My Widdle Pwincess

by Super-Stallion

Chapter 5

In court Celestia sat there at her throne respectively listening to her subjects talk about there problems and Joyous prospers. The pony right now who was talking was a farmer, from a near by farm requesting to open up a river from a lake near by so him and the other farms have an easier time collecting water instead of walking all the way to the lake and bailing it out by bucket.

"So please Princess Celestia, we could really use the water to make our crops grow especially with the drought that's been in our area as of late."

"Very well you can have your river and I'll see to the whether team in your area about the drought.

The farmer thanked her and went out the door pasting the rest of the ponies in the long line for what to be a long day of waiting. Celestia listened to the next pony that walked, then taking a glance to the left she saw Luna taking a seat in her throne next to her.

"Did you send the letter to the other Elements." Celestia whispered over to her sister as not to interrupt the pony talking of course still listening.

"Yes they should be getting it anytime by now. How's it going here?"

"As always, it looks like its going to be a long one Luna." Celestia said as she looked down the long lines of ponies.

Luna sighed, "Doesn't seem like will be joining back with Twilight anytime soon."

"Yes it seems so...Luna do you think Twilight will be okay while where here?"

"Of coarse, why wouldn't she?"

"Well what if Twilight needs something and Trixie and Sunset doesn't figure it out or what if something bad happens?!"

"Don't worry sister, we left Twilight with two capable mares. One who disobeyed you and went to another world and tried to take over ours with a army of high schoolers. And another who recently broke into the castle impersonating a soldier."

There was nothing but silence between the two except for the pony speaking to them as Celestia looked at Luna with wide eyes.

"That sounded less wrong in my head."

"Maybe I should go check on her." Celestia said as she was about to get up.

Luna put a wing on her shoulder stopping her, "Stop worrying sister, Twilight has Spike with her and the castle is crawling with guards I'm absolutely sure that Twilight is safe." she assured.

Celestia sighed leaning back in her seat, "Very well Luna, I'll wait."

"Good cause we really cant leave court till everything has been resolved." Luna said, then taking her attention back on the speaker.

Celestia leaned on her arm rest as she listened then she got an idea and smirked, "Maybe I don't have to leave to check on Twilight?" she whispered to herself


"We have you now Twilight Sparkle, it is time for our revenge!" Sunset said menacingly walking closer to Twilight.

Twilight backed away, fear plastered on her face, "Pwease Sunset, I'm sowwy." she pleaded.

"It's past too late for apologies Twilight Sparkle. Now there can only be revenge!" Trixie said walking up behind her.

"What awe you gonna do?" the foal whimpered.

"Something we've been waiting for sense Celestia left us alone."

Then without warning Sunset jumped on top of Twilight and...blew a razzberry in her belly making Twilight squeal, laughing her head off. Trixie pulled out a feather from behind her back with her magic and floating it near Twilight, she started tickling her little hooves making her scream even more.

"S-Sunset! T-Trixie! Stahp I'm sowwy!" she screamed through her laughter.

Sunset stopped blowing into her belly and looked at her, "For what?"

"I-I'm sowwy for taking your books and making a book fort, now tell Twixie to stop pwease!"

"Alright I guess that's good enough, Trixie lets let her go now."

"Cant I make her squeal a little more."

Sunset shook her head and they let Twilight go and letting her get up calming down from her giggling.

Earlier after they got to Twilight's room, Spike left a minute ago to get something from Celestia's room, while Sunset and Trixie started looking through books that where left on the floor by Luna for the cure. Twilight also started looking through each book and she very fascinated but after a while she started to get bored of reading and started stacking book up in a pile.

She had started collected books all around the room without Trixie and Sunset noticing cause they where distracted reading there books. When Sunset was done reading her books she tried to reach for another but when she didn't feel anything next to her she looks to see all the books where gone and that's when she noticed the book fort in the corner of the room with Twilight poking her head out giggling.

The two mares tried to get the books back but Twilight refused to give any of them up saying she had to protect the city of Bookalot. Sadly that eventually led to a struggle for the books. Trixie and Sunset tried to take them from her but she kept throwing books at them then returning them to the fort surprisingly her magic isn't weak like other foals witch was a problem for the grown ups.

After a painful battle with the flying books they took Twilight's precious fort down and now they where surrounded by a mess of books all over the floor.

"So what have we learned Twilight?"

"No taking books if somepony plans to wead them."

"Good now lets get back to- what are you doing?" Sunset asked as she watched Twilight cross her legs and put her hooves over her crotch.

"I-I tink I have to go potty." she said squeezing her legs tighter.

"What! Right now, cant you hold it till Celestia comes back!?" she asked with a worried expression.

"What do you think."

"What are you so worried about, so what if Twilight has to go?" Trixie asked not understanding the situation.

"Do you know how to change a diaper? And besides that we don't even have any!"

"Well it looks like I made it just in time."

They look behind towards the door to see Spike standing there with the package of fresh diaper, "I went back to Celestia's room to get the diapers in case we needed them."

"Thanks but who's going to change her? Cause it's not gonna be me,"

"Um guys could we make a decision guickwy? cause I just wet mysewf," Twilight said looking down at the front of her now stained wet diaper as the yellow spot continued to spread through her crotch to back.

"Alright Trixie, you do it."

"What! Why me!?

"I already said I wasn't doing it so you have to."

"I'm not doing it if your not doing it, besides I just had a hoof job yesterday. Cant we ask the dragon to do it?"

"That a good idea, hey Spike could you-"

Sunset paused when she looked at Spike and saw him clutching his head as though he's in pain.

"Spike what wong?!" Twilight asked worried about her assistant.

Spike groaned as he clutched his head, "I don't know my head just really hurts all of a sudden-AHH!"

Spike fell to the floor, Trixie and Sunnset where about to run to him till he suddenly he got back up with his eyes closed. Spike opened his eyes and instead of his normal slit green eyes, they where a round magenta.

"Uh Spike awe you otay?"

"I'm fine Twilight but Spike isn't in at the moment." Spike said his voice replaced with Celestia's.

Trixie gasped, "Spike how do you sound like Celestia!?"

"No Trixie I think Celestia is controlling Spike!" Sunset said.

"Correct Sunset, I thought I would check up on you girls what's going on?"

"Twilight wet herself and where trying to decide who changes her." Trixie said pointing at Twilight now soaked front diaper. The little filly blushed in embarrassment.

"Aw would you like me to change her for you sense I'm here?"

"Yes, yes please that would be very appreciated." Sunset begged.

Celestia through Spike giggled, "Okay, Twilight lay down and I'll get started changing you." Twilight did as she was told laying down on her back. And Celestia pulled out a diaper from the package and walked over to Twilight bending down on Spikes knee's she started unpinning her diaper and opened it up.

"Excuse me Celestia, I appreciate you doing this for us, but if your here who's at court right now?" Trixie asked.

"Oh my body is still in court, I'm still there just asleep."

"Wont somepony notice the Princess of Equestira is asleep?"

Don't worry my sister can handle it."


"Um Princess Luna is Princess Celestia sleeping?" a noble pony asked looking at Celestia who's eyes where closed.

Luna looked at her and winced when she finally noticed her sleeping and her horn glowing. She already figured out her sister had gone checked her out and left her to cover her to her dismay. She looked at the noble, "Of coarse not, my sister wouldn't be asleep she's just um THINKING! With her eyes minute please."

Luna quickly got up and walked in front of her sister and put on a pair of glasses with eyes painted on them that she had hid under her chair for emergencies such as this on Celestia and moved out the way for all to see.

"See she's awake."

"Are you sure Princess, cause she still looks-"

"Nope she's awake."


"She's awake! Cant we just continue on now without these interruptions!?"

The noble looked questionably at her but then shrugged, "What ever you say Princess Luna now back to what we discussing."

Luna sat back down with a sigh of relief and looked at her sleeping sister, "You owe me one sister."


"Could one of you go get me something to clean Twilight up?"

Trixie went to the bathroom in Twilight room and quickly came back with a wet rag giving It Celestia. She thanked her and started wiping Twilight's bottom with it and then around the rest of her body. When she was done she slide the new diaper under Twilight and tapped it on.

"Okay do you need anything else?"

Twilight was about to reply but she was interrupted by a loud growl from her belly. Celestia giggled and picked Twilight up In Spike's claws, putting her over his shoulder, "That answers that question, lets get you something to eat. You two come along as well."

They all walked out the room, Celestia carrying Twilight over Spike's shoulder with Trixie and Sunset following behind. They walked down stairs halls and corridors until they stopped in front of a door. Celestia walked up to the door and grapping the door knob she turned the knob and swung the door open.

Trixie and Sunset looked all around the room to see it was a perfectly well kept nursery. The walls where purple and there where toys neatly piled at one corner of the room, there was a crib and by it a changing table full of diapers at the bottom along with wipes and foal powder. In the middle of the room on the floor was an emblem on Twilight's cutie mark.

Celestia smiles, "The staff set this up perfectly just as I ordered." she said to herself looking around the room. Then she spotted a mini fridge in the corner and walking towards it she opened up the fridge to see it filled with bottles of milk and foal food. She grabbed a bottle and turned around to Sunset and Trixie.

"Could one of you feed her? I don't think Spikes arms can hold her up properly,"

"I cant change a diaper but I can do that much," Sunset said taking Twilight and cradling her arms and taking the bottle in her magic she brought it in front of Twilight, "Here you go drink up."

Twilight nodded and took the nibble into her mouth suckling out the cold creamy milk inside with gusto. Twilight kept drinking till all the milk was gone and Sunset pulled it out with a pop out her mouth.

"Don't forget to burp her."

Sunset put the bottle down the putting Twilight over her shoulder she started patting her back, then Twilight burped.

"Tank you Sunset." Twilight said then yawned leaning her head down on her shoulder sleepily.

"Aw you getting sleepy Princess." Sunset cooed teasingly.

"Nu huh no sweepy." she protested then let out another yawn.

"I think she is sleepy Sunset, we better put her down for a nap." Trixie said with a smirk along with Sunset.

Ignoring all of Twilight's protest Sunset walked over to the crib and laid her down on the cot and covering her up with a star covered blanket. Trixie looked down at her with smile though this filly was once her greatest rival she was pretty cute now, then she saw something in the corner of her eye and looked to see a purple pacifier laying in the crib.

Trixie smirks then picking up the pacifier with her magic she instantly stuck it in Twilight's mouth before she could protest. Out of reflex Twilight started suckling the pacifier and strangely she found it comforting. Closing her eyes the baby princess fell asleep.

Celestia watched as the filly slept with a smile then looked at Trixie and Sunset, "Okay I have to return to my sister now. It wont be long before court is over can you two watch Twilight till I come back?"

"Sure we can do that, we'll also bring some books down here so we can continue studying."

"Good well I'll see you later." Celestia said before releasing her spell.

Spike shook his head and his eyes where back to normal. Spike looked around the room and then he looked at Trixie and Sunset confusingly, "Hey guys what just happened?"

"Nothing you where just possessed by are monarch."

"Oh-Wait say whaaaaaat!"


Back in court Celestia woke up and raised a brow when she couldn't see anything then she took of the classes and looked at Luna who was staring at her, "Bout time you came back what where you doing?" Luna whispered.

"I was just checking on Twilight."

"And you just left me unexpectedly like that alone with all these ponies who wanted to come check on us!" she retorted almost talking over a whisper.

"I'm sorry I was just worried okay but it's alright now."

Luna sighed, "Alright I forgive you. So how is Twilight doing?"

Celestia smiled, "She's doing fine we just put her down for a nap, when will the other be getting the massage?"

"They should be getting it now."


At that exact moment the other elements of harmony was altogether at Sweet Apple Acres talking about the letter they just got from Luna a few minutes ago.

"This Is terrible, Twilight's a little foal now! What are we gonna do!?" Fluttershy said in dismay and worry.

Pinkie pounced around smiling, "We should go see her right away, oh I bet she's the cutes widdle filly in the whole wide world!"

"Pinkie's right we gota go see Twilight she gonna need our help to find that cure right now!" Applejack said.

Rarity cooed, "Though Pinkie is right I bet Twilight is absolutely adorable maybe she could try on some of my new foal line dresses!"

"Then what are we waiting for lets go see Twilight now!" Rainbow said already flying towards Ponyville's train station.

The rest followed close behind their fast flying friend. Little did they know that the letter Luna wrote left out one little detail that may cause the lives of two show mares who right now do not know what fate is about to fall onto them.