//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: The Art of Magic III: Reality of the Facility // by Rarity Belle //------------------------------// The ivory unicorn seemed to have gathered everything that she needed in order to meet the member of the court of princess Platinum. For perhaps the first time ever did she allow herself to wear a suit that was more than suitable for a manager of an important business. Which she actually happened to be in more the one way of the word. There was a lot that was going through her head just as of why her help was required downstairs or by the court to begin with.         Perhaps she would be getting some kind of promotion that would help her to rise within the circles of the city itself. The chances were of course rather slim of that actually happening but she was giving every chance it had. She wanted to be recognized even within the city as a mare who knew how to run a business.         It was an image of herself that she preferred not to lose under any given circumstances. Given just how everything had been going into the Facility after it had docked, all seemed to have been well going so well. Perhaps even a little bit too well in her eyes at certain points. Not that it mattered all that much to her actually. With the sapphire blue colored tie being fixed for the meeting did the unicorn release a deep exhale. Which in response actually caused her to be a little bit light headed. She still wasn't fully the old pony that she used to be but she had gotten a long way since the hours she just laid on her bed. She felt herself pretty decent enough outside of the fact that there wasn't any information given about anything.         It was above the washing table that Rarity calmly leaned against and opened the door of a small cabinet. Inside of it laid a couple of her personal belongings along with a pack of aspirins. That was about the very thing she would be needing if the unicorn even wanted to make it downstairs. The sheer heat, the sounds of metal clunking would be just the utmost disastrous for her brain. The little box was opened and she took out two pills that were then downed into her throat while she took a massive swig of water from a glass.         It may not have seemed like all too much that could have been helping her but any little bit actually helped her. As long as she would be keeping herself to her senses. Only that way everything would be more than fine in her eyes. Just after she had drunk both of the aspirins and the water, the glass was lowered down in the sink, the box stored and the cabinet closed. The crimson red rimmed eyes looked into the mirror for a moment as the horn was still gently charged with magic.         Without any form of speech or motion was the eye color changed by itself from crimson red to a much more pleasant, sapphire blue. The color that she used to be wearing within them. It was a helpful little spell for her as it meant that she could just remain a bit more normal then she usually seemed to be. The red rimmed eyes were usually scaring off many workers and victims alike.         The last thing that she needed there and then was to scare the member of the court away. Thus blowing everything they could have been gaining from the meeting straight out of the window.         With one last look in the mirror, the unicorn mare gave herself a gentle smile and a nod. Her body then turned itself around and left the room for what it was. She started on the journey to the very entrance of the Facility, a place where few actually could leave from. ---                       Down on that very same floor, the brown coated, green rimmed and suit wearing stallion was just looking through the little museum that had been installed in the very front of the place. Of course it just had to function as a decoy for the events as they were really going on. It was perhaps the best way that it was done the way it was. It meant that the lies of how magic would have been created still remained a mystery for those who didn’t know it, for those who didn’t wanted to know it.         A mystery that would have been closely guarded not only by Rarity but also the workers of the place. Including the clerk behind the desk. Every pony who worked in the place knew how the magic was actually being made. The question remained whether or not the court of the platinum princess actually knew it. Whether or not the princess herself had once spoken her lips about the facts of the place in a will or something.         Either way, the stallion was just calmly looking over the items that were on display, not to mention the statues and the painting of important ponies who helped in the creating of the magic way back in the dark ages. Though the thing that caught the most of his time, had to be the very statue of Platinum herself. A statue that was actually cast from the very same material as her name. The resembles against the princess was uncanny and it caused the stallion to gain a massive smile upon his face.         “Like two drops of water,” he said to himself before the sounds of a heavy metal door could be heard within his ears. Out of just sheer curiosity did the pony turn himself around and noticed a mare standing before the little desk. Only to then see how the clerk pointed to him. But the thing that followed was perhaps the most beautiful of them all.         As the mare turned herself around, her brilliant sapphire blue eyes almost seemed to have shone within the lights. The purple mane that covered the right left eye just a little bit after the head had stopped before it fell back into its original position.         Out of every last pony he would have expected the place to be ran by, he couldn't have ever imagined that it would have been done by such a beauty. A beauty who then would have made her way over to him with a gentle smile going over her lips.         “Good day sir, you wished to see me as I understood from my assistant,” said Rarity to him. She would have come to a stop a couple of hooves away from him. Though the stallion couldn't come out of his words at first. Instead he would allow a deep breath to do the job for him, while the mind thought up the words he required to speak.         One of his own forehooves carefully managed to wrap itself around one of Rarity’s and every so carefully brought it up to his face. Only to plant a gentle kiss upon it and then to let it go again. His eyes looked into hers and he seemed to have been mesmerized by them. “I indeed wished to see you, milady..?”         “Rarity,” the mare replied with a faint blush that went across both of her cheek from the kiss. Never could she have even expected the stallion to be such a gentlecolt. Yet on the other end was she glad that he was like that. To her it meant that she was perhaps more than just a tyrannical leader of a death factory. A nice change of thought for once actually.         “Milady Rarity, a beautiful name for such a fine pony like yourself,” the stallion replied to her with a small smile of his own. “But allow me to introduce myself, the name of Platinum Sea has been given to me so many years ago.” After his little introduction did the stallion make a polite bow before the unicorn mare. Rarity almost seemed to be captivated by him for some reason.         “It certainly is a pleasure to be meeting you, mister Sea,” replied Rarity just before she also went into a bow before him. Mutual respect was given to the two of them, but for different reasons.         “Oh please, just call me Platinum, just like our beloved princess,” the green rimmed stallion replied to her. They both rose back up from the bow and looked at one another for a few seconds.         Naturally was Rarity still more than curious of just what a pony of his status would be doing inside of her factory. But perhaps the answer was closer than she would have thought. But in order to break the silence, the ivory coated unicorn spoke her words. “Shall we go outside, Platinum? I actually prefer to walk just through the city from time to time. Unless you object against it that is.”         Platinum looked a little bit towards her in an odd gaze before his eyes closed themselves and he released a gentle chuckle. “Not at all lady, Rarity, please go ahead and I’ll follow suit. The day is lovely actually, would be an actual shame if we just spent all our time inside of the muffled box you own. No offence,” he replied to her with a gentle smile.         “None taken, and you’re more than right when it comes down to that yes.” Rarity replied to him before she turned herself around and began to make her departure of the factory. “Oh and,” she looked over to the clerk, “take a note that I’m out. If somepony needs me, they can go to either of the under officials. That should be all.”         It was after those words were spoken that both Rarity and Platinum Sea left the building for what it was. When the doors finally had closed themselves behind the two ponies, all of their words couldn't be heard anymore and the reason why she was needed still remained to be unknown. ---                       Though the clerk behind the desk had so her own opinions about the stallion as a whole. He might have charmed her a little bit when he entered the place and even managed to get Rarity in his grasp but something about him just didn't make much sense to her. With a set of sneaky looking eyes she kept on spying whether or not the two of them had already gone.         Through the glass doors she noticed how Rarity continued to speak about something against him but they were still actually there. There was only one thing that she could have done. Which was to just continue her work as it was given to her for the time being. So that was exactly the thing that she did. Everything just continued like their meeting had never happened.         Though a few minutes later had she looked once again through the glass doors. The clerk noticed that the two of them had finally gone. To do whatever it happened to be that they would be doing to begin with. Her horn charged itself up in the crimson red aura and an arcane headset was conjured into existence.         The thing was placed around her head and she mentally dialed the number to either Trixie’s or Twilight’s room. She could only hope that one of the two would have been able to answer the calls. It seemed a little bit odd, especially in the mind of the clerk, but she thought that stallion would be actually the very cause of the destruction of the place.         Perhaps she was just suffering from delusional ideas or some kind of paranoia. Either way, the under officials still had to know just what exactly had been going on between Rarity and the stallion. The tedious seconds of waiting were perhaps the only thing that always would have been gotten on her nerves when it came down to calls. Those helpless seconds in which one would discover just whether the other would pick up, or let it ring. It was a feeling that would be eating her up from the inside out. She wasn't happy with it to begin with.         But then finally and eventually was the call got picked up by one of the two. “Good day ma’am, clerk at the front desk here. I just like to inform you that manager Rarity has gone into the city together with a stallion who said he was of the court of Platinum herself.” After she spoke her words there was a silence on her side remained for perhaps longer than it usually would have been.         It was only after a few seconds of her silence that she spoke up once again. “I, I understand. I already had so my feelings about him, matter of fact. Nothing made sense to him in my eyes. But, give me a moment, I’ll be with you,” she spoke before allowing the headset to disappear.         The only thing that followed was that she released a deep sigh through her nostrils while her back leaned itself into the chair a bit more. Judging from the words, she had to actually go up to the very room of the under officials to bring out the report of the mysterious Platinum Sea. It wasn't something she particularly looked forward to. But the command of either three of the highest officials had to be followed up or the trouble would not have been worth it.         So in the end and about five minutes after the call had ended, the unicorn made released herself from her chair and walked up to the massive steel door through which Rarity first came.         Once she had walked through it, the pony stood at a small platform of the spiraling staircase that went through the whole of the building. The lights covered in blood, the stench of the dead and the sweat of the living, the sheer cold metal sheets. All of it was just adding to a massive shiver that went over the back of the pony. She could be considered extremely lucky that she was allowed to be working outside of the actual place where everything happened.         But it was only a small thing that helped her. Because of the fact she was at the ground level, the clerk had to go up all of the stairs in order to reach the very floor the two would be. The ability to teleport herself through the building was a thing she didn't have. Not to mention that she wasn't even trained further into the magical arts outside of a little bit of a levitational spell left and right.         So the massive climb could only begin and perhaps end on a place she didn't even have an idea where it would be. It all seemed so unusual for her. Even after having walking the stairs day in and out at least twice to get to her bunk bed, everything still felt odd. The mare never got actually used to the ways of the place and perhaps that was the better thing to have been done, or not.         While she walked upon the stairs, her eyes caught two ponies that were going down from them. The both of them wore the hazard suits around their bodies, but the helmets were taken off. She saw a blue coated stallion and a green coated mare talking to one another when they passed each other. Though not much attention afterwards was given to her.         The stairs alone, going up all the way to begin with, was already a pain in her flanks and required perhaps a bit more attention than she would have liked. “I hate these bloody stairs just so, so, so much,” the mare muttered almost in silence to herself. ---                       But the two ponies that she had passed along the way, were actually the two former engineers Keeton and Mush. They were one their way to the first floor of holding cells. “Keet, just shut up alright! I know it isn't our place to be standing, but the very least we would be doing is our actual job. Besides, babysitting isn't that hard. They can’t be going anywhere even if they wanted. They placed a shield on the roofs so they can’t get on the catwalks remember,” said Mush to the stallion.         “No Mush, I’m not going to be quiet just because I have to. I’m an engineer who would be working on those damn engines and yar be knowing it better than any stinking soul in this place,” replied Keeton with a stern voice. It wasn’t much later before they arrived at the floor they needed to be. The stallion opened the door for her and the two of them entered the lowest holding cell floor.         It was before the door even closed itself behind them that the blue coated stallion was reminded just why he hated it there so much. Even on the place they were standing, they could look right inside of one of the cells. And the sheer amount of terrified faces, not to mention defeated ponies they already saw, caused the two of them to place their helmets on right away.         Locked and loaded for their patrol through the floor, they communicated to one another through a headset of their own. “You know, Keeton, sometimes you’re just a massive foal,” Mush snarled to him. She had picked up just where the stallion had left off with his words. “You have to admit that working here beats working in the intense heat of the boiler room. Not to mention the fact we don’t have to worry about exploding furnaces or something like that anymore. You got to row with the oars that you have. Might wanna look inside of that.”         “Oh can you just shut that mouth of yars for a moment or three? I’m starting to get sick of it,” Keeton replied to her in a growling tone. They walked past the first set of cells. Both of their eyes went over each and every unicorn inside of them that was classified as unworthy to use the magic they produced. In their eyes, they were just the cattle for the product that was required to be made.         They were nothing but a resource that they would be using. Though perhaps that very mindset was the thing that drove Keeton over the edge. Perhaps it was because of that simply little fact that he couldn't and perhaps wouldn't actually wanted to work upon the holding department. Because of the fact that deep inside his body, somewhere hidden inside of his tainted heart, there was that tiny scratch of decency still hidden away. But it wouldn't be just that feeling inside of it. Another one was the fact of separating right from wrong.         Everything that he saw inside of the place reminded him just how wrong their deeds perhaps could have been and perhaps had become through the gears of time. Though much time to think about anything wasn't there, as Mush actually spoke her words in her response. “Again?” the mare teasingly asked him before she chuckled to herself.         “Again yes!” Keeton snarled to her as if he was going to strangle her. But creating a fight in the holding department wouldn't have been the wisest of ideas to begin with. Not to mention that it would be standing bad in the Facility’s images and might be giving the unworthy unicorns some hope that they could set the personal against one another.         “Alright, alright, calm down here, geez,” Mush then said to him. After that did her eyes went over another batch of young mares and stallions. From the looks that they gave them, they must have been just arrived by something or somehow. Either way, their days would have been counted from the moment they failed their tests. One day or another, they would be processed.         The green coated mare wanted to speak her words of hatred about them just so much, but didn't do that over the headset. A little thing that was done to make certain that the blue coated stallion wouldn't go on an all-out rampage through the place. Preventing was always better than healing and that lesson had Mush learned a long time ago.         Though the little thing that neither of the two knew was the fact that somewhere deep inside of the bowels of the place somepony seemed to had once again figured a way of escaping the place. Even with the shield active above each of the holding cells, there still seemed to be a way that they could be getting out and they would be using all of the materials necessary.         The most fun part about the whole of the thoughts was the very fact that it was on the floor where both Keeton and Mush were doing their patrol. With them actually being the only two guards to keep the whole place in tone, as the rest were busy with their break, it would be them two who would have made the eventual discovery of the breakout.         “I don’t care what it is yar saying or going to say to me, or her, or even them, I just want to get out of here as soon as possible,” muttered Keeton. His eyes looked with care over each of the ponies in the cells. Watching them straight in the eyes whenever he could.         “The only way that that is going to be possible, is in a body bag. You know that right? Once you’re in here, the only way out is by dying and it can’t be faked. They know all of the little tips and tricks that you can be doing about that and for that really,” Mush replied cold to the stallion. “But if you like, I can help you with that.”         “Ya keep yar dirty hooves of you, off of me. Try it and I will give you a fight you won’t forget in a long time to come.” Keeton them spoke up before they turned around another corner. ---   While the two ponies kept themselves busy in the holding floor with the ponies that were locked up and unworthy, another stallion on one of the higher levels of the place was looking to something a bit more interesting. Day after day had he kept it close to himself. Almost as if he cherished it like one of his own foals. The sheer scientific data that he would be getting out of the stuff was a massive breakthrough in all of his researches and moments as a scientist.         Medic had actually taken all of the corruption out of Rarity’s blood for certain but he never had thrown it away like Twilight and Trixie asked of him. Instead he had kept it to experiment on it as a living organism. To see just where it would possibly be falling under and perhaps, how it could be living inside of the waste products of the place. All of the massive questions that were floating around and he couldn't answer a single one of them.         Even with the air tight sealed jar standing in front of him, his eyes looked at the life inside of it. There wasn't anything he could be doing. Releasing it back into the world was without a doubt not the best option. But what if he could release it back into its natural habitat of the wastes?         It certainly was something idiotic but then again, it was the physician of the Magic Facility for starters. The very stallion who once hacked up a unicorn just to see how the insides worked and left the carcass just lying on a table for the next few days. Hygiene procedures during the operations and research were optional, in his eyes. But the parasite that had been living inside of Rarity wanted to control the unicorn forever. That was the thing that caught the most of his interest.         Not a single day after he got a hold of the samples was missed to look at them and study them. Even in the air locked jar and without any food did the parasite still seemed to have been able to survive for days. Perhaps it had consumed so much of the unicorn that it could actually be doing that before it looked for a new host.         “Simply fascinating,” Medic mumbled to himself before he gained a wicked grin across his face. He got obsessed with the thing that lived inside of that jar. The sheer waving motions that the black blob made to impress him were just mesmerizing. Almost as it was actually calling him to open the jar and release it. Almost as if it had gotten a will of its own to look for the next host.         All attempts did of course fail as the stallion happened to have been lot wiser than to just be doing that. The chance was there that that was actually the saving grace for him. The very thing that managed to keep him alive in the world that was being ruled by the insane.         Yet the urges to continue the research couldn't even stop him from perhaps going over the literal edge of things. He wanted to discover, he wanted to know everything that could have been done about the parasite. And there was only one place where he could be actually learning more from it than anywhere else in the whole building. “Zhat is it!” Medic spoke up to himself before he stood up from his desk and took the jar in a levitational field.         Together they left the office of the stallion to return to the ‘home’ of the parasite. The original place of where it used to be living before it was being transported over to the body of Rarity herself. Which, in and of itself, had to have been one of the more stranger operations that the pony ever had conducted in his entire life. ---                       When he arrived at the floor that was working on the waste products, the mare who used to be standing there, just came out of the door and locked it up again. She released a deep sigh through her nostrils which was then amplified by the suit itself. The massive sigh of relief wasn't something that the stallion was used to hearing and tilted his head a little bit.         “Something the matter Fraulein?” he then asked her with a gentle and kind time. Though he only spoke after he had walked into her hearing distance.         The mare herself yelped softly before she turned around against the door and looked from side to side. She seemed to have been truly terrified about something, if not anything. But when she finally got the stallion in her eyes, the fears and fights actually managed to sink back down into her heart. “Oh it’s you, Medic, I thought you were Rarity, or any of the other officials. Do tell me, what brings you here?” she said to the stallion. She left the door and removed her helmet.         “Vat really brings mir here is zhis actually,” the stallion said to her. Then he shook the jar with the parasite in it a bit, stirring it up. Making it wiggle a bit more.         “And that, is what?” the mare just asked him. She had not a single clue of what it could have actually been.         “Now zhat is the fun part. Zhis is the very thing that manager Rarity once consumed from the wastes du ist controlling. Zhe parasite that lives in zhe waste product actually bounded itself mit ihr,” he explained to her. What followed was that there came a nasty grin formed itself across his lips.         The unicorn mare had to keep her head together in order to make certain that she knew exactly what he was talking about. And even then it was still a lot of literal hocus pocus for her. “So, what you’re saying is that, that thing inside of there, actually lived inside of her for a while? How on earth did you manage to extract it from her? …Actually, don’t answer that one and keep it away from me. I still have nightmares about her coming after me all covered in that stuff.”         “Ich only wanted to drop zhis back in its natural habitat. It should dissolve into zhe millions of partials it once began as. Meaning, it will be harmless.” Medic then reassured her the best he could.         “Do what you want, just don’t go in without a hazard suit and don’t do anything stupid. I need my dinner and bed… Night doc,” the mare simply spoke up to him before she undressed herself completely and then left the stallion for what he was. And the stallion himself looked at both the jar, the suit and the door before he gave himself a small nod. ---                       Both the fully suited Keeton and Mush walked around one of the corners of the holding department. They wanted to inspect the next line of blocks on the floor. Everything seemed to have been going as they would have expected from the ponies. All of them were terrified, disorientated and overall not in a state to actually fight them. But that was one thing, as for the looks, they could have been deceiving as they always did and were used to.         The two of them continued walking through the hallway. Though it was Keeton who suddenly changed the subject of their conversation to keep himself actually silent for a while. “Ya seen or heard what happened to the manager, one moment she was all like in these black glove-like things and the next nopony hears anything from her for a set of days. Ya think she might have ended her life and now is somewhere in the next?” he asked of his partner.         But in response did Mush shook her head from side to side. She didn't believe the words as he spoke them to her. “It’s odd indeed of just how that part went actually down. I don’t believe that she actually has gone. I say somepony extracted the thing from her and she’s out for the count. The doc seemed to be very pleased with something over the last couple of days actually. Something he always keeps very close to himself actually. Celestia knows just what it can possibly that he had managed to get out of her. But if it is any good or something terrible, I don’t wanna be near him when he has that,” Mush had replied to him.         Keeton would have  huffed a little bit before he gave a nod to her words. “Now that makes two of us, actually. And yar words are likely to be believed. But here, here I ain't so sure who lives or dies. She might have died and we are now under the rule of the other two ponies. Now that’s gonna be something we don’t want to be anywhere,” the stallion added to his words.         Before Mush could even reply to those set of spoken words, the alarm had began to ring over the whole of the floor. The two ponies first looked at one another for a moment before they looked behind them. They knew the origin of the sounds came from their floor and a gallop was set into motion. They had to see just what had happened. In their minds it could have been anything that went wrong and down inside of the place.         Yet the two of them could only hope that it was a false alarm. The two of them galloped as fast as they could to the holding cell where the sounds came from. Mush was in fact the first one to arrive. In her eyes she almost caught the impossible, or the thought to be impossible.         When Keeton finally arrived himself, he looked into the holding cell and noticed the heap of ponies all piled up as if they only just had fallen. “This can’t be true…” he spoke up to himself. The eyes looked up to the shields. When the shield came into his view, both of his eyes opened themselves even wider. Never in his life he had expected it to witness, but the holes were there and the doors stood open wide on either side.         “Corron, you up there?!” Mush spoke over the headset. She tried to reach the third engineer with everything she got. “If you get this, we have an escape attempt on the level you are. Both doors are open so they could have gone anywhere. Good luck finding them. I’ll be sending Keeton over as well while I work on the shield,” she spoke over the intercom. They could have only prayed then.         Keeton nodded to the red maned unicorn as he heard the conversation over his own headset and was gone literally in a flash. “The hunt is on,” he spoke up with a chuckle to himself.         Corron himself had started to search vividly for the missing ponies. He wanted to set literally everything on everything to make sure they would be found and brought back to their cells. Of course he was well aware of what happened the time that Sweetie Belle was caught and the time after that one. No matter how many attempts the unworthy's were doing, the workers made sure that nopony would be actually getting out of the place. The last two times they were just floating in the air, but now that they were back against the city itself. One escape into there would be a disaster to the whole of the place. Secrets could be spilled, revelations made, nasty stuff would happen.         The hawk-like eyes of the stallion scanned each and every last corner of the hallways that he was going through. But it didn't matter where he went, there was nothing in his eyes that seemed to be looking like an escape. The only evidence that he found, were the open doors near the catwalk, but that was it. Everything else was just closed off from everything and it was something that almost literally killed him.         “Corron, you found anything yet?” the sudden voice of Keeton spoke to him.         “I haven’t found a damn thing in this bucket of doors. I don’t know where they could have been gone to, but wherever they are, they are good at hiding themselves. All the doors are still locked at my end. Either they closed them after passing to make it look like nothing happened, or they are still near the beginning,” replied Corron before his eyes turned around over every last corner there was. Even with the helmet of his suit off, it still was almost impossible to see just where the pony or ponies had gone to.         “Alright, I’ll be with ya shortly. Keep those eyes peeled lad. Can’t afford somepony escaping,” replied Keeton to him. It would have taken just a couple seconds before a sigh was clearly audible.         “You think I didn't know that myself, Keeton?! Just haul that heavy ass of yours over to here and help me find those misfits. I want to strangle them just so much by now,” the bold stallion muttered over the headset before he turned his body back around to witness what was going on behind him. “Nothing, expectable from a place like this.” A deep grumbling sigh was released through his mouth afterwards just before the stallion continued with his search. ---                       On the other end of the spectrum was Mush charging up her horn in order to get the shield back up and even placed a secondary layer over it. It may have seem like too much protection but it was better than having nothing at all. While the alarm continued to sing its song over all three of the holding floors, every last employee was brought up to speed to the events as they were and the searching simply continued. They would be finding those who came out of their cell and give them a quick and painful death before the machines would even be able to get their claws on them.         Mush was still repairing the holes in the shields of the cell before added yet another layer upon them. And the second layer didn't just went over the open roofs, it also went down before the cast iron bars. She would be making certain that escape would have been impossible from there on outward.         She still couldn't actually wrap her head around the fact that they managed to pile themselves up, use one another to make an escape like that. It was a daring idea and brilliantly executed given the result, that was a thing that she had to admit. Though it would also have been the last time anypony would be doing such a stunt upon the workers of the place. And Mush would be making that a reality with the double shielding. ---                       Though back on the place where the bold stallion just had left, three sets of eyes would have revealed themselves out of a small unseen corridor. All three of them then just as suddenly disappeared again from the hiding place. And then did they one by one reveal themselves. Three ponies had managed to crawl of the hellhole. They were two young stallions and one young mare who were actually the only three able to escape the holding cell. Somehow, they had managed to save their skins from the terrible factory of death.         But they knew their escape wouldn't be an easy one. Especially with all of the alarms that were set off and the guards looking for them. The silence that the three ponies kept among themselves, was something that wasn't seen much before. All three of them had their hearts pounding in their throats and it was the mare who was actually looking for a way out of the place.         The two stallions just stood there and talked to one another about what was going to be the best way of actually getting out. Yet whether or not talking would have been that effective against a whole factory that wanted them dead, was a whole other question to be answered. While the stallions kept on talking, the mare herself actually discovered a small fault in the system. One of the doors was still open and by the looks from it, they could be making it through without a problem.         “Come on!” she whispered to the two stallions, who then hesitated just for a second or two. But then they knew it was their time to make the escape. They had come so far already, it would be a shame if they were caught just after they had gotten out of it. “This way and don’t lose me, I don’t want to be the only one who's getting out of here, understood?” she said to them with a smirk before the three of them entered a quiet gallop towards the door itself.