//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Tale in the Sun // by Harmonia //------------------------------// He could hardly breathe as smoke filled his lungs. Sweat and ash covering his usually gleaming yellow coat and vibrant blue mane. He tried to see through the smoke, moving objects with his magic to clear a path while looking for the stairway down to the first floor. The young colt was afraid and he wanted his mother so the colt strained a weak cry to his parents. He stepped carefully, looking for the rug that started down the steps. But as he finally found the stairs he felt himself slipping from consciousness. The colt shook his head trying to stay awake as he made his way down the steps, but fate had other plans. He slipped near the middle of the way down. Tumbling the rest of the way the colt began to feel light-headed and exhausted. Then landed close the entrance. He saw the door fly wide open and white filled what was left of his vision. Voices started speaking to him as the world faded to black. “Sunny…” Sunny began to hear voices call out his name. He didn’t quite realize what had happened, but what he did know was he felt quite sore. “Hey…!” He heard the voices again, and as he began to open his eyes, blinding white light filled his vision. Maybe it was the light playing tricks, but for a second, he saw his parents. In the time it took him to become fully aware of his surroundings, he noticed his parents were in fact not near him. His house… his parents, none of it was around him. He wasn’t home so while in distress he quickly looked around the room, a squeak leaving his mouth as he called out for his parents. He began to shake and from his hooves to his mane he was trembling. “Ma! Pa!” His southern accent came out as he cried out for his parents once again. The careful examination of the room proved fruitless... His parents were nowhere to be found. He felt tears fall down his cheeks, where were they? “Pardon me son… `Sunny’ right?” A stallion in white had appeared beside him as he was crying. The young colt was still in shock and in his traumatized state there was no response. The stallion had a soft gaze as he tried to calm the poor unicorn named Sunny. Sunny slowly came to as he replied with a meek “yes.” The stallion smiled at the colt, his voice becoming soft, “It’s ok little one, I’m here to help you. My names Earthen Heart. You’re in the Appleloosa Infirmary.” The poor colt’s mind was still racing, but slowly things became calm as Doctor Heart assured his safety. Sunny looked at Doctor Heart and asked him, “Where are my Ma and Pa?” “Ah… Well,” He started when a young mare with a clipboard started her way in. “Excuse me. Are you the earth pony Earthen Heart?” The white clad stallion turns to where the voice was beckoning, seeing the mare. “Yes I am, and who may you be?” He says looking at the mare, bewildered. He then noticed a pin on her green blazer. His expression changed and the young colt in the room took notice. “Who’s this Dr. Heart?” Sunny asked, looking at the doctor. Heart turned his face to the young colt and grimaced. “She’s from Equestrian Adoption Services.” The mare nods and with a slightly sophisticated accent she says, “The southern division.” “Equestrian Adoption Services…” This ran through Sunny’s head over and over again. He had heard of them when he was in school, they sent colts and fillies to a new home if their parents were gone. The fact that this mare was here now and that the doctor had such a distraught look about him meant that...They were here to take Sunny. That his parents were gone. This train of thought finally clicked in the young colt’s mind and he had hung his head knowing that his mother and father had left him. Tears began streaming down his face and the doctor and mare had noticed. The young mare had seen it all before, but Doctor Heart hadn’t. This was the first time he’d ever witnessed something so heart wrenching and he didn’t want to let go of Sunny not knowing where he was going to be. He tried to think of any ponies who could adopt this young colt, his own heart breaking for Sunny’s loss. Earthen Heart suddenly thought of the perfect mare to take him in. The bright yellow mare with the pink mane that had adopted his chickens, she was a kind pony and he knew she would say yes. His demeanor had loosened and with certainty he looked at the young mare dead in the eye. “I know who can take him.”