Digimon Equestrian Adventures 2: The Story Resumes!

by Shadow Flame

A New Evolution: Crimsonjoshuamon!

"So, this is Tabbymon?" Twilight asked.
"Yes." I said.
"And this is Pyrodramon?"
"Well I certainly ain't Azulongmon." Pyrodramon said sarcastically.
"Pyrodramon!" Jeremy said. "Do you want to be regressed to the data that was used to create you?"
"I suppose not."
"Jeremy was it?" Twilight asked.
"Yes." Jeremy said. "Unless someone else was using the name first and I just took it."
"Joshua told us that he had a twin brother, but he never said that you were so alike, yet so different."
"Different?" Jeremy asked, looking over to me. "How are we different?"
"How are we not different." I said. "I mean, just look at our Digimon."
"I guess you are right."
"And there is the fact that I can use cryokinesis, while you can do pyrokinesis."
You can do that?" Twilight asked.
"It's a side effect of the bond we have with our Digimon." I explained.
I thought that it was because he was full of hot air." Tabbymon said.
"Good one." Demijoshuamon said.
We finished our conversation and quickly retired to our respective sleeping quarters. I went to the shower, while Jeremy went to the nearest bed. We agreed that whoever was fastest in this matter would get the best bed. Despite that, I was already prepared for such a situation. Choosing to place my stuff on the bed I wanted him to take, I knew he'd assume it was the best bed and claim it for himself. After finishing my shower, I quickly dressed and had a quick drink of the enchanted soda I packed.


"I gotta hand it to you." Tabbymon said, a cod fish in his mouth. "You sure do know what the best place is."
"Jeez, you think that's enough food Tabbymon?" Pyrodramon asked.
"He's a growing boy Pyrodramon." Demijoshuamon said.
"Yeah." I said. "He needs all the strength he can if he is to reach the Ultimate level soon."
"He hasn't reached his Ultimate level?" Twilight asked.
"Well, he was born a few weeks after the last time we were here." Demijoshuamon said.
"I thought you said that Digimon are created with data." Applejack said.
"Yes, they are." Jeremy said. "But they are born in much the same manner as any other species. Didn't Joshua make that clear enough last time?"
"He did." Rainbow Dash said.
"Hey, Twilight."
"Cadence? Shining Armor?" Twilight said. What are you doing here?"
"We just wanted to make sure you are safe." Shining Armor said.
"Safe?" Twilight asked. "From what?"
"From me!" Roared a menacing voice.
"Oh cr--" BlackAgumon started to say.
"Get everyone out of here Shining Armor." I said. "So, BlackImperialdramon sent his toady to do his work for him?"
"Yes." Hippymon, a Champion level Digimon said. "Now where are the gems?"
"Somewhere safe." Jeremy said. "Now!"
Pyrodramon nodded his head. "On it. Pyrodramon Digivolve to... Lavaldramon!
"Demijoshuamon, Tabbymon. Ready?" I asked, turning to both of them.
"Yes." Demijoshuamon said. "Demijoshuamon Digivolve to... Joshuamon!"
"As am I!" Tabbymon said. "Tabbymon Digivolve to... Phantomjoshuamon!"
"Agumon, stay out of this one." BlackAgumon said. "Hippymon is one Digimon I don't want you fighting."
"Ok, boss." Agumon said.
"Good." BlackAgumon said, satisfied. "BlackAgumon Digivolve to... BlackGreymon!"
"Ha! You can't win!" Hippymon roared. "Hippymon Super Digivolve to... BurstHippymon!"
"Joshua?" Joshuamon asked.
"Do it." I said.
"You heard him. Super Digivolve!" Joshuamon said. "Joshuamon Super Digivolve to..."
"Not so fast!" BurstHippymon said. "Cryon Lock!"
"No!" Phantomjoshuamon said. "Phantomjoshuamon Super Digivolve to... Crimsonjoshuamon!"
"What the..."
"Diamond Ice!" Crimsonjoshuamon roared.
"Now where was I?" Joshuamon asked. "Now I remember. Joshuamon Super Digivolve to... Megajoshuamon!"
"Tag-team him Crimsonjoshuamon?" Megajoshuamon asked.
"Definitely." Crimsonjoshuamon said. "Diamond Ice!"
"Freeze Burn!"
"My turn." Lavaldramon said. "Lavaldramon Super Digivolve to... Beedramon!"
"Do it." Crimsonjoshuamon said.
"BurstFire Needle!"
"You may have won this battle!" BurstHippymon said. "But the war isn't over!"
"That's what he thinks." Agumon said.
"It's safe now." I said to everyone outside. "He's gone. For now."