The Little Bakery of Horrors

by Nevermind1

The End

"Pinkie! No, Pinkie wake up!" Spike shook Pinkie Pie as hard as he could, but it was hopeless. Pinkie Pie was dead, she died because of him, because of his actions, because of his decisions. Spike cried, as the plant watched him from the other side of the room.

"Well, that was disappointing." The plant said. "I wanted to eat the whole thing. I can't live on a small piece like that. Hey, Spike, bring the rest over here!"

Spike clenched his fists. He stood up and looked at the plant, hatred in his eyes.

"Get out of my life!" He yelled. "You made me do terrible things! You're not my friend, you're not Twilight! You just used her voice to trick me into helping you!"

"Well, look who finally figured it out!" the plant said, now in a deep voice. "Took you long enough! Did you seriously think I was Twilight?!" the plant laughed. "You're stupider than I thought you were! Now come on, give me the rest of my meal!"

"No! Y-you're a monster! I'll kill you!"

"I'd like to see you try!" The plant shouted.

"Spike!" Spike turned around. Rarity was standing at the door. "Spike, what's happening here?!"

"Rarity? What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Spike asked

"I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd visit you..." Rarity said without taking her eyes off the plant. "What is happening here?" She asked again.

"Oh boy!" the plant smiled, "More food, great! I was starving." the plant stretched its head towards Rarity, but she was just out of it's reach. She took a step back.

"Rarity! Leave her alone you monster!" Spike yelled.

"Come on! Get over here! Don't you wanna meet your old boyfriend again? He's right in here, just come closer!" The plant said.

Spike quickly ran towards Rarity, he grabbed her hoof and ran outside with her. Once they were outside, he stopped to catch his breath.

"Spike, what did that thing mean by 'Meet your old boyfrined again'?" Rarity asked with concern in her voice.

Spike told her everything, he just let it all out. He couldn't keep this seceret any longer, so he just told her the whole story. When he was finished, Rarity was in shock.

"Spike, I... I never thought you... Why Spike? Why would you do all those terrible things?"

"I... Well, I did it for you, for us! For the bakery! This aren't good reasons, I know. I don't deserve a mare as great as you, I don't deserve good friends like Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, or Applejack, I don't deserve any of the fame and money that plant got me..." Spike's voice trailed off and he strated to cry.

Rarity can close to him and held him.

"It's okay, Spike." She whispered. "You didn't mean it. You didn't mean to do all these things, it's alright."

"No, I have to make this right..." Spike said, he broke the hug and looked Rarity in the eyes. "I'm going to get rid of that plant once and for all! If I don't come back..." Spike took a big breath before he continued, "If I don't come back, just know that I'm sorry, tell everypony what happened, and say that I'm sorry." He kissed her. "I love you, remember that."

"I love you too, Spike." Rarity said, "Please, don't do this, please. Don't risk your life like that, it's too dangerous!"

"I have to. This was my own fault, I'm going to fix it." He turned around and walked inside the bakery.

"Oh, you're back!" the plant said "I thought you would. Now come on, the dead mare over there looks better by the minute!"

"That dead mare was my friend! And you killed her! You're a murderer! I'm a murderer! You ruind my life! You're going to die right now!"

Spike ran past the plant into the kitchen. He grapped the largest knife he could find, and ran back to the plant.

"Awwww, that's so cute! You actually think you can fight me. Alright, I'll play along." The plant smiled as vines grew from it's stalk and slammed Spike to the other side of the room.

Spike crashed on the floor. He got up, dusted himself off and started running back towards the plant. The plant tried to knock him over again, but Spike slashed at it's vines.

"Whoa, there! That's not very nice of you, Spikey." The plant said. Spike slashed the vines, again, and again, and again.

"Just die!" He yelled.

"I don't think so!" The plant shouted, before hitting Spike again.

"Spike!" Rarity ran into the store, "Leave him alone you monster!"

The plant turned it's head towards her and smiled.

"I love food that comes to me on it's own." It said and wrapped a vine around the screaming mare.

"No!" Spike yelled.

"Say goodbye to your mare friend, Spikey!" the plant said triumphantly.

Rarity stopped screaming. She lowered her head and sunk her teeth into the vine as hard as she could. The vine broke and the plant screeched in pain.

"How did you do that?!" The plant was caught off guard by the by the sudden bitting.

"Doesn't feel so good when it happens to you, does it!" Rarity yelled up at the plant.

Spike took the opportunity and ran towards the plants head. The plant turned around and looked at Spike. He tightened his claw around the knife, "Leave us alone!" He yelled.

"Spike, wait! No! Don't do it!" The plant shouted in Twilight Sparkle's voice.

Spike froze in place, just long enough for the plant to wrap a vine around him.

"Oh, you ARE an idiot." The plant smiled, and swallowed the dragon whole.

"No!" Rarity screamed.

"You're turn now!" The plant said as the vines came closer to Rarity.

Suddenly, the plant stopped. Something was wrong, the plant could feel it. It looked down at it's stalk.

"What are you dooing in there?! Stop!"

Rarity suddenly had hope. Spike was still alive inside of the plant! And he was slashing it from the inside.

"No! Stop it! Don't..." the plant started screeching in pain and flailing around the room.

The plant's screech went higher and higher until Rarity could no longer hear it. The plant withered, and it's head fell to the floor. Everything went silent. It was over.

Rarity looked at the plant's stalk, hoping to see Spike coming out of it, but she knew it was hopeless. Spike killed the monster, but at the cost of his own life.

She cried.

The story of Spike, the dragon who sacrificed himslef to slay a horrible monster that threatend all of pony kind, spead quickly across the land.
Rarity, the only pony who witnessed these events as they took place, made sure the story doesn't die, so that no one would ever make the same mistakes of trusting monsters like the Rarity II, even if they offered them everything they ever wanted. She also made sure the ponies knew Spike was not to blame for this, and that he was the one who saved them all. She didn't want Spike to be remembered for the bad things he did, only the good.

And Rarity continude to spread the word. Whatever they offer you, no matter how good it seems, no matter how badly you think you want to,

don't feed the plants.