//------------------------------// // Letter 1 // Story: A Bad Wish Gone Worse - Pt. 1 // by Burning_Halo //------------------------------// Dear Princess Celestia, Things are going great here in Ponyville. I think the girls are starting to grow on me. Especially Twilight. I had no idea that she was so talented with magic. She’s pretty smart too. She could recite pretty much anything she’s read at least once. She’s even been talking about the Great Griffin War so long ago. That’s something, isn’t it? Applejack agreed to let me work out at the farm. I’ll need a few extra bits while I’m here, so that’s a plus. Rainbow Dash and I are starting to get along together now too, so there’s not a whole lot of trouble coming from us anymore. Things have pretty much started to settle down. The girls keep insisting that we do things together, and between study and them, there’s plenty here to keep me busy. It’s all thanks to you Princess Celestia. I have some friends for the first time in years. Sincerely, Wildfire