//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Returning Home // Story: For a Fresh Start // by Azure_Flame //------------------------------// They went to all sorts of places in town. The town hall, the various shops around town (they spent a bit of extra time at the quill shop, as Twilight bought a few more to add to her spares,), and finally finished at the library. "Well, this is where I live. I've been here a while, keeping track of all the books that the town uses. Not many ponies read much, though." She coaxed him inside. He entered, and she followed right behind. "Thank you for being so kind. It's been a long time since I've been shown around town. Usually I get a map and search around for anything." "Most ponies in this town get shown around. Pinkie's a little outgoing, if you haven't noticed." He gave a sarcastic snort. "You think?" "Well, I have a guide of what's useful in town, if you want to use it." "That'd be great." She started scanning the shelves, following the tags among them. She focused in on the "G" section, and went down the line, finally pulling out a book using her levitation. He held out a hoof as the book regained its weight. The title was exactly what he thought it'd be, A Guide to Ponyville. It was modest in size, weighing around the same as a novel. He put it in his saddlebags, along with the rest of the supplies he carried. "Just make sure to bring it back when you've read it, okay?" "Will do." He gave a salute, and proceeded to head towards the door. She quickly jumped and glided towards the door, cutting him off. "Where are you going off to? You just came in!" "I was gonna head back to my apartment. I've had more than a bit of excitement for one day." "Do you not like excitement? That's what happens in this town a lot." "I do like it, but I've had a little too much for now. Mostly due to Pinkie." "I wouldn't expect any less. Alright, but do remember to come over sometime. I have plenty of things I want to talk to you about." "I'll keep that in mind." She made room as he passed by. He turned around outside the door and gave one last wave. He entered the lobby once more. Night had fallen as he had walked home. There was someone on the couch to the side, a mare of a yellow shade. She was waiting for her friend at the desk to finish up. He went on towards his room, not concerned about the others' doings. He walked down the hallway once more, observing the many names across the rooms. He pulled out his keys and opened his room once more. He turned on the lamp near the door and placed his saddlebags on the table. He emptied his bags and organized the materials upon the desk. He turned on the TV to the news and let out a deep sigh of relief. Finally back home. Today's been beyond strange, from being interrupted at the train station to meeting a princess. This isn't what I had expected from entering a small town. But it all came down to the one thing that started the strangeness. Pinkie Pie. A loud bang came from the window over on his right. Out of the window could be seen a specific mare, as if thinking her name was the cue for her to show up. "Hi, Azure! It took me three times to find your apartment!" "Pinkie! What are you doing out there? It's late!" "I wanted to say hi! I haven't seen you in a few hours!" "That's no excuse to shove yourself into places you shouldn't be!" "But that was the point! Otherwise, you were going to go into a long exposition of what you learned that you're gonna go into anyways!" "That's ... Oddly correct. How would you know?" "I just do. It's my Pinkie sense!" Her tail started twitching suddenly. "Uh oh. Watch your head for anything falling!" "How would you know to watch my–" he was cut off by a flower pot cracking over his head. "–Ow. That came out of nowhere." "You're telling me! Normally things don't show up randomly like that." "Could you please just leave me alone while I go find some pain killer?" "Sure!" She left the view of the window as he went off towards the kitchen. He checked the corner cabinet to find the medical kit. He gobbled down some of the pills to reduce the pain and returned the kit to its place in the cabinet. He sat back down on the couch and watched the news while waiting for the medicine to kick in. What is with that pony? She makes everything stranger than it should be. Oh well, it doesn't matter anymore. I can just relax now that I'm alone. He gave off a large sigh as he slowly relaxed more and more as time passed. He nearly fell asleep, if it weren't for his stomach waking him up. He got up, turned off the TV, and made himself a large sandwich, packing as much material as he could into it. He ate, and then headed off to bed. He cozied up in his bed, and gave one last thought before heading out into sleep. Tomorrow should be less hectic than today was. It couldn't be that bad, right? As he descended into the abyss of sleep, a sound from upstairs was heard. It was a soft voice, singing a lullaby. The voice was very soft and inviting, much like moonlight. He listened intently and slowly lost consciousness...