//------------------------------// // A big green box // Story: Coming to terms // by The Infinity Doctor //------------------------------// I held my head as I groaned and sat up in a chair. 'Wat...' "Oooh...ow...owowowowowee ouch ouch- what the hell?" I muttered. "Ah, good to see you're finally awake" The voice was male, and sounded a little older than mine. "What? Who's there?" "Oh- just a friend, or an enemy, however you want to look at it...you're up now, I guess I'll just be on my way now; goodbye, Matthew" "Wait, who are you? How did you know my name?!" I was met with silence. I groaned again as I opened my eyes, and was met with pitch-black darkness. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I slowly stood up, and stumbled as I searched for some kind of light switch. "Hey! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?" I shouted "IF YOU COULD TURN THE LIGHTS ON, I'D APPRECIATE IT!" I was blinded as bright lights almost immediately flicked on, then dimmed as my eyes adjusted to the light. "Oh my god..." I said breathlessly. With the lights on, I could properly see where I was, and let me tell you- this was the last place I was expecting. The room I was currently in looked almost exactly like the Tenth Doctor's TARDIS (Yes, I'm a Whovian, also a Brony as a matter of fact), save for the broken controls and loose wires lining the console- and it just...didn't feel right, y'know? Like everything was where it was supposed to be, except it wasn't; like I shouldn't have been there at all... I ran my hands over my face and through my hair, everything was still the same, nothing had changed as far as I could tell. "Okay...just keep calm...no reason to panic...you just have no idea just where the hell you are or how you got here, or why you're here..." I muttered. Clothes were next, after a quick check, I discovered I had in fact changed clothes, I was wearing a dark blue jacket, a neck tie matching the jacket hung from the collar of my white dress shirt. A pair of suspenders reached from my beige pants, reached over the shoulders of my undershirt, and held a firm grip on the waistband in the back. "That's odd, to say the least..." I said to myself, patting my pants pockets and searching for my phone. It wasn't there. "Are you kidding me?!" I shouted to the roof. I then searched the pockets of my jacket- I didn't find my phone, but instead found something else. I fingered the object in my grasp, still hidden from view in the pocket, but I was pretty sure of what it was already... I took the object out of my pocket, and inspected it. Who's idea was it to leave a toy Sonic Screwdriver in my jacket? (Eleventh Doctor's, in case you were wondering) And a defective one at that, the green bulb on the end was instead a bright blue, like the Tenth Doctor's had been. 'This doesn't make any sense...first I wake up here, find myself dressed in these clothes, and find this- what's going on?' I toyed with the Screwdriver for a while, for kicks I pressed the button, and aimed it at the console (what can I say? I'm a kid inside)- it still made that noise as I held the button down, a few minutes later, a knob burst into pieces. As soon as it did, I dropped the Screwdriver- it clattered as it fell to the floor, undamaged. My hearts were beating a mile a minute, my brain kicking into overdrive as I tried to go over what was happening. H-hearts? I put a hand to my ribcage, and my heart was in its usual spot, chugging away. I then put my other hand to the other side of my chest, and found a second heart, beating in tandem with the one on the left. "Oh...god...no..." My breathing became ragged as I ran to the doors of the TARDIS, I shoved open both of the doors, and stopped in terror as I almost flung myself into space. A large planet looked to be hovering just below the floor, I scrambled back inside and swung the doors closed. 'How did I get into this? I'm stuck in a broken time machine, floating who-knows-where, no way out...' I shakily stood up and walked back to where I'd dropped the Sonic Screwdriver. I picked it up and carefully set it on the console. "Okay...let's see" Who was I kidding? I didn't even know where to start! What did I know about repairing a time machine? Well, only one way to find out- I tapped one of the few still-working dials, and put all of my weight onto a glowing lever, it flipped under my weight, and the TARDIS dropped like a rock- shooting towards the planet below. X X X X X X X Lyra sighed to herself as she stared out her window and up at the night sky, watching the stars and moon shimmer against the almost-black sky. She turned to go back to bed, when she saw a shooting star- this wasn't anything new to her, she'd seen them before; what had bothered her about this one was it was a dark green streak shooting across the sky and into the distance. 'This looks like a job for detective Lyra!' she thought, tip-hooving past her parent's room and grasping her father's lantern in her teeth. She wrapped herself in a scarf and galloped towards the general direction of where the star had landed. Despite the danger she thought she could've been getting into, she charged ahead- her curiosity demanding to be satiated.