Sealed In A Cider Cellar

by Cosmosogurl

The Storm

She couldn't feel anything, a pounding head ached as ears rung out in pain. Her eyes remained shut for Applejack was too frightened to open them against the harsh light shining on her eye lids. The earth pony’s mind was all a blur and she couldn't figure out where or why she was in such a state, she needed to remember what happened and place things in order where they chronologically stood. The sounds, the tastes the smells all danced through her head of confused clouds and fog. Applejack took a deep breath as she licked her lips tasting the faint remains of her famous cider. Cider, the cellar, zapapple cider, zapapples rainbow’s, fire.

“Rainbow Dash!” Applejack shouted out in distress as she bolted her eyes open to the world.

All that responded to her voice was the silence of the pattering rain outside the window on her right. She rubbed her eyes and realized that she was in her bedroom inside her bed of a quilted blanket and hand stitched pillows resting below her head. Rain trickled down her wooden window pane that created a soothing sound that calmed Applejack’s nerves. The marmalade mare shifted her position as she slid herself gently out of bed feeling an unwanted sting of pain rush to her lungs. Her coughing sent her wheezing for air as she collapsed back into her warm bed as the sound of rambling hooves approached outside her door.

“Sis you’re alright!” Aj’s younger kin Applebloom bounced into the room and launched herself onto her older sister.

Applebloom nuzzled herself into Applejack’s shoulder as her Granny Smith hobbled into the room followed by her older brother Big Mac.

“Oh Applejack, we are so relieved to see that you’re okay,” Granny smith chimed taking a seat across from the wooden bed frame.

“What happened granny? “ Applejack questioned without hesitation as she held the hyper filly in her hooves.

“Well I was disturbed during my nap from that fire you managed to start in the cellar youngin!” the old granny declared. “You were able to lock yourself in and I didn't have the key so Big Mac had to bust down the door and put out the fire!”

“Yeah it was real scary, you had us worry sis!” Applebloom whined as she hugged her sister harder having her grand bow shoved into Applejack’s face.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac simply stated with a hint of concern in her dark eyes.

“Well If I’m here, where is Rainbow Dash?” Applejack panicked darting her eyes around the rooming expecting her to be in her sight.

“Calm down there youngin, you weren’t in that much of a bad condition so we took it upon ourselves to let your rest and get that nasty smoke out of your lungs!” Mrs. Smith sighed resting her head on the thick carved bedframe in front of her. “Your friend was mighty wounded from guarding you from that there fire so she had to be rushed to the hospital lickety split!”

“She, saved my life?” Applejack stuttered choking on her breathe and did her best to hold back swelling tears.

“Don’t you worry now child I’m sure she is doing just fine, her condition was quite severe though but she is a strong one and I don’t believe she will go down without a fight dearie.” Granny rambled on increasing the grief in Applejack’s heart. “I don’t understand why she was laying on top of you like that though, what were you two up to?”

Applejack had enough of this as she rolled out of bed sending the light Applebloom flying, landing on her older brother. Applejack hacked a few more weak coughs as she lazily slumped her way to the door turning around to look at her family once more.

“There is something that I have to do, thank you very much for all your love and care but there is somepony that needs it more than I do right now” Applejack merely whispered as she trotted out the door in utter silence.

“Well I outah teach that girl some manners!” Granny smith grumbled as she headed towards the door to follow Aj.

“Yeah, why is she acting so strange?” Applebloom curiously squeaked as she trailed being her granny.

“Leave her be, she knows what she’s doing,” Big Mac commanded shocking both apple family members in their wake as the trio sat to the floor watching the cowmare gallop through the rain outside the window.

Applejack ran as fast as her aching legs could take her coughing harshly gasping for breathe at every turn. Her eyes were blinded by the oncoming downpour blending into her tears streaming down her matted face. Her mane flew out of there scarlet ribbons as her blonde strands flowed behind her, following every movement. The earth pony clenched the basket in her mouth that held her sentiments for her dear Pegasus friends she ran helplessly though the roars of thunder and mud latching onto her hooves.

At last she reached the ponyville hospital barely being able to keep up her set pace much longer. A lightning bolt cracked through the sky as Applejack scurried into the waiting room drenched in rain water and sweat.

“I-I’m here to see uh Rainbow-Dash” Applejack shivered in fear and set her gift onto the counter, wrapping her hooves around herself attempting to get warm.

The startled secretary simply tilted her glasses forward and pointed down the hallway to room number 1, without a second chance to blink as the earth pony quickly trotted towards the door as she gazed at the number etched above her.
Her number one hero was inside this room, her first best friend was in hooves’ reach. Most of all though, her first love was beyond here as she swallowed her anxiety dreading what has happened to her dearest friend as she opened the screeching door.
She silently walked in closing the loud piece of wood behind her as she set her basket on the nightstand beside the lying Pegasus. Applejack scanned her best friend weeping softly at all the trouble and wounds she caused her friend. Rainbow Dash’s back hooves were raised in stretched bandages above the bed in simple slings to cure her burns and scars that trailed up her legs. Her fur was still scorched with smoke stains and burn marks that trailed up her neck to her face where her magenta eyes were shut closed. Dash’s wings were bandaged at the tips hiding pitch black ruffled feathers underneath clashing with her strong build of her wings.

“A’hm so-sorry Rainbow Dash, what have I done to you!” Applejack allowed her full-fledged tears flood her face as she buried her face in though the sleeping Pegasus who’s mane scented of cider and smoke. “I’m lost without you, please come back to me Dashie, I really love you.”

Tears continued to trickle onto her friend’s cheeks as she choked on her own feelings that scattered through her head. All those times they challenged each other through stupid games of dares and activities that either got them in trouble or hurt in some way, shape or form. In the end it was always worth it, if one of them went down the other went down with her and that was the way they liked it. Having someone that knew each other so well in any time of need, to push ones buttons and on the verge of her limits. After being underestimated by everyone in was always meant to rely on the one Pegasus that understood her every action as they would bicker without end out of pure competition and dominance that proved there friendship.

The way they clanged mug after mug of cider downing the liquid that took away all there problems. The sweet juice they shared and experienced pleasures no one else could. Cider wasn't a delicious drink that Applejack could get lost in, no it meant much more now. Her nectar was symbolic of her relationship with rainbow Dash and all the two have been through. When you first take a sip the taste is bitter and strong being it hard to get used to like the Pegasus. After it reaches your core though it gives you happiness you can’t get enough of being addicted to one another’s company. Just like her friend, she abused and pushed her to far causing an addiction to her friend she held dear and she didn't want to go to rehab and forget about her, not like this.

“Well, look who came to see her Dashie, my little pony,” Rainbow Dash awoke from her slumber as she sputtered in light coughs.

“Y-you’re okay, oh Rainbow you scared me half to death,” Applejack beamed as she embraced her friend as she nuzzled her with utmost care.

“Yeah I have a tendency to have that effect on other ponies,” Rainbow Dash sighed accepting the warm embrace feeling the tender hooves embrace her sore body. “Hey babe I brought something, your truly aren't yourself without it!”

Rainbow Dash motioned under her hospital bed as Applejack retrieved her signature item, her Stetson. It was stained with embers and burn marks around the rim but she didn't care, she was so happy to have it back. Slyly the earth pony flipped it onto her head and couldn't help feel tears, tears of joy swelled up once again in the cowmare’s strained eyes.

“You’re really something special Dashie,I brought something for you to honey,” Applejack sniffled as she reached for her basket.

“Hope it’s a wedding proposal, that wouldn't be half bad,” the cyan mare cackled her raspy laugh as Applejack merely blushed and rolled her damp eyes.

The earth pony handed a mug to Rainbow and took one for herself as she poured a small keg of sweet, apple cider into each container.

“Always keep an extra bottle just in case, so without a second to spare here is to us!” Applejack cheered as the two willingly swigged a long gulp of cider that activated memories and held a new meaning in each of their hearts.

“Your full of surprises Jackie, my gosh though your freezing!” Rainbow slurred noticed the freezing mare before her. “Come tuck in with me freckles, I believe we have some un-finished business to do.”

“You read my mind!” Applejack grinned through her country slang as she snuggled under the thin covers, resting her body against the warm beating heart of her Pegasus lover.

Without another so much as a hush of words the two snuggled up tight and continued where the left off sharing love between their two bodies. Rainbow’s restricted movement couldn't stop the cowmare to crawl on top of the friend she held dear gazing into each other’s sorrowful eyes of crystal color. Applejack planted her seeds of kisses among the Pegasus’s neck to her lips growing flowers of pleasure on the brash mare with tongues clashing in perfect harmony. Rainbow Dash returned the favor using her raised legs to her advantage engrossing her marehood to her friend on top of her causing a passionate caring sensation between there special areas. The two explored each other’s body to its fullest feeling every tender muscle and delicate curves. Their weak bodies moved in utter warmth until the two were done fighting for dominance and Applejack softly collapsed on top her friend.

“Are you sure you’re alright with this, with us Dashie?” the blonde mare mumbled under hot breathes across the Pegasus’s chest.

“You worry too much work horse, now shut up and let me say I love you Applejack,” Rainbow stated placing her misty lips on her forehead before the two laid there in each other’s hooves until they fell asleep to the beating of their hearts and the crashing thunder outside that concocted a perfect storm.

The End