The Final Push

by PropMaster


The Seventh Canterlot Reserve Company moved East, following the contours of the hills and staying out of sight of the enemy battlements as much as possible, trying their best to hide their shifting position. Glorious Dawn trotted at a quick pace, leading his soldiers towards Fourth Company’s position. It took them twenty minutes at a fast pace to reach the other, larger company.

Glorious Dawn called a halt, the column of soldiers following him stopping, and moved forward to meet a large grey earth pony stallion with a black mane approaching him. “Captain Glorious Dawn, good to see you’ve made it through in one piece,” the deep voice of the stallion rang out.

“Major Stonewall, sir!” Glorious Dawn snapped off a salute to the superior officer.

Major Stonewall returned the salute. “What’s your unit’s status?”

“Sixty ponies, sir. Twenty unicorns and forty earth ponies. We lost thirteen in our last engagement and a further eleven are injured but able.”

“I assume that you requested to be attached to the Fourth until such a time as reinforcements become available and you can replenish your force’s numbers?” asked Stonewall, glancing back to regard the small company behind Glorious Dawn.

“Yes, sir. I felt it was appropriate.”

“Very good. You’ll be a welcome addition. Things are going to get ugly when we hit those fortified positions, and we’ll need every able-bodied pony to make it through,” Stonewall said sharply.

Dawn nodded. “Thank you, sir. What are my orders?”

“Bolster our assault. We’ll need your casters assisting our shield wall as we approach, to keep those damned crossbows off our ponies. I want your unit on the left flank of my formation, right alongside. We’ll advance as one, but once we’re inside, I want your ponies to hold the rear and cover our backsides while we push in to take any targets of opportunity and push out their dug in forces at the palisade beyond their forward position,” said Stonewall, his voice growing slightly quieter as he outlined the plan.

“That sounds—” began Dawn, only to be interrupted by calls from the rear of the formation.

“Runner incoming!”

Stonewall and Glorious Dawn turned South, watching the approaching pony wearing the red tabard of the runners. Dawn recognized the runner as Radiance, and spoke up. “That’s the runner for my unit, sir.”

“She can report to both of us, then,” said Stonewall, a small smirk crossing his features as he added, “She’s fast for a grounded pegasus.”

“That she is, sir,” Dawn agreed, stepping forward and waving to get Radiance’s attention.

The pegasus veered their way and skidded to a halt, her wings flaring open slightly before she snapped off a salute. “Captain Glorious Dawn, sir!”

“Lance Corporal Radiance. May I introduce Major Stonewall, commanding officer of the Fourth Canterlot Company,” Dawn gestured to Major Stonewall.

Radiance shifted her salute, straightening up slightly as her eyes widened. “Apologies, Major, sir!”

Major Stonewall returned the salute. “Not to worry. Report, Lance Corporal.”

“Orders from Her Highness, Princess Celestia, herself. She will be lowering the sun in approximately an hour and a half, giving our forces the cover of darkness to begin the assault. You are to hold your position until the sun goes down, and the immediately begin the attack on the bluffs to the North. There is a full contingent of Royal Guard being deployed to your West, and they will be pushing North alongside your forces. You are to assist them if requested, but unless requested you’ll be following whatever plan of attack you see fit.”

Stonewall and Dawn glanced at each other, startled. “She’s going to lower the sun? Isn’t she holding the anti-flight field around the area?” murmured Glorious Dawn

“Our Princess is powerful, indeed,” said Stonewall, seemingly unphased by the change of plans, as he spoke quickly to Dawn. “Very well, we attack in an hour and a half. Captain, muster your troops and inform them of the plan, and prepare for a nighttime assault. We should take advantage of the darkness as much as possible, so we’ll forgo the use of magic and advance as quietly as possible. Hold your unicorns in reserve until the last possible moment, to keep the glow of their spells from giving away our movements.”

Glorious Dawn saluted. “Yes, sir!”

Radiance stood at attention. “Major, is there anything you need to relay?”

Stonewall shook his head. “No, simply inform High Command that our orders are acknowledged.”

Radiance saluted smartly. “Best of luck, sirs.”

“Thank you, Lance Corporal,” said Dawn as Major Stonewall turned and gathered his soldiers.

Radiance subtly relaxed as Major Stonewall moved away, glancing at Glorious Dawn. “Captain, anything else?”

Dawn smiled and replied, “No, thank you, Radiance. Inform High Command that we’ve linked with Fourth Company and are now under the command of Major Stonewall.”

“Stay safe, Captain,” Radiance said quietly, “those fortified positions look nasty, even with darkness on your side. I don’t envy you.”

Glorious Dawn looked to the North, eyeing the bluffs and the daunting palisades. “I don’t envy me, either. We’ll make it work, Lance Corporal. Celestia willing, we’ll make it work.”