//------------------------------// // “The best is yet to come.” Epilogue 2 // Story: Stories in Stone, Memories of Twilight // by TDR //------------------------------// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Princess lifts her head up, her horn's glow slowly fading as the spell dies out. She remains still resting on the cushions for a few moments basking in the glow of what she had seen. A small smile creeps on her face and she raises a hoof to rub the tears from her eyes. This was far from the last time she had seen any of them. As Element Bearer's their lives were extended far longer than a normal ponies. Or would have been, had some of them not been cut tragically short. She looks over at the other table with a small sigh. The two sets of Bearer's lives had become closely intertwined after that, and the world did not make things easy for any of them. Yet despite what it seemed like at the time, it was only here nearly a hundred thousand years later that she could properly appreciate the friendship they had, as well as the love. It had been over half that time since the last of them had left to their deserved rest and not a day went by that she did not miss them all terribly. Despite all the friends she had now, all the new loves she had gained, these ponies were her best friends and came with her fondest memories. She sniffles slightly eyes, collecting with tears once more. Her ears perk suddenly at a light clatter from the stairs and a faint angry muttering. The alicorn smiled softly wiping away her tears and lifts her gaze to look towards the staircase. A small dark blue unicorn foal peeked her head around the door frame, bright orange eyes widening as she saw the Princess looking at her. The foal yelps, ducking back around the corner as the Princess notices her, though the child's tail and blank flank were still in view as the filly tried to take advantage of the, 'if I can't see you, you can't see me' rule. The alicorn chuckles softly rising to her hooves and stretching out her wings, clearing away the last of her tears with the tips of their soft feathers. “I can still see you Nox.” the alicorn chuckled receiving another yelp from the tiny filly. “Umm, no Nox here just us cobwebs and .. SPIDER!! AHHHH, HALP, HALP, GIT IT OFF, GIT IT OFF!” Nox shouts back peddling furiously a strand of cobwebs stuck to her horn. The Princess stifles a laugh, her magic catching the filly in her wings and pulling free the sticky strands away with her magic before the poor thing fell down the stairs or crashed into something. “Nox..... what are you doing up here?” the Princess questions. “Umm well I wanted to come see you, and your room was empty, but I thought I saw light behind the bookcase, so I got behind it and came up here and you were crying and I didn't wanna say anything, but then you saw me and I hid, and you didn't see me then there was this great big spider attacking me and now I’m telling you why I’m here.” Nox rambles on bringing a smile to the alicorn's lips. “You should be careful Nox. There are some dangerous places in the castle still. It's not exactly filly proof.” “Nothing here can hurt me.” The filly proclaims proudly. “I think that spider had a different opinion of that.” the Princess states watching the tiny filly shiver. “Are your lessons with Princess Astra finished for the day?” “Uh huh.” Nox looks up at her seeming concerned. “ Why were you crying? Did something bad happen?” “It did, but it was a long time ago. I came up here to remember.” “Why do you want to remember something that hurt?” “It is not the hurt I want to remember, it is all the good things that came along with it. If one remembers the pain, all the good things seem that much sweeter.” “Like when I skinned my knee and got a cookie?” The alicorn laughs.” Not quite that literal my little student, but yes something like that. Everything good must come to an end, but there are countless other good things out there for us when one is finished. It is one reason I am still around after all this time. Just when I think I might be done for good something else delightfully interesting comes along.” The dark blue filly scrunches her nose at that.” Are we still talking about cookies, or are we talking about books again?” The alicorn blinks. “I thought I was talking of life in general, but books .... and cookies sound about right too. When one story, or cookie ends there is always another.” “Unless my brother eats them all again.” Nox pouts. The Princess smiles getting a mischievous look on her face. “Tell you what Nox, lets sneak down to the kitchen and see if we can find some cookies from the pantry.” “Before dinner!?” The filly asks incredulously. “I won't tell if you won't” YAY!” the little filly hops darting down the stairs. The alicorn smiles looking back over the room once again her eyes falling on the two tables as she sighs. Her dark hair shifts with it's own breeze, star filled mane and tail flowing around her lavender form. Princess Twilight Sparkle smiles softly addressing the artifacts. “We will meet again my friends. I just hope I won't upset you too much by making you wait just a little longer for me.” She turns heading down the stairs, the lights cutting out behind her leaving the chamber dark save for the soft blue glow of the Waning Moon as it reacts to the presence of the Goddess of Night. Though as Twilight leaves, that light too, goes out. Stories in Stone Memories of Twilight By TDR ~Fin~