Letters to Ponyville

by StapleCactus

Spike - 2nd letter

Dear Twilight,

My last letter sounded worse than I first thought. I meant to clear the air between us, but my rambling did nothing towards that goal. Either you’re still lost in a book, or you read my letter just as I fear it sounded. Let me be clear:

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry I didn’t take your feelings into account. I’m sorry I rushed into this. I’m sorry I didn’t hear your side before rushing out that door. And most importantly, I’m sorry for hurting you.

I didn’t mean for this to happen, Twilight, this rift between us. Maybe if I explained myself better, maybe if I listened to you more, we wouldn’t have separated as we did. But now, as I sit here on the edge of Equestria, I fear I’ll never get the chance to mend this wound.

They sent me to Dodge City to get my gear, along with half the ponies I trained with. After a short rest, we were rushed to this border. It doesn’t have a name, this place. It’s somewhere between Baltimare and the border of Griffonia, that’s all I can say. I expected desert, you know. Instead, we’re waiting for orders in a jungle.

It’s not too bad. Sure, there’s humidity, and mosquitos (like they can affect me personally. But I’ve seen what they can do to ponies. No one is sick, thank Celestia, but they sure are annoying.) On the brighter side, the shade keeps the sun from beating down our backs too much, and there’s plenty of fresh water nearby.

I know the order will come soon. It will come, and I will have to fight. There’s a zebra among us, and he rhymes just as much as Zecora. He’ll have to fight. The ponies I trained with will have to fight.

Scared doesn’t even begin to describe it, Twilight.

I know I’m safe enough. Training showed me just how strong dragon scales are against swords and glancing blows. But knowing is different than experience. My knowledge even makes it worse, when I think of how many ways I can die. Being stabbed is foremost on my mind. Griffons fight with their claws as much as any weapon, and they don’t just cut. Just watch Opal swat at something to see what I mean.

We have a few unicorns with us, trained in the offensive use of telekinesis and basic spells. They all knew how to light a candle with magic, so they’ve learned how to amplify that into a fireball. Unfortunately, I can’t see them using their horns in the midst of battle. It’ll be ugly, and the concentration required may be too much for them.

The pegasi will be a big help, though. They can keep some of the griffons off the grounded units so we don’t get overwhelmed. If the odds are three-to-one, we don’t stand a chance, however. I wish we had more pegasi like Rainbow Dash. Between her knowledge of griffon flight and fighting ability, she’d be a huge asset. But we don’t, and we only have a basic understanding of them shared between us.

The earth ponies can match them for strength, at least. They could be like our linebackers, holding the enemies at bay to keep the odds even. But, that’s only if they don’t get attacked by a second griffon.

I can’t think of any advantage we have that could truly help us win, Twilight. That scares me.

But I’ll be brave. I’ll fight and win, because I can’t die this soon.

I keep saying that, don’t I? Please, oh please, Celestia, protect me in this coming battle. I swear not to eat an entire tub of ice-cream in one sitting again. Just don’t let me die so soon.

Look at me, begging for my life, and the battle hasn’t even started yet. I must look a pitiful sight, as Rarity would put it. Strength, bravery, will. Those things will see me through this, not the princess sitting back in Canterlot.

Twilight, if you ever meet with the princesses, tell them to hurry. I don’t care if we have to lose some territory, or lose face apologizing; just help them stop this war before it gets worse! These ponies don’t deserve to die.

I know, I know. This war is about a lot more than just some land or a slight. If it was, Celestia would have solved it by now. There’s something big going on, and I’m just a grunt now. No point in telling the grunts exactly why this is happening, right?

Some of the others, I can see their faces as they write home, look to be losing some morale. They don’t know what we’re doing here. I’ll have to tell them, even with my limited understanding.

Morning will dawn soon. I don’t get as much sleep as I did back home at the library, but boot camp taught me just how little I really needed. When that sun shines through these leaves, I’m sure we’ll have our orders. Until then, I’ll do what I can to help the others. It’s the least I can do, even if some won’t listen to the “baby” dragon.

I hope you forgive me, Twilight. I can’t keep going, knowing I still have your ire. But I have to do what I have to do. Please understand.

Ex his quae dicta intellexerit.



P.S. I received clearance to send reports to you via dragonfire. There is no known way to intercept it, so it’s safer than any other correspondence they can use. They believe I can help you understand what’s at stake, and somehow end the war. I know it’s impossible for reports from a soldier to do so, but they have hope. Even the brass hopes, Twilight. Pray they are answered.

P.P.S. The first report won’t come for some time. With how little downtime we have received so far, I’ve been unable to do much more than what’s asked of me and avoid scaring myself senseless.