//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: A Bad Wish Gone Worse - Pt. 1 // by Burning_Halo //------------------------------// Town Center. It was the busiest part of Ponyville. The residence of the town surrounded it on one side, and the tents and wagons that made up the market surrounded it on the other side, separated from it by the small river that flowed through Ponyville. In the center of it all, Town Hall; the largest building in Ponyville. It towered over all other buildings and could be seen from pretty much anywhere in town. It was built like a multistory carousel, both floors and the roof containing large windows around the entire circumference. It appeared to be made of mostly the same materials as the cottages in Ponyville, except for its roof which was shingled in rust-red colored material. It was extra busy today, as all the towns folk were converging and meeting for the gathering before the Eve of the Summer Sun festival. Tomorrow was a busy day, and Princess Celestia herself wanted to make sure that everything was on schedule and ready to go for tomorrow night. The celebration was a big deal to the Equestrians, and it was to always go off without a hitch. Beginning to cram the building full, ponies from all over town, and even some from out of town, were gathering into the building. The sound of several hundred hooves batting the marble floor echoed in the hall. everyone’s carrying conversations filling the room with a loud chatter. Up front and up on stage were the royalty of Canterlot. Mostly from the castle, the celebrities of Equestria all stood down on the lower stage, while higher royalty, being mainly the princesses, took the balcony level of the halls stage. Of course, the ruler of Equestria was there checking up on preparations; Princess Celestia herself, with her small army of guards dressed in gold armor keeping watch over her. Anypony would argue that Celestia was best known for her beauty, even at over a thousand years of age. She was a big tall alicorn, a pony of all three traits; strong body of an earth pony, powerful magic of a unicorn, and the majestic wings of a pegasus. Her pure white coat shone as bright as the sun, and her flowing mane and tail were tri-colored with light blue, light magenta, and light green; reminiscent of the aurora borealis with the way it moved and sparkled. She too wore gold, a crown and necklace both decorated with bright gems and detailed embroidery, and her golden shoes shined to a bright polish. But the best of it all, her giant sun cutie mark. With Celestia was her younger sister, Princess Luna; the princess of the night. Her darker colors, mostly of blues and blacks, presented her as the darker side of Celestia’s family. She too was an alicorn, but not as large as Celestia was. She was absent of gold, and instead wore delicate glass slippers with tarnished bronze crown and chest piece, nearly black in color, decorated with a crescent moon that looked similar to her cutie mark. Her hair also flowed with the same radiance as Celestia’s, but with a darker hue and shimmering sparkles, reflecting the night’s sky on a starry night. The girls arrived with everyone else, walking straight into the main hall where everyone had been gathering. They hadn’t seen head nor tail of Rainbow Dash yet though; she must have gotten to the meeting early enough to be able to move towards the front of the room. As soon as the ponies had stopped coming in, the doors closed and the lights in the hall dimmed slightly. Up front, the Mayor of Ponyville came out from behind the violet curtains and walked up, center stage. She fixed her tie and her glasses as she cleared her throat and fixed her grey mane, then called out to the room with a loud announcement. “Fillies and Gentle-colts!” she shouted into the room, her voice reaching all the way to the back of the hall. “We welcome you today to the meeting of the Summer Sun Celebration! Princess Celestia is here, and would like to personally discuss the current situation as far as preparations go. So without further ado, please welcome; Princess Celestia!” The room full of ponies all bowed before the princess of Equestria as she walked forward to front stage. Not one pony was standing upright at all, bar the guards who all stood at attention. “Thank you.” spoke Celestia, her soothing calm tone filling the room. Everyone stood back up, turning their attention promptly to the front balcony. “This year, I am very impressed with how things have been going so far.” said Celestia with a smile. “Things have been going especially smooth in planning for this year’s Summer Sun Celebration, and it’s all thanks to the folks of Ponyville.” The room filled with the clopping of hooves stomping the floor in a cluster of clicks and snaps. “Now I do see that the hall has not been decorated yet.” said Celestia, looking around the room for any streamers or banners that have been put up. “Miss Rarity.” called out Celestia, picking her out of the crowd like a rose among daisies. “Oh, yes?” returned Rarity, her voice becoming timorous. “Have you prepared the decorations?” asked Celestia, her kindly expression having yet to leave her face. “Oh, yes! I have the banner and ribbons done! I… just need another pony or two to help put them up!” she said, smiling back with a slight worry in her face. “Very well.” Celestia said, letting Rarity calm herself with a large sigh. “As for everything else; I’ve heard the food is good, the sky is clear, and the music will be fantastic, and I do hear that Miss Vinyl Scratch will be helping put the music together with Fluttershy this year?” “You got that right! Uh, your highness.” a voice came from near the back of the room. “Great.” nodded Celestia. “As you all know, the Eve of the Summer Sun Celebration is tomorrow. It officially ends at midnight, which is when the actual celebration will begin. I will arrive early that morning, and we’ll all watch the sun rise together. Well, I know you’re all busy, so I’ll keep this meeting short and let you all go get back home.” said Celestia. “Oh! But first, may I call someone up on stage?” everybody starting to leave turned back and faced Celestia again. “Sir Wildfire, if you could?” asked Celestia, waving him up on stage. “Of course!” said a perplexed Wildfire, pausing up for a second, not wanting to ask and questions. He flew up on stage and took to Celestia’s side, looking out to the crowd of hundreds of ponies watching him and Celestia. “Wildfire is a pony from Canterlot. He’s lived in the castle under my wing for years, but now is moving here to Ponyville to accomplish a certain task.” explained Celestia. “Would you like to introduce yourself, Wildfire?” Hesitant at first, he didn’t want to say anything. He looked up at Celestia, who was looking at him with her patient gaze, waiting for him to step forward and talk to the town. With a soft gulp, Wildfire stepped forward and stood at the rail of the balcony. He smiled a bit awkwardly as his nervous expression took hold. “Um, hi.” he said with a small wave. “I’m Wildfire, and I’m really happy to be getting a new home here. It looks like a pretty nice town your guys have here.” The crowd was silent, some smiling and some staring, slack jawed. Wildfire didn’t know if he accidently said something, but he just kept smiling as he and the crowd stood stuck in a staring contest. His eyes bounced back and forth form pony to pony, looking at all of the faces of the town. One pony who caught his eye in particular was one with a rainbow mane. Rainbow Dash, who was nearer the front of the crowd. She was staring at him, the scowl upon her face piercing him with an unforgiving feeling. “And, sorry to the Canterlot ponies.” said Wildfire, hanging his head over the balcony to speak to the ponies below him. “The noise the other day was my fault; those sonic booms, and any broken windows… and heart attacks it may have caused… those were all my fault.” The Canterlot royalty rustled amongst themselves. Wildfire’s announcement didn’t seem to make them very happy, and the quiet chattering amongst them provided proof of that. As for the Princess though, she was smiling and cracking up some. She looked back at Princess Luna, who was also smiling at Wildfire. “You’re dang right it’s all your fault.” thought Rainbow. “It’s a good thing you’re living in Ponyville now.” Celestia whispered to Wildfire. “He’s a good pony… usually.” she proclaimed to the crowd, looking at Wildfire and giving him a wide smile. “But I just hope that you all welcome him with open hearts.” The new stallion smiled coyly at the crowd, all of them clapping their hooves on the ground again in a stampede like fashion. He nodded back, smiling in return. “Thanks Princess Celestia, but I didn’t need an introduction…” said Wildfire, hanging his head bashfully. Celestia put a hoof on his back and patted him gently. “I know.” she said with a wink. “That’s all everypony! Thank you all for coming! Please, go back home and rest for today. You ponies have earned it!” With that, the room full of ponies began to leave, emptying out the back of the room through the doors they previously arrived. As the crowd made way and cleared the floor, Wildfire hopped back off stage and glided to the floor. The girls pushed their way through the crowd, along with Spike on Twilight’s back, and up to the front to get to Wildfire. Rainbow met up with them at the front, keeping silent. The Canterlot ponies walked on by, followed up by Princess Celestia and her guards. “Princess Celestia!” spoke Twilight. All of the girls bowed, kneeling to Celestia as she passed by. Celestia turned her head, greeting the girls with a smile. “Twilight. Girls! Spike. Good to see you all again!” “Heading back so soon, Princess?” asked Rarity. “I have matters to attend to before the festival tomorrow, as I’m sure you all do as well.” said Celestia. “Of course!” Celestia nodded in agreement. “As for Wildfire, I hope that you do help tomorrow.” said Celestia, looking intently at Wildfire. “Like Twilight,” explained Celestia, “he has been given the task of meeting new ponies and making friends. So if he has locked himself in his room, studying, you girls have my permission to drag him out into the sun.” Applejack giggled at the request of the princess. “We sure will, princess!” said Applejack, throwing an arm around Wildfire. “And, again. Twilight and Spike. Thanks for your incredible generosity. He would not be here now if it wasn’t for you.” “No sweat!” said Spike, waving his claw in the air nonchalantly. “I needed a new pal to go gem hunting with anyway!” Twilight shook her head some, shrugging off Spike’s innocent arrogance. “Absolutely Princess.” Rainbow Dash, walked up behind them all, still wearing her angry expression. “Well the celebration starts tomorrow! I hope to see you all there!” said Celestia, continuing out the door with the guards. “You will! You sure will!” said Pinkie, bouncing up and down a little. “Don’t forget to write to me Wildfire. I’d like some updates on how you’re coming along.” said Celestia, Wildfire nodding back to her. “Take care, Wildfire.” said Princess Celestia, nodding him goodbye as she left the building. “You too, Celestia.” returned Wildfire with a slightly saddened tone, still wearing a smile as she left. “Well the princess must really like you!” said Applejack, bumping him with her shoulder. “It’s not often that a pony gets a big introduction like that!” “Let alone, be it from a princess!” added Twilight. “Yeah… It’s like I’m special or something…” Wildfire sarcastically stated in a somber tone, earning a light giggle from the mares. “Well, it’s official! Welcome to Ponyville!” said Twilight. “Um-Hmm!” agreed the girls and Spike, nodding in approval. Rainbow was still staring daggers at Wildfire. He didn’t know exactly how to handle it, so he just nodded along. “Thanks…” said Wildfire, his melancholy expression fixing on Rainbow’s as he exchanged a silent nod, getting nothing back from Dash but the cold shoulder.