Lost In Everfree

by Dr_Cranberry

Zecoras home

As twilight and applejack rushed down the many streets of ponyville she could hear ponies screaming as riot control pushed them back. She even saw a patch of blood on the grass from somepony whom must have resisted riot control. They rushed passed pinkie pies home only to be greeted by a bouncing pink pony bouncing at the same rate they ran. "Hi guys! You probably have already heard ponyville is going whacko so I decided to tag along with you girls!" The bouncing pink pony said. "Pinkie! This isn't a game something snatched up rainbow dash and took her into the everfree!" Twilight exclaimed to pinkie. "Oh I know silly. Thats why I decided to tag along because that thing ruined the perfect day I wanted to have with rainbow dash!" "Fine darlin' you can come but follow my orders." said applejack. "Okey Dokey!" Said pinkie pie now more excited then ever. As they ran to the everfree they stopped at the border right near the green ooze. "Okay everypony now follow my lead. Follow every step. This goo is like acid it can burn through anything including hoofs and skin." Applejack said as she made the first step. Applejack carefully stepped over the ooze as smoke rose into Twilights nose she slightly gagged. "This stuff is horrid smelling!" Twilight said as she stepped in Applejacks steps. "Nah I like it, it smells kind of like cotton candy or maybe thats me I can never tell" Pinkie pie said as she hopped and suprisingly landed in Applejacks every step. Soon they were in a large inning away from the green goo but into a more weirder part of the forest.

"Al' Right everypony. This is where you don't eat anything and you try avoid going off of the path." Applejack said, Applejack walked for about thirty-minutes before telling them that they were hear. She pulled back two big leafs to reveal a shack in the middle of the everfree. "If there's one pony or zebra that can help us its her." Applejack said as she went to knock on the shack. There was no answer. Applejack knocked again but this time the door opened. "Huh-Why would she leave her door unlocked in the everfree?" Applejack said under her breath. As she stepped in she saw alot of weird masks and concoctions on everywhere. There were plants sprawled on the shelves. There was a note with blood on it saying back in one hour. "Huh... what happened here" Applejack said as she examined the note. "What is this?!" Applejack said as she saw the blood on the corner of the letter. " Hey Applejack. We raided this whole home!" Twilight said. "Applejack what are you looking at?" Applejack shook her head and put the note in her satchel. "Uh nuttin' Twi'" Applejack said. Suddenly the whole shack shook under a loud rumble. "APPLEJACK! IS THIS AN EARTH QUAKE?!" Twilight screamed over the loud roaring. "I DON'T KNOW TWI' ALL I KNOW IS THAT THIS ISN'T A NATURAL EARTHQUAKE!" Suddenly it stopped. Then two tentacles flew into the windows and ended up breaking the windows until debris flew everywhere. "EVERYONE SPLIT UP NOW!" Applejack screamed as she pulled out her sword and swung it at one tentacle. It retreated from her direction in a loud roar. One of the tentacles had three sharp spikes at the end of it and it tried to grab twilight but ended up slapping her across the face. "GAH!" Twilight let out a loud roar and covered her face as her eyes started to swell up with tears of the pain. Pinkie pie ran to the door "EVERYPONY FOR THEM SELVES!" she screamed. She banged on the door and tried to open it but to no avail one other tentacle was blocking it. Pinkie pie soon got grabbed by a tentacle and started screaming for her life as she resisted it from grabbing her. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" Applejack screamed She swung her sword into a tentacle and it let out a huge scream. It let pinkie go for a second and the other tentacle grabbed her the tentacle that Applejack had stabbed twice now had though of a new tactic. It did a slapping motion and with the snap of a finger Applejack went flying into the wall of the hut. The last thing she heard was pinkie pie screaming as she was dragged out of the window and into the everfree forest. Applejack fell into unconciousness.