Mystery of the Forest: Daughter of Gaia

by Vinetion

CH.17: Royal take-over

~1 - 500 C.S.R. (Celestial Sister Reign)~

With all of the outer nations fairing well enough to survive independently the Equestrian nation wasn't doing as well. While acting as an independent state since it's creation depending only on state made products and importing only during crisis without support from outer nations for the past 300 years has done a number on their supplies and governmental systems.

To rectify this situation the three of us decided that Celestia and Luna should take their rightful spots in royalty as the princess' of Equestria. For this to work however it would need to be timed correctly. Two creatures long since thought to be of a dead species coming out of who knows where claiming leadership would not go over well with the common populous.

The current capitol of the Equestrian nation is a city by the name of Canterlot which stood proudly east of the Everfree forest on a cliff side connected to the edge of the Draconian mountain range. The two closest areas of trade to the capitol was the city of manehatten to the west and a small settler village called ponyville. As a place to start the three of us built a small castle in the middle of the Everfree forest in a direct line between Canterlot and Ponyville.

By following the news for the first couple of years we found out that in the capitol the current leader was a pony by the name 'Gold hooves' or something along those lines. For the time that he's been in charge he had always treated his citizens kindly but with high taxes and tariffs. He raised taxes on a daily basis eventually falling for his own greed turning him into a greed tyrant.

The best way we supposed was in hopes of a revolution so that the ponies beneath him would be more easily acceptable of foreign take-over. With our plan formulated we set out to sow the seeds of rebellion and revolution. I took to the capitol while Celestia and Luna went out, disguising themselves obviously, to the smaller towns spreading rumours of "The ancient twin Alicorns of myth" that might still be alive.

From rumours spreading through taverns to bards word got out that two being of ancient power might be abound began to interest those in power whether to have them join the rulers or to stop such being from coming usurping them. The latter was Gold hooves situation and when ever talk of these mythos beings came up he swiftly brought down any and all who brought them up. This to our advantage caused more disdain among the civilians.

With Gold hooves busy keeping down the mythos rumours that left me an opening to spread ideas of revolution under his snout. By the time Gold hooves took notice nearly all of the capitol and outer towns were wanting of revolution. Gold by this time was mad with power and greed and would have none of it and made a declaration of war on any and all who would try t dethrone him.

This was the chance we've been working for. With the country ready for war they leaders of the each sector came for ward to proclaim their side of the war and where they stood. Before any could sign the declaration of war the three of us burst into the room Celestia and Luna leading with me following behind in a cloak acting as a simple advisor. Faced with two beings of myth Gold hooves sent his guards after us to which they were dispatched without harm.

Gold hooves saw defeat and surrendered on the spot. As punishment he was banished to the outer nations and not to return unless with news of dire importance. The rest of the leaders seeing the tyrant taken down and punished in the most sympathetic way possible allowed the two alicorns to take the place of royal hierarchy and lead the nation from there on out.

The first order of business was to bring about peace among the lives of the citizens by way of returning money stolen through unwarranted taxes, work reliefs, and reorganization of businesses. The second order of business was to increase army and guard strength. This was to ensure attacks between towns and wild monsters would be brought down to a minimum. Due to request by the general populous a personal guard was made for the princess' themselves to which I, their personal advisor and the princess' chose specifically who would be joining.

The personal guard was made of best of the best and this came with some odd ponies. First of the five guard ponies was an ice pegasi who was born of dragon blood and thus had dragon wings. Three of the five were unicorns from the mixed tribes all controllers of gravity and were extremely fast on their feet.

The final of the five was a pony that to any other would look to be a normal pegasi but to the three of us who have been in their presence before could feel alicornian blood flow through him and even see the smallest of a stump where his horn must have broken off. This interested us with the most curious feeling as we had thought the two princess' were the only two living alicorns left. When we asked him for a name he simply said "Dark".

Due to our curious nature we appointed Dark with the position of guard captain and kept him at our sides at all times. Dark himself seemed to be very interested in the princess' as though he himself thought to be the only alicorn left. While he and I never truly met I could tell he was truly a very old being, immortal even, with a small amount of Gaian energy in his soul.

Peace reigned over the land for the coming centuries with Celestia and Luna in charge and it became very obvious that our guard captain himself was no normal pony. It was known for a fact that alicorns could live for about 1,000 years and with the first century gone with the guard captain still alive and kicking our suspicions were proven true.

As years went on and Celestia and Luna became adjusted to rule as princesses I told them it was time they stopped relying on me and lived on as adults. Celestia took it openly where as Luna acted rather childish begging me to stay and live with them. I made them a pendant from which the stone was a crystallized piece of my soul so that they would have a piece of me always and took my leave.

I took up residents back at the old castle we had built when we planned the revolution. While Celestia and Luna took care of the Equestrian nation for the next 400 years I began to make my rounds around the world cleaning-up any chaotic energies or destruction that I may have missed over time. I still wonder to this day why the everfree forest was never affected by either Discord or Chaos.

Over the next 400 years I made rounds around picking up new knowledge learning about the world and each nation. While we wouldn't meet face to face I saw my daughter every now and than when they would go out on international business. I regularly kept in touch with the guard captain "dark" about how they were doing and he report back that they were doing fine yet missed me terribly.

The land had found a peace unknown to it for thousands of years and to me it seemed as though fate would not allow it to last.

"With the light comes the shadows, With those who do good comes those with evil intentions, With dreams comes nightmares"

A/N woops author was a dumbass. Forgot to save last 300 words!