FNTK: Other Realms

by Thethhron

Alternate Prologue: 3 Years After Endgame

It was that day again.  The sixth day of the first month of a brand new year.  Three years ago, worlds collided in a most bizarre manner, instigating a chess game of epic proportions.  Even now, nopony is truly certain it's 'over', merely that things have calmed down....a lot.

Canterlot, ever beautiful, was bustling.  Preparing for the events that will transpire this day.  Princess Celestia, ever beautiful, even with the scar across her right eye, now a year old, sat in her chariot, awaiting the main event, grim in countenance, yet calm.  Her beloved little sister, Princess Luna, stood ready, wearing her battle armor, rather than royal regalia, lest General Shining Armor and his allies, Captain Barricade of the Pegasus Guard, Captain Harbinger of the Earth Pony Guard, and the recently appointed Lyra Heartstrings, taking his duties as Captain of the Unicorn Guard.  The six of them watched an approaching group of black-clad pony-like creatures, taking close note of the sharp edges protruding from their billowing cloaks.

As the beings approached, undeniably changelings undisguised, a growing sense of dread fell over the massive crowd.  And then...two normal ponies, a white-coated unicorn with an electric blue mane, and a dark grey earth pony with a pitch black mane, stepped forward and lead the hoard of changelings....in a song.

Come one, come all  
Leave your looms and milking stools,
 Coop the hens and pen the mules
 Come one, come all
 Close the churches and the schools
 It’s the day for breaking rules
 Come and join the Feast of.....

Suddenly, one of them leaps forward, spinning a black, axe-like guitar in his holey hooves, the 'strings' a rainbow of lightning arcing across the spine.  He takes the lead with a VERY distinctive voice.

FOOLS!  Hahahaaaa!!!

Once a year we turn all Paris upside down

He leaps p onto a lamppost, hanging upside down like a monkey.

Every man's a king and every king's a clown

He places a paper crown atop Cranky Doodle Donkey's head, and sticks a red rubber nose onto the face of Prince Blueblood.

once again it's Topsy Turvy Day
 It's the day the devil in us gets released

He pops up beside Luna, imitating a comical version of Nightmare Moon.

It's the day we mock the pig and shock the priest

He makes a silly face at Blueblood, before using a shock buzzer on Clyde Pie

Everything is Topsy Turvy at the Feast of Fools

 Topsy Turvy

 Everything is upsy-daisy

He leaps upwards, once again hanging from a lamp-post, now joined by several other changelings, each one taking as silly a disguise as possible.

 Topsy Turvy

 Everyone is acting crazy

Perfectly normal ponies begin chanting along and joining in the silliness with intensive glee, including Luna, who's begun dancing...upside down on the awning of the Royal Chariot.

 Dross is gold and weeds are a bouquet

He pays for a bouquet of weeds with some rusty scrap metal, and then offers them to Princess Celestia as if handing them to a first crush, and then flies high with a girlish squeal when she treats the weeds like fresh picked roses.

that's the way on Topsy Turvy Day

 Topsy Turvy

 Beat the drums and blow the trumpets

Lyra leads the four military commanders of Equestria in an additional band, blaring out the music created by Miss Octavia and Miss Vinyl.

 Topsy Turvy

 Join the bums and thieves and strumpets

Noble ponies dance and prance about dressed in the worst rags they can find, while Lord Fancypants and Lady Fleur chase each other, having stolen one-another's undergarments.

streaming in from Chartres to Calais

 Scurvy knaves are extra scurvy

He shares a mug of fresh cider with the Apple family.

 On the 6th of January
 All because it's Topsy Turvy Day

 Come one, come all
 Hurry, hurry here's your chance,

He begins ushering ponies towards a large stage.

 see the mystery and romance

He offers a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows to Twilight, hiding near Celestia.

 Come one, come all
 See the finest girl in Prance
 Make an entrance to entrance

The changeling pulls his guitar from seemingly nowhere and twirls it over his head

Dance la Esmeralda.......

The changeling brings the body down like a blade, sending out a multicolored shockwave and sending himself flying skyward.


'Esmerelda' is, in truth, a changeling disguised as a green version of Trixie, much to the surprise of the real Trixie, watching from atop one of the airships flying high in the sky.  The rather sexual dance gets almost all of the males, and a shocking chunk of the female population, VERY excited, though we shan't go into detail, to keep the rating safely 'Teen'.

 Here it is, the moment you've been waiting for

Many of the 'back-up changelings' begin snickering, alongside many ponies, griffons, diamond dogs, dragons, and felines at the massive party.

 Here it is, you know exactly what's in store

Celestia nudges Twilight gently, getting a giggle from the nervous unicorn.

 Now's the time we laugh until our sides get sore

Many are now cheering with glee.

Now's the time we crown the King of Fools!!

"You all remember last year's king!?"  A muscular Pegasus known by many names but, for now, shall be called 'Tarzan', is brought out, wearing a comically designed duplication of Princess Celestia's royal regalia is brought out by several rather buff female changelings, all five of them grinning.

 So make a face that's horrible and frightening

He bares his teeth, shifting to a humanoid physique to become more unnerving.

 Make a face as gruesome as a gargoyle's wing

He shifts one of his wings into a massive dragon wing, then spreading it out to show it's still covered in nasty-looking holes, making a few dragons shudder instinctively.

 For the face that's ugliest will be the King of Fools

He keeps his face painfully distorted, almost as if second nature.

 Topsy Turvy

 Ugly folk, forget your shyness

Many ponies, dragons, gryphons, diamond dogs, and a few other, unfamiliar critters practically leap onto the stage.

 Topsy Turvy

 You could soon be called "Your Highness"

Every last one is up there with a mask to hide their faces...except one.  The tall, black creature looks like a near-perfect Chrysalis costume.

 Put the foulest features on display
 Be the king of Topsy Turvy Day

The crowd chants and cheers as masks are pulled off.  Many of the faces are silly and rather disappointing...except the last one.  She's not wearing a mask...

"CHRYSALIS!" Celestia shouts, her rage-fueled bellow nearly knocking the battered and bruised changeling queen to the ground.

"OI OI OI!" The smaller, guitar-wielding changeling shouts, "Calm down, boss-lady!  We wanted the ugliest face in Equestria, and here she is!  The FORMER Queen Chrysalis!"  Chrysalis, having not had a chance to really speak, barely lets out a peep before she's literally TOSSED into the crowd whom, riled up by the song, dance, and alcohol, gleefully body-surf her across them to her destination.


 Once a year we throw a party, here in town

Tarzan removes the regalia and tosses it into the air just before getting tossed off of the wood throne, one of the changeling 'guards' asking him to meet her later.

 Once a year we turn all Paris upside down

Celestia is frowning, but she's not reacting TOO badly....it HAS been three years.

 Once a year the ugliest will wear a crown

Chrysalis winces at the title of 'ugliest face in Equestria', but accepts the shoddy regalia anyway, hoping to avoid pissing off the princess any further.

 Once a year on Topsy Turvy Day

Now crowned, Chrysalis gulps, hoping this wasn't a bad idea, but the song continues anyway.

 Hail to the king

The lead changeling twirls his guitar before playing a quick riff.

 Oh, what a king

Chrysalis blushes at being treated like royalty again after so long being lonely.

 Girls, give a kiss

The two mares are none other than Rarity and Fluttershy, both drunk, but the love they practically force-feed her is genuine.

 We've never had a king like this

The lead changeling leaps high, joined by Rainbow Dash to create a beautiful show of rainbow light and arcing lightning for the occasion.

 And it’s the day we do the things that we deplore

Chrysalis meets eyes with Celestia, whom has calmed and is smiling.

 On the other three hundred and sixty-four
 Once a year we love to drop in, where the beer is never stoppin’

Creatures of all kinds are laughing and sharing in seemingly endless cider.

 For the chance to pop some popinjay

Celestia and Luna share some popcorn with Twilight.

 And pick a king who'll put the top in Topsy Turvy Day

Chrysalis is hopped off of the throne onto a pedestal, basking in the cheers from her former foes, once broken and defeated; she finally feels what REAL kindness is like.

 Topsy Turvy
 Mad and crazy, upsy-daisy, Topsy Turvy Day!

Everything moves insanely fast, with things happening left and right, cheering, shouts, singing, Pinkie throwing a pie in the face of a wingless black dragon, an angry-looking gryphon laughing at the sheer mayhem, a mute diamond dog smacking another known only as 'Rover' across the head for trying to pick-pocket, ending in the crescendo of the lead changeling swooping down, sliding to a stop on the knees of his hind-legs in a rather anthropomorphic manner.  He ends the flourish with a cocky grin directed at the mind's eye of the reader.

That 'Lead Changeling' is me.  I've been here so long I forgot my real name...  It all began three years ago.  But I guess I should give you a proper name.  Everyone calls me it, and I like it....  So, please.  Call me Knightmare.

You think I'd leave it just at that, wouldn't you?  A bit cliché, doncha think? So, why don't I at least show you how I got to Equestria in the first place, eh?

OK.  Imagine an internet cafe.

Got that in your head?  Sleek, fancy place, low lighting, good donuts, lots and lots and LOTS of nerds of all kinds piddling about on computers and such.


Now, imagine one of said nerds is a guy who's REALLY fat, trying to fidget with a hunk of junk guitar he probably pulled out of a garbage can, trying to make it work.

That's me, before I became a sleek, sexy, badass Changeling.

Now picture, sitting across from me, is the busty-as-hell babe in white leather, specifically, a biker's jacket and chaps with a freaking awesome hairdo that looked like polished rainbows.  The only details aside from 'cool hair, big breasts, and badass outfit' I recall is a patch she had.  Specifically, one like this.

Yeah, one of THOSE patches.

She's possibly a Brony, I most definitely am.  I swear, between the white outfit and the hair and the patch, I thought, for a moment, that she was a humanized Celestia going for a bike ride...

"You're right, actually."  She said, interrupting my thoughts.  I'd been listening to her talk idly for the past half hour about various things.  That little interruption of hers caught me off guard.

"Right about what?"  I asked, more than a tad nervous.

"Oh, about your thoughts."  She grins, "It'll click in five...four...three...two...one."

The instant her countdown his 'one', she was confirmed correct.  It DID click.  She'd been discussing her home life, how paranoid her family and friends were, and some 'very intense chess game' was going on between her and a few rivals.  And just before she caught me off guard, she'd asked if I'd like to join....and like a moron, I nodded in agreement without asking for details...

"Are you saying that you're...?”  I'm silenced instantly when she reaches out her hand.  I take it in my own and, shock and awe, she's got one hell of a vice-grip for someone half my size...  

"Princess Celestia Everfree of Equestria."  We shook once...twice...and the moment the third shake hit the bottom, everything was gone, replaced by a bright blue sky, and the sudden pull of gravity.  "I hope you like your new body, young one!" she shouts over the rush of wind, letting me drop towards the ground.  My response is, all things considered, quite logical.