Urban Love

by Xx soul sorrow xX

The Toe

The next morning I got up and I saw Sweetie bele. She was sleep on the gross bag chair. Pretty much all the beans flowed out of it during the night. They were on the floor. They weren't real beans, they were plastic. I breathed on Sweetie Bell. She woke up.
"OH NO" she screamed.
"What's wrong Sweety" Scootaloo asked her. Sweetie Belle got up, she was crying.
"OMG" she said "Scootaloo I had a preminition of the future! We'll find a toe!"
"Ew, what's a toe?" asked Scottaloo.
"I don't know but we'll find one and it sounds gross. Ew."
"Oh, well, let's clean up," said Scootaloo, trying to be helpful. "Okay" said Sweetie smiling. So they got to work.
Scootaloo picked up the plushies that Sweetie Bell was sleeping on. She shoved them in the bathtub. Sweetie Belle got some lunch. It was cereal. Then Scootalo screamed.
"What's wrong???" asked Sweetie Belle. "Oh em gosh I found the toe!!!" screamed Sootloo.
Sweetie Belle swooped over there to see it. "That's not a toe, its' a spider," she said.
They went to a cafe for the meal in between lunch and dinner. They went to a cafe called the Swirl Stop. They got some espresso and some doughnuts and cookies and some other things. Scootaloo said "It's delicious" and Sweeti Belle said "Yeah it is."
After they were done eaten, they went back home. But Scootaloo said "OMG" and she found a note on their door! Who was it from? Scootaloo poked it and it fell off. Sweetie Belle telapported it and she read it. "Hi, Scootaloo, I want to see you so call me. My number is 5454445443."
"Who is it from" asked Scootaloo. "It's from Twist." said Sweetie Belle.