Epic Rap Battles of MLP

by enigmaMystere

Rap Battle #30: Results and a Sneak Peek

Vinyl sighed blissfully, stretching as she lays on a fancy couch in the lobby of the crystal palace. "This is wonderful... I feel like I can sleep forever on this piece of wonderful furniture..."

"You have, actually." She bolted upright, looking at the orange stallion to her left. "I was told to not disturb you, but you've been asleep for a while."

"Really?" She frowned, scratching her head in confusion. "How long?"

The pegasus guard glanced out a window, as if estimating the time, then responded in a jovial tone. "A year and a half. Not that long, considering."

"WHAT?!" She jumped off the couch, eyes wide in horror. "You've got to be kidding me! How the heck did I survive that long?!"

"Magic." He pointed at the couch. "It sustains the pony resting upon it for as long as they sleep."

"...that is freaky, and you should put that thing away."

"Duly noted." He continued to stand there as she shook herself awake, flinching when she gave him a pointed glare. "I was just wondering... who won that battle thing? It's been a while... I don't think everyone else remembers, but I was kinda curious..."

Vinyl opened her mouth to speak but stopped, watching as a familiar pair of ponies entered the room. Sunset smiled warmly at the blue mare beside her, laughing as the latter finished some unheard joke. The disk jockey watched as they entered another doorway, their merriment audible until the crystal door closed behind them. She chuckled and shook her head, bringing a glass of water up to her lips.

"...it doesn't matter."

She nods, then pauses, thoughtful. "Say... is that mirror still in the room from before?"