//------------------------------// // Chapter 0 // Story: A Bad Wish Gone Worse - Pt. 1 // by Burning_Halo //------------------------------// Pitch black. That’s all the room was. Dead silent and pitch black, with only the soft flickering of a few torches lining either side of the dark abyss, offering nothing but uncomfortably small bubbles of protective light, the silhouettes of their golden frames and the stone pillars they lined barely visible at all. That was all the little colt could see as he cautiously trotted forward; nothing but the dim flicker of a few small flames, barely enough to light the dusty old floor beneath him, his hooves unwillingly dragging forward across the floor, the sound of a fine layer of dirt crunching between his hooves and the floor, just piercing the eerie silence and the sound of his hushed nervous breath. The little colt looked up into the room as he pushed forward, following the pillars of stone up as they disappeared into the darkness, seeming to go on forever, making the innocent colt feel that much more alone, and insignificant. But, with little enlightenment, the moon started to glow through the dense clouds in the sky ever so slightly through the stained glass windows symmetrically placed though the room, glowing in colors and patterns that the nearly blind colt could hardly make out. The clicking of the hooves eventually stopped, and left the colt to pause in the dark, and even though light was absent, the sound of the colts shaky labored breath was enough to give away his apprehensiveness, the nervous clacking of his restless hooves adding to the fact. “I-I want a… a wish…” spoke the colt in a small, frail tone. His voice didn’t seem to be heard. It was just lost in the dark, reaching out forever, but not finding any answer. The colt waited, staring out into the dark abyss, nervously awaiting an answer, practically able to hear the sound of his coat growing in the dead silence. He gulped repeatedly, and couldn’t get a hold on his breathing. The only thing he could do in his petrified state was wait. The silence was broken by a chuckle, coming from the darkness. The colt jumped at the sound, eyes bouncing around in the dark as he looked for the pony, or whomever else, it belonged to. Only a couple seconds passed by before another voice joined in on the laughter, echoing off the walls and through the room. Another voice, and another, and another joined in, all laughing uncontrollably at the tiny colt. His knees shivered, and his eyes twitched, following imaginary shapes around in the dark, his heart pounding out of his chest. It didn’t let up, and the sound was driving the colt mad. His fear was forming itself inside of him into another shape entirely as his chest puffed out, rising and falling with his heavy breathing. His brow slowly lowered itself, and his mouth began working itself involuntarily into several aggressive contortions as he bore his gritted teeth. “Hey! Are you listening!?” shouted the edgy colt, stomping his hoof to the floor. “I want a wish!” His voice echoed out again, and the colt stood fast, awaiting again a response from the darkness. With such anxiety and rage filling the stallion, he’d of felt the seconds pass away one at a time, tortured by time. But, with great surprise, it wasn’t but a few seconds that the silence was broken by the thunderous click of a door latch opening itself, causing the colts ears to twitch as a chill shot through the colt like lightening. The floor shook under his hooves, and he felt a gust of wind at his front, as the thunderous creek of two monolithic doors budging open echoed through the room. The dying torches gave way to the stiff breeze that followed, and their light was replaced by a sliver of a blinding, pure white iridescence, growing in width as the loud squeal of the doors swung open before the colt in question, nearly blinded by the white light that bleached the room. He braced himself against the wind, standing his ground as the doors crashed to a halt before him. “What is it you wish for?” spoke a disembodied voice, shaking the panes of the stained windows with its thick, throaty, booming growl. With a gulp and a pounding heart, the brave colt called out, straining his voice to speak above anything more than a whimper, fighting the urge to flee as he gazed sternly into the light. “… revenge…”