FNTK: Other Realms

by Thethhron

Musical Mayhem of the Future

Knightmare laughed.

He had plenty of reason too, after what had happened. Before him stood more than a thousand of the UnSeelie’s greatest warriors. His band was nowhere in sight, his only allies were myself, Empress Nyx of the Nightmares, and Drake, the Prince of Madness.

They were all screwed SO badly!

Ever since he first took a life in the battle with Ragnarok, Knightmare had...changed. Gone was the harmless party animal relying on luck and wits to win a battle.

Replaced with this, a warrior who truly deserved his title. High-General of the Changeling Armada.

Sir Knightmare DemonBane.

Unlike the leaders of the Piece’s homeworld, we were royals who actually DID something! We’ve been pestering and annoying these damnable UnSeelie Fae as much as possible, specifically to make them send their mightiest warriors to stop us.

And it succeeded!

“Knightmare.” I spoke. “Shall we?” He grinned, as much baring his fangs as expressing joy. Drake smiled as well, but with far less anger and far more glee.

“You IMBECILES!” the commander of the UnSeelie army snarls, stomping towards us through the dusty city of Los Angeles.


“I will GLADLY end your lives here and now....but I want to know one simple thing.”


“Why? WHY can’t you three IDIOTS do anything NORMALLY!?”


“You really don’t know me very well, do ya?” Knightmare said, his grin widening. “Dude. I don’t know if you’ve heard of me, but.....I’m a ROCK STAR! I straight up don’t DO ‘NORMAL!’” He bumped fists with me and Drake, cueing our little ‘strategy’. Immediately I formed a circle of magic to protect us from their attacks. Drake let his Chaos magics run wild and unrestrained.

Knightmare began to play.

Well, it's midnight, damn right, we're wound up too tight
I've got a fist full of whiskey, the bottle just bit me
Oh, that shit makes me bat-shit crazy
We've got no fear, no doubt, all-in, balls out

Knightmare’s music drew the Chaos magic into a form, functioning to his will. A rift opened in mid air, revealing our ‘surprise’. ALL of Knightmare’s eidolon allies were waiting, ready to leap into battle!

Bahamut: The Dragon King
A powerful ‘void’-elemental Eidolon, formerly the lord of all Dragons, lover of Lauren Faust, and bearer of the Element of Kindness amongst the first Elements of Harmony. His ultimate move, Megaflare, lays waste to the entire battlefield, ignoring the existance fo all shields.

Atomos: The Gatekeeper
Ancient as the dawn itself, Atomos is the Gate of Heaven and Hell given flesh. Its powerful gravity-elemental magics are outshined only by its form, often described as both beautiful and horrifying at once. It takes the form of either a golden gateway locked tight, or a gaping maw of a gruesome beast, depending on where the summoner stands on the scales of Good or Evil[they are reversed, Evil bears the closed gates of Heaven, whilst Good brings the Gates of Hell]. Its ultimate technique is ‘G-Force 199’, and depending on if it’s the Heaven or Hell form, it either blows away or sucks in nearby enemies with the intense gravitational push/pull, often crushing them from the ensuing pressure.

We're going off tonight to kick out every light
Take anything we want, drink everything in sight
We're going 'til the world stops turning
While we burn it to the ground tonight

Asura: the Demonic Defender
Queen of the Eidolons, mother of the mighty Alexander, and bride of Leviathan. Asura is a four-faced demon-woman that casts powerful protective spells and wields a deadly knife in battle. Her ultimate power is ‘Unbreakable Wall’, a slew of nearly five hundred defensive and empowering spells cast upon all allies in range.

The Brothers: Twins of Terra
A pair of ancient minotaur warriors that use their great strength to shake the very earth. The elder, named ‘Sekhmet’ after his patron Goddess, is the far stronger of the two, though narry a third the size of his gargantuan brother Gigas. Their ultimate attack is called ‘Brotherly Love’, where the duo wrestle with their mightiest foe, shaking the earth and cracking the ground.

Crusaders: The Thirteen Holy Knights
Lead by none other than King Arthur himself, the legendary ‘Crusaders’ are second only to lord Bahamut, and the ancient Alexander in terms of might. At least, individually. Their ultimate attack ‘Cleansing War’, demolishes the battlefield with powerful magical and physical attacks.

We're screaming like demons, swinging from the ceiling
I got a fist full of fifties, tequila just hit me
Oh, we got no class, no taste, no shirt, shit faced
We got 'em lined up, shot down, firing back straight crown

Diabolos: The Chaos-Bringer
An ancient daemon of Chaos and old rival of Discord. contrary to his demonic appearance, this ancient beast is a seeker of Vengeance for the innocent, sending a painful warning to those who bring harm to the undeserving. His ultimate attack, Dark Messender, leaves his foes crushed flat under intense gravity and ripping shadows.

Phantasm: the Doomtrain
Another Construct-type Eidolon, Phantasm was once a normal steam engine that was destroyed by a bomb, now possessed by the spirits of those who died it acts as a trans-dimensional Psychopomp[a sort of ‘Grim Reaper’] to ferry the souls of those dead due to vehicular accidents to the Underworld to meet Charon. Its ultimate attack, rather than relying on raw power, instead infests the targets with horrible diseases and ailments. The attack is known as ‘Runaway Train’.

We're going off tonight to kick out every light
Take anything we want, drink everything in sight
We're going 'til the world stops turning
While we burn it to the ground tonight

Ifrit: Child of Prometheus
A muscular, horned demon-like creature, Ifrit shifts between male and female at will and controls fire with ease. His/Her ultimate attack is Hellfire, the deadly black flames that dance to its will, devouring magic with ease.

Ramuh: Master of Storms
Appearing as a kind old man with a withered body, Ramuh is considered one of the most fearsome, if among the weaker of the LEgendary Eidolons. His power over lightning and thunder makes him a force to be reckoned with. His ultimate attack is Judgement Bolt, a powerful strike of lightning known to crack the tops off of mountains.

Shiva: the Ice Queen
An ancient ice-elemental eidolon, formerly a beautiful maiden who used her beauty to subverse and subdue vile villains. Her ultimate attack is ‘Diamond Dust’, a storm of razor-sharp ice shards.

Ticking like a time bomb, drinking 'til the night's gone
Get you hands off this glass, last call, my ass
Well, no chain, no lock, and this train won't stop
We got no friend, no doubt, all-in, balls out

Valigarmanda: The Dragonbird
Known in life as ‘Palidor’, Valigarmanda is an odd, three-elemental Eidolon, commanding Ice, Fire, and Lightning at his whim. His ultimate attack, Tri-Disaster, devastates enemy forces with waves of his three elemental forces coming one after another.

Yojimbo: The Dark Samurai
A mysterious wandering warrior that fell victim to a cruel master, Yojimbo isn’t summoned by magic, but by money. Essentially a mercenary, this ancient warrior works to pay off his debts in life to return to his peaceful slumber. Even now he’s more than willing to help save the multiverse....for a fee. humorously enough, his ultimate attack, ‘Gillionaire’, consists of tossing coins into the air and using his sword to bat them at his targets with enough force to break even Stygian Obsidian.

And the youngest of them all.

Trixie: The Paladin of Harmony
The Blue-haired mare wearing naught save a hat and cape, yet with the greatest potential of all the eidolons, with her deadly ‘showstopper’, she’ll start a show that will literally blow your minds! Mind the mess, folks!

“ULTIMATE TECHNIQUE! CHAOTIC HARMONY!” The three of us screamed, having planned and practiced this for far too long. It’s time to KICK FLANK!

We're going off tonight to kick out every light
Take anything we want, drink everything in sight
We're going 'til the world stops turning
While we burn it to the ground tonight

Our small army of Eidolons stood not even twenty strong, but it seems the weaker, or was it smarter, amongst our foes knew what they were up against. I’ll give them points for their bravery in not pissing themselves.

We're going off tonight to kick out every light
Take anything we want, drink everything in sight
We're going 'til the world stops turning
While we burn it to the ground tonight

“So.” Knightmare said, “Who’s first?” With a flick of his wrist, his guitar lashed out on strings of lightning, spinning like a vicious buzzsaw on a string. He leaped onto my back while me and Drake took to the skies.

To this day, I’m still uncertain what it was that Drake heard across the void to make him flee the battle, but in the aftermath, as we collected our thoughts, I believe he may have feared facing our ultimate ability.

In that moment, as our Eidolon allies leaped into battle to face their mass of troops and army of immense insects, we two stood face to face with their commander, the head of this damnable scorpion known as The UnSeelie Army. Knightmare and I agreed silently that, for once, we must again take a life.

Pooling our magics together, I fused with him, melding into his mind and body. He allowed me to take over him, and I completed the transformation. Gone was the tall humanoid changeling, replaced with a melding of flesh and machine. As much an alicorn as a TaoKa beastess. The combined might of his three ‘warforms’, with Nightmare Sol’s Darkfire magics, Veltianna’s immense brute strength, and Lahire’s blinding speed and weaponry.

Separately, they are powerful, if difficult to utilize forms.

United... they are The Legion

We were as one. Knightmare and Nightmare. Musician and Instrument. Demon and Angel. Alicorn, Changeling, Nightmare, TaoKa, and Machine. For those who’ve not seen this form before, picture a massive cat-like humanoid, towering fifteen feet tall, with machinery interwoven with flesh. A coal grey pelt and twin horns sweeping back from our forehead. Our mane was a black, ethereal flame, and wings of steel and blood forged of not feathers or leather, but weapons of destruction.

OK, sorry, Knightmare’s berating me for getting too flowery in the description. Suffice to say, we’re damn ugly by most standards.

In the Eternal Battle of Supreme
Benevolence versus Absolute Evil
The Beast Always Triumphs
My name is Legion, for We Are Many

Knightmare and I leaped forward, our form acting as one. With a mighty punch, we sent him flying backwards, slamming into a ruined police car.

The war still remains, no kingdom on earth
There's only pure evil, indifference to birth
In the tombs of the dead one man breeds alone
The unearthly warfare shadows the throne

An unearthly howl escapes our throat, spewing purple and green flames across the battlefield, lighting the commander’s armor ablaze.

Three temptations written down
The lust of flesh, lust of the eyes
Finally the pride of life

I let Knightmare take command, and he used his favorite attack, \what he called ‘Electronic Yo-Yo’, flinging the guitar I called home on threads of lightning, slicing through several unlucky evil elves that got in our way.

The demon twelve, the hell hounds
My name is Legion, for we are many spirits inside of one
To build a land of chaos brought forth from the abyss
My name is Legion, and we bring destruction and death

We gored the Commander through and hoisted him up fast enough to fling him skyward. He wasn’t out...yet.

Possessing his soul, the curse of the damned
A tormented victim, to the bottom he's slammed
One man stands alone trapped, under a spell
Encounter your demons, send them to hell

Our wings spread, and missiles of magic and force flew, streaks of purple flame the only warning where the tiny projectiles flew, storming the battlefield and sending any unlucky souls flying.

No temptations left to fend, sanctified, Anti-Christ
Casting shadows towards the cross

The commander never fought back. He never got the chance too.

The demon twelve, the hell hounds
My name is Legion, for we are many spirits inside of one
To build a land of chaos brought forth from the abyss
My name is Legion, and we bring destruction and death

He was expecting a fool. A buffoon. A weakling....

The demon twelve, the hell hounds
My name is Legion, for we are many spirits inside of one
To build a land of chaos brought forth from the abyss
My name is Legion, and we bring destruction and death

Instead, he got us.

And thus was the beginning of the end of the Fae War.

Notes: I am adding this because Tamara Bloodhoof designs D&D weaponry and items for lulz, and this is the stats she gave for Knightmare’s axe-guitar, Nyx. Be forewarned, it’s ripped straight from the chatroom and it’s a LONG list....

Nyx of the Night
+3 Defending, Dueling, Throwing, Returning, Spell Storing Greataxe

Defending: lose numerical attack bonus in order to increase ACDueling: +4 to initiative, +2 to Trip and Disarm, +2 to resist both.
Throwing: You can throw said weapon 10 feet When you throw the weapon, you may grab it's strings in order to retrieve the weapon from anywhere. (minor action to do so)

Returning: Thrown weapon will return to you at the end of the turnSpell Storing: retains cast spells of up to 3rd level (6 if Nyx likes you)

If Nyx distrusts you, then it is only a +1 Greataxe with Throwing/Returning properties.Also, even if she does, you must make a DC 40+ or so will save or else throw away all other instruments and weapons you have on your person

Unless you have Nyx in hand and can make two DC30 perform checks, then you lose the Defending/Dueling quality

If you do a DC:20 Perform check, then you may activate the power of one of your seven strings, each one granting you a new power.

Red: +1 to stealth
Orange: +1 to bluff
Yellow: +1 to initiative
Green: +1 to disguise
Blue: +1 acrobatics
Indigo: +1 perception/sense motive
Violet: +1 Fly
If you make a DC 40 perform check, then you make all these +1's a +5

If you hit a magician while he is casting, and he loses the spell, you gain it in Nyx, as long as it is level 6 or lower
If someone casts a spell with a EVIL descriptor at you, and Nyx hasn't already absorbed a spell it will absorb said spell as long as it is LV 6 or lower, the shoot a wave of sound back at the caster, dealing 1d6 per spell level.

Nyx automatically gives you the Bonus Feat: Shot on the Run (may make one attack with the weapon at any point during a move action)

Nyx the Guitaxe
Int: 12
Cha: 20
Sense: Vision(60 feet) Hearing(60 feet)
Communication: Speach
10 ranks in Perform (string instruments), a +18 bonus in total, and will play itself for you if the wielder has a good relationship with it.
Provides a +2 luck bonus to Attack Rolls, Skill checks, and Ability saves.
If Nyx is happy, you may decide to instead have an auto 10 instead of rolling a D20 when making a Perform(String Instrument)
If Nyx is happy with you, it may decide to play for you if you are unable to do so.