Letters to Ponyville

by StapleCactus


Dear Mom and Dad,

I hope you’re doing well! How are the folks over at Ponyville holding up? Is Gem Runner staying out of trouble, or is he up to mischief again? Tell the lil’ colt his big bro says 'hi.' I hope the news of the war didn’t shake up the town too much. I’m sure you guys would be alright.

Please don’t worry about me, Mom and Dad; I’m doing fine. Boot camp isn’t a vacation, yes, but it’s not all bad. I’ve been placed in a barracks full of nice ponies. Life’s hard, waking up early in the morning, doing drills, doing chores, eating meals, then going to bed late at night, but it has a certain charm to it. It was a bit hard to get used to. I’ll admit I was chewed out by our drill sergeant more than once, but it kind of gives me a sense of purpose. We sweat under the sun in the days, practicing sword-fighting, spear-fighting, physical training, and whatnot; eating dull foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; and we learn to rough it. Did you know that we don’t have toilets here? Can you believe it? We just have a trench to do our business in!

Although the facilities aren’t five-star, I really like the camp for the ponies I’ve met. We got separated into groups, each under a drill sergeant here. Unfortunately, the mares and the stallions were separated, so I don’t think you’ll be getting your grandfoal anytime soon, haha! There's only have stallions in my group.

I met this really nice pegasus. His name was Breeze Striker. Out of all my groupmates, I’d say he’s the one I’m closest with. He was recruited from Cloudsdale, and he said that the city was as nice as they say. He told me he was an orphan, he had nopony left, he had no reason to fight, but he joined for the fun of it. Can you believe this guy? Anyway, he seems loyal and trustworthy enough. I think he’d make a good friend.

Our drill sergeant, however, is a dick very unpleasant, especially to me. The guys think he singles me out because I’m ‘baby faced’, and they think the Sarge must want to pick on the wimp. I’ve never seen his cutie mark, but I’ll bet it’s something about yelling, since it seems to be his special talent. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard him talk without yelling, yet. I’ve yet to get to know the rest of the group personally, but I’m looking forward to it.

After training, they told us, we’ll be shipped off to the east with the griffins. I know that Gem Runner always wanted to meet a griffin, so in your next letter, why don’t you have him write me some questions to ask the griffins! I know what you’re thinking, but no, Mom, don’t bother yourself with making a scarf. I think I can handle the cold of the east. Haha!

It’s almost supper time here. I’m guessing it’ll be the same as it always has been these past two weeks: flatbread! Oh, I would do anything to get a taste of a sweet treat from Sugarcube Corner again. Speaking of Sugarcube Corner, I saw Mister Cake walking around camp a few days back, you know. Mister Cake? A soldier? I find that hard to believe, actually, but then again, nopony believed that I would be a soldier too, right? I guess we all just have to respond to the call of the princess. I hope that we get to end the war before Gem grows up, because I don’t want him trying for the army as well! Soon, because I don’t want foals to grow up in a future of war.

Anyway, I better end the letter here. Breeze is calling me so we can go to the mess hall. Stay safe, Mom and Dad. Don’t worry about me. I’ll write again as soon as I can.

Lots of love,

Your son, Brickroot