How I Met Them

by The Infinity Doctor

Chapter 2 (unedited)

I woke up and stretched, popping the kinks in my back, getting up, I went down to the kitchen to make some breakfast

I was just getting the cereal out when I heard someone coming down the stairs.

"*Yawn* Hey Jonas"
"Morning Spike"
"Ready for the big day?"
"Yeah, I suppose, got a few essentials packed; I guess I'm a little nervous too"
"I guess I would be too, traveling to another world and all"
"Are the others ready to go?"
"As far as I know"
"Alrighty, then; I heard Dash's wing healed suffiently fast"
"Yeah, she's been driving me nuts complaining she can't fly anywhere"
"At least she kept herself occupied, I thought she was going stir-crazy"

"Jonas, I want to speak to you" Dash said, flying into the room
"Sure, what is it?"
"Scootaloo told me how you confessed to the accident being your fault"

"Oh, about that..."
"Why what?"
"Why'd you tell her that?"
"Well I know how much she looks up to you, she came to me and asked me if I would tell her what happened, so I told her that you got hurt because of me"
"So you told her that just so she wouldn't be a little disappointed with me?"
"Yeah, I-"

"Hey Rainbow" Scootaloo said, walking into the kitchen
"Hey squirt, whatcha doin'?"
"Just wanted to see if he apologized to you yet" She said, giving me a glare
"Listen squirt, about that- he didn't make me fall, I kinda did that myself"
"What? How?"
"I guess I got kinda cocky and I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going, and- well, you know the rest"
"Dash, really, how about we forget all this happened, water under the bridge"

"I'm sorry Jonas, I kinda jumped to conclusions"

"Don't worry about it, I probably woulda done the same thing"

I sat down with my cereal and ate, whether it was anxiety or not, I felt I ate the cereal rather quickly

I put my bowl in the sink and went to the living room where the others were waiting

"We have made the preparations, ist thou ready to depart?"
"Yeah, I got all I need here" I said, holding up a duffel bag
"Good, we better get going before the cloud-walking spell wears off" Twilight said
"Alright, let's get going"

Twilight cast a teleportation spell and they were all standing on a nearby cloud, save for me and Rainbow Dash

"You sure this'll work?" Dash asked
"According to Twilight"
"Alright, let's do this"

We both took off in the opposite direction, once at the right distance we did a 180 and sped towards the cloud It felt as if the atmosphere was going to shatter into pieces as we continued to pick up speed


We both performed our Rainbooms just as we reached the cloud, I felt myself rebound off of it, which incidentally sent me speeding towards Canterlot.


(Castle guard barracks)

"What is it Flashpoint?" Shining Armor asked
"You know that 'Rainboom' thing that happened about a week ago?"
"It just happened again, this time there's two of them"
"Get everypony to their posts, I want a full scan of the area as well"
"Yes sir"

Shining Armor ran back to his quarters as fast as he could

"Two? There's two of them? How? Rainbow Dash couldn't pull that off, unless-"

He looked out his window in time to see a bat-winged creature fast approaching, at first he assumed it was one of Luna's gaurds, but she was missing as well... He turned just in time to see the object crash through his window and fall to the floor, the odd creature groaned as one of its wings twitched

"Guards!" Shining shouted
Two of the solar gaurds burst through the door
"Take this...thing in the dungeons, and be sure to place precautionary spells on its cell"
They nodded and one of them picked it up with his magic

"Sir, we have another report"
"What did you find?"
"Your sister has been found just outside Canterlot, along with-"
Shining Armor took off before he could finish

"Where do ya think he went?" Applejack asked
"Based on his trajectory, and the wind speed, and position of the cloud-"
"In a language we can understand, please" Rainbow Dash said
"He's somewhere in Canterlot"
"Oh, well then, we should find him in a couple of weeks" Rainbow said sarcastically
"Don't you think we should get to the castle and inform the princess we've returned?" Rarity asked
"An excellent suggestion" Luna said as her horn lit up

"-and what exactly is the nature of this creature, Captain?" Celestia asked
"It's like nothing I've ever seen, Your Highness, the best I can describe is that it looks to be a hairless Diamond Dog, and its wings appear to be thestral"
"Interesting, what was found in the bag it had with it?"

"A number of things, no weapons thankfully, it appears to be clothes, a stack of papers, drawings, brushes, little yellow sticks..."
"Has its belongings been returned to it?"
"Yes, one of the guards just put it back in the cell"
"What of these explosions outside Canterlot?"
"One of them actually was a Rainboom, and the other was just like the one we had about a week ago"

A bright flash appeared in the throne room and a number of ponies materialized, along with Princess Luna

"Sister!" Celestia shouted, suprised
"Cupcakes!" Pinkie said

Everypony looked at her, confused

"What? Everypony else said something"

"We have made our return" Luna said, approaching her throne

"-just in time, sister, I was beginning to worry" Celestia joked
"Your student managed to find a way to get here"
"I see, how did you find your way?"
"Well, um, I didn't exactly have a hoof in getting back here, per se"
"We met somepony, I found out that he was able to do a Rainboom like Rainbow can"
This especially caught Celestia's attention
"-and that by doing so, he was able to catch a glimpse of Ponyville, so we figured that if he and Rainbow did a simultaneous Rainboom, we might be able to get back home"
"An amazing discovery, tell me, where is this friend of yours now?"
"That's what we were on our way to ask you, we don't know where he is, the last we saw of him,
he was on his way here"

'That creature couldn't be the one they're referring to? Could it?'

"What does he look like?"
"He's almost as tall as you, princess, he doesn't have any hair except on top of his head,and he's got this pair a' scary lookin' bat wings" Applejack said
"That monster?!" Shining shouted
"What do you mean 'that monster'? I doubt you've met him"
"That thing is in one of the dungeons"
"What? Why?"
"He crashed through the window in my quarters"
One of the solar guards came into the throne room
"Captain, the creature in the dungeons is starting to wake up"
Shining Armor left, with the group in tow

Upon arrival, two voices were heard arguing
"Let me guess, hospitality isn't your strong suit?"
"For the last time, I'm not going to let you out"
"I didn't say anything of the sort"
"Is that hoofsteps I hear?"
"I don't- Princess!"
"Greetings, Swift, please open the cell"
"Are you sure, your majesty?"
"Yes, please unlock the cell"
Swift hesitantly put the key in the lock and turned it, opening the cell door and allowing Celestia access
"-and who might you be?"
"I am Princess Celestia"
"I know, Luna's told me alot about you"
"She has?"
"How much do you know?"
"Depends, how much do you think I know?"
"-an interesting choice of words, I notice how you've failed to answer my question"
"Nor you have mine, Princess"
"Why are you here? I have never seen a creature such as you"
"You and all of Equestria, as for why I'm here, it was basically the only way to get Twilight and the other Elements back here"
"So I heard" Celestia said, sounding suspicious
"It was either that or wait a whole year for something Twilight called 'The Summer sun Celebration'"
"Very well, you may go"
"Just like that? No tests? No interrogation?"
"No, you are free to go"
"Th-thanks, so where do we go from here?"
"You may leave whenever you wish, though I request you stay for dinner tonight"
"Princess I'm flattered, but we've only just met, I doubt this is the right time for a first date"
'I can't believe I just said that...'
Celestia blushed, and I swear I could hear Twilight being stunned out in the hallway
"-but seriously, I'd love to stay, thank you"
"Your welcome, dinner is in a few hours"
She left the cell with me following
"Shining Armor, could you please show our guest to his temporary quarters?"
"Yes your highness, please follow me...sir"
Shining walked up the stairs leading to the upper floors with me following
"So, Captain of the gaurd, huh?"
He grunted something I could only assume as a 'yes'
We walked a little further until we reached a medium-sized room
"This should suffice" he said with a certain arrogance
"Yes, it'll be fine"
He continued to glare at me
"Is there something wrong Cap-"
"Listen, I don't know what you are, but Twilight and the princesses seem to trust you- but that doesn't mean I'm letting my guard down, you just watch your back"
"Thank you Captain"
I went into my room and closed the door
'I've got a few hours to kill, might as well doodle for a little while'
I pulled out a few pictures I'd previously drawn and separated them into two separate piles, ones that were pony related, and non-pony related

Looking at the pictures, I found that some of them looked kinda silly now that I thought about it, one was of Big MacIntosh as a mare (Which has a few stories written about him by the way), a draconequus named Feedback with digitized pupils, Toxic Waste, a pony made of ink, what I think Jack Skellington would look like as a pony, and some ghosts.
I set the pictures down on the bed and got up, I started pacing the room, hoping to get ideas;

"If only the were real..." I chuckled to myself
There was a loud 'POP!' and a flash, I shielded my eyes from the light and stumbled backwards I opened them again and my jaw hit the floor
"Wow, look at the size of this room!" a green and white pegasus said
"It definitely is, Toxic" the ink pony replied
"Wait, how'd you know my name?"
"Hmmm, I don't know, perhaps he does" he said, indicating me
I shifted on my heels uncomfortably
"Um, yes...I do, everypony please stay here, I have to step out for a moment"
I left the room and closed the door, then bolted to the throne room

"'Tis a slow day, We wish something exciting would happen"
"Haven't you been through enough in the past few weeks Luna?"
"We suppose..."
An out-of-breath Jonas ran into the throne room, startling the guards
"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS- oh greetings, Jonas, what hast brought thou here?"
" go!" He said in-between breaths
He ran back through the doors presumbably back to his room
"Be careful what you wish for, sister" Celestia smiled
"Doth he not realize we can simply teleport to his quarters?"
"Yes, but I think he seemed too panicked"
"Shall I give him a headstart?"
"I think that would be best"

"Whoa, look at these, he's got pictures of all sorts of monsters and stuff" Toxic said
"His art style is commendable"
"What's your name? I can't keep calling you 'ink pony'"
"I don't think I have one, what should it be?"
" about, InkHeart?"
"That has a rather nice ring to it"
"Nice to meet you InkHeart, I'm Toxic Waste"
Toxic looked up and saw three ghosts circling the room, then at the other two ponies in the room
"Hey mister, you okay?"
"Yes I suppose, why?"
"You're all white and- and-"
"Yeah, that's it"
Jack went to the bathroom and saw his reflection
"Huh, guess I am a skeleton..."
Feedback remained silent through the whole thing Jonas arrived and entered his room
"Alright, I think I took care of that situation pretty well" I said sarcastically
"What situation?" Toxic asked
"Oh, nothing"
"It's something to make you dash out of the room like that" InkHeart said
"Yeah, it's just that-"
"What is it you wanted to tell Us, Jonas?" Luna said, teleporting into the room
"Um, everypony this is Princess Luna"
They all looked at the both of us in shock, even the ghosts had stopped what they were doing,
'I have to give Luna credit, she doesn't seem fazed at all by this'
"Wow, you're tall!" Toxic exclaimed
"-and what is your name, little one?"
"T-toxic Waste, your highness"
"'Tis a pleasure to make your aqueintance, Toxic"
"Hey, I just noticed something, you look just like Jack"
"Somepony say my name?" Jack walked into the room and stared at Luna
"Um, who's this?"
"See? He's tall, just like you"
"Huh, guess I am..."
"This is an unexpected suprise, we did not expect another pony with our height to exist"
"I'm certain my sister would like to meet you all"
"Who's you sister, your highness?"
"I shall explain on the way, I believe my sister is waiting for us"
"Well, I suppose we'd better be on our way then" I said
"Very well, follow me"

"You requested my presence your highness?"
"Yes Captain, I'm sorry to pull you from your time with your sister, but I felt I needed you here for when my sister returns"
"Of course, but why?"
"Jonas had informed us of a situation and I was slightly concerned"
As if on cue, Luna appeared with Jonas and a small group of ponies
"Greetings Captain Armor" Luna said
"-Sister, would you care to elaborate who these ponies are? I don't believe I've met them before" Celestia said, taking notice of the specters flying around the room
"Your highness, if you'll allow it, I'll tell you after dinner, though I'm not sure you'll like the answer" Jonas said
Celestia gave me a confused look and quickly regained her composure
"Very well, I expect a full explaination"
"Thank you"
"Now, I believe proper introductions are in order, I am Princess Celestia"
InkHeart stepped forward
"Hello your highness"
"Hello Mr..."
"InkHeart your majesty"
"Hello InkHeart"
"I'mToxicWasteprincess" Toxic blurted
"Could you please speak a little slower? I didn't quite catch your name"
"T-to-xic Was-waste, princess"
"Nice to meet you, Toxic"
He mumbled something and backed up towards the group
"And who is this?"
"My name is Jack, your majesty"
"Hello Jack, forgive me, but it's not everyday you meet another alicorn"
"I just found out who I was a few minutes ago your highness, no apologies needed"
"I see, may I ask who these three are?"
The three replied without stopping their flight around the throne room
"Hmmm, Big MacIntosh, I thought you went home with your younger sister"
"Who's he?" the mare asked
Startled, Celestia inquired further
"You're a mare!"
It was more of a statement than a question
It took every fiber of my being to keep from laughing right there and then
We soon finished the introductions when...
"Your majesty, the evening meal is ready"
"Thank you, Silver; Shall we move to the dining room?"

We sat in silence, occasionally giving each other uncomfortable glances, I think Applejack knew about Red Gala, but if she did she didn't let on. The Elements seemed to distance themselves from Jack and the three specters, who entertained themselves popping out of the floor and walls.
"So, what do you plan to do after you leave Canterlot?" Twilight asked, trying to break the silence
"Well if it's alright with you, I'd like to come back to Ponyville with you, it sounds like a nice place" I said
"Ooh, I better start planning your 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!" Pinkie said before she ran off
"She seems to like parties an awful lot" Toxic said
"Well it is her special talent, after all" Rarity said
The conversation picked up from there and the meal was soon finished, the Elements went to '
their respective rooms; leaving me, Luna, and Celestia in the dining hall.
"Princess, I believe you wanted an explaination?"
"Yes, I wish to know how those ponies got into the castle without being detected by the Royal Guard, and I'm especially curious as to why they don't have records in our files"
"That can easily be explained- " I hesitated
"Yes, this is the best I could figure it out, but I was sitting in my room with the drawings of all the ponies you met; I made an off-handed comment about what I'd do if they were real, and poof, there they were"
"I find this hard to believe-"
"-Said the Alicorn who raises the sun and rules over a land of mythical creatures with her sister"
"We aren't 'mythical' as you put it"
"In my world you are, but I digress, I've got the copies of the drawings in my bag if you want more proof"
"That won't be necessary, I'll have to take your word on this for now"
"That means a lot, your highness, now if you'll excuse me I'd like to get to bed"
"I suppose I should get some rest as well"
I spread my wings and flew out of the dining hall and towards my room, where I found everypony asleep, well, almost everypony, Jack was out on the balcony, those three ghosts were probably off haunting some other part of the castle, and Toxic was looked like he was trying to get to sleep- all the others were sleeping soundly on the bed.
"Mr. Jonas?"
"What's up kiddo?" I asked as I sat down in one of the chairs next to the bed
"I'm having some trouble sleeping, can you help?"
"I'll do the best I can..."
He crawled off the bed and jumped onto my lap, once he was settled I hummed a soft tune, hoping it was enough to get him to sleep
"mmmm, g'night daddy" he mumbled as he drifted off
My heart melted and broke at the same time as he said it, I'm not his father- but could I be?
Did he get caught in the moment? He's tired, that sounds right, he must've been really tired, but that thought still lingered in my head as I felt myself dozing off, is it possible that I really am his father? He just sort of came to life, I feel that he's my responsibility, they all are now that I think about it-

I didn't finish my inner monolouge as I fell asleep

"Up and at 'em everypony! Wakey Wakey" Pinkie Pie shouted as she bounced down the halls
'How does she have so much energy this early in the morning?' I thought to myself as I was jolted awake by her shouting
I looked at the bed and saw that the others were still asleep
'It's a miracle she didn't wake them'
I looked down at the sleeping colt in my lap, contemplating the best way to wake him up
"Time to wake up, kiddo" I said as I ruffled his mane
He opened his eyes and tiredly jumped off my lap, getting up I noticed Feedback was already awake, giving me an amused grin
"No morning hug?"
"Not today I'm afraid, now for the task of waking everyone up"
"I'll take care of it" he said
He snapped his talons and an airhorn materialized in his grasp
"At least wait until me and Toxic are out of the room, I'd like to keep him from seeing them kill you"
"You got it, Cap"
"Come on, Toxic; the train leaves in a few hours, why don't we go check out the gardens?"
"Sounds good to me Jonas"
It was both a relief and a disappointment to hear him use my name
"Great, let's go"
I was sure to pick up my bag and we were off, on our way down we looked at some of the paintings that hung on the walls
"-so Princess Luna was evil?" Toxic asked with a hint of fear in his voice
"She was when she was Nightmare Moon, but Twilight and the others used the Elements on her to change her back to her normal self"
"Wow, so they're like heroes?"
"I guess you could say that, they'd probably say otherwise though"
"Whoa, how long ago did all this happen?"
"Well let's see, about a year ago Nightmare Moon returned during the Summer Sun Celebration,
that night Twilight and the Elements got Luna to return to her normal self"
"Wow, so a year ago?"
"Yeah, I want to ask you to not mention any of this to her, she's still pretty upset at what she did and the subject is a little touchy"
"But why? What she did was because of Nightmare Moon, it wasn't her fault"
"Someponies see it that way, but I think there are others that think she's still bad; and she blames herself for what happened"
We entered the gardens and Toxic stared in awe at the statues
"Who're all these ponies?"
"They did great things to help Equestria, that's Clover the Clever and Starswirl the Bearded over there, those are the only two I know..."
"Wow, that one almost looks like Mr. Feedback" Toxic said, pointing to the statue of Discord
"Yep, that's Discord, god of chaos"
"What's he famous for?"
"Actually, he's infamous"
"What's that mean?"
"It's like the opposite of fame, he did something bad, so that's what ponies remember him for"
"What'd he do?"
"He plunged Equestria into chaos, Celestia and Luna used the Elements on him about a thousand years ago"
"So what happened to him?"
"He's standing right in front of you"
"Y-you mean, th-that's him? They turned him to stone?"
"The Elements did, yes"
"It must be pretty awful to hold that same position for over a thousand years..."
Despite the serious look on his face, I burst into laughter
"What? What'd I say?"
"Nothing kiddo"
"Oh, well how about we take the long way back, we should be ready to leave by the time we get back"
"'kay, Mr. Jonas can I ask you something?"
"Just Jonas is fine, sure what is it?"
"Why do you look so different from everypony else?"
"You want the straightforward answer or the one the answer that'll probably confuse you?"
"What's the difference?"
"There isn't one now that I think about it...anyway, short answer is that I'm an alien"
I supressed a laugh as Toxic's eyes nearly popped out of his head
"Yep, whole different world spiel and everything"
"You're pulling my leg"
"Do I need to get Applejack down here?"
"What's Applejack got to do with it?"
"She's the Element of Honesty"
"Oh, what are the other Elements called?"
"Um, Applejack's the Element of Honesty, Rarity is Generosity, Rainbow Dash's element is Loyalty, Pinkie Pie is Laughter, Fluttershy is Kindness, and Twilight is the Element of Magic"
"So if Discord is here, should we be concerned about what the princesses will do to Mr. Feedback?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well he's the same kind of creature that Discord is, what if they decide he's here for revenge or something?"
"That's a good point, but I think that as long as he doesn't cross a certain line, he'll be fine"
"Well let's get back inside, we should be on the train to Ponyville in about a half an hour"
"'kay, let's go"
We re-entered the castle and headed to the throne room where everyone else was waiting
"Good to see you decided to join us" Shining Armor said with a certain coldness in his tone
"Um, yeah we were in the statue garden"
"No matter, the train will depart soon, are all of you ready?" Celestia said
A round of "Yes, your highness" went up
"Good, the train will leave soon, I suggest you get on your way"
"Thank you your majesty, for everthing" I said
"Think nothing of it, a simple show of hospitality"
"I hope to be granted the same priviledge, Princesses"
I smiled as I lifted off the ground
"I'll meet you at the station" I said, turning to Twilight
I turned and flew out of the throne room with Toxic using his own wings to follow me, out of the corner of my eye I saw Grim, Spooky, and Mist give chase
"What? Nothing better to do?" I asked
"Na, some of the guards can see us, but they don't even flinch when we scare 'em" Spooky said
"Party poopers..." Grim muttered
"So what exactly are we going to do when we get to the train station?" Toxic asked
"I was hoping we could stand around and wait for them to get here"
"Ooh! How about we possess the train conductor!" Mist cackled "Or better yet, the train itself!"
"Why don't you wait until Halloween to do that?"
"Are you kidding? That's months away!"
"-But if you do it now, Celestia will probably find a way to put you in prison"
"Yeah, you're probably right" Grim said "Hey, you think anypony else can see us?"
"Based on the stares we're getting, I'd say not"
"Here comes our little entourage now" Spooky said, pointing to the approaching group
The group was attracting a lot less attention than I thought, only a few frightened screams and a stallion running in terror, much to the specter's delight
"Alright, the train leaves in a few minutes, let's get on board everpony" Twilight said
We walked to the passenger car and all the others boarded the train, I was about to step into the car when I was stopped by a burly stallion
"Um, can I help you?"
"Yeah, I ain't lettin' a monster ride this train"
"What's it to you?"
"I been ridin' this train a long time, and I ain't about to let somethin' like you board"
"Oh, so just because you ride this train too, that gives you the right to deny me access?"
"That's right, you've got wings anyway, beat it freak"
"All Aboard!" the conductor called as the doors closed
"Great! You made me miss my ride!"
Before he could reply, I flew upwards and landed on the roof of the train, I stuck my tounge out at the earth pony as the train pulled away.

After a fairly short train ride, the locomotive pulled into the Ponyville station, I sighed as I flew down to the platform just as the doors opened
"There you are, Jonas; I was wondering where you went" Twilight said
"Some jerk wouldn't let me board the train, I guess he ignored the fact that I have wings"
"Who was it?"
"I don't know actually, for some reason our names didn't come up in the conversation" I said sarcastically
"Gee, I wonder why" Spooky said
"So what do we do now?"
"I don't know about you, but I'm going to go to our house and get unpacked, you all are free to do what you want"
"What do you mean 'our house'?" InkHeart asked
"It seemed kind of cruel of me to just leave you hanging like that, so unless you have other living arrangements, you're free to stay at my house"
"I guess that makes sense"
"Well, I'm off then"
I walked to my house, relying on the description Celestia gave me The ponies in the immediate area kept their distance, forming a circle around me, most of them were in shock or fear, walking to the house I unlocked the front door and went inside; the interior of the house was perfect for my height, there were a few furnishings (a bed, a coffee table, and a couch)
'It almost reminds me of my house back on Earth'
I went upstairs to the bedroom and put my bag on the floor, opening it I immediately taped my drawings on the walls and began to put my clothes in the small but spacious dresser in the room, setting the few valuables I brought on top of said dresser and shoving the bag under the bed
'Well that's taken care of, now what to do'
Checking that I had my key, I left the house and took to the sky, enjoying the shocked looks of the pegasi that I passed; spotting an out-of-the way cloud I flew to it and settled down
'No wonder Dash sleeps on these, they're really comfortable'

"What do you suppose that is?" Flitter asked
"I dunno, it's wings look like the ones Luna's guards have" Cloudchaser replied
"That's definetly not a pony..."
"Tell me about it, look at its claws! I've never seen anything like that before, and its hind hooves look really weird"
"What the hay is that?" Thunderlane asked, flying into the area
"We don't know, it just kind of flew in and laid down"
"You suppose it's a monster?"
"I don't know, I've never seen something like this; it looks like a Diamond Dog with wings"
"But it doesn't have any fur except right there at the top of its head"
Soon the rest of the weather team was gathered around the cloud with the sleeping creature
"Jonas! Jonas? Where are you?"
"Hey, never seen him before..."
"Must be new in town"
The creature arched its back and stretched

"Jonas! Jonas? Where are you?"
'That sounds like Toxic' I thought as I woke up
I strectched as I arched my back and sat up on the cloud, only to come face to face with a frightened pegasus
"Oh buck, it's awake!" the pegasus cried as she and the group flew off in different directions
I had the urge to call out "I know where you live", but shook it off and flew down to Toxic
"What's up sport?"
"Nuthin', I was just bored, what was that all about?"
"I have no idea...anyway, how can you be bored? You've got an entire town to explore"
"I don't really know anypony around here, and all the other ponies my age are in school"
"That's right, I'll have to arrange that with the mayor and Cherilee...I don't have anything going on, how about we go look around town?"
"Sounds fun"
"Okay, onward!"
We walked down the road and soon came across Sweet Apple Acres
"This is where Applejack and her family live and work" I said
"What do they do?"
"They're apple farmers, best tasting apples in Ponyville"
"I wouldn't say that, sugarcube" Applejack said, walking out of the barn
"There's Applejack now"
"In the flesh, now who's this?"
"This is Toxic, he- um- we met each other a few hours ago, he's showing me around Ponyville"
"Toxic, why don't you go ask Mr. MacIntosh about apple farming?"
"Uh, sure, who is he?"
"Big red pony, can't miss him"
He gave me a confused look and set out towards the apple orchard
"Ya do realize I'm the Element of Honesty, right sugarcube?"
"Yes, I had to make up something on the fly, I panicked"
"Why couldn't ya have just told me the truth?"
"It's hard to explain, I already went through this with the princesses, I couldn't say anything when Toxic with him in earshot"
"what exactly can't you say?"
"Alot of things..."
"Out with it-"
"I'm sorry, not here, if you get Twilight and the others together I might be able to explain all of this a little better-"
At that point, Toxic came running back into the field
"Jonas, Mr. MacIntosh wouldn't say anything, so I came back here"
"Hee hee, sorry about that Toxic, Big Mac doesn't have all that much to say"
"Eh, it's alright"
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Red Gala approaching
"Well I'll be, your the spittin' image of Big Mac"
'More than you know, Applejack'
"Hey Ms. Gala!" Toxic smiled "You here to check out the farm too?"
Applejack cocked an eyebrow at that
"I'm here lookin' for work" She said
"Well, I reckon you'd have to talk to Granny Smith about that, she might be in the house"
She nodded and Walked towards the farmhouse
"I doubt she'll get the job..." Applejack commented once she was out of earshot
That was strangely out of character for her
"Why? She looks like she's capable" I said
"I didn't say it to be rude, it's just that this is a family-owned business, I just doubt Granny Smith'll let a pony who ain't an Apple work on the farm"
"It kinda sounds like discrimination when you put it like that..."
"She said it's a family-owned business" Toxic said
"Well, I better get back to work, can't let Big Mac buck those apple trees by himself"
"Okay, we better get going too, see ya AJ"
"Alright, don't be a stranger you two"
We left Sweet Apple Acres and were soon on our way back to Ponyville
"What'd you talk about when I was gone?"
"A couple things..."
"Jonas, can I ask you something?"
"I think you just did, but okay"
"Do you know who my parents are? I don't think I remember them, or if I had any at all"
'I should have seen this coming...'
"Toxic, what I'm about to tell you, you have to Pinkie Promise not to tell anypony"
"What's the first thing you remember?"
"Um, I remember opening my eyes and being in your room with the others"
"That's because-"
"I- I- don't know exactly what happened, but I drew pictures of you and the rest- and you all just sort of, appeared..."
"So, the we're just pictures you made"
"Toxic, you know it isn't like that"
"How can you say that?! We're just figments of your imagination! You created us by mistake!"
"You're more than that-"
"No! Just stay away from me! That means Ms. Gala and the others too!"
"Toxic, I..."
I could only watch as he ran into town "...I'm sorry"
'Way to go, Jonas, you just screwed up your son's and all the other's lives'
Part of that thought made the gears in my head grind to a halt
'I guess he is my son, not in the conventional sense, but still...'
I felt horrible, I just wanted to crawl into a hole and rot
'What was I thinking? He's just a foal, I should've waited 'til he was ready'
I felt a few tears escape as I curled up at the base of a tree and cried
'I lost my son'
'You drove him away'
I cried harder

(Time Skip)

"Alright Big Mac, that should be enough for now, let's go inside and get ready for dinner" Applejack said as she bucked the last tree
"Eeyup" The two walked back to the farmhouse and found Applebloom helping Granny Smith
"I just remembered something, what'd you think of that mare that came by, Granny Smith?"
"What mare?" Applebloom asked
"A mare came by today while Toxic and Jonas were here, askin' if she could work on the farm"
"Who's Toxic? What'd you say, Granny?"
"Why don't you go ask her, she's out workin' in the barn" Granny Smith replied
The three heard the front door open and Red Gala walked into the kitchen
"Wow, you look just like Big Mac!" Despite her fur, Red Gala blushed
"I believe you two haven't met, Red this is our brother Big MacIntosh, Big Mac this is Red Gala, Granny hired her to work on the farm"
The two remained silent
"Uh, why don't we set the table and eat?"
The plates were on the table and they began the meal, soon after everypony was finished and went outside, Red Gala and Applebloom were star-gazing while Granny Smith, Applejack and Big MacIntosh were sitting on the porch
"Where'd she come from?" Big Mac asked suddenly
"Jonas said he met 'em in Canterlot and they moved here just today; You sure you don't have a twin?"
"I'll admit, the similarities between the two of you are startling to say the least" Granny Smith said
'Similarities? I haven't gotten a good look at her cutie mark, I wonder...'
Applejack's jaw dropped as she looked at Red Gala, then to Big Mac, then back to Red Gala
"I have to see Twilight about something, I'll be back in a little while" Applejack said as she ran off
"What's gotten into her?" Applebloom asked
"She said somethin' about going to see Ms. Sparkle" Granny Smith said
"Wonder why"
"Beats me, now it's almost time for bed Applebloom, you best get upstairs"
Applebloom went into the house and headed up the stairs
"I'd better get home, thank you for your hospitality, Ms. Smith" Red Gala said
"No thanks needed, and please call me Granny; can I expect to see you here bright and early tomorrow morning?"
"Good, you best be on your way then"
Red Gala nodded and took off at a trot towards Ponyville

*Knock Knock Knock*
"It's a public library, you don't need to knock!" Spike called
Applejack entered and looked around the room
"Howdy Spike, is Twilight around?"
"She just went upstairs, what's the rush?"
"I got a question for her"
"Okay, Twilight! Applejack's here!"
Twilight walked down the stairs carrying a few books
"Hey Applejack, what brings you here?"
"I just had a question"
"A question? Sure, what is it?"
"Is it possible for two ponies to have the same cutie mark, that aren't related?"
"Hmmm, there are a few cases where twins have the same mark, but I've never heard of two unrelated ponies having similar marks..."
"You know a pony named Red Gala?"
"No, I don't believe I do-"
"Apparently she and a few others moved here just today with Jonas from Canterlot, and I just realized she and Big Mac have the same cutie mark"
Her interest piqued, Twilight went into focus mode
"Spike, pull all the books we have on cutie marks, I'll make a pot of coffee; If our resources are limited, send a request to the Canterlot Archives for their books on the subject" Twilight said, running into the kitchen
"Sorry about that, Spike"
"Eh, I didn't have anything planned tomorrow anyway" Spike said, climbing the ladder on the bookshelves
"Well I'd better get back home, bye Spike"
"Bye AJ"
Applejack left the library and was on her way back to Sweet Apple Acres when she met Jonas on the way
"Howdy Jonas, what're you doing out this late?"
He acted as if he didn't hear her and continued walking down the road
"Um, sugarcube?"
Her ears perked up
"...I don't know what else to do"
"Toxic ran off after I told him about where he came from"
"Wait, Toxic ran away? Why'd he do that?"
"I'll...explain later, I need help finding him"
"I hate to say it, but it's too dark to do anything, you should go home and get some sleep"
"Applejack, if you see him, tell my son I'm sorry..."
"I'll be...sure to, get on home now"
He took a running start and flew close to the ground towards the direction of his house Applejack got back to the farmhouse and went to bed after checking on Applebloom


"I'm tellin' ya, somethin' seemed off with him, he sounded real depressed last night"
Applejack said
"Maybe he was just tired, he did just move here" Twilight said
"That's another thing, those ponies that moved here yesterday with him seem awfully peculiar,
which reminds me, did you find anything about Red Gala and Big MacIntosh?"
"No, I even checked the Canterlot Archives, I didn't find a thing"
"What didn't you find, dear?" Rarity asked
"Yesterday I noticed Big Mac and Red Gala have the same cutie mark, and they ain't related; Jonas said he'd elaborate, and that's what I intend to get him to do"
"An interesting predicament"
Rainbow Dash knocked on the door, InkHeart answered
"Can I help you?"
After getting over their shock, Rarity spoke
"Yes, we decided to drop by to visit Jonas"
"He's in here, we've been trying to help him find Toxic since he woke up"
"Yeah, we're here to help him look" Rainbow said
The six entered the house and saw Jonas on the couch in the living room, but he was...different
His entire body was grayscale and his wings were close to dragging the ground
"You alright there, sugarcube?"
"How can I be when he's out there somewhere, lost?"
"Who else? Toxic"
"Why'd he run off?"
"Alright, listen; I told him where he came from and he got upset and ran away"
"That's what you said last night, where does he come from?"
"Since everypony is here, I might as well tell you- but I won't blame you if you get mad"
"Spit it out already" Dash said impatiently
"Okay, InkHeart, this concerns you and the others too, the reason you all were in my room that night was because I drew pictures of all of you and somehow, you all came to life..."
"That's outrageous"
"It's scientifically impossible!"
"You're the Element of Magic Twilight, I don't think you're the one to tell me what is and isn't possible; scientific or otherwise"
"So what's the plan? We just can't leave him out there"
"Okay, how about this" I said
"Dash, while you and the weather team are on duty, can you keep an eye out for him?"
"I've already looked around Ponyville, but is there such thing as a location spell Twilight?"
"I could try, but I can't guarantee anything"
"I'll take what I can get; I'm going to go out and fly around for a little bit"
"Um, is there anything we can, do, to help? If that's okay" Fluttershy said
I didn't hear her as I walked out the door
"Why don't the rest of us go out and look around town again, maybe he missed him somehow" Feedback suggested Everypony gave him a confused look
"What? I may not act like it but I care about the kid, too"
"Aren't you the least bit confused at what Jonas told you?"
"Na, it was obvious in retrospect"
"If ya don't mind me askin', how many of you are there?" Applejack asked
"Let's see, there's me, Toxic, Red Gala, InkHeart, Jack, and those three over there are Grim,
Spooky, and Mist"
"Where are they?"
"Right there"
"I don't see anything"
'I could have some fun with this...'Feedback thought to himself
"Nevermind, let's get searching!"


'There he is'
"J-Jonas? What're you-"
"No time, get behind me"
He obeyed and ducked behind my legs as three sets of glowing green eyes emerged from the trees
"Horseapples, Timberwolves"
"wh-what do we do?"
"I could try and fly away, but I think they'd catch us before we got high enough"
"Are we gonna fight 'em?"
"I'm going to, I want you to turn tail and get back to Ponyville as fast as you can"
Toxic hesitated for a moment before turning and exiting the forest

"We've checked everywhere twice, we haven't found him anywhere" Rainbow Dash said
"He must be here somewhere, he couldn't have gotten far" Twilight replied
Twilight turned and saw Toxic running out of the Everfree
"Toxic! We've been looking everywhere for you! What were you doing in the Everfree? It's dangerous in there"
"I know, Jonas is holding off some Timberwolves, you gotta help him!"
"We will, Red Gala, can you take him back to the house? We'll be back soon"
Red Gala walked away with Toxic in tow
"Come on, I don't think Jonas can stop those Timberwolves by himself" Applejack said
The six started the journey into the forest, they came across a clearing and found what may have very well been the oddest thing they'd ever seen-
there was Jonas standing over a Timberwolf, scratching its belly
The Timberwolf rolled over and barred its fangs at the six
"Easy, they're friends"
"I-Is th-that a T-T-Timberwolf?"
"Yeah, she's alright though"
"H-how? Th-this isn't- it doesn't make sense!" Twilight stammered
"I think you learned a while ago that alot of stuff that happens with me doesn't make sense"
"But- but- but-"
"Don't leave your mouth hanging open, you'll catch flies"
The Timberwolf walked deeper into the forest
"Okay, see you later then"
"What? You speak Timberwolf now?"
I shrugged "Apparently, I don't know how, what comes across to you as barks and howls is perfect English to me"
"Yes, well there's a certain pegasus colt waiting for you at home" Rarity said
"I almost forgot! Thank you all!"
I jumped and flew at top speed towards my house, once there I burst through the front door and made a beeline for Toxic and gave him a hug
"I'm sorry" I whispered
"I should have waited until you were ready"
"I shouldn't have run off" Toxic said, returning the hug
"I'm really sorry..."
"Looks like we both messed up, huh?"
"Eeyup" Red Gala said
"Do any of you have a problem with what I told you earlier?"
"It's a little weird, but I'm fine with it"
"Like I said before, it was obvious in retrospect" Feedback said
"Well I'm just happy you're back"
"I'm going to bed, 'Night all" Gala said, walking upstairs
"That's a good idea, time to sleep Toxic"
"Aww, do I gotta?"
"Yes you 'gotta', it's been a long day and it's time for bed"
"Can- can I sleep in your room?"
"I would love that" I smiled I quickly changed into my pj's and laid down with Toxic next to me
"Goodnight son"
"'Night dad"
And all was right with the world


The next day we woke up and went through our morning chores- baths, brushing teeth, etc.
"Jonas, can I go play outside?" Toxic asked
"Sure, just don't go too far" I replied
"Now why in the world would he ask permission to go outside?" Feedback mused
"He's my son, plain and simple; Is Gala up yet?"
"Yup, she left a few hours ago, probably to go to that farm"
"Right, well I've got nothing better to do today, you want to help me with a little side project?"
"Eh, why not? What is it?"
"Well 1) I've gotta go talk to Cherilee, and 2) -"

*Knock Knock Knock*

"I'll get it" I said, walking to the front door I opened it and there stood Amethyst
"Amy? What happened? I haven't seen you since a few days ago"
"Oh, I had some business to take care of with my pack"
"Really? Like what?"
"Just had some loose ends to tie up"
"Alright, I was just about to go down to the schoolhouse, you want to come with me?"
I locked the door and we walked down the street, the both of us curious glances and stares
"It's alright, I'm right here" I reassured her
Walking past the library, we made it to the schoolyard soon after
"Hi Jonas! Hi Amy!" the crusaders greeted
"Hey girls, what's up?"
"Just recess is all" Applebloom said
"Well is Miss Cherilee around?"
"Yeah, she's inside" Scootaloo answered
I went into the building and saw Cherilee behind her desk
"Miss Cherilee?"
"Hmm? Be with you in a moment" She said, putting down a few papers and looking up
"Oh my..."
"Yes, I know I'm not a pony, No, I'm not a Diamond Dog, and I'm here to enroll my son in your classes"
"Er, yes, what's his name?"
"Toxic Waste"
"Alright, now what's his age?"
'Three or four days old'
"He's three"
"Okay, now the school year has just started so he won't miss much, has he been here long?"
"As a matter of fact he just moved here"
"That's nice, I look forward to teaching him"
"Great, thank you Miss Cherilee"
"No problem at all"
"Thank you again, bye"
I waved as Amethyst and I left the school and went back to our house
"Did you have anything else planned today?" Amy asked
"Well I was hoping to start an idea I had with Feedback, but that's about it"
"Oooookkkkkkaaaaaayyyyy, I'll see you later then"
I left to find Feedback "Hey Feed, you in here?"
"Where else would I be?"
"Right, well let's get started"
I pulled a paintbrush out of my pocket and painted a door on the wall
"How did you do that?"
"Magic, apparently Twilight's spell hasn't worn off yet"
I grabbed the doorknob and walked through

'You sly author, you, making the readers wait'

"Be right there" He said, flying through the door and closing it behind him