//------------------------------// // Criminal Bashing and Throwing Bashes // Story: Tales of the Equestrian Outpost // by ZeroChill //------------------------------// Merah and the stallion faced-off against each other as the two sidestepped around in a circle. Merah lunged forward with a scream as he directed the knife towards the stallion’s chest. The stallion sidestepped to the right and kicked Merah into his hip. Merah was kicked into the floor nearby. As he got up, he saw the stallion throw the blade in his right hoof towards his direction. He lithely rolled across the ground as he dodged the blade. The stallion, however, pulled a seemingly invisible wire with his fetlock and the blade returned to his hoof. Merah flew into the air with his wings and dove kicked towards the stallion. The stallion brought his two blades onto his forehooves and held them together in a cross guard position. Merah kicked the stallion’s blades. The blades took the brunt of the energy before the stallion slashed Merah’s foot. Merah flew back before he looked at the x-shaped laceration on his foot. He grunted as he touched it. “You’re dead meat enforcer!” He shouted as he threw the knife in his hand towards the stallion’s direction. With precision and timing, the stallion tossed his left blade into the knife that flew towards him. The two blades collided with each other, forming a noise of clashing metal. The knife was knocked into the ground while the stallion’s blade flew into the air. The stallion pulled back his blade using an invisible wire attached to it. The stallion went down on all fours again as he walked towards Merah with a threatening air around him. Merah trembled in fear as the stallion closed the distance between the two. As the stallion was just a foot away from Merah, he lifted his right foreleg and twirled a blade on his hoof. A soft smile crept onto his face as he tossed the blade towards the ground to the side of Merah. “It seems that your words carried no weight on them whatsoever.” As the stallion said this, he pulled out a badge from the brace on his right forehoof. The badge was golden and an emblem of a planet was depicted on it. “For your crime of assaulting an innocent sentient being, you are hereby under arrest by the authority of the enforcers.” Merah stared onto the eyes of the stallion before he chuckled to himself. “If I am going to be arrested by an enforcer like you, than can you at least check on my foot? My foot was cut-up real bad, and I’m afraid that it might be serious. Maybe you should check it out to see if no lasting damage was done?” He said with a twinge of fear in his voice. The stallion raised an eye of suspicion before he knelt down to check on Merah’s foot. Fluttershy, who was lying on the ground and saw the skirmish, eyed Merah. Merah grinned precariously as the stallion was about to check the injury. Merah revealed a hidden compartment with a black-handled knife on his back. Fluttershy gasped as Merah slowly unsheathed the blade and aimed it towards the stallion’s chest. She stood up from the ground and flew towards Merah and the stallion. The stallion checked the injured foot of Merah. His keen eyes revealed the extent of the injury; the bleeding was low and the cuts were shallow. “You’ll be fine. It’s just a scratch.” The stallion said. “Oh, I know that it’s just a scratch. However, what I’m going to do to you will be more than a scratch!” Merah silently said as he pulled the blade. Just as he was about to move his claws, a sudden paralysis stripped him of his will to move. Before his eyes was an angry Fluttershy whose eyes pierced into Merah’s soul. “You are NOT going to be playing dirty! This stallion wanted to check up on you because he was concerned for your well-being! You had your chance to keep to your word and you will keep to whatever honor you have left! I already find it disgusting that you attack singled-out, defenseless mares. Now you have to resort to playing dirty just to win?! You are nothing but a weak, spineless griffon who always tries to claw his way for every single little advantage. You would probably do the same thing to teeny, weeny defenseless fireflies as well!” Fluttershy shouted with the angriest expression she mustered. Merah’s beak was open in shock as the muscles gripping the blade became unresponsive. “W-w-what’s wrong with my claw? I can’t move it!” He shouted in primal fear. Fluttershy closed the distance between her face and concentrated her stare. The stallion turned back and noticed that Merah completely lost his will in the face of his prey. He giggled to himself. “A sudden shift in role reversal. How ironic…” He thought to himself. Fluttershy’s anger then reverted into her calm, happy expression. “Now, I want you to apologize to this nice gentleman over here, accept defeat and surrender to the authority without a fight like a good griffon, understood?” She asked politely. With defeated will, Merah nodded and turned towards the stallion. “Ummm… I’m sorry for trying to trick you sir. I will think about the error of everything I have done as I am imprisoned against my will.” Merah painfully stuttered against his will. Pinkie Pie was in the center of as she randomly threw streamers along the metal and wooden railings across town. Balloons of various colors were blown into the air, creating a rainbow in the sky. Those that passed by the balloon-blowing storm directed their attention towards Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie turned towards everyone around her and grinned widely. “Hi everyone! I heard that you are all very hard workers. So, I’m going to make sure that all of your work is appreciated by throwing a street-wide party!” She exclaimed over an orange megaphone she pulled out of nowhere. The entire audience looked at one another before large grins appeared on each face. They all cheered loudly after Pinkie Pie took out one wooden cannon from hammerspace and blasted it. A large table and a carpet were shot onto the center of the street. A large, pink stereo blasted loud, energetic music and a thin, long table filled with steaming party food and soft, sweet cakes covered in white and pink frosting rested along the curb. Everyone dropped what they were doing and either danced to the beat, hungrily plated pounds of food from the table and ate or talked. Everyone there had a good time, and two ponies, two deer, two teen-sized dragons and two minotaurs picked Pinkie Pie up and tossed her into the air several times in celebration. “This party pony rocks!” A goat from the audience bleated out. “I agree with what he said!” A donkey in the audience concurringly shouted. As the partygoers stopped tossing Pinkie Pie around, a griffon with a black-feathered head and a brown-feathered body flew down into the chaos of the party. His eyes were colored with the shade of an indigo orchid. The griffon nervously walked around the partygoers until he bumped into Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie turned around before the Griffon dropped down onto the ground, held his claws out and cowered. “Please don’t hurt me! I didn’t do anything!” He shouted. Pinkie Pie smiled. “Silly, I’m not going to hurt you.” She said as she extended her forehoof. The griffon looked towards the hoof and grasped it. Pinkie Pie pulled the griffon up from the ground. The griffon smiled uneasily. “Errr, thanks.” He nervously said. “It’s no problem. My name is Pinkie Pie! What is your name?” She asked. The griffon looked left and right before he softly spoke. “My name is Indigo because of my eye color. I shouldn’t even be out here right now! I’m just a coward…” Indigo distressingly stated before he erupted in tears. Pinkie Pie looked into his face with a frown on her face. “Awww, don’t be sad. Turn that frown upside-down. Now tell your Auntie Pinkie Pie what happened.” She consoled as she pat his back. “Well, me and my gang were about to ambush this lone mare on the streets towards the work request center.” As Indigo said this, Pinkie Pie suddenly adopted a look of disgust on her face. Indigo panicked. “Wait! It’s not like that! I didn’t want to hurt her or do anything of that nature! It’s just that… I didn’t know where else to turn. I just lost my position at my job and I was kind of down on it until a griffon by the name of Merah offered me a position in his gang. He said that he liked my indigo eyes and said that ‘rainbows should stick together.’ So I did that. At first, I thought that we were just a group of griffons looking for good work. Then, he gave me this knife.” He said as he slowly pulled out a red-handled knife. Pinkie Pie gasped. “That knife! It wasn’t used to carve wood yet!” Pinkie Pie shouted. Indigo impatiently screamed. “Please listen! He gave me this knife and told me that we are all going to cut up anyone of our interest. He means for me to cut into sentient beings of who we consider to be targets. I choked up when I heard this and looked around. Every griffon happily accepted the knives. They all stared down towards me as I haven’t even picked my knife up. I didn’t want to resort to being a criminal, but the big boss himself said that he would leave at death’s door if I didn’t accept. I had to take the knife. We found our first target, but everything went down as an enforcer came into the midst of the assault and dispatched most of the griffons. I fled for my life. I betrayed the only other folk who looked at me as something more than just a tool, and now I am forever branded as a criminal!” Indigo cried out. Pinkie Pie smiled. “I don’t think you are a criminal or a coward.” Indigo looked up towards Pinkie Pie in confusion. “What do you mean?” He asked. “Well, it’s not exactly good to join a criminal organization. But, I do understand that you were alone and desired attention of your own. But… you didn’t commit any crimes against anypony, did you?” She asked. “The most I did was just pull-out a knife on someone because everyone else did. I just didn’t want to be a part of the crime itself.” He admitted. Pinkie Pie touched his talons before she looked into his eyes. “You just need a good friend to guide you in the right way Indigo.” Her words brought a smile onto Indigo’s face. She also picked up a cake with her spare hoof and tossed it into his face. “What was that for?” Indigo retorted angrily. “First thing about being friends is learning how to have fun with them.” When Pinkie Pie said this, she threw another cake into his face. Indigo abrasively wiped the cake away from his face and stared into Pinkie Pie’s face. “So, you like throwing cake, do you Pinkie Pie?” He threateningly said. Pinkie Pie nodded before frosting and cake were thrown into her face. “Then how was that for a throw?” Indigo sarcastically said. Pinkie Pie licked the cake away from her face before she smiled. “Pretty good throw there Indigo.” She responded as she threw a cake into his face. Indigo grinned before he took two cakes in hand. “Food fight!!!” He shouted loudly. A black, metal carriage with bars of iron was in the middle of the streets before the six griffons, who all had black chains cuffed onto their talons and ankles. They were escorted by other griffons. The stallion that defeated the griffons turned back to Fluttershy. “Thank you for alerting me to that griffon’s knife, errr…” “Fluttershy. But I really have to thank you for saving my life back there. Who knows what those griffons would have done with me have you not shown up.” Fluttershy responded happily. “What is your name?” The stallion smiled before he saluted towards her direction. “My name is Typhoon Clap, enforcer of this area of town.” Typhoon Clap stated. “So, what’s an out-of-town mare like you wandering around here alone? Don’t you know that’s dangerous?” He asked. “I know it was dangerous, but I had to risk it in order to take the request for tundra ranger at the work request center!” Fluttershy cheerfully stated. Typhoon Clap scratched the portion of his mane near his forehead. “You want to be a tundra ranger?” He asked. “Yes! Very much so! I want to be the pony that preserves the animals and the laws of nature around the outpost! I never knew that this was one of the jobs here until Mrs. Rainbow Dash told me about it!” Fluttershy exclaimed in awe. “I noticed that you used the term ‘Mrs.’ when you referred to Rainbow Dash. In the outpost, it’s uncommon for ponies to refer to others through specific titles unless if it was their profession.” Typhoon Clap informed. “It’s just that one of my best friends who came with me into this town’s name is Rainbow Dash. She has an aunt who is named Rainbow Dash as well. We all wanted to visit her aunt to spend time with her.” Fluttershy said. Typhoon Clap stood there for a few seconds before he warmly smiled. “So, that job offer as a tundra ranger isn’t going to stay there for long. Do you mind if I escorted you to the work request center and escort you back to Rainbow Dash’s house? I wouldn’t want to see you attacked again.” He offered. “That would be lovely, if it is alright with your work schedule.” Fluttershy replied. “I’m actually on the last hour of my shift today. If I make sure that you are okay for the rest of the trip, then I will be fulfilling my duty as an enforcer.” Typhoon Clap stated. The two ponies walked down the road to the work request center. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Spike, Aunt Rainbow Dash and Vitriolic Shot have made it towards the front of a white, manor-sized building. Aunt Rainbow Dash took a set of silver keys out before she inserted one of them into the golden lock on the white door. She twisted the door and slowly opened it, which revealed a brown, cream-colored carpeted living room with a fireplace and the head of a green dragon with blue glass eyes hoisted upon a wooden plaque above the fireplace. The glass table was large in size and the sofas and loveseats had a fuzzy red exterior. All of the visitors looked upon the sight with dropped jaws and bated breaths. “Wow… this place looks wonderful!” Twilight Sparkle mouthed. “It seems like the perfect place for a get-together with kin.” Applejack happily said. “I never expected these sets of colors to go so well with each other.” Rarity replied. “I like the head above the fireplace.” Rainbow Dash mused. Twilight Sparkle eyed Vitriolic Stroke’s flank and noticed that his Cutie mark was a green and wood-brown crossbow from a top perspective. The bow was spiked and the string being pulled had steel bolts covered in a sticky, green substance. Vitriolic Shot looked back towards Twilight Sparkle and smiled. “Eying my flank I see? Aren’t I a little bit old for you?” He jokingly said. A deep shade of red came upon Twilight Sparkle’s cheeks as she looked away. “N-n-no! It’s not that! It’s just that your Cutie mark looks a bit intriguing.” She bashfully said. Vitriolic Shot laughed. “I know that it was just that. I got to have some fun here and now you know? Anyways, I bet you would like to hear about what my Cutie mark means, don’t you Twilight?” He asked. “I would love to hear about it.” Twilight Sparkle said. “Very well then Twilight. Around these parts, I am considered one of the better marksmen in the area. I can aim for the smallest of targets and fire at it with the most precise shots. My assaults leave no creature alive as they take upon my bitter fury! Also, let me tell you about the Equestrian Outpost. It is what you want from the visit after all.” Vitriolic Shot started. During that time, Spike, who was still on Rarity’s back, woke up from his comatose state. He looked around the area in confusion until his eyes came upon the dragon head hoisted above the fireplace. He screamed in terrible shock before he collapsed onto Rarity’s back and fainted again. “Oh, Spikey-Wikey always keeps waking up at the worst times, doesn’t he?” Rarity noted. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and shrugged. “Eh, what can you do? I do want to know more about the time my aunt slayed this dragon though!” She said. “And I will be happy to tell you darling.” Aunt Rainbow Dash replied. “You see, this is the head of Carnage the Wicked. He was a vicious dragon that tore everything in his path apart. He was no match for the combined forces of my Dragonbane Scimitar, my husband’s Wyvern’s Death Desire and my son’s Dragonator. Not only did we have the weakness element exploited, but I made the killing blow with a quick stab through his heart. Then, the three of us carved away Carnage’s flesh and bones and took his head as a trophy. Now, I want to show you the storage where I keep all of my materials if the three of you are interested.” Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash all happily nodded before Aunt Rainbow Dash walked down a set of stairs. The three ponies and fainted dragon followed in suit. The basement’s walls were made with stone and the floor was cemented in concrete. The house was held up by a series of wooden pillars and held together with some more concrete. There were neat stacks of materials all organized in some sort of method. Spike’s nose began to act as he smelled something suspiciously similar. He sat up and sniffed some more before he opened his eyes. Before his eyes was a mound of large, light-blue gems. He drooled profusely as he jumped over to them. “Those gems look so tasty!” He shouted. “Ummm, Spike…” Aunt Rainbow Dash began to say before Spike took one of the gems. “Yes Mrs. Rainbow Dash?” Spike responded. “I can have one of these gems, right?” “Well… you can have them, but-“As soon as Aunt Rainbow Dash was about to finish, Spike tossed the gem in his mouth and began to crunch it. The shards were surprisingly soft and fatty, but he swallowed them and rubbed his abdomen in satisfaction. Aunt Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Rainbow Dash all facehoofed. “That gem tasted a bit funny, but it was still delicious.” Spike happily stated. “Spike, those aren’t exactly gems…” Rarity began to say. Spike suspiciously hummed towards the ponies’ direction. “I know what a gem is when I see one and that was a gem.” Spike stubbornly said. “Hey Spike, you should try to let my aunt finish before you eat something that you shouldn’t eat. I’ve seen those gems on her boots the time she came to Ponyville, and she said something about those gems being made inside dragon livers.” Rainbow Dash chastised. Spike’s eyes opened widely at the realization of his action. He looked onto his tongue, which was saturated in dragon fats, and he looked onto his claws, which grasped the dragon’s organ. He gagged profusely. “Awww noooooo! Why didn’t you tell me this before I ate it?!” He shouted. “But I did darling. You just didn’t let me finish.” Aunt Rainbow Dash stated. “If you let me finish, then you would not have eaten it.” Spike sat down on the floor, curled into a ball and rocked in a fetal position. “Happy place Spike, happy place. You’re not a cannibal. You’re not a cannibal. But, you just ate a part of a fellow dragon! You are a cannibal and it’s your fault for eating it!” Spike shouted as his mind dripped into utter insanity. Rarity walked up to him and smacked him across the face. Spike rubbed his cheek as the stinging sensation set in. “Owww…” “Spike, that is no way for a gentledrake to act. You simply made a mistake of not hearing the whole truth and now you realized a bit too late.” Rarity stated. “Well… thank you for the smack. It got my head working like normal then. Despite the sudden insanity, the gem really didn’t taste that bad for something that came out of a dragon.” “Because darling, these gems were created by mineral build-up of gem consumption in a dragon’s lifetime.” Rarity explained. “Rarity does have a point darling. The more gems a dragon eats, the purer these dragon’s stones are, and the better they become as catalysts for enchantments.” Aunt Rainbow Dash finished saying. “Anyways darlings, this is my stockpile of monster spoils. Everything I hunted and carved ends up in here for future use.” She walked over to a pile of glass jars filled with a strange, green, bubbling slime. “For example, this is mystery slime that I gathered from a dragon that likes to blow everything up. It’s very explosive, so it has to be kept away from anything that can set a spark. Ironically, if it undergoes a polymer process, then it can become spindles of fabric that are safe to use for clothing that provides warmth even against the worst of cold seasons.” She explained. Rarity vocalized in awe while Rainbow Dash looked upon the slime and inspected it. In his curiosity, Spike tapped the glass of the jar. The slime bubbled considerably and caused Spike to jump back startled. When Rarity looked around the piles of materials, her eyes drew themselves over to adjacent stacks of colorful, scaly bolts. She ran over to them. “Ohhh! Mrs. Rainbow Dash, was this the dragon leather you are talking about?!” She questioned energetically. Aunt Rainbow Dash walked over to Rarity’s side and smiled. “Why yes, these are piles of dragon leather. If you want darling, we can collaborate with each other and work on a new line of clothing that will shake the fashion world to its core!” She enthusiastically said. Rarity squealed in delight. “After hearing about your fashion and seeing them, I do have to say that I cannot wait to work with someone as magnificent as you darling.” She stated. She looked at the various colors of tanned dragon skins before she enveloped a few light-blue and crimson red dragon leathers in a light blue aura. “Seeing these nice colors, I feel like making a blue dress with bold red stripes to catch the eye’s attention.” Aunt Rainbow Dash smiled. “You have a very healthy imagination if you can just think up an idea for a dress on the spot darling.” She commented. “Well darling, I was just inspired by the striking colors that the leather brings.” Rarity replied. She grinned widely. “I couldn’t help not waiting! Let’s start immediately!” She enthusiastically stated. Rarity and Aunt Rainbow Dash trotted up the stairs in excitement. The sounds of clopping and stairs creaking echoed throughout the basement. Rainbow Dash looked around before she looked at the set of stairs going back upstairs. She scratched the back of her head nervously. “Ummm, I think I’m going to help my aunt and Rarity with their dress idea.” She slowly said. “Nopony’s sayin’ that ya can’t Rainbow Dash. It’s mighty respectable that ya help yer kinfolk and yer best friend on something ya don’t like to do… or do ya like to design clothes?” Applejack stated with a questioning expression near the end. Rainbow Dash blushed. “It’s not that I don’t like making clothing, but it’s just that I want to unselfishly help them out.” She blurted out quickly before she ran towards the stairs. Applejack and Spike were left alone. Spike’s knees trembled as his perception of the smell of death in the room. Applejack playfully bumped Spike with her right foreleg’s knee. Spike jumped, startled by the sudden strike. “Applejack! Can’t you see I’m trying to muster up my nerves in this place of macabre!?” He shouted angrily “Geez, sorry Spike. Ya should’ve said something sooner. Anyways, ah think that Rainbow Dash actually likes working with fashion.” Applejack said. “Now come with me Spike. Ya know that you don’t want to be down here, right?” “I guess…” Spike unconfidently answered looking downwards. The two of them walked up the stairs. “Still… that dragon’s gem was kind of tasty once you get past the weirdness of the flavor.” Spike subconsciously said to Applejack. “Spike, please keep yer weird dragon-eating ideas away from me. Ah don’t feel like having a sick stomach today.” Applejack gently snapped back. “S-sorry…” Spike stated. The street that the party was on had become a complete mess; paper plates, plastic cups and tins were scattered throughout the street, popped balloons and confetti was hung around various parts of railings and the street and walls of buildings were pelted with cake and frosting. Fortunately, Pinkie Pie pulled a corner on her carpet and brought it forward. Strangely, the carpet acted like a tarp that removed all traces of the party from the area before it was rolled up in a cylinder. Pinkie Pie then threw the rolled-up carpet into a green-barred trash can. “Cleaning up after parties is never fun. Good thing I always prepare every party I make with a disposable tarp that removes the messes of parties.” Pinkie Pie said to Indigo, who stood by her. “Well, that party was actually fun.” Indigo slowly admitted. Pinkie Pie had a huge smile on her face that was complimented by her large, white teeth. “I’m glad that you enjoyed yourself Indigo. You know, I already have the feeling that we will be bestest friends!” She exclaimed. “R-really?” Indigo questioned with shocked stutters. “Yeah! Nobody here actually gets to know you because you look a bit scary, but you are a very fun griffon to be around! Definitely better than the last griffon I met.” Pinkie Pie stated. Indigo exhaled a breath of relief. “You don’t know how relieved I am to hear about your acceptance Pinkie Pie. Everyone around here tends to avoid me, so I really didn’t know where to turn next.” Pinkie Pie looked around Indigo before she hummed in thought. “You know Indigo, those police are going to be looking high, low and middle for you. Why don’t you come with me until the heat goes down? I have a bunch of friends who will be happy to care for your emotional needs!” She shouted softly. Indigo’s eyes opened hopefully and a grin on his beak appeared on his face. “You really mean it Pinkie? That’s wonderful! Thank you!” Indigo stated as he embraced Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy and Typhoon Clap walked down the cobblestone street. Fluttershy grinned as she held a beaten, cream-colored sheet of paper with a red ‘x’ stamp on it by her mouth. Typhoon Clap giggled slightly as he looked towards Fluttershy. “You got so excited about being accepted for the request that you forgot to put your paper inside of your document tote.” He said as he pointed to the brown bag hanging from Fluttershy’s shoulder. Fluttershy craned her neck before she neatly moved the paper into the bag. With her right wing opened, she maneuvered it to close her bag. “Sorry. It’s just that it’s a dream come true for me! I couldn’t believe that they let job offers like this sit unattended for weeks in a city. Don’t they know that the critters around here need to be cared for?” Fluttershy questioned in a higher-pitched tone. “You make it sound like being a ranger should be a high-priority job.” Typhoon Clap happily said. “But it should! I looked up a bit on the populations of animals while we waited in the work request office and found out that the silver-tailed snow rabbit has a lower population than normal due to unauthorized hunting for its pelt. If this keeps up, then the adorable species of rabbits is going to go extinct within three-years!” Fluttershy shouted in panic. “With a major animal of the ecosystem removed, then the predating animals that rely on the silver-tailed snow rabbit are going to go hungry and also die off! I can’t see that happen! Extinction due to meddling with the food chain is the worst possible scenario to see in the wild!” Typhoon Clap winced at the information given to him. “You know, when you put it that way, I guess that the entire city should be more considerate with how we treat the wildlife around us. With your love for animals, you’ll make for a great ranger.” He stated with new understanding. Fluttershy smiled hopefully towards him. “I’m glad you believe in me. Starting tomorrow, I’m going to go out into the wilderness and derail any further threats that will happen to animals that need to increase their numbers.” She confidently said. “Trust me, you have a gift that not many folks around here have. You are very much in-tuned with nature and animals Fluttershy.” Typhoon Clap stated. “Well, it is my talent. It’s what my Cutie mark tells me.” Fluttershy stated as she pointed towards her flank. Typhoon Clap visibly sweated and shook his head. “I-I’m not going to look at your flank! It feels a bit perverted for me to do on-duty.” He blurted out. “I understand. I can look at your Cutie mark though, if you don’t mind?” She shyly asked. Typhoon Clap shrugged his shoulders, closed his eyes and nodded. Fluttershy looked towards his flank and saw an image of a gray, violent whirlwind with various blades flying into the air. Fluttershy ducked her face into her mane. “Your Cutie mark looks a bit frightening.” She remarked. “It’s nothing to be afraid of. What my Cutie mark tells me is that I bring order to chaos by fighting against it. It’s what encouraged me to be the enforcer you see now.” Typhoon Clap stated. “Well, I’m glad that your Cutie mark told you to save me from those awful griffons.” Fluttershy said as her face popped out of her mane. “I know right?” Typhoon Clap said before he laughed. Fluttershy smiled before she giggled along with him. “You’re pretty funny Fluttershy. Are you sure that your Cutie mark tells you that you are just good with animals?” The two walked down the street until a white, manor-sized building came into view. “Well, it looks like we are here.” “Well, thank you for walking me to my friend’s aunt’s house Typhoon Clap. You think I’ll see you again?” Fluttershy asked. Just as Typhoon Clap was about to open his mouth, his eyes caught the sight of Pinkie Pie walking towards the house with a very familiar-looking griffon. The griffon looked back towards him and paused in his tracks. “Indigo, why did you stop?” Pinkie Pie asked. However, she turned her head towards Indigo’s head’s direction when she noticed a trembling Fluttershy and an angry pegasus stallion with eyes gunned towards Indigo. Her jaw dropped as she looked back towards Indigo and the pegasus stallion. “This might not end so well…” She said in a bummed-out tone.