//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Who Am I (Book 1) // by Midnight Galaxy //------------------------------// I awake to see the other ponies sleeping in a circle. It must be approaching dawn by now. I go to move but feel a presence next to me. I turn and see Callie sleeping under my left wing. Her small body looks even smaller now as she is curled up under my large wing. I don't want to wake her up, she is just too adorable. I look over to the vault door and see that the lock was still in place. “Please stay,” I hear Callie say. I look over at her and see she is still sleeping. “Is she talking in her sleep?” I ask myself. “I don't want you to go,” she says moving her legs a little. It makes me giggle, seeing such a little pony dreaming. I haven't felt this happy in a long time. She wakes up, and looks at me with sad eyes. “I'm so happy you are still here!” she exclaims, wrapping her hooves around my neck. “I had a dream where you left us to deal with those minions alone. I was so scared,” she says, almost crying. “It was only a dream Callie,” I say looking at the mare. She dries her eyes and hugs me again. “Do you want to help me with the lock. It seems our friends had a long night,” I say, looking over to the group of ponies. She nods her head and follows me over to the door. “I need you to tap on the lock. The more you tap, the easier it will be for me to find the override,” I say putting a hoof on the lock. Callie starts tapping, I see that she is starting to have fun with it. The magic ripples out in a patter as she taps. I follow the floor from one corner to the other. Not finding anything, I move to looking up the walls. I finally find it, high on the right wall I see the faint trail for the override. I follow it across the wall, up to the ceiling, down one of the pillars and to the center of the room. In the middle of all the sleeping ponies. A large half sun, half moon is carved into the stone. “This has to be it,” I say as I ready my magic. I give it a small blast in a corner where nopony was at to see of it was the right one. Watching the magic trace its way back to the lock on the door, I smile. I wake the other ponies because I need some help getting enough magic to overload the lock. “Callie, can you come over here?” I ask as she stops tapping. “That was fun! Now what?” she asks energetically. “Rarity, Twilight, you, and me all need to charge up enough magic to overload the lock. You think you are up to the task?” I ask. “I'll do my best,” she says with a smile. The four of us power up our magic and together we blast the lock. I follow the bright ball of magic as it quickly travels to the lock. The lock bursts with a bright light. “That... was... AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash exclaims. The door slowly creaks open. The inside is even more impressive than the Canterlot library. Rows upon rows, shelves upon shelves of scrolls and books. “How are we suppose to find what we are looking for in all of this?” Rainbow Dash ask, complaining. “There has to be some sort of organization,” Twilight says. “Each pony take a row, if you find anything related to genealogy, shout and we will come to where you are at. Spike, can you search by yourself?” I ask looking at the little purple dragon. “I'll be fine,” he says with a confident smile. The search begins. Scroll after scroll I grab, most of them war reports or taxes. Minutes turn to hours. Section by section our chances of finding the right section had to be closer. The trail of scrolls grow with each section. I can tell everypony is starting to get weary. The longer we spend in here, the less I think it is actually here. I hear Fluttershy yell, if you can call it that. “FLUTTERSHY HAS FOUND SOMETHING!” I yell, letting the other ponies know. We all rush to the isle that she is in. It follows the wall, it seems she had gotten the furthest somehow. “Um.. I think I found something,” she says looking at a long scroll. It has names of a lot of ponies. “Cutie marks are usually passed down through the family. They are usually similar,” Twilight says, pointing to the other side of the scroll. They are sorted by cutie marks. “Look for one that has something related to astronomical markings,” I say handing the ponies scrolls. “Are you sure it will be here? These records are over a thousand years old,” Twilight says as a thought. “Don't alicorns live a really long time?” Fluttershy asks. “I only know of four in existence until you came around. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have lived for over a thousand years. Beyond that, I don't know,” Twilight says looking at me. “This castle was abandoned when Nightmare Moon destroyed it a thousand years ago,” Twilight says. I pay her no mind as I tear through scroll after scroll, trying to find the right one. Each pony takes a row and starts searching for the right scroll. Hours go by and shelves now lay empty, the discarded scrolls lining the floor. I sigh in frustration, I can feel anger rising inside of me. I stop and take a deep breath. “Anypony find anything?” I ask. “Nothing here sugarcube,” Applejack says. “I can't seem to find anything darling,” Rarity says setting down another scroll. We are running out of scrolls and my heart begins to sink. We were so close, but all in vain. I pick up the last scroll on the shelf and look at the outside of it. Marked with stars. My eyes widen at the possibility. “I think I just found it,” I say as I open the sealed scroll. It unrolls and I skim through the names. I find my way to the bottom of the scroll. I see a name and I say it out loud, “Pink Stardust.” It is almost at the end of the scroll. I roll it out a little more to see if there is any other names. I read the scroll out loud “To her was born a royal blue alicorn, a male that she named...” My heart skips a beat as my eyes move to the next word. “Mi.....” followed by a long scribble and ink stains. “That can't be it!” I yell, grabbing the scroll. “I was so close to finding out who I was,” I say dropping the scroll. Tears begin to fall from my eyes. The others stand there and gasp as Twilight reads the end of the scroll to them. “I'm sorry darling. Is there anything we can do for you?” I hear Rarity ask. “I... I just want to be left alone,” I say with tears rolling down my face. I hear the other ponies shuffling through the discarded scrolls. I sit there and sob. My one chance to find out who I was, gone. I feel something wipe away my tears. I open my eyes and see that Callie was still there. “Please, just leave me be,” I say looking away from the mare. “I know what you really need, a shoulder to cry on,” she says, putting a hoof on my cheek. “I just wish there was more that I could do,” she says with a half smile. I lay my head on her shoulder and continue to cry. “There, there. I have a name for you,” she says with a smile as I lift my head and wipe my eyes. “What is it?” I ask, sniffling. “Well, the scroll has the letters 'Mi' on it right?” she asks. I nod my head. “How about Midnight Galaxy?” she asks with a smile. I rub my hoof across my nose as I run the name through my head. “Midnight Galaxy?” I say to myself out loud. Then it hits me, like a ton of bricks. A light flashes before my eyes and I see my mother holding something. A bundle of blue cloth. She is in a plush bed surrounded by, what appear to be doctors and nurses. She pulls back the cloth to reveal a blue unicorn. “Congratulations, he's an alicorn,” one of the doctors say with a large smile. The other doctors and nurses in the room start cheering. Everypony seems to be so happy. “What will you name him?” a nurse asks. “Midnight Galaxy,” she says with a loving smile. The happiness doesn't last long as there is a loud explosion. The whole building begins to shake and move. Everypony is screaming and running to escape. “GO!” a large black pegasus yells. I can only think that he is my father. I can see several dots on his flank, but then everything goes dark. I awake to the covered unicorn placing me next to the crystal pond. I come back to reality to see seven ponies standing over me. “Are you alright sugarcube?” Applejack asks. “We heard a scream and came running,” Twilight says. I stand up and rub my head. “Are you ok?” Fluttershy asks. “I know who I am now,” I say looking at the group of ponies. They all gasp. “My name is Midnight Galaxy,” I say with a smile. They all start cheering and jumping with joy. “I'm happy to hear that you finally found yourself,” Twilight says. “Midnight Galaxy? It has a nice ring to it, don't ya think?” Applejack says nudging Rainbow Dash. “Yeah, it could be cooler,” Rainbow Dash says with a scoff. “Thank you Callie,” I say with a bow. “You're welcome.... But what did I do?” she asks turning her head. “You helped me find out who I am. I am eternally in your debt,” I say with a smile. “We should totally throw a party!” Pinkie Pie exclaims. “I love parties!” Callie exclaims. The two of them go bouncing out of the room. We all laugh at their shenanigans. We all walk back through the Everfree forest back to Ponyville. On the way back we encounter a zebra. “Hello Zecora,” Twilight says with a smile. “Hello Princess Twilight, a new pony for me to greet. A new face for me to meet,” she says speaking in rhyme. “I have met several of your kind on my journey. Where do you hail from?” I ask her. “A land full of sand, in a far eastern land,” she says, waving her hoof in the air. “It was nice meeting you Miss Zecora. I hope we meet again,” I say with a bow. She waves goodbye and we continue to Ponyville. We head back to the Golden Oak Library as the sun begins to set. I open the door to let the mares go first. Pinkie Pie and Callie had already decorated and had the food out. “PARTY!” Pinkie yells setting off her confetti cannon. We all laugh as we walk in. Everypony seems so happy. I smile as I grab a glass of punch and a cupcake. I take a bite of the frosting covered cupcake. It tastes so good, but it hurts my teeth from all of the sugar. I finish the cupcake and see the other ponies are laughing together. I close my eyes for a moment, savoring in the moment. I actually have friends now. It feels so strange to be in a room of friends. A tear rolls down my cheek. “What's the matter? You should be happy!” Callie says nudging me. “I am happy,” I say wiping the tears away. “Ponyville is safe, you have your name, and we are all here together. Thank you Midnight,” she says, laying her head on my leg. I begin to blush as she snuggles up to my leg. “I think somepony has a crush!” Rainbow Dash exclaims, making me blush even more. “Ease up Dash, everypony has had a long day,” Applejack says with a smile. “I... I think somepony is really tired,” I say, looking down at the small mare. Her eyes are now closed. I smile as I look at her. “I think she should go to bed. Little ponies need their sleep, “I say. I use my magic to gently lift her up. I carry her to where I was sleeping and tuck her in. “Thank you Midnight,” she says with a sleepy smile. I smile as I gently shut the door. “But where will you sleep?” Spike asks. “Don't worry my little friend. I'll be fine,” I say with a smile. “Thank you all for your help, I couldn't have done it without you,” I say. “My pleasure darling,” Rarity says with a smile. “No problem sugarcube,” Applejack says with a tip of her hat. “Anytime,” Rainbow Dash says. “Thank you for protecting Ponyville,” Twilight says. I nod with a smile. “Well Twilight, I better hit the hay,” Applejack says with a smile. “I got a full days work ahead of me,” she tips her hat as she leaves. “It was a blast Midnight. I can't wait to race you. Goodnight Twilight,” Rainbow Dash says as she flies out an open window. “See you around,” Fluttershy says as she walks out. “We should get together again soon darling. You must tell me about the fashion that you have seen,” Rarity says with a smile. She closes the door behind her. “I'll write a letter to Princess Celestia in the morning,” Twilight says with a yawn. “Right behind you Twilight,” Spike says with a dragon sized yawn. They both head up the stairs to sleep. The candles go out and I am left there in the moon light. I lay down on the floor. My mind full of the events that happened. I smile as I think of Callie. “Without her, I would have never known. I owe everything to her,” I say out loud to myself. I finally found where I belong. Ponyville is my home. I smile as I look out of a window at the peaceful town. “I can get used the calmness here,” I say. “Well... until the next adventure,” I say with a chuckle as I lay my head down to sleep.