Daring Do and the Night Shifter

by Derpyx0

Through Another's Eyes

Spark awoke to the sound of a giant explosion as the ground trembled beneath him. Or, at least, the table he was laying on trembled beneath him. Funny, I don't remember lying on a table, Spark wondered. Suddenly, gray spots clouded his vision, and at last he remembered he was supposed to be in Bear's overly-sized den. As he looked around this unfamiliar place surrounded by plants and herbs, there another shock of trembling and a few plants went overboard. Spark braced himself and shook his head to clear the memories. Only a few moments ago, he had a vision. A vision with a black horse wearing a dark brown, torn and damaged cape, and sharpened teeth that glowed in the moonlight. Spark was unfamiliar with this pony, and he couldn't get his red, dragon-like eyes out of his head. Spark got down from the small table he was laid on and galloped outside to see what was going on. He gasped. In front of him was a whole army of ponies, all with dragon-like eyes, and some had capes, torn or not. There was something off about them though, other then their eyes. They looked almost like shadows. After they moved, a dark line of black specks would follow them, as if the left little traces of themselves in the air. Then Spark remembered the legend. This had to be, the League of Shadows. They were here! Suddenly, Spark collapsed as something fell on top of him. When he turned his head, he realized it was not a someTHING, but a somePONY! The shadow bared it's fangs, dripping saliva on him. No. Spark thought, he would not die like this! He needed to at least die in a battle! Spark thought, I need a creature that can fly! Oh, and has claws so I can scratch this shadow to death! Spark quickly turned into a Phoenix and burned the end of the shadow's dark purple tail. Wow, fire abilities! Awesome!The shadow ran off screaming, and the other shadows rushed toward him. Spark turned into a dragon with red scales and amber eyes. Finally, an animal he could fight with. Bring it on... he thought, ready for combat.
Spark the dragon ran into battle. The shadows were not stupid, and they saw his beady red eyes looking right at them. They scattered and left their companion to fend for himself. The shadow screeched in some kind of protest and fright, but Spark veered to the left. He didn't want to waste time with an enemy that couldn't hurt him! The shadows saw this, and they quickly made a red glowing chain appear. It looked hot. Spark did not falter though and he pointed his horns at the closest shadow. The shadows did not flinch or even blink as Spark flew towards them. All of a sudden, the shadows lifted up the chain and threw it onto Spark. He was flying so fast he didn't have time to escape the fiery hot chains. Spark screamed in agony as the chains touched him. He felt as if he were on fire! He tried to use his powers to escape, but he was trapped. He found that this magic chain not only burned him, but rendered his powers useless!
Spark slowly changed back, each one of his dragon scales at a time. He at least had to try. Slowly, he changed back into a pony. When he was in his normal form once again, the shadows snickered, When he was a pony again, the shadows snickered. ''So it really does work,'' one of the shadows said gleefully. He was obviously happy he didn't have face a dragon 10 times the size of himself. ''Our leader was right all along. I told you we could trust him!'' The other shadows nodded. Spark tried to stand, but the ponies holding each end of the chain (now a net) pulled down. He was trapped once again under the searing pains. Spark winced. It was even worse now that he was back in his normal body. Spark tried to change once again, but found himself unable. Spark angrily glared at the shadows, as he struggled to say, ''What.... did you...... do?'' The shadows laughed evilly, their voices like ice. Spark noticed somepony that wasn't a shadow, but a tribe member trying to sneak into the circle, but his glance alerted the shadows, and they carried the pony off. A battle raged outside of the tight knitted circle tat had formed, and any trespassers trying to free him were carried off at once. Eventually, they stopped coming. Spark felt bad about all the ponies who had been carried off when they tried to save him, but most of all, Spark hoped Daring Do was okay. ''Don't worry your powers will be back shortly," one of the shadows said, interrupting his hopes, "sadly. Until then, Dark Knight! Silver Moon! Keep him here. Make sure he doesn't escape. Well, at least not until the boss gets here. Then there will be no prisoner to trap." The pony laughed an evil laugh, and walked away. The circle stayed, and the two ponies Spark thought to be Dark Knight and Silver Moon took parts of the net. They thrashed it, burning Spark. He groaned.
"Somepony, anypony... he-" and then he passed out.