//------------------------------// // I know You're No Monster // Story: The Light Brought Out // by Homeless-Jmart //------------------------------// The Light Brought Out By: Homeless-Jmart "Ughh" said a groggy Rainbow Dash. "Aww man my head is killing me. Where am I?" She lifts her hoof to her head, or at least tries to, but realizes her hoof is strapped to a table. Her eyes widened in fear her realization that the last words she remembered hearing was Pinkie saying "You're gonna help me make cupcakes..." Dash blacked out after that. She was unable to recall anything but those words. Then a aroma hit her nose with it's sweet smells, the smells of freshly baked cupcakes, muffins, cookies, and all sorts of sweet candies. Then she remembered where she was and why she was there. Dash recalls that Pinkie invited her to Sugar Cube Corner then she ate one of Pinkie's cupcakes and didn't remember much after that. Realizing she must still be in Sugar Cube Corner and she started screaming "Help! Help! Someone help me!" but the words came out muffled by the gag over her mouth. She rolled her eyes, not believing she didn't see that on her muzzle before. She tried working the restraints holding her down but to no avail they were tied so well it was like one of Applejack's hogtie knots. Then she herd hoof steps and immediately started screaming even with the gag in her mouth, trying to get whoever that was attention. She listened more keenly and realized those hoof steps where coming from the stairs leading down to this disgusting room. She stopped screaming when she saw a shadowy figure trot down the steps out of fear of who or what that was. Then the figure stepped into the light and Dash smiled realizing it was her best friend Pinkie coming to save her like the knight in shining armor Dash secretary always thought she was. Pinkie came over and removed the gag from Dash's muzzle then the smile was visible to Pinkie's and Rainbow's smiles widened even more when they saw each other. "Pinkie thank Celestia your here, quick go get a knife from the table and cut me loose hurry." Pinkie went over to the table and grabbed a doctor's scalpel type of knife and came back over with a smile, but did not cut her loose. "Pinkie, what are you doing stop goofing around and cut me out of these ropes!" Dash said. "Oh, but why would I do that Dashie? You're going to help me make cupcakes, and you get the honor of being my first helper." Pinkie said, smile still on her face. "Pinkie I'll help you make cupcakes later stop screwing around and..." she never finished as she realized she was looking at the face of her captor. "Hehehe get it now Dashie?" Pinkie asked. Rainbow Dash nodded her head slowly, trembling and her eyes wide with fear. "B-But I- I mean we-we are best friends right?" Dash asked. "Of course Dashie, the bestie best bestest of friends." she replied with a smile. "S-so why are you gonna do this to me? Did I make you upset o-or not do something right?" Dash asked. "Oh nonono you didn't do anything wrong your number just so happened to be drawled up as the first one. So, lets get down to business." she said drawling back the scalpel. "WAIT!" Dash yelled "You don't have to do this you could just untie the knots and I pinkie promise no one will ever have to know about this, and we can still be the... bestie best bestest of friends." "Hmmm" Pinkie mumbled while stroking an imaginary beard on her chin with one hoof and still holding the scalpel high over her head with the other. "I don't know Dashie how do I know I can trust you? Plus you could tell anyone at anytime its just to risky." "B-but..." Dash stammered. "No Dashie just can't risk this getting out." Pinkie said firmly. Rainbow Dash started to sob and Pinkie's smile faded. "You're not gonna make this easy are you Dashie? Come on I Pinkie promise that I'll make this as quick as possible." Pinkie said with a weak smile. That just made Dash cry even harder. Pinkie just sighed and brought down the blade. Then Rainbow said through a sob "Iloveyoupinkiepie". The knife came to a stop within a centimeter of Dash's neck, then it fell out of Pinkie's hoof and clattered to the floor. "What did you just say?" Pinkie asked her hair covering her eyes. "I-I said I l-love you." Rainbow said trembling from her close encounter with death. "That's what I thought you said, but why did you say that." Pinkie looked up at Rainbow tears streaming down her eyes "Those would've been your last words and you used them to tell me you love me, like love love me?" Pinkie asked. "Well yea, love love you. I don't know when this feeling started but I've had it for a while so seeing as I was about to die I didn't want to take the fact that I never told you to the grave so.." Dash stopped when she saw Pinkie pick the scalpel up and closed her eyes. Then the ropes around her hooves fell off and Dash toppled to the floor. Pinkie then threw the knife into the wall and fell to the floor. Rainbow looked at the mare that lay on the floor of the basement crying. The mare that was about to kill her a few moments ago and was sitting there crying her eyes out and she looked like she needed a hug. Rainbow walked next to the crying party pony her mane and tail with none of its usual puffiness lay completely flat. She draped her wing over Pinkie's back who looked up at her with tears streaming down her face and muzzle, her fur all matted. Rainbow hated seeing her like this. She wanted to say something but didn't, rather comforting her with her presence until the tears stopped falling. Pinkie then stuttered "I-I-I'm s-so so sorry I..." she was cut off buy a pair of lips stopping her from saying anything else. Rainbow just wished she could keep kissing her taking any of her fears and worries away, wishing she would be able to live in that moment forever, but Pinkie pulled away. "No you can't love me not after what I did." Pinkie said voice still slightly trembling. "Wh-what if I try to hurt you again, I'm a monster." "No you're not a monster and I know you won't hurt me, this was just a mistake and you never hurt me." Dash said "How do you know?" Pinkie asked "What if I do this again a-and I actually k-kill you?" "Because I know you. You just weren't feeling your self. I promised you that I would never tell anyone and Rainbow Dash doesn't break a promise especially not a pinkie promise, but if you want to make sure that you will never do this Twilight could use her eggheadness and could help you out with therapy or something. You know Twilight is a great friend and I'm sure she won't tell anyone either." Dash responded. "Ok are you sure about this though?" Rainbow smiled at Pinkie and said "I'm more sure of this then I've been of anything before."