//------------------------------// // Chapter 16 // Story: A Bad Wish Gone Worse - Pt. 1 // by Burning_Halo //------------------------------// “I just don’t get it Rainbow.” said Fluttershy, standing center room of Rainbow’s bedroom. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Dash were gathered back in Rainbow’s house, a cloud house that floated high above the ground just outside of Sweet Apple Acres, not even an hour after her fight with Wildfire. It was made of some of the fluffiest clouds that the Equestrian Weather Factory over in Cloudsdale would craft, made specifically for houses and other buildings. From its stacked, cumulonimbus like build sprouted several rainbows, arcing from one side of the house to the other, and even a rainbow water fall that rained down from the sky and evaporated before making it to the ground below. The inside was much like a small coliseum, a sort of small mansion. Stone pillars and gold covered walls filled its entrance, held up by the strong bond of the fluffy clouds, putting them to the test under the tons of material it suspended within its grasp. The rest of the house was colored with the white fluffy interior of the clouds that made up the house, and the blue colored sky marble and decorative tile that ornamented the floor. It was a very noble home indeed, especially for the brash natured Rainbow Dash, who held down the fort by herself. Rainbow was exploring her own bedroom at this point, a large circular studio bedroom with a large pedestal in the back, which her bed sat upon. She kept searching high and low, scanning over her dresser, her wooden chest, through her closet, on her clothing rack, looking for something she had misplaced. “You don’t like him because he was mean to you? He seemed like a pretty nice pony to me.” said Fluttershy, unable to imagine Wildfire having any sort of mean streak. “No silly!” Pinkie interjected, wearing a pair of boots that resembled snow shoes, otherwise restricted by her earth pony body from stepping a hoof on the clouds. “It’s because when he first saw Rainbow Dash, he was like, ZOOOOOM! Then Dash was like, “Nobody is faster than I am!” But then Wildfire was like, KER-POW! Like a rocket!” explained Pinkie, making all the necessary gestures. “Will you guys shut up!” said Dash, continuing to rummage through her things. “What are you looking for Dash?” said Pinkie, head cocked sideways in a curious fashion. “I’m looking for my racing goggles.” “Oh! These?” Pinkie reached up on a hook that hung over Dash’s dresser. She pulled down a blue pair of round goggles, the frames had small bills protruding from like ball caps, and both lenses were slightly tinted, to protect from the sun. Rainbow, with a sort of annoyed glare, snatched the goggles from Pinkie’s hoof. “You’re just… to good at that.” said Rainbow. “You’ve never needed goggles before Dash.” said Fluttershy as Dash fit the goggles around her head and over her rainbow mane, adjusting the straps tightly. “I know, but I’m going to make sure that pony runs a fair race. So I’m going to need to see 100% of what he’s doing!” Both Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy looked at each other, the distressful expressions on both their face as evident as their cocked sideways ears. Fluttershy stepped up to Dash, looking kindly into her eyes and speaking out in more sincerely toned voice. “Dash, have you thought about, um, maybe, just… talking this out with Wildfire?” “Pfft! Talk it out? With that jerk!?” sneered Rainbow, taking up a rag and giving her goggles a quick wipe down. “Oh, he’s not a jerk Rainbow, he’s… just defensive I guess…” “Defensive!? He’s the one who o-fended me!” Dash’s aggressive side was beginning to rub off on the yellow mare, shifting her shyness to a more aggravated approach. “Ok. What happens when you startle a snake?” Fluttershy’s face turned angry. “It bites! And it’s not usually very pleasant!” said Fluttershy, stomping a hoof on the floor. Rainbow Dash didn’t share Fluttershy’s easy-to-startle attitude. She just shook her head at Fluttershy as she again fit the goggles over her ears. “Oh, I’m sorry, I was… just saying…” backed off Fluttershy, retracting her angry attitude. “Well some snakes need to learn that stuff can bite back!” said Rainbow, snapping the goggles tightly to her face. Fluttershy went back to Pinkie’s side, Pinkie putting a hoof on Fluttershy’s back as she turned around and drooped her head dejectedly to the floor. “Sooo… You’re really gonna race this guy?” asked Pinkie as she comforted Fluttershy. “I mean he already out ran you once, and who knows how fast he can go through a place like Ghastly Gorge? Ya know?” “Pinkie! I don’t need that!” shouted Dash. Pinkie and Fluttershy jumped back, frightened by Dash’s outburst. Dash’s eyes bounced back and forth between her friend’s scared faces, unable to sympathize with them, their doubt in her shaking her trust in them. “He’s just another punk who thinks he can come in and take over! And punks like that deserve to be put in their place! He asked for it anyway, so I’m going to give it to him; no mercy! At all! Now come on, I’m going to run the course a few times to see if anything has changed.” Dash turned for her bedroom balcony door, stretching her wings out wide and letting the soft breeze rustling the doors drapes hit them, getting a feel for the weather. “Dash, everypony in Ponyville knows you’re the fastest thing alive!” said Pinkie Pie. “Yeah. Why do you need to race him?” added Fluttershy. Dash stopped and turned, pausing to look them bluntly in the eye. “Because, he beat me on unfair grounds. I’m going to defend my title, and prove myself, as the best flying pony in a fair, unbiased match… that, and he’s just a straight up jerk!” Fluttershy’s ears drooped, and Pinkie Pie sighed sadly, both watching as their friend flew out the door and off to Ghastly Gorge, fueled by her hatred towards the orange stallion. “Well, so much for talking her down.” said Pinkie Pie. “This just isn’t like her…” said Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie shaking her head in agreement. “I wonder how the others are doing?” said Fluttershy. “…Should we follow her?” Fluttershy nodded after a quick thinking spell. “Yes. I’ll go.” she said, picking up and spreading her wings out, taking off after the rainbow pegasus. Pinkie ran out the door and onto the balcony, getting on a small pedal powered flying contraption that she had parked outside the bedroom door. She quickly gave it power, pressing down on the pedals and spinning up the machine’s helicopter rotors and lifting it off the cloud house’s balcony under her own power. “Hey! Wait for meee!” shouted Pinkie, slowly hovering along through the air.