Mark of the Ninja: Land of the Ponies

by LtMajorDude

Sneaking In

The ninja emerged from the shadows.

He saw two guards walking.

He quickly ran and hid behind a garbage can.

The ninja quietly watched the two guards walk right past him.



The ninja felt tempted to use his sword on the guards.

However, he knew it was wrong to enter into a new world and kill its inhabitants.

He felt that he should have used the Path of Silence instead the Path of the Ninja.

He then walked quietly and leaned against a wall.

He then used his focus to see what's behind a corner.

He saw two guards, both armed with spears. They were guarding a door.

The ninja noticed a headlight above them.

Wasting no time, he got a dart and threw it at the light, shattering it and killing the light.

The guards blinked and used their horns to emit a light and point it to the shattered light bulb.



"When did this light go out?"

"Beats me."

As the guards were examining the broken light bulb, the ninja walked toward the guards.

As he got closer to one guard, he took out his cardboard box and hid under it just as the guards shrugged.

"Probably nothing."

"I hear ya."

The ninja then came out of his box and silently knocked out the guard.

The guard started to turn around and said, "Hey, I heard some pegasus in Ponyville got turned into vampir..."

The ninja immediately took out a terror dart and threw it at the guard.


The guard let out a horrified scream and fell to the ground. Thankfully, the poison from dart won't make the guard kill himself, unlike those guards back then when the ninja was alive on Earth.

As soon as the guard got up, he saw that the ninja was gone.

Shivering, he slowly walked around, clenching his spear in fear.

"I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to di-UMPH!"

The ninja quietly walked up to the guard and gave him a good punch in his head, knocking him out.

He walked up to the door and noticed it was locked.

He used his focus to see if there were anymore guards.

As soon as he saw that the coast was clear, he quickly lock-picked the door.

He opened it and let out a small smile.

There were a ton of books in this library. Well it should. It IS a library.

He used his focus to see if there were any guards nearby.

Thankfully, there wasn't a pony around.

The ninja observed the books. He needed to find a book about plants so that he may find a way to stop the madness from the plant's inks.

He took a book from a shelf and looked at the title.

He shook his head and took another book from the shelf.

Eventually, an hour has passed and the ninja hasn't made any progress.

As he face palmed, his eyes widen when he heard ponies walking in the library.

Thankfully the lights were off when the ninja entered the library, so at least...

"Ugh. It's too dark." A guard said as he turned on the lights.

The ninja widen his eyes as light covered the entire library.

As the lights turned on, the ninja immediately hid behind a pegasus statue.

He looked up and saw that there were only three headlights for the entire library.

He also noticed that it was the same three guards that met with the red guard and blue guard.

"Man, this library gives me the creeps."

"Yeah. It's way more scarier than the one in the Princess Celestia's personal library. You know, the one with all those weird books?"

"What are ya talking about? That place is nowhere 'near' scary! It's COMPLETELY scary!"

"Well, you know what I'm talking about."

"No, I DON'T know what you are talking about!-!"

"Guys, keep it down. Jeez."

The ninja thought for a bit.

Princess Celestia's personal library? Maybe he can find the answers there...

As he nodded, he took out three darts and threw them at the light bulbs.







As the three guards looked up, the ninja grabbed his cardboard box and hid under it.

He slowly tried to get to the exit as he hid in his box.



The three guards immediately spun around and flashed their horns at the box.

The ninja then jumped out of the box.


He then ran towards the door, breaking through it.

He was now out of the guards' sight.


The guards immediately followed the ninja to a dark alley.


As soon as the guards arrived at the alley, they didn't see the ninja.

They just saw a cardboard box.


"Ah forget it. He may be gone already."

"Alright. What was that thing anyway?"

"Don't know. But one of my friends, Lyra Heartstrings, always talked about something called...humans. I think she said they looked something more like...THAT."

As the guard explained this to them, they left the alley.

The ninja immediately jumped out of the box.

He let out a glare. Now they know what he is.

On the bright side, the ninja knows where to look next...