//------------------------------// // Chapter 12 // Story: A Bad Wish Gone Worse - Pt. 1 // by Burning_Halo //------------------------------// “Where we heading to next?” asked Spike, waddling alongside Twilight, who was going down her list and checking things off one by one as they walked along. “Next on the list is Rarity with the decorations.” said Twilight. Spike nodded, shuttering as he lost himself in a daydream. “We’re only going to be there for a few minutes. Then we have to finish looking up on the rest of the town.” added Twilight. “Oh, I know…” said Spike, waving his claw around in a nonchalant manner. “…but it’ll be a few minutes’ worth spending.” he continued, the love struck dragon folding his claws and holding them to his cheek. Twilight rolled her eyes and shook her head, continuing on through town to the Carousel Boutique. They didn’t have a long walk to get there, after coming from the café to check up on other refreshments. “I’ve grown an inch since the last time we saw each other! You think she’ll notice?” asked Spike. “Oh… I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to see you either way.” said Twilight, cracking up a bit at Spike’s eagerness. They came to the front of the walkway to Rarity’s house, walking under the shade of the tree just out front by the street. “Oh, wait!” said Spike, stopping mid step. Twilight stopped and turned. “What?” she asked. “My claws aren’t sharpened! She’s never seen me with dull claws before!” said Spike, holding his hands up and staring at them as if they were giant eyesores. Twilight groaned, lightly nudging Spike forward and coming to the door. They came to the front door, turning the handle but failing to open it. It didn’t budge. “What are you waiting for Twilight? Aren’t we going in?” asked Spike. “It’s locked.” said Twilight, somewhat perplexed. “Is she out right now? I don’t remember seeing her at Town Hall, or the market.” “Well, where else would she be?” shrugged Spike. Twilight knocked on the purple door firmly three times, patiently awaiting Rarity to answer the door. After a minute or two of waiting though, she hadn’t shown up yet. “Do you think something’s wrong?!” exclaimed Spike. “Calm down Spike. Maybe she’s just really that wrapped up in her work.” Spike diverted his attention to the door, pressing up against the barn stable styled and looking through the window on the lower portion. His claw wandered over to the handle and gave it a turn, popping the lower half of the door open. “Come on, Spike.” said Twilight, turning to leave. “We can come back later and-“ “Ah! She didn’t lock the entire door!” said Spike, crouching down and crawling inside. “Spike!” said Twilight, softly scolding him. Spike stood up on the other side of the door and reached up, turning over the deadbolt and unfastening the chain lock from the top half of the door, finally swinging it open. A small bell jingled upon opening the door. “Tada!” he said, smiling up at Twilight. Twilight cringed at the idea of coming in uninvited, stepping in with a light hoof. She looked around; Rarity didn’t seem to be home at the moment after all. “Hm. Maybe she isn’t here.” said Spike, twirling once to get a quick glance at the room. “Oh, darling! That’s marvelous!” said a voice from upstairs, its tone muffled as it traveled through the ceiling above them. Twilight and Spike both looked up to the ceiling, hearing Rarity’s voice come from upstairs. They could also here the creak of bedsprings shifting back and forth rhythmically, as well as Rarity’s moaning, just heard lightly just above the creaking bed. “Just a bit firmer. Please!” moaned Rarity, her voice carrying through the house crystal clear. Twilight and Spike looked at each other, both with their eyes wide and slack jawed. Twilight’s face turned red, and Spike’s face turned pale; both of them wondering who Rarity was talking to, and what exactly she was happening. Spike’s face slowly formed into a mix of anger and melancholy and his claws clenched in fury and his tail held out straight. He began marching for the stairs, his small stride drawn out into a menacing march. The embarrassed Twilight followed, though her mind wasn’t ready to go there. “Rarity?” called Twilight, making her way up the stair case. “Twilight? Is that you?” returned Rarity. “Yeah, and Spike too!” “Oh, do come up! Please.” Twilight hesitated, stopping at the top of the stairs and short of Rarity’s bedroom doorway. “Do we want to?” asked Twilight, Spike at her side cracking his knuckles. “What?” asked a confused Rarity, the sound of her melting voice slowly breaking up into confusion as the creak of the bed springs pierced the door. “Are you decent?” asked Twilight. “Of course, dear. Why?” asked Rarity. Twilight and Spike threw caution to the wind and rounded the corner into Rarity’s bedroom, finding to their relief Rarity laying on her front, Wildfire sitting to the side of her and massaging her haunches. Twilight sighed in relief, letting out a small laugh. “I was picturing something totally different.” she said to herself quietly. “Yeah, me too.” said Spike, still not entirely relieved by the sight of Rarity being rubbed down in front of him. “Oh, Twilight! This pony’s got hooves of magic!” said Rarity, her expression melting into the massage as she stretched out some. “Well, were gonna need those magic hooves to help with something else.” said Twilight. “Oh, but Twilight. Wildfire was just getting started…” moaned Rarity, scooting herself a bit closer to Wildfire. Wildfire’s eyes widened, feeling awkward as Rarity became possessive of him. “Please, Rarity?” asked Twilight. “Oh, alright.” she turned to Wildfire. “Go on dear, you heard her. The lady needs you!” Wildfire scooted off of the bed and made his way over to Twilight and Spike. Spike climbed up on Twilight’s back, wearing an irritated expression as he balanced himself. “Oh and Wildfire…” called Rarity, catching his and the others attention. “You’re welcome back here to help anytime.” said Rarity, shooting Wildfire a sly smile with her eyes partly lidded. Wildfire nodded to her in return, wearing an awkward smile as he did so. Spike crossed his arms and furrowed his brow. “Alright, now run along dear! There is a lot of work to be done.” she said, shooing them all out the door. Twilight, Spike, and Wildfire all made their way out the front door silently, each of them wearing an awkward, half-cocked frown as they left. “What was that all about?” asked Twilight, even more baffled now than before. Wildfire closed the door behind him gently, turning slowly and looking back at Twilight with a blank expression. “I think I just became Rarity’s new boy toy…” said Wildfire, eyes vacantly staring at the ground. They shook off the awkward feeling, leaving Rarity’s home continuing on over to the park. “So…” said Twilight, breaking their awkward silence. “What all have we got so far?” “Well, let’s see; the food is good, Town Hall is clean and ready minus finishing decorations, the Cakes are ready with their portion of the snacks, dining ware is good, furniture is good. The last thing on my half of the list is to check up on music.” said Wildfire, skimming over his list quickly. “Good! All on schedule!” said Twilight. “So, did you meet anypony new yet?” “Yeah. Yeah, I’ve met a lot of new ponies here.” said Wildfire, nodding yes as he answered it. “And how’s that going for you?” asked Twilight. “Pretty good, I think. I at least haven’t met anypony that doesn’t like me.” said Wildfire, smiling some. “That’s hard to believe…” mumbled Spike, under his breath, still crossing his arms as he sat on Twilight’s back. “It’s been pretty easy being more outgoing here. Everypony here is so friendly.” added Wildfire, enthused by the hospitality of Ponyville. “More than Canterlot?” giggled Twilight. “Yeah…” Wildfire chuckled. “Well, we’re happy to have you here Wildfire! Isn’t that right, Spike?” asked Twilight, turning her head to Spike on her back. Spike didn’t seem to notice the question at first, staring down at the ground as he pouted. “What?” said Spike, coming to. Flying overhead at that moment was Rainbow Dash, rounding up the small collection of clouds gathering over Ponyville. She landed on a cloud above them, scouting out the rest of the town. Twilight spotted Dash, and gave Wildfire a soft elbow in his large wing to make sure he did too. They stopped for a second. “Hey! Rainbow Dash!” called Twilight. Rainbow turned around, catching eye of the purple unicorn and the dragon on her back below her down on the park pathway. “Hey Twilight! Hey Spike! What’s up?” greeted Rainbow Dash, ignoring Wildfire’s presence. “How’s getting the skies clear going?” “Aw, come on Twilight! You know I already got it handled.” she said, smiling proudly. Twilight turned to Wildfire, pointing her head over in Dash’s direction. “Go ahead Wildfire.” Twilight said quietly. “Hey, do you want some help getting it knocked out even quicker?” asked Wildfire. “No, I think I can get this.” Dash’s expressive nature revealed her annoyance quickly. “You sure? I need some work to do anyway. I’d be more than happy to take some of this work off of your hoo-” “I said I got it!” Dash raised her voice to Wildfire, leaning over the edge of the cloud to shout at him more directly. “I am perfectly able to take care of this on my own, thank you very much!” Dash hopped off the cloud and bucked it into oblivion, darting off quickly to the other lumps of weather floating over the town. “Wow… sorry about that Wildfire.” said Twilight, surprised at Dash’s outburst. “It’s ok…” said Wildfire. “She’s a very… independent gal.” Wildfire starred where the cloud that Rainbow bucked had once been. “I suppose. She’s usually short tempered, but not that short tempered.” said Twilight, picking her stride back up. “Yeah… I didn’t think that what I did would upset any one like that…” “Sound like you’re good at getting everyone’s tail in a knot.” muttered Spike again. Wildfire’s ears twitched a bit at Spike’s muffled words, but he didn’t seem to let on. They walked for a bit, silent was they came around the path leading into the Ponyville park. “Can I ask something?” asked Wildifre. “Sure! What is it?” nodded Twilight. “So, what is it that everyone does here?” asked Wildfire, treading the question carefully. “I mean, I already saw what everyone does, I guess. Applejack works on the farm, Rarity is a fashion expert, you’re the librarian, Rainbow Dash is part of the weather patrol, and Pinkie works in the bakery. Is that all right?” Twilight nodded. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, and… yes? Pinkie Does mostly parties, but she does work at the bakery some too.” “Ok then. Good.” said Wildfire, trailing off in thought. “Oh, yeah! And what does Fluttershy do?” “She’s a care taker of the animals that live out in the Everfree forest. She’s really good at it too.” “Oh.” said Wildfire, looking back at his portion of list. “But, it says here that she’s doing music?” “Yes.” said Twilight. Something caught Wildfire’s ear. It sounded like a bunch of birds singing. As he and Twilight and Spike came closer, the sound became more vibrant. It seemed coordinated, well-pitched, and well organized; like a small quire of birds singing a song together. After rounding the small lake in the middle of the park, they saw Fluttershy, standing before a tree full of a variety of birds, all singing together in perfect harmony. The melody built slowly, and quite beautifully as Fluttershy drew them to a building peak and silenced them before moving them into the chorus; the peace was quickly interrupted by a loud thumping sound and a droning bass that rocked the park. A white unicorn mare wearing a pair of purple sunglasses bobbed her head to the beat of her music as she worked behind her turntable, smiling broadly. Her blue stripped mane whipped around as she danced about, and even her tail swayed to the beat. She had a simple looking cutie mark as well; one beamed music note. She scratched the large vinyl discs as she bounced up and down, holding a pair of headphones to her head with her other hoof. Wildfire seemed to remember Celestia talking about someone named Vinyl Scratch helping with the music. This must have been her. Fluttershy cringed and covered her ears with her hooves. A few of the birds took flight and fled for other trees to where they took refuge. Fluttershy tried to tell Scratch to stop, but her soft voice could hardly be heard over the thump of Vinyl’s music. Fluttershy waved desperately, trying to get Vinyl’s attention. Finally, Scratch hit the stop button, killing the vibration her music was putting off. “Sorry. Too mellow?” asked Scratch as she pulled off her head set. “Umm. Actually, maybe not mellow enough.” said Fluttershy, tapping her hooves together as she forced an awkward smile at the white mare. “Hey guys!” Twilight caught the attention of both of them. “Twilight! What’s up?” asked Vinyl Scratch, placing her headphones down on her turntable. Fluttershy flew over to Twilight, seeking her friends comfort from Scratch’s brash music. She stared at Twilight pitifully, the sight of her nervously biting her lower lip sending signals to Twilight that she needed help. Twilight looked back at her with the same pathetic expression, sympathizing for Fluttershy as she tried to find a way herself to let Vinyl Scratch know to settle down some. “Well, it sounds like the music is coming along great.” said Twilight, scolding herself mentally for not speaking her mind. “Yeah! Sounds pretty rad!” said Wildfire, speaking genuinely. “I know! I actually just got this disc yesterday!” said Vinyl. Wildfire walked back to behind Vinyl’s table to find her small collection of Vinyl discs neatly lined up on the rack under the table. Vinyl, more than eager to share, started showing Wildfire to her collection disc by disc. “It’s Vinyl Scratch, right?” asked Wildfire. “It sure is! And you’re Wildfire, right?” asked Vinyl, earning a nod from Wildfire. “Well, Vinyl, it sounds pretty good.” “Yeah. But it’s missing something though. Maybe like a guitar or something…Something a little chiller sounding.” Wildfire’s ears perked up; she needed a guitarist? Twilight, Fluttershy and Spike watched as they interacted, both of them becoming enthralled in the music and the instruments. Twilight could feel herself smile. “Wildfire? Why don’t you stay here with Fluttershy and Scratch? See if you can help with the music?” “Hmm?” Wildfire perked up a little more, shooting a deer-in-the-headlights look back at Twilight as her tilted head directed him to Vinyl’s company. “I saw that guitar case you had on you the other day. Why don’t you help with music too?” “Well…” Wildfire averted his eyes to one side, “You said you needed help. You sure you have everything else?” “Oh, There’s really not much left on the list anyway. Why don’t you go home and get your guitar. Spike and I can take care of everything else!” Wildfire looked back at Fluttershy and Scratch; Scratch smiling brightly, eagerly awaiting his offer, and Fluttershy wearing a cheesier smile, her pleading eyes begging Wildfire to offer her a little more backup from Scratch’s heavier music from which her ears were still ringing from. “Alright! I’ll go get my guitar.” said Wildfire, inhaling deeply and showing a bit more confidence. Wildfire flew away back to the library, making haste to go get his guitar and bring it back to begin working more constructively with somepony on something. “Alright Spike.” said Twilight. “Let’s go ahead and get the rest of this done and let Wildfire spend some time with his new friend.”