//------------------------------// // Preface by Meesterbob // Story: To make a long story short: A My Little Pony Flash Fiction anthology // by GrouchoMarxDisciple //------------------------------// flash fic·tion (n): 1. fiction that is extremely brief, typically only a few hundred words or fewer in its entirety. Flash fiction is an art form that is relatively new, but very fun to read and enjoy. Due to the extreme brevity, Flash fiction lends itself to some of the most high-intensity, emotionally charged stories there are. We read most stories to get a sense of arc, and a sense of closure. Being able to flatten all of that into a 500 word-or-less story is a feat that requires incredible skill. What you are about to read are entire stories taking up less than 500 words. Some were written for contests, others just for fun. All of them are MLP-related, some more obviously than others. But this anthology can be taken one chapter at a time, because each story stands on its own merit as its own arc, plot, and characters. As such, feel free to skip around. This is meant to be a series of morsels to be savored, not a full meal. Enjoy the stories, and leave feedback for the authors. If you want your own story in this collection, feel free to PM me the link to the GDOC (That's the easiest way for me to reformat them). Enjoy the ride.