The Art of Magic III: Reality of the Facility

by Rarity Belle

Chapter 2

The black and ivory unicorn just kept on reading through the files. Her eyes went in a repeating motion from left to right. Each and every last file was being read at least once to make sure that everything that she knew everything about the worker. Only to eventually lean back a bit in her chair and think what the fate of the pony would have become. About most she didn't had to think longer than a few seconds before they were placed upon one other and separate stack of files.

        It was with those about whom she thought longer about that perhaps and most likely stood a much, much higher chance to remain as workers in the department. The files of utter doubt were placed on yet another separate stack. Of course she couldn't just kill off all the workers that easily. Some of them were even pretty good off in the other departments of the place.

        Some could be moved to the processing or the holding departments for example. It all just depended on the state of mind that the unicorn was in. In that moment did she felt herself actually pretty generous to save a few lives of the workers. But there wouldn't be any mercy shown towards those others. They were just going to be fuel for the fires that kept the place running.

        It could be stated that she had lost her mind yes, but none dared to speak a word against her unless it was really necessary for the Facility itself. In the end were the files all read through and the unicorn stood up from her chair once again. The aura around her horn appeared once again and she picked up the larger stack of files. They were brought before her eyes, which then on their own turn began to look over each and every last name they carried.

        Each of those names were stored somewhere inside of her mind, along with the corresponding picture. Meaning that when the picking came, she would not be having the slightest bit of trouble to get rid of the loose ends. A devious little grin formed itself below her lips as the horn increased itself in the magical charge.

        The charge itself was more than enough to actually teleport her from one floor to the other. She had in fact come straight to the processing floor. When the horn discharged itself and the gasps were caught in her ear, the unicorn of grace finally opened her eyes again and looked to the scenes that were there to behold.


She had arrived just off the side of the terrible machine that was the Magic Maker. A monstrous device that would break the young mares and stallions the second they would be entering it. Yet it was the group that was ready to be processed themselves that caused the gasping to be done.

        The eyes of the unicorn glared over to the lot of them. That steel expression was given to each of them, not a single exception was made. Nothing but the sheer insanity could be seen within her eyes. An insanity that meant to be the very end of the group. Not a grain of mercy would be shown to them, just like the day she tore Twinkle apart and killed her sister.

        “The, the legends, are true,” a voice in the crowd could be heard. A voice that caused to gain the attention of pretty much every living being there and then to be focused upon it. All of the captives, all of the workers and even Rarity, gave their eyes the time to look to a young stallion.

        “I would like to know what legends you are speaking of, foal.” Rarity almost hissed towards him in a polite tone. “I’m not, a patient mare. Set him on the belt.” And as she ordered, two muscular stallions got a hold of the young pony and placed him without pardon on the conveyor belt. Not even a struggle was being made by him to release himself out of their hold.

        With his hooves locked on the belt there was no other way of getting out of there alive anymore. It would have been moments before the device would roar into life and take his. “A-About you. P-Prisoners, talk about them a-all the time. That l-look, the f-film,” the young stallion stumbled out. He seemed to have managed to buy himself a bit of time, for whatever good that would be.

        Rarity never gave the order to turn the machine on. Instead she wanted to know just what the pony had to tell her. “Go on, tell me what they tell about me,” the ivory pony spoke while she closed in the distance with the other pony. “You can always tell your story to me, dear, I always have an ear that is more than willing to listen to tales being told.”

        There was a certain and unusual charm to her words that could be heard and all of the stallions actually became a little bit mesmerized by her exact words. None of the captivated ponies could believe the fact that they would been having such abilities and powers to them. But the pony on which it had the most effect on, was the one that stood locked on the belt. “You, your eyes, they tell the tale of s-suffering, d-death. Deaths c-caused by you a-and unforeseen actions,” he managed to mumble out to her before taking the attention away. As much as he found her amazing to look at, those haunting eyes of her, nearly killed him.

        “Is that what they say about me these days? That I am just a husk of my former self, or is there more to your story?” Rarity asked him with a menacing grin while she rose her hoof.

        “There’s, there’s more! You killed, your own flesh and blood in cold blood!” he shouted out towards her. His head turned itself back towards her and the mane fell before his face, blocking the view to his eyes. “You’re not the lady you once were, you’re not a husk of her either, she’s been replaced with a monster who just looks like her!”

        “Oh, how, wrong,” Rarity chuckled. She removed the strand of mane from his face and smirked even deeper. “I have never been a lady, that was all just a façade really. The monster always had been among you. Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. But you’re right, I did kill my sister in cold blood. So the question here actually should be, what makes you think I won’t do it, to you?”

        “Because, because deep down there, deep down there inside of that heart of yours, the lady is still fighting to get out of the abyss,” he replied to her in a desperate plead. Yet Rarity just rolled her eyes and lowered her hoof.

        “I've had enough of these games. You’ll be meeting your end and become nothing but magic for the worthy unicorns,” Rarity said in a cold tone before a sickening grin was given to him.

        The puffs of steam did their turn over the floor. The roaring engine of the machine came to life and the stallion was literally looking right into the mouth of death itself. He began to repeat the word of ‘no’ over and over in different tones that ranged from surprised, all the way up to agonizing while he tried to get out.

        Yet nothing he tried would have been any luck or help to him. His death was imminent. All of the ponies in the group knew that they would be next. None of them dared to look while the body was hauled into the maw of the machine. Yet Rarity kept on following him all the way down into the darkness. She wanted to see how tough he would be within the device.

        The screams of agony filled the air and the sounds of bones being broken echoed left and right, it was the signal for all of the guards that they could be rounding up the rest of the group. “Make sure they behave, I have some business to attend in the basement. If there’s any complication with this batch or the next two, it will be your head that rolls over the floor this very night. Have I made myself clear to you?” she spoke to a couple of the guards present.

        “Naturally ma’am,” the foreman replied to her. He gave her a small salute and continued on with his job. Rarity on the other end kept on peeling to the ponies for another minute or two. It didn't matter when they would be looking over to her, they could all see that the ‘leather’ of her legs had actually crawled up by another quarter of an inch over her legs.

        None dared to make a comment over it though. The unicorn charged her horn up a bit further in order to initiate another teleport to happen. Around Rarity herself became the world almost a blood red of color and the actions of the ponies done was literally reduced to the speed of one heartbeat per half an hour. Everything was just becoming so slow. But it was needed if she wanted to actually disappear and appear in a matter of seconds.


Yet while Rarity was walking down the whole of the Facility in order to get to the –by then stationary– moving department. She couldn't help but to repeat the words of the young stallion over and over inside of her head. Almost as if he was torturing her, in order to make a massive dent inside of her pride. A little something that wouldn't have been working much to his shame though. For the corruption that was flowing through her was the very thing that caused it to fall silent inside her mind when it came down to the matter.

        Whether Rarity knew it or not, but the reality of her factory’s waste product was that it was a massive parasite. A parasite that had found its way into the unicorn and used her as a host. While it gave her incredible powers, it used her body as its own to a small degree and would expand on it.

        The moment when it would be covering all of her body was when the clock chimed for her. When that happened, Rarity would just have been killed on the spot and the parasites used her body for their own needs. Meaning that the Magic Facility would probably have been ran by a murderous parasite without any form of thought in the mind of it.

        It was certainly a little something that nopony wanted to have. Perhaps that was the very reason of why both Twilight and Trixie were heading towards the doctor. Not for remedies of some kind, but for answers upon the many questions that troubled their minds.

        Those deeds seemed to have been just so far away for Rarity. Everything was still going in the way it was supposed to be and she still had control over her body. In her mind she tried to recall the reports about the waste product to the best of her abilities but none actually spoke about the parasite that was living inside of it. Perhaps it had never been discovered or, there might have been a much more sinister way behind it.

        It was a crazy thought that crossed through the mind of the unicorn at one sudden moment, hallway through her journey towards the department. What if a new manager is actually chosen, because one has become corrupted by the wastes? she thought to herself while her body walked down a stair or two.

        Something about it did made sense into her mind for a moment though, she had been head of the place for years and never even touched a hoof upon the waste product. Yet it was all of the sudden that she seemed to have been rather fascinated by it. All of it suddenly made sense to her, yet the moment she had it all figured out, another train of thoughts rushed into her mind. A train of thought that was by the souls of those who were about to leave the realm of the living.

        Yet the parasite saw its beautiful chance right there. It wanted to make certain that Rarity wouldn't have remembered the thought. A drastic measure had to be taken. Bits and pieces that were living inside of her bloodstream went up to her brain where they were fed to the very brain of the unicorn. But instead of bringing oxygen to it, they had come to take something away from it.

        The white blood cells didn't even attack them as the pieces of corruption had ‘lobbied’ with them into a deal. Something that gave them almost an unlimited access in the brain of the unicorn. And that was just the thing they needed. For the longer they were searching through the massive chest of thoughts, they finally found the very special one they were looking for.

        The thing that was done next had perhaps the biggest impact on the unicorn. The bits of corruption destroyed the thought from the mind. Something that seemed harmless, caused the mare to actually lose her teleportation and landed right on the staircase that led to the department.

        Rarity was baffled by the sudden stop of her abilities and looked a little bit around before she raised an eyebrow. “What was I thinking about, just yet?” she mumbled to herself. Everything was blank in her mind. All of the natural processes had seemed to have come to a hold for a moment or two. She couldn't remember the words she had spoken. Which in return meant that the parasite had done a good job inside of her mind. It had done what it had to do.

        Shake after shake had been done by her to get the thought back in her mind, but nothing was powerful enough to actually make certain that it would be coming back. A hoof was brought over to her forehead and the leathery material began to rub over it. Rarity released a groan before she caught the files in the corner of her eyes and that was the trigger she needed.

        That stack of files had been the trigger that she needed in order to get the her thoughts back on a line. Every last bit that left blank suddenly filled itself up with the deeds that needed to be done and the times to come. But something had made her angry, something inside of her mind had released the emotion which made her even more bitchy than she normally would have been against the workers.

        She wanted to teleport once again. Though she realized that it was just a couple more stairs she had to be going, Rarity made the decision not to do it and just began to continue walking down the stairs. Step by step was being done and the temperature just kept on rising the lower she went. The sheer heat of the boilers was more than enough to make anypony sweat out of their gear. And she was even naked to begin with.

        Having finally arrived at the bottom of the very place, the eyes of Rarity began to pierce over the many workers who mostly were just doing nothing as they were literally out of work. With their systems having been reattached to the city’s own pipes, they were mostly just drifting on the massive engines that were located under the Platinum Plaza in the heart of the city. The very place where the very tower of princess Platinum stood.

        It never took away just how creepy Rarity seemed to be looking towards them all. And it was only after she had passed them in silence that they dared to look to one another with that same questioning gaze. What was she planning to do, what was she there for, what was that stack of files? All of those questions were asked in silence and only through the eyes. Though some could have already guessed just what was going on.


“I want every last worker to be collected before the boilers, and I want to have it done now!” Rarity shouted in her high pitched voice to get over the loud noises of the machines. In response did almost every last pony that was present rushed themselves forward towards the boilers where Rarity stood.

        But the actual location that they had to be standing was something that caused some of them to already have their thoughts confirmed. For all of the workers stood the very boilers, that were normally used to burn the bodies of the unworthy unicorns in. The very fires that once kept the engines of the place going at their fullest of forces. Nopony dared to even whisper as they were all lined up by Rarity herself.

        Among the few final ones that were coming, was the little band of misfits of engineers. Keeton with his blue coat and hair was the first of them to enter and just stood on the designated spot like nothing had happened. The stallion himself looked a little bit concerned out of his eyes while a deep exhale left through the nose. He could only hope he wouldn't be picked out.

        The next one to enter was Corron who had returned after his little talk to the mare upstairs and had exchanged his story to the others he trusted in the place. He didn't care where he would be ending up, as long as he was allowed to continue living his life he would have been more than happy. But an accident lurked in a small corner and he knew that after having heard just what happened to his former friend, Kooiman.

           Thirdly there was the green coated, red maned, often mistaken for an magically engineered puppet, little mastermind of an engineer named Mush. The mare took place next to the crimson stallion and glanced over to Rarity in silence. She knew what was going to happen of course but never spoke a single word. If it wasn't for the machines doing their pounding and hissing, one could drop a pin and it would be heard through the whole place. A graveyard was even noisier.

        Last but not least there was the new recruit of the group. The misfit that was Bloodshed himself. He had entered the place and gulped loud when he saw Rarity standing there. It was by him that the mare actually exchanged a bit of eye contact. One moment they were both looking one another deep in the eyes and the sheer insanity of the ivory mare could be seen dancing in his eyes. Something that unsettled the stallion even further.

        With him having entered the place, it meant that the entire department was empty and that meant something else to the unicorn. For she charged up her horn and not just closed the door, but also locked it behind them. The only light that entered the room them, was from the fires of the boilers and the magic of the mare. She was ready to let the picking begin.

        Calmly did she pace up and down past all of the workers. Almost as if she was the commander of an army or something like it. It was something that unsettled many of them and they could actually feel their sheer fear rising inside of their bodies. They were truly scared of the unicorn who they had been seining as their boss for so long already.

        Perhaps it were the changes around her legs and horn that caused most of them to happen. It was just unknown to tell actually just what could have spooked them so very much about her. But none of them could resist themselves, that the moment she had past them, to actually look at her.

        They wanted to know just what had happened to their manager and those ‘shoes’ she wore from the leather, seemed to have been the cause in most of their eyes. But none of them even dared to speak a single word around it or against her. They wanted to live and the best way to be doing that was to actually keep their mouths shut about anything and everything.

        Though the workers would have only gone out of the frying pan and into the fire from there on outwards as the ivory coated unicorn charged up her horn even further. Behind them where the hatches of the furnaces opened used to burn the bodies in. With the extra light added to the room from the fires, Rarity totally appeared like a demon in front of them. Some of the workers released a small yelp or a gasp as they felt the sudden heat of the flames crawling up against their body. Just a little and literal indication of the heat of their situation.

        Corron, Mush and Keeton on the other end, all looked to one another from the corners of their eyes before they turned their heads over to the gaping holes of fire. There was little that they could have done against it though. If they would have tried to close the hatches, Rarity would have ended their lives there and then and literally without mercy whatsoever.

        Bloodshed on the other end felt the embers sparking upon his back and tried to withstand the pain they gave him. Because whether he liked it or not, the wounds on his back were opened by them once again. Yet nopony seemed to be noticing the one thing that Rarity did notice. Which happened to be the horrid stench.

        The stench of the bodies being burned to nothing but a crisp. Everything from the organs, to the hides, the muscle and even the bones was used as a fuel for the things to keep the place running. It was a foul stench that reeked deep into the nose of the manager. But never deep enough to make her turn her head away and puke out whatever happened to be lying inside of her stomach.

        While they felt the heat in their back and Rarity walked back to the beginning of the line. All of the workers returned to their original position while the sweat broke out by a couple of them as they had not a clue what was going to happen to them. Prayers for lives were being made and mercy was begged by those who thought they were going to die.


Rarity found herself standing at the end of the line and began to move up one employee at a time. It didn't matter just who it happened to be, all she gave them was that stern and emotionless look. Then her eyes went down to the files and the next one was being picked up. Through a system of fear and fright she managed to keep the lot of them under control while they were all inspected.

        By some of them she recognized the pictures inside of the files. While some thought it would have been something that they saw their personal files, others on the other end thought it meant a death sentence to them. Yet there was of course another group that then was created, those who didn't saw themselves on the files. They also shared the same thought that it either meant something good or that their deaths would have been imminent.

        And in between all of that inner chaos, there was the fourth group of ponies who had their own thoughts about the whole situation. Those who actually remained neutral on everything and were just waiting for the command given by the unicorn herself. Of course they could be guessing just how things would be working and they were going to be done but those were just wild thoughts that raced through each of their minds.

        Nopony was actually being missed during the inspection and when the haunting eyes of Rarity went over the body of Bloodshed. The stallion could feel his sweat starting to run a bit faster while his heart was beating nearly at a thousand times per minute. Nervous and broken down as he was, he still had the decency to look down into the mare her eyes. Even if she could read the sheer fear straight out of them.

        It was that fear actually that caused the ivory unicorn to grin towards him. A grin that would remain visible upon her face as she turned herself back over to the group as a whole and she turned her attention from left to right. The fear began to rise as they all expected her to talk the words that were on her mind.

        They were right, they were just so right upon everything.

        “You might be wondering just why I have been asking each and every last one of you to come here today right? Well the words I can give you about that are actually rather simple when you think about it. However, some of you might not even understand those so I shall explain it very carefully and to the best of my own abilities,” Rarity said to each of them. Her eyes continued to glance over every one of them individually before she turned to a bit more crowded look in her eyes. “The moving department has been one that has been standing under my eyes for a long time but ever since we have been docked inside of the city, only a few workers are required here every day to make sure we catch on with the city’s powers without a problem.”

        A massive grin formed itself below her muzzle after she finished her words. She glanced over every last one of them again from the corner of her eyes. “Can any pony tell me just what that means?” Rarity asked of them. It was a sick question to hear, but even sicker to answer.

        “B-Budget, c-cuts?” an uncertain worker spoke up to her. He could only have hoped that she was not going to confirm the words against him, but even he knew the time was up.

        “Exactly, budget cuts shall be made here yes. Those who have seen their file, I’m sorry, but you’re about to burn.” Rarity replied to the group as a whole. She then erupted out in a snicker that was just sickening to listen to. Everything that was wrong with the ivory mare managed to surface right there and then. Even her most sadistic side couldn't even have imagined the sheer terror that she would be giving to them all.

        All of the ponies who had seen their file popping up suddenly gained a set of wide eyes. Of course they wanted to fight against her but there wasn't anything in their might that could be doing. She controlled the endless supply of magic towards the land. She was the being that could stuff them all in the fires with the clap of a hoof if she needed to. Fighting her was pointless as it only meant an even slower death.

        So all they could be doing was just to wait and say their goodbyes to their coworkers without ever breaking the line.


Twilight and Trixie had arrived at the office of the insane doctor in the time that everything was going down back in the boiler room. They knocked upon the door a couple of times but they never seemed to have gotten any answer from him. “Maybe he’s not in?” Trixie questioned while the door remained tightly shut. But the mulberry mare had so her other thoughts about it.

        “No, if he wasn't in, there would have been something happened to him. I think that we actually need to apply a little bit of force to this door and hope that he will come out of his hiding,” answered Twilight with a smirk. She charged up her horn in the crimson red aura. It was right away that Trixie knew what was going to happen and she did a step or two backward to give the other mare all of the space that she needed in order to perform her trick.

        The door itself gained the aura around it and Twilight began to concentrate herself upon the very hinges of the metal door. It took her a couple tries and a few seconds before she had pulled the whole door out of the hinges. She set the heavy sheet of steel off of the side. “See, easy peasy,” she chuckled while the horn discharged itself and they both entered into the office of the stallion.

        It didn't matter how many times they would have been in that place, every single time there was something new that could be found. Something that that was everything but pleasant to look at. Not to mention the sheer book collection that the stallion had managed to make up over the progression of time. But in the office itself there was no doctor to be found. Only a few scribbled notes laid upon the very desk of him.

        Trixie was the first to walk around it and began to read them with a half eye as they didn't make any sense to her. All of the scrabbles were literally unreadable for her eyes and when she signaled Twilight over to read them as well, the eyes looked over them with a curious expression.

        “I can’t be making anything out of this…” she mumbled to herself. Her head rose itself up again in order to think a little bit. “If I were him, where would I be hiding myself from the officials?” It was a question that was well placed and consumed the entire attention of Twilight herself.

        Something that left Trixie to go over to another door that would be leading to the small operation chamber. And she dared to peek through the small opening there was between the door and the doorway. And the things her eyes saw were just about the most unholy she had ever seen. “I think, I found him Twilight,” she softly spoke up before a couple steps back were taken.

        “What do you mean with that, Trix?”

        “Just, just open the door would you?”

        “Aye aye,” Twilight replied before her horn charged itself up once again. The door was not just opened, but flung open on its hinges. The two of them calmly walked inside of the room as if nothing had happened.

        Inside of the perfectly white colored room they caught the stallion looking up to them from over a body. One that seemed to have died not all too long ago. His labcoat, mouthpiece, gloves and instruments were all just covered in blood of the pony that laid on the table. It was a truly gruesome sight that even made the mares want to throw up a bit.

        Never in their lives had they seen the actual insiders of a pony lying around in the manner that it was being done upon the table right in front of her. The good doctor on the other end, wanted to explain his deeds but was never given the chance. “W-What is that?!” Twilight shouted to him.

        Medic himself just lowered his body from the operating table and took his magnifying glasses off. He calmly walked to the two of them and each step he took upon the ground caused a ring of red to appear. “Meine Fraulein, zhis is just a little experiment I have been working on for, half an hour now. It’s purely for scientific researching, I can promise you zhat.”

        “And just what, does that research actually contain, doctor? Wanting to see how many organs you can pull out before it’s empty?” Trixie said to him. She calmly walked past the stallion and towards the body itself. A genuine and sick interest had managed to take her over for some reason.

        It was a statement that made the stallion chuckle to himself before he shook his head in an oddly calm manner. His body turned itself back over to the deceased body and he began to walk back to it. “Nein, nein, nein, if you dare to look, du will find the magical reservoirs just between zhe stomach and zhe liver. I've been trying to discover, just vat it has been, that made unicorn store such magical abilities,” the stallion pleaded for himself.

        “Not much research has been done to those things, given the fact nopony wanted to have themselves voluntarily cut open. We know plenty about dead ones, living ones…are a bit harder to catch.” Twilight spoke up as she understood the sheer trouble that the stallion went through.

        “Ja, if only I could have a living specimen in meine hooves. But zhat’s a worry for another time. What was it you needed of me?” the stallion said to them. He had turned himself back around to face Twilight as a whole.


All the way down in the lower guts of the very facility, back inside of the boiler room of the moving department to be exact, had all of the ponies been able to say their goodbyes. Yet Rarity kept on looking over the group as a whole. She wanted to humiliate those who wouldn't be seeing the next morning in the city just that little bit more. It seemed sadistic but that was actually the way she happened to be in the moment. A sadistic little bitch with a bit of an ego problem.

        Of course it could be perfectly blamed upon the parasite to which she was a host for, but that would have only gotten her so far. Because for certain bits and pieces of the entire moment of torture, she was perfectly fine and even seemed to have been herself. Just for very little moments during the chaos and the sheer terror she was seeding into their minds.

        “Very well then, now that you have been able to say your goodbyes to those dear to you, I do suppose it is time to take out the thrash and incarnate the wastes,” Rarity said in a sadistic sounding tone. Then the very first name was being shouted by her. The pony then gained the magical aura around the body. Before anypony could be objecting against the actions, the deed was done.

        The hellish and piercing screams of utter agony could be heard coming from out of the fires of hell. That was the very thing that was waiting down there, for just so many others to come. Their bodies being burned alive and used as fuel for the Facility.

        One by one were the ponies thrown in like they were garbage for the ivory unicorn. Unicorn after unicorn who would have been perfectly able to become magic themselves, were being destroyed right on the very spot. All of it just to keep the place running for what reason? Bloodshed looked over the bodies being tossed inside and the screams coming out before they went back to silent again. He couldn't help it but to feel he needed to be doing something, anything.

        But he knew just how strong the mare happened to be. That was perhaps her saving grace for the moment. Yet somewhere in his heart it felt like he was going to meet his end sooner than later as well. And if he went it was by her hooves and nopony else's.

        When the last pony was thrown into the fires of the last boiler, Keeton, Corron, Mush and even Bloodshed were among the few that actually manned standing there. But with the last pony being picked up by Rarity, she signaled the four of them to take a step aside. They all understood and obeyed the silent order. They all knew what was going to happen next and prepared for it.

        The poor soul was just thrown into the fires without any form of remorse. Seconds later would the fires have been caught up with the stallion. Who literally screamed the lungs out of his body. Though that wasn't the worst part. The worst part still had to come. Rarity wanted to go and reassign all the ponies to their new places, when she caught something in the corner of her eyes.

        All four of the ponies around the hatch of the fires suddenly turned themselves towards the very fires. They heard the clunking sounds of metal tearing away flesh. “Impossible,” Keeton whispered to himself before all of them gasped in fright and took a step away.

        Out of the opening came a burned hoof that was dragging the body back to freedom. But when the last inches to it had to be made, the fires had consumed too much of the body to make it even work properly. “So close, yet so far.” Mush mumbled to herself as she heard Rarity leaving.

        But while the manager left the place, she continued to stare towards Bloodshed with that eerie looking glare in her eyes. Almost as I she had no memory of him, simply forgotten him through the gears of time and the events in her mind.

        “What’s your name?” Rarity asked against him. Her horn charged itself up a bit more to look through the files one last time.

        “B-Bloodshed, ma’am,” the stallion replied to her before he released another gulp. The unicorn herself stopped looking at the mere mentioning of his name. That very name was more than enough to send the feelings of hatred and rage through her system. All of the files she had in her magic were placed in the fires to make it look like they have never been working in that place.

        There was room for just one more pony inside of it, the date couldn't be missed whatsoever. The charge of Rarity’s horn began to surround the stallion and before he could even be knowing what was going on, his body met the raging flames inside of the furnace. He of course wanted to crawl out of the place as soon as he possibly cloud, but the hatches were being closed by Rarity.

        Something that caused the hoof of the other pony to just be cleanly cut off and fell down to the ground while Keeton, Corron and mush could only hear the screams of pure agony. They couldn't even begin to imagine the sheer pain and terror Bloodshed must have gone through while he was being burned to death.

        But Rarity, she didn't care one bit about him and opened the door to lead the others back to the main department. “Listen up, I’ll only tell your new posts once,” she stated to all of them before a growl was released from her throat. One last cutting glare was given to the lot of them.