My Dark side

by moonlightmare


(finish video before continuing )

It has been 4 years since the defeat of the king of shadows was defeated by the crystal Princess. and now he lays here in the frozen wasteland nothing but a horn with out its owner.... what is the shadow king if not without his power, much less a body? yet, the former crystal king is without either. if it weren't for celestia's student twilight sparkle he would be in power he would be a king once again ,but how to go about reclaiming his throne this puzzled him. than an idea popped in to his head and Idea that he never thought of or conceived before.
"If Celestia has a student why can't i"? he asked in a dark voice. "Where to begin, where would I find a Pony with a large amount of evil power to rival Twilight's good?" he was puzzled at this conundrum where exactly find this pony and how would he...…
"I wish I had the power to make those who have cause me torment, suffer for the sins against me"
Hmm... That voice... where is it coming from? He puzzled at these circumstances, how could any pony other then the princesses have such power to be able to project ones thoughts across the plane of existence. Further in quarry is needed to solve this turn of events.
"But that can never happen, if only Magic was real maybe then I could destroy them, and no one would cause me pain again!" this was something I would have to learn to live with.
"There's no Pony around, yet I hear a voice." Sombra said confused
"why has life made me it punching bag? Life is a bitch especially when you're the one always taking hits from the world around you" Life for me at this moment
"Am I hearing some Pony's thoughts?" Now things were starting to get ridiculous now more than ever,he needed to find this creature and find out how powerful this being is.
"When I'm powerful ALL SHALL BURN IN HELL" then the creature eyes began to glow a similar green like when he first used dark magic.
" Such dark powers" he sounded pleased by his find and maybe this child was the answer to his problems of finding a student of his own.
"To have such thoughts and to communicate from so far away. he said very interested in what potential this creature might have if he brought her under his Guidance. surly she could be more powerful than his enemies
"you could never kill or in slave anyone." said the dark voice
"I believe I know, " he concentrated and teleports himself to the source of the voice.
"what do you mean your heart is to kind and..." the dark voice said


Here I sit alone in A black void, Not knowing how I got here or why. As I continue to sit here in the darkness that is now my eternal prison. Seeing there is no escape in site I now think of how could this happen to me, was it punishment for the hate I had toward my own race. It could be a number of reasons , but which one could it be not knowing the answer was driving me to the brink of insanity. Just as I'm about to lose it , I felt cold but there was no breeze then a chill ran down my spine and this told me I was not alone.

"you could never bring your self to do so, you are weak , power less , and broken"
And that kind feeling I get is when something malevolent is around, suddenly I could feel Power coursing through my body, but just a minute ago it wasn't there before I had no Idea what was going on but I knew something big was going to happen. I look around but saw nothing but shadows swirling and black as the void I was trapped in. I could also sense a presence here , I could feel his presence but where is he? I could feel his presence every where next I could see the shadows advancing toward me, I had to prepare my self for the end if that is to be my fate.Than I will go down fighting I begin to focus my power in my hands , an eery purple begins to surround my hands next I see eyes emerge from the shadow.

" What do you want!" I yelled while shooting bolts from my hands towards the shadow hopping it would go away, but instead I hear....

" Ma ha ah ha" evil chuckles echoing through out the void, taunting me while I keeping firing bolt of dark energy at the shadow creature but it kept dodging my every move.

" Who Are you" I was panicking I have never ever faced or felt such an evil presence before other than my dark side of my personality.
Those eyes seemed to stare in to my soul.

" My what dark thoughts you have, My word never thought a pony could bend that way" he said after peering into my thoughts

"Hmm well it what those curs get for making me an Outcast" I said with a bit of pride, Oh how much I wanted to cause them an eternal pain as they had done to me.

" Oh my, a mare after my own dark heart" he said it playfully, maybe she could be the pony Im looking for and just might be powerful enough to over through the crystal princess.

" I am not a mare, I am a human" I interjected being very insulted

" Mare, human whats the difference your both female" he said in a unamused tone

" Why you here whats your gain?" I asked, he seemed very suspicious some pony I should keep an eye on

"Gains? Me? Little mahpech, I’m here to help you out of the kindness of my black heart." She seems to be smarter then I give credit for.
Then the shadows began to form into a unicorn, who's very prescience was malevolent. His appearance remind me of Sauron, just standing in this unicorn's presence I could feel his power flowing all around me.

"Huh ,Hmmm So why do I interest you?" I asked

" Oh, it could be any number of reasons. Quick version, I have nothing better to do"

"NOT buying it" I kind of yelled at him

"Oh really why not?"

"Really, what would a powerful unicorn want with a powerless human? Answer me that oh dark one" I said annoyed

"I did, I am bored and have no schemes to run with"

"Ok" Face palming my self

"New question"

"Yes..." he said now impatiently
"Why choose me?"

"Well, I came across a number of ponies in my travels and I never saw one with such... dark desires" he said gleefully

'And anything else"

"No" he said

"So if you have nothing to do then why not go somewhere else and leave me be

"Your thoughts... intrigued me." he said a bit annoyed

"Ok so?"

"So... I want to help you." he said persuasively

"What is that I need your help?" I asked a bit puzzled

"Making your wishes come true"

"Hmm..." I said while Pacing in empty void, think if I should go through with this decision and let him grant me the on thing I desire.

"That’s not my main wish" I said

"Ok" he said a bit perplexed

"My main wish is to get as far away from the human race as possible" I said with what courage i had left

"Done" He stated while summoning a dark portal opened underneath the human, sending her to his homeland

"What Ahhhhhhhh" I scream as I fall through the portal to god knows where then everything goes black.

"Such raw power inside a tiny body It’s astonishing ,Now I can get revenge on that miserable Twilight." He disappears back into the

Until the next time we meet...