//------------------------------// // Twilight Sparkle // Story: Canterlot Academy: Knights of the Dark Moon // by LordLycaon //------------------------------// Eons ago, in the mystical world of Equestria, there lived four tribes of ponies, each very different from the last. The earth ponies were considered the most basic of all four tribes, but they held a deep connection to the earth. Though they had no wings or horns, they could wield their innate strength to grow and defend crops and plants with an impressive ease. The pegasi bore wings, which allowed them to fly. They had the ability to control the weather and walk upon clouds, and even served as the bulk of Equestria’s military, having a long history as a warrior race. Unicorns could use varying degrees of magic through the use of their horns, able to manipulate the world around them in fantastic and terrifying ways. Each of these three races, however, paled in comparison to the fourth: the alicorns, who had the horns of unicorns, the wings of pegasi, and the strength of earth ponies. The alicorns wielded power unlike any other. Even the weakest alicorn was said to be strong enough to move the sun with little effort. As the most powerful of the four tribes, the alicorns took on the role of leading the ponies of Equestria, aiming for a peaceful existence between each tribe. And so it was for many centuries. Until, one day, when the sun was blotted out by clouds of unnatural shadow, the Darkness came… As a black veil evil incarnate, it arose from the depths of Tartarus, a land of evil and twisted monsters, arriving with no warning, no mercy, no care for those who called the land home. This accursed menace sought to destroy Equestria and throw the world into an untimely end. To the horror of all, the alicorns were the first targets. Despite all of their might, all of their wisdom, and all of their power, the alicorns were slowly and deliberately erased, one by one. As the reign of the Darkness spread, hope died, leaving misery and fear in its place. For if the godlike alicorns could not defeat the Darkness, who could? Ponies began to throw themselves onto their knees, begging for mercy and even worshipping the dreaded evil. And yet… Just as all hope had died, and the world seemed lost, six alicorns, the last of their kind, stood to confront the evil. Each of them wielded a new and strange power. Power the likes of which had never been seen before or since: the Elements of Harmony. With these powerful artifacts, they let loose a mighty explosion of magic, which banished the accursed Dark. Peace had finally been restored to the land, the ponies allowed to live their lives as they had before the fell shadows first made their arrival. The six alicorns, now seen as heroes, took on the role of leadership, and taught their followers of the magic that they had used to defeat the Darkness. Harmony had finally been restored to the world. Now, countless millennia later, in the city of Canterlot, a new story is about to begin… -o- Mile-high flames blanketed half of the city, choking the sky with ash and smoke as a predestined battle raged on. Blasts of gold and black energy clashed against one another as two beings dueled. A beautiful white alicorn mare fired volleys of golden magic from her horn to counter the bolts of dark magic that her opponent, a black unicorn stallion with piercing red eyes, sent at her. The mare gritted her teeth as she conjured a force field to deflect an attack from her enemy, who laughed as though he had already won. “Your precious kingdom is mine now, Celestia!” he exclaimed in a booming, powerful voice. “Surrender to me, and you may yet live!” “I don’t think so, Evildoer!” the alicorn replied. “Your reign of terror will end today!” “Is that so?” the evil unicorn named Evildoer inquired with a cruel grin. Suddenly, he vanished in a flash of dark power. Celestia didn’t even have time to react as a blast of dark magic struck her in the back, sending her to the ground. The dark stallion again laughed victoriously as the alicorn struggled to get back onto her hooves. “This is the end of all that you hold dear, Princess of the Sun! I have won!” Celestia stared wide-eyed at the sorcerer for almost a full minute. Then, she chuckled, earning a confused glare from the would-be conqueror. “Perhaps you would’ve won,” she said in a teasing tone. “But you failed to take into account the fact that I have a secret weapon.” “Secret weapon?” the stallion asked, clearly baffled. “Of course.” Suddenly, the stallion was struck by a blast of purple magic, sending him flying into the air and falling into the concrete ground with an audible thud. The princess smiled at the one who had attacked the vile Evildoer. “You certainly enjoy making an entrance, don’t you?” “Only when necessary,” said a young purple unicorn mare, whose horn was glowing with a bright pink aura, standing with a hero’s poise and beaming confidently like the master mage that she was. “Sorry I’m late. I was just taking care of his soldiers. They won’t be a problem anymore!” Just then, a black bolt flew past the young mare, destroying a small cart filled with cabbages. The earth pony that had tried to protect them cried out for the loss of his produce as he was pulled away by several other ponies. The purple mare returned her attention to the dark sorcerer, who had a look of pure rage in his eyes. “How dare you strike me, you insolent little wretch!” Evildoer exclaimed indignantly. “I’ll turn you into dust for this!” The purple unicorn smirked confidently. “I’d like to see you try!” she proclaimed as she charged her horn with as much magic as she could. The dark stallion sneered as he did the same. When they had both built up their power, they simultaneously unleashed beams of magic at each other, which collided together. The two unicorns pushed against each other, each trying to gain the upper hoof on the other. ’Twilight...’ The mare flinched slightly at the sound of her name. Had someone just called for her? 'Twilight… get up…' “Get up?” What did that mean? 'Twilight…' -o- “WAKE UP!” a white unicorn stallion shouted, making his little sister shoot out of bed like a rocket. She held herself up in the air, levitating herself with her magic. Her brother raised an eyebrow at her, and she gave an awkward laugh. The stallion sighed and said, “You slept in again, Twily. You’ve gotta stop doing that and learn to wake up earlier.” Twilight sighed as she floated down to the floor and used her magic to fix her bed. “You always say that, Shining,” she said to her brother as she finished resetting her bed’s sheets to her very particular tastes. “Just because you get up early every day doesn’t mean you have to come barging into my room each morning and scold me about sleeping in.” Shining Armor rolled his eyes. Twilight was never in an agreeable mood when she wakes up before noon. “Twilight, do you even realize what tomorrow is?” The young mare gave him a look as if to say “are you serious?” After a few moments, she gave it some thought as she levitated a brush on her nightstand and ran it through her mane. “Tuesday?” she guessed. The stallion sighed once again. “You’re going to the Academy tomorrow!” he told her rather loudly. Twilight stopped brushing her hair and dropped the brush on the floor, her eyes wide and her face dumbfounded. “Have you even decided what you’re going to take with you when you go?” Twilight gave an awkward smile and said, “O-of course I have! I just… haven’t… packed anything yet. I’ll do that after lunch!” “It’s eleven in the morning right now,” Shining Armor deadpanned. Twilight stared at him, then at the clock, which read the exact time that her elder brother had specified. “You’d better start getting your things together now, Twily. I don’t think either of us wants another ‘I’m-going-to-be-so-late’ episode.” “R-right. I’ll get on it.” Shining gave a nod and left the room at that, closing the door behind him. Twilight sighed and charged her horn, levitating a small book and pen out from under her personal hiding place under her bed. She opened the book and began writing on a blank page. Journal of Twilight Sparkle, Entry No. 17 Date: September 2, Year 999 of Celestia’s Reign. How in the world could I forget that I’m going to the Academy tomorrow? I could’ve sworn that I wrote all sorts of reminders so that I wouldn’t forget. Oh well. At least Shining Armor remembered. The Canterlot Academy would probably kick me out if I missed the first day. I need to start taking Shining’s advice and get up earlier. Because waking up at the crack of dawn should be loads of fun. Anyway, I need to pick out what I need for when I go. I’ll have to pack the necessities… She stopped writing and thought to herself for a few moments. A collection of fifty books on Ancient Equestrian history and culture counted as a necessity, right? ‘Hmm… Yes, definitely a necessity. I’ll need to remember to leave enough room in my bags for those books. And maybe a toothbrush, too. And soap for when I need to take a shower. Yes, soap is important.’ Twilight gave a satisfied smile as she finished writing and tucked her journal (it was a journal, no matter how much Shining Armor insisted on calling it a diary) back in its hiding place under her bed. She then turned to the bookshelf that lined her wall from the door to the corner of the room, levitated a travel bag from her closet over to her side. Just as she was about to start stuffing her bag with books, she stopped, staring at the collection of tomes that were each two inches thick at the thinnest. She cocked her head to one side as she tried to think of how she was going to fit them all into her only travel bag. “This… might actually be a challenge,” she muttered to herself. -o- After getting his sister out of bed and getting his guard captain armor together, Shining headed out into town, nodding in response to hellos given by passing civilians and fellow guards. He had worked long and hard to reach his current position. Now that he thought about, it only seemed like yesterday that he had only just started out in the Canterlot Royal Guard. And it only felt like yesterday that Twilight was just a little filly dreaming of getting into the Academy. Where did all that time go? He wondered about that as he walked. Part of him didn’t want his little sister to leave home, even if it was because she had been accepted into one of the best schools in all of Equestria. This kind of opportunity was a once-in-a-lifetime deal. He couldn’t take that away from his only living family. But he couldn’t fool himself into thinking that the house wouldn’t feel uncomfortably bigger without his little sister. “Shining!” somepony suddenly called to. He easily recognized the mare’s voice almost immediately and faced her. A bright pink alicorn mare came up to him, a wide smile on her face as she tackled him in tight hug.  Her white and pink mane bounced when she took hold of him,  covering a bit of her face. “Cadance!” the stallion exclaimed with a wide grin as he returned the hug. After a few moments, they released each other and kissed briefly. “I didn’t know you were back! When did you arrive?” “Just last night, actually,” the mare replied. “Auntie Celestia insisted that I stay with her for the night before going out and looking for you. What’ve you been up to? How’s Twilight?” He hesitated for just a moment. “She’s great,” he said. “She’s been accepted into Canterlot Academy.” “Oh?” Cadance spoke with a slightly cocked eyebrow. “That’s great. But… you don’t really sound too thrilled about it.” “Well…” -o- Shining and Cadance had found themselves a café to stop at for a drink and to talk. The stallion explained to his marefriend his reservations about letting Twilight leave home for the Academy. Cadance sipped a cup of tea as she thought on what he had just told her. She supposed she could relate somewhat. She had been Twilight’s foalsitter once upon a time, and came to view the little filly as a sort of pseudo-sister. She could understand her coltfriend’s reluctance to let Twilight leave. Still… “Well, she can’t stay home forever,” the mare stated. “The Academy is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They don’t give second chances.” “I know, I know,” Shining sighed as he held his head in his hooves over the table. “It’s just… she’s been my only family for a long time now. It almost feels wrong to let her go.” Cadance wrapped her foreleg around his shoulder and held him. “I know. But, hey, it’s not like she’ll be gone forever, right? She’ll still have to be around for summer, won’t she?” Shining raised his head a little. “Yeah, I guess.” He chuckled to himself a little. “Look at me. All worried about something that I shouldn’t be worried about at all.” “You worry too much,” Cadance stated, giving him a teasing nudge. “Twilight will be fine. Has she ever given anypony real reason to worry? Plus, she’s sure to fly through whatever tests they might throw her way. As a bookworm, she gives me a run for my money.” “Yeah, you’re right.” Shining hugged his marefriend closer for a moment before giving her a kiss goodbye. “I’d better get going. The other guard captains will be more than a little angry if I’m late.” “Have a great day, Shiny,” the bright pink alicorn said with a smile and a wave, earning a blushing grin from her coltfriend. He gave a wave back and hurried off, hoping nopony heard Cadance’s pet name for him. The last thing he needed was for anypony else to call him “Shiny.” From Cadance and his sister, it was fine. Everyone in all of Canterlot? That would be utterly mortifying. As the stallion left, Cadance couldn’t help but giggle at his reaction to the nickname. 'Macho level down by one point,' she joked to herself as she stood from her seat and trotted off from the café. 'He’s lucky he’s still cute’ -o- Twilight Sparkle hummed a light tune as she walked through the streets of Canterlot, reading through a shopping list that she held aloft with her magic. She had decided to do some last-minute grocery shopping before tomorrow, just so Shining Armor would have something to eat and drink that wasn’t a microwave meal or popcorn. Or corndogs. She shuddered slightly at that last thought. How a single stallion could blow through half a dozen packs of those things in less than a week was beyond her. Part of her hoped she would never understand. The less she thought about it, the better, she assumed. She walked down her usual route, taking shortcuts through alleys and past various shops until she reached the Canterlot Central Park, which was basically the city garden. Over the years, she had found that cutting through the park was the quickest way to get to the grocery market, where she and her brother usually got their food and drink. Not only that, but it was also the most scenic. The park always had a way of putting her at ease. She would come often here as a filly to admire the natural beauty, or to study and catalogue the different species of flora and fauna that lived there. “Excuse me!” a small, shrill voice called out, startling her out of her musings. A young unicorn filly ran up to her, looking like she had just lost something extremely important to her. “Can you help me with something?” “Uh…” Twilight stared at the filly awkwardly for a moment before actually saying anything. “That… would depend, I guess. What do you need help with?” The filly pointed up at a nearby tree. Twilight could see a yellow, diamond-shaped object in the tree’s branches, sticking out like a sore hoof in the green of the leaves. “My kite got stuck up there,” the filly explained. “I saw you were a unicorn, so I thought you could help me get it down.” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “But… you’re a unicorn, too, aren’t you? Why don’t you use your own to magic to get it down?” The filly looked away as if ashamed. “My magic can’t reach very far,” she admitted. “I can’t get my kite from down here. Can you please get it down for me?” Twilight bit her lip and looked back up at the kite. She sighed, not wanting to disappoint the filly, and charged her horn, reaching out with her magic and pulling the kite free from the tree’s grasp. She levitated down and laid it on the ground in front of the filly, who joyfully picked it up in her teeth and said what sounded like a “thank you” – hard to tell with her mouth full – and trotted off. Twilight smiled a little as the filly walked away, feeling pretty good about herself. She wasn’t used to anypony coming up to her like that, let alone a foal who couldn’t have been more than seven or eight years old. Then, the filly stopped by a pair of ponies, both unicorns. Twilight’s smile immediately faded, her high spirits rapidly dimming. Judging by the way those two ponies smiled when the filly came up to them, she could only assume that they were her parents. Parents… how long had it been since…? Shaking her head, she turned and headed down the path again. Her simple stroll to the market had quickly become a strange, soul-searching walk through the park. Her memories of her own parents were vague and distant at best. She had never gotten the chance to actually speak with them. She was so young when the accident happened. She barely even knew what happened. All she remembered of that day from so long ago was a bright flash of light. Shining Armor claimed that he didn’t know what actually happened. “What happened?” she thought aloud, a habit that she had had since she was young. Then, out of nowhere, she was tackled by a pink blur that seemed to just pop into existence. Both Twilight and the pink form that had hit her practically flew several feet until they crashed into an old statue of an ancient alicorn, one of many that were scattered throughout Canterlot. Twilight, in a sudden fit of panic, bucked the pink thing off of her, her horn glowing and ready to defend herself if at all necessary. Her horn dimmed down when she realized that the pink thing before her was another pony. An earth pony to be exact. The other mare seemed a bit dazed herself. She ran a hoof through her impossibly poofy light red mane and shook her head. Then she noticed Twilight, her bright blue eyes widening with at least ten thousand apologies. Which she shared almost immediately. “OhmygoshI’msosorryIdidn’tmeantocrashintoyoulikethatIwasn’twatchingwhereIwasgoingeventhoughIshould’vebeenIdon’tknowwhyIwasn’tI’musuallysuperduperextracarefulnottobumpintosomeponylikethatanywayI’mPinkiePiewhat’syournameohwhat’sthat!?” The mare suddenly dashed over to the alicorn statue, clearly intrigued. Twilight could only stare at her in blatantly obvious confusion. She was half certain that she had only caught the first word of that. Everything else was just mindless gibberish to her. “Uh…” the young unicorn replied intelligently. “Hi?” The pink pony turned to Twilight and giggled at nothing. “Whoop, sorry! I get distracted super easy!” she explained. “And I tend to talk really, really, really, really, really fast. Let me start over.” She cleared her throat. “Sorry about running into you like that. I usually try not to crash into ponies. Anyway, I’m Pinkie Pie! What’s your name?” “Uh… Twilight Sparkle.” The purple mare eyed the earth pony rather incredulously. “I guess you’re not from around here. There aren’t a whole lot of earth ponies here in Canterlot. It’s mostly unicorns and pegasi.” “I just moved here!” Pinkie answered giddily. “The ponies here are kinda snooty, though. They don’t seem to appreciate it when I try to make them all laugh.” “Well, a lot of ponies here aren’t that easy to please,” Twilight admitted. Having lived in Canterlot all her life, she knew for a fact that it wasn’t the ultimate utopia that so many ponies seemed to think that it was. Most ponies that lived in the city were arrogant and had impossible standards. “Anyway, I have some errands to run. It was nice meeting you. I guess.” That last part she muttered quietly enough so that Pinkie Pie couldn’t hear her. “Wait!” the bright pink mare called as she forcibly turned Twilight’s head toward the alicorn statue. “Can you tell me about that statue? It looks really pretty!” Twilight rolled her eyes in minor annoyance. Regardless, she eyed the statue for a moment, reminding herself of what she had read in books. The statue depicted an alicorn stallion standing on his left foreleg, a wild grin on his face and a decorative mask over his eyes, his wings spread wide. It was one of six statues here in the Plaza of Heroes. This plaza in the center of the park stood out as a monument to the rich history of Canterlot’s—and all of Equestria’s—past. The most prominent statues - of which there were many - were the collection of six set in a semicircle looking out on the path, each representing the six heroes who had saved the world from disaster. “That’s Schallend the Jester, an ancient alicorn hero. According to legend, he was one of the six creators of the Elements of Harmony.” Pinkie “oohed” and “ahhed” as Twilight explained about the statue. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I really have to finish those errands that I mentioned.” “Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie said, waving goodbye to the purple mare. Although she felt mentally exhausted just talking to that crazy pony, Twilight had to admit that the brief chat seemed to put her into a better mood than earlier. That out of the way, she got back on her initial path and trotted down to the nearby supermarket. All the while, she had the strangest feeling that that wouldn’t be the last she saw of the wild pink earth pony. -o- Twilight smiled as she left the market, several bags of groceries held aloft by her magic as she walked out, crossing off the last few items from the list. Hopefully, this would last her brother for a good while. She had only bought him three packs of corndogs, too, hoping  this would teach him some form of moderation. Celestia knows he needed to learn that lesson. As she walked down the road, she suddenly heard something off to her left, coming from an alley. There, she saw a trio of unicorns. Two stallions and a white mare with a stylishly coiffed purple mane who didn’t look much older than Twilight. The stallions were standing over the mare, talking about something. “She could be a prime candidate,” one of them said, making the mare visibly cringe. “I say we take her now.” “Candidate, schmandidate,” the second stallion replied gruffly, grinning at the mare. “I say we have a little fun first, then drag her back to the boss and see what he has to say. Who knows? He might let us keep her.” The first stallion shrugged in response. “Fine. Have at her.” The white mare backed away fearfully until her rump hit the building behind her. “P-Please… D-Don’t…” Twilight’s eyes went wide. She dropped her groceries and headed into the alley without a second thought. “Hey!” she shouted, catching the glares of the two stallions, who turned around to face her with wicked expressions. “Leave her alone, or I’ll call the guards here!” Despite being almost unable to hold her trembling horn straight, she instinctively began charging her horn with magic, preparing to defend herself if necessary. The stallions eyed her warily, then looked at each other. The one who had spoken first said, “She looks like another possible recruit. Two for the price of one.” The second stallion grinned maliciously and looked back at Twilight. “I’ll handle this. You just make sure that the other one doesn’t scamper off somewhere.” His partner nodded, and he stepped forward, standing at his full height, clearly trying to intimidate her. His horn glowed with a blue aura. “Folks like you need to learn to mind their own business.” “Don’t make me tell you again,” Twilight warned, not backing down out of sheer stubbornness. “Back. Off.” The stallion chuckled and leaned his head forward, closing in until his face was only a few inches from Twilight’s. “And who’s gonna make me?” Suddenly, he was struck upside the head with a trash can that was enveloped in a light purple aura, matching the color of Twilight’s own aura. He stumbled off a few feet to the left, but recovered quickly and gave a rage-filled glare to the young mare. “You’re gonna pay for that!” he said as he fired a bolt of magic energy at her. Twilight recoiled at first, but immediately summoned a magical barrier that deflected the bolt out of instinct, sending it hurtling back at the one who fired it. The stallion was sent flying back into a wall, where he collapsed to the ground, knocked out by his own spell. His partner stared wide-eyed at the sight, then looked over at Twilight. “You’ll get one more warning,” she said, trying to sound threatening. “Leave.” He needed no further motivation. Leaving his comrade behind, he galloped off out of sight. Twilight sighed as her horn’s glow faded. If she was going to be completely honest, that went much better than she had initially expected. ‘What was I thinking, charging into a fight like that? Shining will kill me if he finds out!’ Shaking that thought out of her head, she hurried over to the white unicorn who was still in the alley, more dumbstruck than afraid now. “Are you all right?” Twilight asked. “Those guys didn’t hurt you, did they?” The other mare shook her head and blinked briefly before recollecting her senses. “N-no,” she replied. “They just dragged me into this alley as I was walking by. They started threatening me and… oh, it was dreadful! Thank you so much for your help! How can I ever repay you?” Twilight chuckled lightly, not used to ponies borderline grovelling to her. “It-it was no problem. You don’t have to do anything. I was only doing what anypony else would’ve done in my position.” She turned to the stallion she had knocked out with that trash can. “I guess I should call a guard to come pick him up.” “Oh, you let me worry about that, darling!” the other mare said with grin. She extended a hoof. “Please, allow me to introduce myself! I am Rarity Belle, soon-to-be fashion designer extraordinaire! May I have the name of the pony who just saved my life?” “Uh, Twilight Sparkle.” She shook the other mare’s hoof a bit reluctantly. In all honesty, she wasn’t used to that. “Well, I have a few things to do.” “Oh! Well, don’t let me keep you! Just know that if you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask! I sincerely hope that we meet again someday.” “Er… right. Until then, I guess.” Twilight gave a somewhat awkward wave goodbye as she and Rarity left the alley and went their separate ways after the white unicorn helped pick up her dropped groceries. She looked back once, and seeing that the other mare was now speaking to a guard a ways off , she muttered to herself. “Today has certainly been more interesting than usual.” -o- He gritted his teeth anxiously behind his closed lips as he sat outside his leader’s office, waiting to be allowed in. What should he say? What could he say? That his partner had been taken down by some filly barely at the cusp of adulthood and was probably already under arrest by now? This couldn’t end well for him, no matter what he said. “Enter,” a voice suddenly said from behind the door, making the stallion jump slightly. He gulped nervously and did as he was told, trotting into the office as his leader read through several papers and files. “I’ve been told that you have bad news for me. What happened, exactly?” “Well…” He hesitated. His leader was always rather intimidating. The elder stallion could let out an aura of pure authority without even looking at whoever he was talking to. It was what made him both a frightening and inspiring leader. “My partner and I were out looking for possible recruits, like you told us to do, sir. But… we encountered some trouble.” He quickly explained what had happened, silently hoping that he wouldn’t be punished too severely for his failure. The elder stallion never once took his eyes off of his reading materials. As the other stallion described the event, he searched through the files diligently. When the younger pony finished, he held up one file in particular, eyeing it with a scrutinizing gaze. “You say it was purple unicorn mare who defeated your comrade?” he inquired. The other stallion nodded. “I see… you are dismissed.” “Sir?” “Leave.” “Er… yes, sir.” The stallion hurriedly left the room, leaving his leader to his thoughts. The elder studied the file that he held aloft with his own magic. He read through it multiple times, each time making him only more and more curious. ‘Twilight Sparkle,’ he thought, rereading the name underneath the picture of the young mare. ‘I shall have to keep an eye on you. You are… promising.’  That said, he finally put the file down and marked it with a stamp, leaving a circular emblem on the front, and moved onto the next file.