//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 Judgement // Story: The Out Casts // by Steel Claw //------------------------------// Jugement "Let it congratulate Steven for his service in the military!" The general of the army yelled "Now let's salute this brave young man!" Then 10 cannon fires fallow his remarks along with salutes from the body of the croud. "... So that is how thay relesed me from the armed forses!" I was explaining to my friends and family after I got back. "So you really was a captain of the first armored deviation!" ,My best friend Billy asked, " No really you wheren't kidding about that!" "Yas Billy I really was a capten and a good leader too!" I expand to him. That after noon I was playing skyrim and was about to complete a dongen. When I remembered that I haven't wached My Little Pony in 3 years! So I turned on netflix and put on MLP:FIM and called my friends over to watch. They all came in about 17 minutes or less which was enough time to make popcorn. So we started to watch and I didn't start it until all of them got there, and we started to watch. We where on discords return when all of are phones rang at the same time, to alert us that a phyco man was neer are area but we continued to watch. I wonder why gilda is so mean she might have lost her parents!? It was the last epasode magical misery core about 1 day after the call came when we herd streaming from the streets, and bullet fire! So I grabbed my riffle and ran outside the man was an old and firing at me. Then I took a bullet to the nee (LOL) so I fired. Misted after about 5 minutes of fighting I took a bullit to the chest! After 7 more shots the man fell over in a bloody mess. Then my vision grew white and I felt nothing. I woke up in a blue white haze and a voice boomed,"STEVEN YOUHAVE BEEN NAMED WORTHY TO PICK YOUR NEXT LIFE!" "What do you mean?" I asked, "AFTER YOU DIE YOU GET REBORN AS SOMTHING ELSE WITH NO MEMORY, BUT YOU HAVE SACOFISED YOUR OAN LIFE TO SAVE STRANGERS OR YOUR FRENDS! "So I get to leap my memorys and chose my next life?" I asked the strange voce, "YES." "In that choose I chose equestria on the 985 sommer sun celebration in canterlot! "ARE YOU SHORE ABOUT THAT THAT IS BACK IN TIME?" "What is the problem I pick that date got it!" "OKAY OFF YOU GO THEN!" Then there was a bright light and I was reborn!