//------------------------------// // Expelliarmus // Story: Title Match // by Zap Apple Smash //------------------------------// The sun had fully set when Trixie and her friends arrived at the crossroads, the glow of dusk having just set beyond the horizon. Moonlight shone brightly, illuminating what was going to be her field of battle. "Alright Galeb, I'm here." Trixie shouted. "Where are you?" Galeb stepped out from behind a tree, still wearing his top hat and jacket. They now glowed with various symbols and arcane paraphernalia, and his face was painted to resemble a skull which unfortunately did nothing to distract from the smug look on his face. "Prompt à répondre à votre sort. Tres bon." Galeb replied. He then noticed Trixie's friends. "What are they doing here? We had a deal." "Eh blow it out your top hat." Trixie shot back. "The deal was that they don't interfere, and they won't. Doesn't mean they can't be here." Some of Galeb's swagger returned. "Fine then, the more witnesses to your defeat the better. Let's get this underway." "Not quite." At that moment Ivory Scroll walked up the road with a bulging saddlebag. "Mayor?" Trixie asked in disbelief. "What are you doing here?" "Cheerilee brought me up to speed." She then focused her attention on to everyone present. "As Mayor of Ponyville I am declaring this duel official as sanctioned under the Code Duello Equestris. As such, all proceedings will adhere to those rules of combat. I will be acting as the Master of the Field and Pokey Pierce shall be the primary witness to the proceedings. My verdict on this matter is final and any who commit misconduct under the code answers to me." "What the...?" Galeb did another double take. "But you're the mare that punched me in the face!" "One of the mares that punched you in the face." Cheerilee corrected. "There is no way I'm letting you decide on who the victor is." Galeb objected vehemently. "Did you bring someone else you feel is more suited for the role?" "Well...er..." "Then shut it." The mayor pulled out a large book from her saddle bag and opened it. "The law states that any duel in which title, property or government position is wagered must be overseen by a master of the field and primary witness." "What makes you such an expert on duels?" Carrot Top asked. "Have you not noticed this great big book?" Ivory Scroll responded rhetorically. "Besides, how do you think I got the job of Mayor in the first place?" "Er...You were democratically voted in by the residents of Ponyville." Lyra offered. "Well yes." the Mayor admitted. "But that still doesn't mean I couldn't have won it in a duel if I had to." "So how about it?" Trixie asked. "Do you want my titles badly enough to fight fair for it?" "Bah!" Galeb spat back. "You'll be losing this duel regardless so what does it matter who is present?" "The guy's a jerk." Pokey commented to Ditzy. "But at least he's positive thinker." At that both Trixie and Galeb took their starting positions in the center of the cross roads, ready to finally get this duel started. Ivory Scroll stood between the two combatants. "Alright, as Master of the Field I declare that the duel between Trixie and Galeb is about to begin, as this is a Neigh Orleans style duel, there are no rules aside from those outlined in the Code. The duel is won by knock out, incapacitation, or surrender. There is to be no outside help and neither combatant may attack with the intent of killing their opponent. Any violation of these restrictions will be met with the force of law. Are these terms understood?" The duellists both nodded. The rest of the spectators stepped back to a safe distance. "Very well." Ivory Scroll stated as she began to step back as well. "On the count of three the duel may begin. One..." Galeb reached for his nearest pocket. "Two..." Trixie lit up her horn in preparation. "Three." Trixie got in the first shot, firing a beam of magic straight at Galeb. The zebrony did a sharp turn, the beam narrowly missing him, and managed to powder up his front hooves. He clapped them together, sending out a percussive blast towards Trixie. On instinct Trixie raised a force field. Shield work was never Trixie's strong suit. The force field stopped her getting hit by the attack but it shattered when the blast made contact. Seeing an opening, Galeb tried to bring his hooves together for a second round of applause only for them to be enveloped in a purple aura, keeping them apart. "Much as I normally enjoy applause, that trick got old the first time." "Fair enough," Galeb replied. "Let's try something new." Using his mouth, Galeb pulled out a long strange looking thorn and stabbed it into the magic surrounding his hooves.Trixie let out a gasp of pain she released her hold on the Zebrony, her horn suddenly feeling like it had been prodded with a hot poker. "Doesn't feel too good having a Magesbane thorn through your magic does it?" Galeb asked smugly. "You honestly didn't think I wouldn't be prepared for anything you could throw at me?" He then ducked as a rock narrowly missed him. "DID YOU JUST THROW A ROCK AT ME?" Trixie's response was another rock. "Magesbane?" Carrot Top asked. "That doesn't even grow on this continent." "I guess he's more prepared than we gave him credit for." Cheerilee commented. Galeb dodged another rock and pulled out some black herbs and started to chew on them. "Alright." He said as he spat the chew herbs into his hoof. "If you want to play that way...." He placed the spat on hoof into his shadow, as he pulled it back a long tendril of shadow stayed connected to the hoof and stretched out. He gave his hoof a flick, causing the tendril to completely separate from his shadow and crack like a whip. Satisfied with his creation, he then cracked his whip at Trixie. The show mare jumped back as the whip stretched out and hit the ground where she had been standing, causing bits of grass and dirt to fly up into the air. Trixie dodged a couple more strikes. As she dodged to the side to avoid another strike, the whip instead hit her shadow. She cried out as pain shot through her front leg, in the same spot as where her shadow had been hit. The pain then intensified as Galeb sent out another three quick strikes in succession to other parts of her shadow. One hit in the other front leg, another in her barrel and the last one hit her in the horn. It was safe to say that she wasn't feeling too good after that. "What's the matter?" Galeb asked. "Did it stop being fun without your friends to do the fighting for you?" Despite the pain Trixie let out a growl of frustration. "This stopped being fun the instant you started messing with my town." "Your town?" Galeb let out a hollow laugh. "Oh please, as if you actually care about this town. Just like everyone else in your life this place is just another stepping stone for you to move your ambitions forward. You're a parasite, Lulamoon. You use up everything and everypony around you and when they stop being useful you cast them aside." "Oh yeah? Well at least I've helped take down world destroying evils, big shot." Trixie shot back. "What have you done with your life?" Galeb grit his teeth and cracked the whip again. This time, Trixie was ready. She shot out a bright burst of light, disintegrating the whip. "Read the memo Galeb, no one likes shadow puppets." "Well no one likes your second-rate stage tricks either." Trixie blinked twice and then pulled out Love and Tolerance. "Alright, now I'm gonna break something." Galeb threw a group of vials straight at Trixie. On instinct Trixie used her magic to smash the vials before they could make contact. Trixie only realised her mistake when clouds of green smoke burst out. Trixie coughed and tried to back away from the growing smoke cloud. Galeb tsked. "So predictable." He then threw more vials out in all directions. Soon the whole field was filled with the strange green smoke. Galeb let out a chuckle as he started to blend into the smoke. That chuckle seemed to echo through the smoke. Trixie circled, L&T at the ready. She saw an equine shape in the corner of her eye, she swung at it only for it to burst into a puff of smoke. “What the…” “You’re not the only one with friends.” Galeb's voice called out. Trixie noticed that the shapes in the smoke were becoming more solid looking.They were also becoming less pleasant looking. "No." Trixie protested, shaking her head desperately to clear it. "This is just some cheap trick." "Cheap trick?" The mirth seemed to vanish in Galeb’s voice. Don't you disrespect me little mare! Don't you derogate or deride! You're in my stage now! Not your stage! And I got friends on the other side! He's got friends on the other side... Trixie jumped back as skeletal faces appeared out of the smoke. They floated out of the smoke and started to dance around her. Galeb stepped out of the smoke and seemed to be glowing with unworldly power. Step up to my table Place a bet or three Because my powers will enable me to do anything, you’ll see Trixie was about to take a swing at him but then she notices purple spiders crawling up her legs. In shock she jumped back and dropped Love and Tolerance as she tried shake them off. The spiders then vanished but the L&T bat had vanished into the smoke before the unicorn could reclaim it. I know what you’re thinkin’ I can change it 'round some, too I'll look deep into your mind and soul “Or at least if you have a mind.” Galeb mused, briefly knocking on Trixie's head as if it was a door before dancing out of reach. Make your deepest fears come true! I got voodoo! I got ju ju! I got things I ain't even tried! And I got friends on the other side. He's got friends on the other side... Creatures with bat wings swooped around Trixie. She tried vainly to swat them away but they were undeterred. Demonic looking reptiles started to slithered around her hooves. She felt her heart racing and her breath coming in short sharp breaths. Why did she feel so scared all of a sudden? Galeb meanwhile seemed to be joined by what appeared to be a council of ghosts. The spirits, the spirits, the spirits will tell You sins, your failures, and your blunders as well. The spirits, the spirits, they whisper to me Let's look at your life and see what there is to see. “What is going on?” Lyra asked. “Don’t know. Hard to make out in all the smoke.” Cheerilee admitted. “Trixie’s acting all skittish about something but I can’t see what.” She turned to Mayor. “Are you sure this is legal?” “Do you think I’d be just standing here if this wasn’t legal?” The Mayor retorted. “COME ON TRIXIE!!” Carrot Top shouted. “SHOW HIM WHO’S BOSS!” Now you, young mare, are from Neigh Orleans You were raised and trained by royalty Your ego's huge But your moral's flawed Does your family know they raised such a fraud? "Aunt and uncle didn’t want you did they?" Galeb asked mockingly. "Shut up!" Trixie snapped. "They sent you off, to be raised by a princess who took pity on you. You were a charity case. A PR tax write off. But power…that was your dream!" It's the dream, it's the dream, it's the dream in your heart But when I look into your past I see you're not all that smart “You have no idea what you’re talking about.” Trixie said venomously. “Don’t I?” Galeb asked mockingly. He gave a grand sweep of his fore hoof. As if answering to his will, a section of the smoke parted but instead of seeing the cross roads, she saw the inside of the Ice Palace, or at least how it had looked roughly three seconds before it was flooded. On queue, a torrent of water came straight for her. She braced for impact only for the smoke to close up taking the scene with hit. Galeb just chuckled at the blue mare’s reaction. On you little mare, I won’t waste much more time Steppin’ over others all your life Steppin’ over all your friends and my brother and been a burden on your teacher The fiendish creatures were suddenly replaced by ponies from Trixie’s past. Former friends, old school mates and teachers. All looking on and jeering at her. And beyond that was the disapproving face of Princess Luna. And if you’d ever gotten laid… Shocked, Trixie turned to strike the source of the voice and jumped back when she saw an attractive stallion starting to invade her personal space. You'd‘ve stepped over that stallion too. A look of disgust appeared on the stallion's face. So in conclusion, the fact that rings true Is that you’re the only pony who matters to you. Number of ponies surrounding Trixie increased as they were joined by residents of Ponyville. All looking ready to tear the blue mare apart. “No!” Trixie gave a defiant stomp of her hoof. “I may have made mistakes in the past, but Ponyville stands by me." “That’s just because they think they need you Lulamoon.” Galeb passed effortlessly through the crowd until he appeared in front of Trixie. “Do you honestly think they like you?” Trixie wanted to say a defiant yes, to be able prove Galeb wrong, but being in the center of so many ponies looking on in hate was stopping her ability to speak. "Just give up." Galeb said coaxingly. "Come on Trixie. Won't you just acknowledge your defeat?" Trixie didn't answer but just closed her eyes as she hung her head and dropped her weapons. "Yeeess…!" Galeb exclaimed in triumph. Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready? Everypony started to dance around the two. Retribution central! Retribution central! Soon the ghoulish specters started to join in. Reparation central! Reparation central! The ponies also became more monstrous. Everything started to close in. Satisfaction central! Can you feel it? You're losin’ You're losin’ You're losin, all right! I hope you're terrified And if you are Don't blame me!! You can blame my OUCH! Galeb was cut off when Trixie lunged forward to bite him hard on the nose. He let out a scream as she stayed latched onto his face. He lost all composure as he struggled to get the apparently crazed mare to let go. Finally he managed to shove her away and get some distance by shuffling away, one hoof covering his injured nose. Wasting no time,Trixie pulled out her flask and poured out the contents around her before igniting it with a spark from her horn, placing herself in the center of a ring of fire. The flames gave her something real to focus on while the heated air caused the smoke to rise up, seemingly taking the spirits with it. "Word of advice, Galeb." Trixie declared. "Even when you think you’ve won, know when to keep your distance." "MAIS QUOI?!?!" Galeb exclaimed as he removed the hoof from his nose to check for blood. "YOU BIT ME!" "Three things you should know about Ponyville. One! Every pony that lives there is COMPLETELY insane." Trixie paused for a moment to steady her mind. "Two! When what we hold dear is threatened, we will do whatever it takes to defend it. And Three..." She lifted up her hoof to reveal the magesbane thorn. "We tend to hold on to our stuff a lot better." Shocked, Galeb checked and found that the thorn was gone from its pocket. Before he could respond, Trixie dropped the thorn into the fire, where it let out a crackle and a hiss as it burned up. The ring of fire died down and Trixie stepped forward. "So don't think for a moment that just because you think Bantu is in prison thanks to me that you know what it means to be truly ticked off. You wanna see ticked off? You’ve harassed my town, insulted my character, unleashed countless monsters on innocent ponies, acted like an all around jerk and you tried to upstage me." Her horn lit up. "NO ONE UPSTAGES ME!!" Galeb shielded his eyes as the field was filled with a bright light. When his vision clear he saw the field suddenly filled with Trixies, all looking exactly identical. The zebrony scoffed as one of the Trixies approached him and casually clipped a horseshoe onto her front hoof. "Oh please, you really think that a bunch of illusions are going to...GARH!" Galeb was interrupted by a horseshoed hoof colliding with the centre of his face. "Not in the nose again!!" "It's time to face facts." Trixie said as she blended back into the other Trixies. "Tonight's not your night." All the Trixies said in unison. "It's mine." It's close to midnight and something strange’s lurking in the dark Under the moonlight you'll see my might which almost stops your heart You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it You start to freeze as horror hits you right between the eyes, You're stupefied Galeb pulled out pieces of strange looking paper. He threw them out in a wide arc, obviously hoping to hit as many mares as possible. The paper ignited in mid air. The Trixies were unphased as the fireballs passed harmlessly through them. Then the unicorns to his left launched a volley of magical fireworks at him, momentarily filling his vision with starbursts. 'Cause this is Trixie's, Trixie's night And no one's gonna save you from the mare about to strike You know it's Trixie's, Trixie's night You're fighting for your life inside a trickster, Trixie tonight Galeb tried to take a few strategic steps back, only to have a rock hit him in the back of the head. He spun round saw that he was now completely surrounded by Trixies. You try to step back and realize there's nowhere left to run You feel the cold chill and wished you’d fought under the sun You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination, yeah But all the while you feel the chill that's creepin' up your spine You're out of time Galeb desperately tried more of his trinkets but he kept hitting illusions, only for one of the blue mares to buck him in the hindquarters. 'Cause this is Trixie's, Trixie's night There ain't no second chance against the master of surprise, yeah Trixie's, Trixie's night You're fighting for your life against the trickster, Trixie tonight! Galeb was soon overcome with dismay. “How are you doing all this?” “Sorry Galeb, can’t tell you.” The zebrony turned to see Trixie nearby eating candy. “A good magician doesn’t reveal her secrets.” She then held out a bag filled with candy. “Want some?” “No thank you.” Galeb said dismissively. Realisation then hit and the zebrony took a swing at the mare only for his hoof to go right through the illusion. The fake Trixie only smirked. "Oh so you're finally getting physical. Running low on tricks?" We're out to get you, there's ponies closing in on every side We will condemn you, cause all your crimes have left nowhere to hide. Now is the time for you to say you're sorry and repent, yeah Or else this night will be the last free one that you have spent. It's time to relent. Galeb started frantically searching all of his pockets, trying find something to use, only to realise that he was indeed running low on supplies. Yes this is Trixie's, Trixie's night and I can scare you more than any ghost would ever dare try Trixie's, Trixies night Hold on for your life as we jinx you, hex you, vex you, fix you here tonight On cue the army of Trixies stopped moving, just standing there with their eyes closed. One by one each unicorn began to fade, leaving only a small orb of light its place. Only one blue pony remained on the field and Galeb prepared to strike, thinking he had an opening. Before he could do anything the scattered glowing spheres began to flying back to Trixie, gathering into her horn. With each shining ball her horn, then her whole body, began to glow brighter with silver light. When the last orb made contact the light suffusing her flared out into a shining nimbus of radiance that obscured her entire form. It was so bright that Galeb had to squint just to see Trixie’s silhouette within the prominence. The bright light must have really been messing with his eyes because that silhouette seemed to be growing bigger. Then something began to emerge from the field of light. It was a horn. A blue, spiraling unicorn’s horn. But it was much too high off the ground and it just kept coming out. More than twice any normal unicorn’s horn length emerged before a regal, blue, equine face followed, upon her brow sat a high, tiered, silver crown resplendent with jewels. Next came a tall, graceful neck and a mane like a silvery mist, flowing on its own accord but filled with what looked like silent fireworks, blooming and fading in various, wonderful colours. Two very long, graceful legs stepped out, hooves clad in silver filigreed horseshoes. The body that followed was slender yet supple with strength and a blue coat that looked finer than silk. When she finally emerged completely from the nimbus it burst apart and she spread a huge pair of wings like an enormous swan. Then she opened her eyes and looked down at the gob smacked zebrony. Trixie had become an alicorn, and she was coming towards him. Darkness covers all the land This regal mare does demand Judgment calling for your blood You terrorized our neighbourhood And whosoever shall be found Guilty of crimes against my town Will stand and face fate none too well And shake inside a fear filled shell Punishment for your dire dare The loss of freedom for several years And angry mares from every room Are closing in to seal your doom And though you fight for petty spite Your defeat is all too tragic No one like you could ever beat The Element of Magic AHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHA In desperation, Galeb reached for something in his hat. There was a loud crack and Galeb then fell to the ground unconscious, revealing the real Trixie standing behind him holding Love and Tolerance. "And this is why I’m a Knight." Trixie stated. “and you’re a schmuck.” The mayor came trotting over. She gave Galeb a poke to confirm that he was unconscious and then proceed to do a 10 count. “...9...10! Galeb is unable to continue this duel by means of knock out.” she stated. “I declare Trixie the winner.” “OH YEAH!” Lyra screamed enthusiastically. “YOU THE MARE!!” The shout finally roused Galeb to consciousness and he started picking himself back up. “I will not go down so easily.” Despite everything she had been through, Trixie couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “You were knocked out for a 10 count, face it Galeb, you lost. It's over." "NO! IT'S NOT OVER UNTIL...." "Until what? Because with everything that has happened I am still failing to see what your end game was." The representative approached the beaten zebrony. "Honestly Galeb, what was the point of all this?" Trixie demanded. "What were you hoping to accomplish? Even in a best case scenario, how would you be any better off? Taking my titles would not get Bantu out of prison any quicker and all it would have given you is minor governance over a backwater town that could be revoked as soon as there was evidence that you were unfit for the role. Was there actually anything you were hoping to accomplish here other than making me suffer?" There was only pointed silence. "Wow...just...wow...that's really all this truly was." She said in amazement. "I mean sure I figured that was the case when you first turned up in town but after all this effort I was thinking, hoping, that there was some big picture to all this. I truly don't know how to feel about this, I mean sure you’re a big jerk for messing with a town full of innocent ponies but to go through all this preparation and effort for so little pay off, that's actually kinda sad." She shook her head. "You talked about being my nemesis and yet all you really are is this hate filled revenge monkey." Galeb grit his teeth and saw his hat nearby. He shot straight for it and before Trixie could stop him he pulled out a single red feather from it. "You want to see hate filled?" Galeb asked. "I'll show you hate filled." It was in that moment Trixie to came to a shocking realisation. Galeb was holding a phoenix feather. It is was the next moment that Galeb unleashed a massive wave of purple flame straight at Trixie. Despite every instinct telling her to move, the representative could only stare in fear filled awe as the wall purple flame approached. “TRIXIE NO!!!” Before any of her friends could act, Trixie was enveloped in the flames until all that stood there was a pillar of fire. Everypony stood in horror at the spectacle. Realisation at what he had done hit Galeb and all anger drained from him and turned into terror. “No! Trixie!” He tried to force the Soul Fire to dissipate but it no longer responded to his will. “I...I can’t stop it. It’s out of control.” “No Galeb.” A voice called from within the flames. “You’re out of control.” The pillar of fire opened like a curtain, revealing Trixie, completely unharmed. "Funny thing about soul fire." Trixie stated. "It answers to the strongest will present. Not the will that cast it." "Impossible! There's no way that you could...." "You know what? I am sick and tired of ponies telling me who I am. So listen up while I set the record straight, once and for all." Trixie stood up on her hind legs. Her cape billowing out as if she had actually grown a pair of wings. "I am the Great and Powerful Trixie. The Element of Magic, Representative of Ponyville, Hero of Equestria, Apprentice to Princess Luna, friend to five of the most honourable ponies in existence and grand daughter to the greatest magician of all time. The real question is, WHO THE BUCK ARE YOU?!!" Trixie stomped ground. The fire erupted up into a wave headed straight for Galeb. The zebrony could only stare as the wall of purple flame heading towards him. In the last moment he closed his eyes and prepared for impact. He felt the heat surround him. And then he felt nothing. After minute of fearful anticipation, Galeb opened his eyes and saw the flames were gone. He look down saw that while the grass he was standing on was untouched, there were now two tracks of scorched earth, one on either side of him. As he looked up he saw Trixie just standing there. The mare took in a deep breath as all of her anger faded away, her expression turned neutral. She then sat down and uttered two simple words. "I'm done." Galeb blinked twice. "What?" He was promptly knocked over when a big book flew in and hit him on the side of the head. When he was able to bring himself out of a daze he looked up and saw an angry Mayor standing over him. "Galeb, you are under arrest." "Arrest?" Galeb asked, "On what grounds?" "You want grounds? How about to start things off we go with violating the terms of a duel by striking out after you had already lost, assault with potentially lethal force, acting with intent to harm, attacking a government official, defamation of character and littering." "Littering?" "Those vials you threw aren't gonna clean themselves up!" The mayor snapped. "Now come quietly or else we will take you in by force." At that moment a rather sharp looking horn filled Galeb's vision. "Trust me." Pokey said. "You don't want us to use force." Galeb, with some degree of difficulty, was able to look past Pokey to see five very angry mares, the jasmine pegasus in particular looked absolutely murderous as she was restrained by her friends. "I'll come peacefully." Galeb said nervously, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. Satisfied that the zebrony's response was sincere, Ivory Scroll turned to the rest of the Elements. "Pokey and I can handle Galeb from here." The Mayor assured them. "You lot focus on the representative." The two lead Galeb away from the cross roads. "Wow, she really threw the book at him." Lyra commented. The musician then noticed Carrot Top glaring at her. "What?" "Not even Pokey felt the need to go there." The farmer stated. "That should tell you something." “I still think you should have let me have some time to rearrange his face.” Raindrops fumed. “And risk you getting an assault charge?” Ditzy asked. “That scum bag isn’t worth it.” The mares approached Trixie, who hadn’t moved from her spot on the scorched ground. “Are you alright?” Ditzy asked. “I’m alive, I’m intact and apparently I’m victorious.” Trixie lifted her hat to reveal tears streaming down her face. “But I’m far from alright.” The representative then started to collapse but Raindrops managed to catch her before she hit the ground. She continued to hold her friend as she started sobbing. “Come on.” The weather mare said. “Lets get you home.”