//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 // Story: Phineas and Ferb / My Little Pony Crossover // by ChristophR //------------------------------// Chapter 7 Perry decided not to blow his secret identity, because he loved Phineas way too much to leave him. But there seemed to be no other way! The dark, black Changelings came closer and closer! But suddenly there opened a portal right in front of the four friends! "Portal-To-Another-Universe-Inator activated!" Rarity shouted. "Phineas!" Isabella shouted as well when she saw Pony-Phineas through the portal "Wow, you make a great pony! But… where are your hind legs?" Indeed, Phineas was about to disappear, as well as Perry, whose platypus tail was already missing, too! Phineas asked: "Who was this cute, black-haired girl again?" "Oh no, we have to do something, quick!" Spike shouted "We… we have to bring Phineas and Perry through the portal, NOW!" But that wasn't as easy as it seemed, because the Changelings kept them away from the portal! The same happened at the other side, where the citizen of the Tri-State Area kept the group away from the portal! "This little dragon on the other side of the portal seems familiar" Twilight without arms said. Rainbow Dash answered: "And I think to know the shy girl there… like she always was my counterpart… that means she must be lame or something…" Everything seemed lost… until Changelings and Zombie-citizen both went through the portal, didn't realize that they were on the same side and began to fight each other through the portal area! "Oookaaayyy…" Candace said "What just happened?" "Who cares!?" Spike shouted "Through the portal with our friends, before they disappear!" So Isabella, Candace and Ferb moved the girls back into their world, and Spike and Fluttershy did the same with Phineas and Perry. After that the Changelings and the Tri-State Area Citizen gave up on each other and went back into their universes, right before Doofenshmirtz reached the Portal-To-Another-Universe-Inator and closed the portal. In the Tri-State Area "Well, that was weird" Doof said. Phineas in the meanwhile said: "Hey, I can remember everything again! That really was a close one! But… what happened here? And who is this guy?" "I am the new leader of the Tri-State Area! Especially now that these annoying Pony-People-Agent…Thingys cannot stop me anymore! Citizen, throw these annoying kids out of my apartement!" Doofenshmirtz shouted. And so the still controlled people did as he said. Outside, in front of the Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. Building, Candace said: "Well, I guess we failed to save our City…" But Ferb just answered: "No one knows! There will always be someone who will be able to stop a leadership." And there really was, and his name was Perry a.k.a. Agent P, who was still hiding behind one of Doofenshmirtz's Inators! Now he jumped out of his hiding place to face Doofenshmirtz! When Dr D noticed it, he said: "Ah, Perry the platypus, finally! You are ten hours late! And so I already took over the Tri-State Area! What will you do against it now?" Well, what did Perry do? He did the same thing like every other day: He pushed the self-destruct-button and defeated Doofenshmirtz, and so everyone in the Tri-State Area was normal again! When Perry left Doofenshmirtz to head home, Doof said: "Man, I should really stop to insert self-destruct-buttons into my Inators! Curse you, Perry the platypus!" In Equestria When everyone was together again, the ponys remembered everything! "Now I know!" Twilight said, pointing at Spike "You are Spike, my assistant! Thanks for saving us! You will get a really big diamond to eat when we are home!" "Yeah, and I remember you, Fluttershy" Rainbow Dash said not so happy "You really are lame! Why can't you be more like me?" "I'm sorry" Fluttershy said, but Rainbow Dash continued: "See? You did it again! I never apologize for anything!" "Hey!" Applejack shouted "Can we please focus on the important things here? Lets kick some Changeling-butt and teach Discord a lesson!" "I even have the Elements of Harmony with me!" Fluttershy said. And so the six pony-friends used the Elements of Harmony to defeat all the Changelings and then they caught Discord in one of his own cages, locked the cage door, destroyed the key and summoned a magical field so Discord would not be able to escape. "I will have my revenge someday! I promise!" Discord shouted when the friends left the weird cave. Both places again Perry just arrived back at the Flynn-Fletcher house, went to pet mode and walked into the backyard, where he heard Phineas talking to Ferb, Isabella, Candace, Buford and Baljeet: "It's great to still exist, even tough I would want to see the people of Equestria again…" In that moment the OWCA arm communicator beeped. They forgot they still had it! They looked at the screen and saw Ponyville and the six ponies and Spike, who said: "Hey guys, we wanted to see you again and then remembered that communicator, so… How are you?" "We are all fine" Phineas answered "I just wanted to see you, too! How is it going?" "Well" Twilight said "Discord is forever trapped in a cage and Princess Celestia banned the changelings to the moon. So everything is safe again for now. Maybe if we need help in the future, we can call you again!" "Umm, hello?" Isabella asked "Don't you remember? We would disappear if we would ever go into your universe again!" "Oh, I remember" Twilight continued "But that was just because of my spell. First: Celestia just fixed the spell. Second: There are also other ways to come into our universe which are much safer." Then Rarity took the word: "I want to ask these Buford and Baljeet guys something: How did it feel to be controlled by that Doofenshmirtz guy?" Buford responded: "It was kinda fun! I was allowed to hurt people with that controlled-zombie-thing as an excuse. I liked the way the scientist was doing that." "And we were allowed to eat ice cream!" Baljeet continued "By the way I can finally finish my researches about controlled people." "Well, it was great talking to you" Phineas said "Anything to add?" "Yes!" Pinkie Pie shouted "I still have my Nothing! And it's still fun! Weeeee!" "Oookaaayyy" Candace said "She is really weird. Even weirder than me!" Applejack asked Spike: "Can we tell them about their platypus?" "NO!" Spike shouted. Phineas asked: "What is it about our platypus?" "NOTHING!" Spike shouted "GOTTA GO!" And suddenly the screen turned off. "Huh" Phineas thought "Oh, there you are, Perry! We were just talking about you… and something like a secret or something…?" "Krkrkrkrkr!" Perry just responded. THE END