three heads higher, and he carried with him a large axe similar to the Ancient Nord weapons I used before I go these." He gestured to his sword on his back and the dagger on his hip. "These weapons have helped me in more ways one can imagine. Mehrunes Razor, I found, has an incredibly small chance to kill on the first strike, however, I also found depending the strength of your enemy, the less likely the effect will happen. I've faced Dragons with this blade alone, and I've even seen some cower in fear by the sight of this little dagger." Celestia was not too fond of killing. Yes, she has done it before, but only for the good of her people. Luna was more squeamish to killing. While she remembers being in wars with her sister killing countless Griffons or whatever they may have been facing, she was not comfortable knowing that a small little knife could be so deceiving and destroy with only a single touch. "The sword on back is called the Ebony Blade. According to Mephala, the Daedric Prince of Whispers, this blade not only gives back vitality to the wielder but also is strengthened by the blood of deceit. Now, at first I thought that meant killing people like assassins, thieves, bandits and highwaymen. But no..." Jericho sat silent for a moment before speaking again. "It feeds off of your deceit..." He left that sentence hang before it dawned on the sisters. "If you don't mind me asking... who?" Celestia asked. He sighed. "It was... someone who I would rather not speak about... All I know is that he wanted to destroy the sun. Regardless if he was someone like me, I would not let him do that." "Harkon you fool... While we may have came to a compromise by mixing the two bloods together, you would've destroyed everything..." "I have personally used this effect only two times. One time with a royal who sent me to assassinate a dearly loved ruler, and I already told you the second time..." The room fell eerily silent as he told his tales and the two sisters listened intently. Tales of the living dead known in Skyrim as the "Draugr", tales of how he used his voice to render enemies helpless. All of these tales alarmed the princesses greatly, but yet they did not let show, however. After he finished some of his tales, Celestia asked the question. The question he dreaded and feared to hear. "Why is it you wear a mask?" His chair flew out from under him because he stood so fast. "Never! NEVER! Ask that question again!" The Razor was out and he threateningly pointed it at her. "Some tales are never to be told twice..." Jericho's voice was low and dangerous, as if he were a mother bear protecting her cubs. He breathed heavily, and with a sigh he picked the chair back up and sat down. "Forgive me, I'm... sensitive about the mask. It was just a simple question, so I shall answer it. It... happened around three years ago..." Three Years Prior: Ancient Volskygge Tombs, Skyrim "How was I supposed to know what it was! I thought it would be another Draugr!" Jericho screamed as the long since dead Dragon Priest, Volsung the Cold, shot ice spike after ice spike at him and Lydia. "All I did was read the word! which turns out to be "Nah", for the Whirlwind Sprint shout!" "That's real nice, Jeric—" "I told you not to call me by my name! I only give it to important people! Like Meridia!" Jericho called back, interrupting Lydia as they kept fighting Volsung. "If we survive this, you're taking me out to dinner!" Lydia called back striking the priest with her sword. "It's a date!" He yelled, jumping on the priests back. "YOL TOOR SHUL!" "...And then after being treated for frostbite, Lydia and went over to the Winking Skeever in Solitude, and spent almost all of our septims on mead!" He finished with a laugh. "But... All in all, we had a good time together. Had I not been sloshed worse then boat captain, I would've proposed right then and there..." "Oh?" Luna's eyebrow jumped at this. "You wanted to be wedded to your companion?" Celestia smirked a bit at Jericho's reaction of turning his head away quickly. "Yes? Is there something wrong with wedding a friend here in... What was this place called again?" "Equestria." "Equestria? Thank you... Uhh..." Celestia and Luna held a playful smile on their faces, threatening to burst from laughing. "Oh, shut up! I've been in this place for what? Eleven minutes? And you expect me to remember your names? Her's I can remember, it's Luna, but yours?" He said making a few wild gestures at Celestia. Finally the dam burst in both princesses as they laughed at Jericho's forgetfulness. "At least they don't how I can read a map wrong..." They both suddenly laughed even harder than before, with Luna falling to the floor and Celestia laughing "No more". "Okay, okay," Jericho said getting up. "Why can't we all just calm down, and do things like normal adults?" He said getting up from his walking over towards them. "Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!" A random burst through the door, kneeled and took off his helmet before looking back up to them. "A dragon is attacking Ponyville!" While Jericho tried not to snicker at the name of the town, Celestia and Luna both ceased their laughing. "What kind of dragon, so we know what we are against?" Celestia said. "A dragon as black as night..." The guard was lifted in the air by Jericho. "Where is this, 'Ponyville'?"