Mystery of the Forest: Daughter of Gaia

by Vinetion

CH.15: Clash of the gods

~900 D.R. (200 C.R.)~

It has been 200 years since I banished the nightmare and I am now at full strength. In truth it only took me 20 years to regain my strength but it has taken me 200 to store enough energy to create two new souls. For my plan of destruction of the being Discord it would require three different immortals at least. It was in my vision to do as my mother did with me to my own daughters. To live on as the only Alicorns left in existence they too will become immortal. It will be a great sacrifice for them as they will have to go through the pains of immortality same as I.

In the 200 years since the nightmare's banishment and in that time I have come to know what evil is truly like. The lance of darkness the nightmare shot at discord sent him into a psychotic rampage terrorizing all those he believed to be beneath him. His chaotic energies flowed out warping the world into a twisted machination of its once pristine vision.

The new nightmare discord took upon the name Chaos and went about disrupting the balance of the planet and all of its inhabitants. His first act came upon the third day after his transformation. On this day the moon never feel even though it was supposed to be daytime. for five straight days the moon stood high in the night sky never coming down for a second. As soon as all thought it would become night eternal the moon disappeared in a flash to be replaced by the sun. This came as a relief to some but others thinking if what happened to the moon happens to the sun what consequences shall become of such?

It was soon found out that Chaos had stopped the movement of the planet around the sun and the moon around the planet and that the only way for it to move again was if Chaos himself willed it to do so. He made it go months without moving the sun nearly sending half the planet into an ice age while the other nearly burned to a desolate crisp.

About fifty years into Chaos' reign, he was seen flying through the sky leaving a purple haze in his wake. Soon the entire sky had turned a mix of purple and pink. Weather went haywire and out of control as his chaotic energies settled in. It began to snow in the Magna leo forests, a powerful drought spread through gem fido, and great rainstorm rolled through the draconian badlands.

The natural forces of the planet were being put out of balance and I was having none of it. I could feel screams of pain coming from my once beautiful land as it writhed in pain. What finally tried my last bit of patience was when he went and began warping my children. He began to take groups from different species and fusing them together to create 'new toys' as he called them.

He created six new species for him to play with. Of the two fiercest he made chimaeras, a mix of griffons and dragons. This created a beast of instinct, knowing only the ways to kill and survive. With the strength and torso of the griffon and the wings of a dragon, this is a beast to be reckoned with. He made it a sport to see how long creatures could last fighting it.

In need of workers his next creation was a fusion of Diamond dogs and Jungle cats to create, simply dubbed, Diamond cats. These were strongly built yet nimble creatures that could carry many times more than their separate parts even though they had a slim build. He put these to work in various mines to dig up powerful gems to enhance his magic to become even stronger.

Knowing that he would someday be attacked by rebellions he created two guards monsters. The first of the two was the massive scaled cat creature dubbed Sphinxes. These were made by the fusion of griffons and dragons. Standing at a height taller than four alicorns, he posted these at every entrance.

The second of his guard pets was a fusion of Diamond dogs and dragons. This created a powerful snake creature with the power of a dragon and the tenacity of a diamond dog. These creatures took in the most of discord's taint and as such were black creature that gained a poison the once injected would make the victim run on nightmare fuel.

Feeling as though he had taken care of everything Chaos took it upon himself to indulge a little and created two succubi creatures for his own lustful purposes. What he made were Harpies, a mix of diamond dogs and griffons, and Nekos, a mix of Griffons and cats. These two creature were bi-pedal similar to that of the lost simian species except with a lot less fur and bigger *ahem* 'accessories'.

He worked all creatures under him even his own children of chaos were tormented. First he takes my children and mutates them and than he doesn't even have the decency to be kind of enough to his own creations. This crossed the line and I knew that I could wait no longer in destroying him.

It has been 900 years since discord's creation and and the birth of Celestia and Luna. My two daughters have nearly lived the entirety of their lifespan. I called them into the antechamber asked them to sit down as I begin the ceremony. When I told them of my plan a few days ago, while hesitant they both agreed it was the right thing to do. They had both agreed to take upon the curse of immortality to ensure the safety and harmony of the planet.

I stood in front of them and shed my mortal shell took out the two immortality shard souls I had been creating from stored energy for the past 200 years. The room around faded away from view and was replaced by an empty white space. In front of the two alicorns stood a figure both unknown and familiar at the same time. They realized it was their own mother as they sensed the old humming magic resonating from her, but were astounded at her changed appearance.

I was in my true form, a form fully grown and resembling what my own mother looked like when I first met her. I stood a good six feet up and resembled a hairless simian. To my right was feathered sword and to my left was a shield of flames. I stood there and basked in the power feeling my self connect to the spirit worlds. Two familiar figures walked next to me as they heard my call for the start of the ceremony.

To my right stood a hooded figure standing a foot taller than me. It was carrying a scythe on it's back with a blade that curved sharper than the moon. It moved a single hand to wards me single his formalities. The hand was a bleached white bone with scraps of old withered cloth hanging from the crevasses of the arm. It was brimming with a powerful black energy that gave off an evil vibe.

To my left stood another hooded figure this one standing close to my own height. It was wearing a dress made out of a green silk material that seemed to flow like water. It had on it's sides a pair of curved swords in the shape of the sun and moon. From this figure came an energy of pure white that gave off a healing, almost holy feeling.

The two figures gestured for me to start and so in my otherworldly voice I began the ritual.

"Here we stand in the space between universes, time, even life and death itself to carry out a ritual known only by the gods themselves. I by the right of the goddess Gaia herself," I gesture to the woman to left. " shall sever all ties that these two mortals here have to the being of death and his realm of the afterlife." I finished gesturing to the man to my right.

In an old raspy voice sound like that of rocks grinding next to each other 'Death' spoke next. "You will be put under the curse of immortality until the end of times when reality as we know it disappears. You will outlive any and all creatures you shall ever meet. The only beings in existence who shall be able to last as long as you will only ever be other immortals. Even under these pretenses do you still accept this burden? Celestia and Luna nodded "And so may it be said that death has taken his claim off of these souls!

With death claim of soul lifted from he disappeared back to his own realm leaving the two of them glowing white with a feeling of rejuvenation as though the past 500 years of aging was washed away.

I began to speak again now. "And so begins the ritual of the gods! As mother of these creatures so shall they be of the generations after them. May they live prosperous and and happily until such a time a release from the curse it granted upon them. Now for the fusion of soul and shard you must be expelled from your mortal shells.

Celestia and Luna looked at each other with fear at that last line. When they notice their bodies beginning to fade away the looked to me with fear and tried to move to find they no longer had control over them. I felt sadness looking upon their silent screams of fear thinking this is what death was like. Once their bodies had disappeared completely what floated before me were things of beauty.

Celestia's soul burned a bright orange and red of action and leadership. I could see upon all of her doubts and fears looking into her soul. Her biggest fears and worst nightmares over the years all surrounded losing her sister. Something of interest I found was that she had a natural connection to fire. Her soul swallowed up the immortality shard hungrily as though waiting for this oppurtunity.

Luna's soul burned a deep black-blue color of patience and learning. Confusingly her soul seemed empty of emotion. I began to think the ordeal of the ritual was too much for her when I saw a nagging doubt float by. It was simply a 'what if?' asking about the universe showing her eternal struggle to learn even when she believes herself to be dead. My suspicions were correct when I looked deeper and found that she too had an elemental connection, this being water, the opposite of Celestia. Her soul was more hesitant in taking in the shard but seemed to come to odds with its decision once it was done.

With both souls now fused to their shards they shone with an intense light. I waved my hand in front of the two of them and their bodies slowly reappeared the two souls. These shell however were different from before. Their manes now flowed with power unique to them. Celestia's mane flowed with the colors of the rainbow and moved through the air with an invisible breeze. Luna's mane was a black ethereal shadow dotted with tiny white dots akin to that of the nighttime stars.

With the two alicorns before us now formed and calmed at the fact of having their bodies back Gaia began to speak in a soft motherly voice.

"You two take upon this curse of immortality for a mission for both those beneath you and the planet itself. And for that I shall give upon two gifts to help you on your way. For Celestia you shall become the goddess of the sun allowing you to have sole jurisdiction of keeping it moving through the sky and Luna you get the moon and shall follow the same rules. You shall both be given enhanced control over your elements water and fire. The two of you are one in the same, without the other you shall be unbalanced and be thrown into chaos." A bright light filled the room and Celestia and Luna's cutie marks a sun and a moon appeared.

"Before I take my leave I shall give you one more gift. A prophecy if you will. "In the land where two mighty figures rule an ancient evil gone but not forgotten shall rise by the hand of one of two seeking power." And with that Gaia disappeared back into the spirit realms.

With the ritual done the world around us faded back into view. The ritual took more energy out of all of us than expected and so we called it a day. Soon we shall defeat discord but only once we have been fully trained.

~999 D.R.~

Today is the day we march on Chaos' castle. Ever since the ritual nearly a hundred years ago was spent training for this day. We left the Gaian tree knowing we might not make it out of this alive. But with hope in our hearts we would not go down without fighting until our last drop of energy.

We touched down 10 miles from Chaos' castle to find a thing of nightmares. The land was a mixture of black and red as blood and discordic energies flowed through it. In front of us stood an army of serpents and sphinxes and behind that floated Chaos' castle high in the purple storm clouds. As the three of us looked to each other we charged forwards splitting into three with Celestia and Luna taking the sides while I charged straight through.

All hell broke loose. With fresh meat running up easy for the picking the black serpents launched themselves into the sky hoping to come down and scoop up the morsels. What they weren't expecting was for the prey to fight back. Without mercy We began our assault slaughtering all those trying to stop us.

Serpents began to explode into flames and writhe on the ground in the flames. Not letting up I grabbed a dead serpent and and taking a high leap slammed the corpse into 5 others killing them under the force. I was knocked to the ground by Luna who was smacked aside by the tail of a huge serpent resembling a king cobra flaps and all. Knowing this one to be tough for only one Luna and I went to take it down. As we ran to it the serpent jumped high into the sky and tried to come down on top of us to find we had jumped out of the way.

This did not stop it however, it just dug into the ground leaving a hole in its wake. The ground beneath us rumbled and rolled as its movement. Suddenly the ground exploded beneath Luna and the serpent shot upwards swallowing Luna whole. It's victory was short lived as it slowly began to expand to eventually have it explode from the inside out from Luna's magic.

We caught up to Celestia who was clearing up any stragglers so we wouldn't have to worry about any attacks from behind. As we continued our charge we were stopped by the ground beneath us shaking. In front of us stood creatures with a lion's body but a dragon's head and tail standing four times our size. With a swipe of its tail all three of us were pushed back. While we were down the sphinx tried to crush us where it was met with a hand made of wood.

Out of the ground came a multi-armed creature made of wood and stone. It came upon the sphinx and grabbed its paw before it could crush us and flipped it onto its back. With a punch to the gut the sphinx spat up blood but bit down on one of the creatures arms and bit it off. The sphinx rolled onto its back and took a mighty breath. Knowing what was to come the creature bent into a dome around us as the sphinx breathed out a roar of mighty flames.

By now the three of us were back on our hooves and watched as the stone guardian protect us with its strength. With the sphinx distracted I took this time to charge up energy. When the flames died down I sent Luna out to the left to attract the sphinx where I than ran left. When the sphinx came down to bite at Luna I ran underneath and shoved the energy into the ground causing a pillar of earth to jut out and skewer the sphinx killing it instantly.

With one of the door guardians down we took our chance to storm the castle before having to fight another one of those monstrosities. With a twin blast Luna and Celestia blew down the doors of the castle as we were met with more creatures of Chaos' energy. Most servants and workers who saw the three of us ran screaming into the night. Seeing as they would not stop us we let them leave peacefully.

Before us stood hundreds of walking sets of armors. Either Chaos' was getting desperate or was planning a trap but Luna managed to destroy all of the constructs with a single blast. We made out way to the antechamber where Chaos would be waiting and bust through. We came upon him with his harem which promptly ran away screaming for their lives.

Chaos just sat in his throne looking upon us with a smirk and said in a malevolent voice.

"So you have finally come for me child of the earth. And I see you brought your own daughters into the mix. What may I ask do you think you could have brought that could do anymore than tickle my fancy let alone destroy me? He began to laugh maniacally.

"Chaos your reign of terror shall be brought to a halt here and now! We shall not allow a being such as yourself exist in this land anymore!" I retort.

" Well let us just see you back up those claims of your hmm?! In a flash Chaos disappeared from his throne only to appear and punch me in the face sending me into the wall behind us. Continuing in his stride and spun around using his tail to trip over Luna and Celestia. He promptly grabbed the two of them by the horns and slammed their heads together throwing them into the same wall I was thrown into.

Just as Chaos came in to gouge out our faces with his claws he burst into a bright white flame, the hottest of flames. Celestia and Luna fell to the ground and began to glow their respective spirit colors. Celestia a bright red-orange and Luna a dark black-blue. As the three of us looked upon Chaos we knew this would be the final battle, The battle of the gods, and that the losers will not be leaving here alive.

Chaos came in for an attack and was met withe the hooves of luna as she bucked him in the face knocking him back where Celestia seeing an opening charged forward and stabbed him in the stomach with her horn. Now wounded Chaos began to go into a power rage. Summoning the nightmare's taint into orbs of darkness he threw the energy blasts our direction and missed where the promptly blew up end sucked all material in the blast radius into the void.

We had to defeat Chaos soon or else his taint could destroy the world. Celestia and Luna charged forward while I shot into the sky. Jumping to the sides the two of them avoided the blunt of Chaos' attacks taking slashes to their sides and getting under his defenses. With a quick turn they slid their wings beneath Chaos and flipped him high into the sky breaking through the roof of the castle where he was met with a hoof to the head by me sending him even higher into the sky.

Doing a flourished flip in the air Chaos countered by shooting blast of darkness that he seemed to keep missing until we found out the homed unto us. Flying became a problem with random orbs of darkness smashing into us from randoms directions so we began to drop to the ground. As we neared the ground we u-turned back up with the orbs trying to keep up as we neared Chaos. He figured out what we were trying to do and took in a deep breath about to use the attack The nightmare delivered against me.

Before Chaos could launch his attack we flipped backwards behind the homing darkness orbs and launched our own beam attack using our combined energies to thrust Chaos' attack back at him. As the attack hit Chaos a massive black explosion appeared and Chaos fell to the ground his wings torn off to bloody stumps from the blast. As he hit the floor of the antechamber leaving a huge crater I fell down on top of him with all of my power breaking his spine leaving him a broken wreck unable to move.

"Your time in this existence is up Chaos. From here on you shall be but a shell of your former self." With that said Celestia levitated the Gems of harmony and we began to focus our spirits into them. As we stood their the Gems glowed a bright white as a sixth rainbow colored gem appeared completing the set. With the collected energies of the three gods and the powerful gems before them they began to float to the skies. Chaos having none of it began to launch his final attack.

We shot a powerful rainbow beam down to wards Chaos who blasted his own powerful nightmare beam towards us. As the two attack met the screams of the nightmare beam screamed out as our made a screeching howl. The two attack stood there fighting for ground and ours was slowly winning. The energies being given off from the mixing of harmony and chaos began to warp the world around us. Shadows began taking physical form, random objects duplicating themselves, areas sped up through time while others came to a standstill. With one final effort we put all our will and spirit into our attack and repulsed Chaos' into himself.

When the blast hit the world turned white and everything disappeared. The three of us stood in a world of empty whiteness with a statue of a petrified Discord in front of us. It was smaller and less burly than before almost childish. Out from behind the statue came Gaia And with her the world we were in changed to that of a dark abyss with bright dots around us. It took us a moment to realize it was the night sky or more specifically space itself.

Gaia looked to us with relief and spoke "It is good to see you again my daughters. As you can see by the statue in front of you Chaos or rather Discord has been defeated and his taint has been cleansed from the planet but has come with a consequence however. The chaotic energies that Discord than later Chaos spread had become ingrained into the world's foundation and so cleansing the taint warp the world and several leagues of space around it. If you look down you shall see what has been wrought."

When we looked down we saw something that truly confused us. Below us was our planet in all of its glory now pristine and beautiful cleansed of Discord's taint, but what confused us was to its left was an exact copy of it with its own sun and moon to boot. I could feel down on this copy planet there was even exact copies of all the creatures too.

"As you can see the distorting energies of Discord warp the plane of existence of your planet copying it. While if up to only the three of you this would surely be an impossible obstacle to overcome this was the reason I came to you. I shall take it under my jurisdiction to take this new planet and its inhabitants to a new plane of existence. But before we go do any of you have any question?" She finished sweetly.

The only one to ask was Luna as she said what was on all of our minds.

"When you said it copied the planet did it copy everything?" Luna asked tentatively.

"I know what you're asking about Luna and yes the forces copied everything. The planet itself, every creature on it even you and Celestia. Vinetion here however it did not copy as she is the chaos energy's exact opposite. A version of her shall be reborn on the new planet in years to come but that will not be for a long time. Now when I aid everything this also included Discord himself. While not being as powerful as before there will be a petrified version of him down there also. There is one other thing that needs to be said. When the energy inside Discord was destroyed an ethereal wave spread across the world. This ethereal wave carried with it the four elements fire, wind, earth, and air. While I do not know what this wave has done it shall be up to you to find out the effects of this strange phenomenon."

With that said the white world around us began to shatter and revealed that we were standing in a healed plains where the ruined castle gone from existence. When the last of the white world shattered from existence so did Gaia leaving us alone in the plains with a mix of confused now cleansed mixed blood creatures. We took care of what was left and directed Discord's creation to places where they may live and prosper. As for us we had had a long tiring day and so went home to the Gaian tree for a good night's rest.

A/N Over 4,000 words?! Mind! why can you not let me rest?! Anyways hope you liked the extra long chapter I was not meaning to make it this long, I just went on somewhat of a tirade and couldn't stop til i felt i covered everything. Next couple of chapters will be smaller and mostly about clean-up and continuation until we hit the next big event of history (those of you who studied page 274 will know what I'm talking about). Also two worlds? two dimensions? which one are we in? And who's ancestor will I introduce next? Ill give you a hint. He sometimes goes by the name of Snake eyes.