//------------------------------// // Fixing // Story: Chaotic Cupid // by Silent Strider //------------------------------// Scootaloo suddenly noticed that she was herself once more, just an orange pegasus filly with small wings that couldn’t keep her aloft. She also noticed that she was higher than the tallest building in Ponyville. It seemed a good moment to scream, and scream she did. Her screams grew louder as the ground rushed towards her. Scootaloo’s desperate eyes locked on Twilight’s, seeing the alicorn’s fear in those violet orbs as her horn began to glow anew… And in a flash of light she landed on a fountain, drenching Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom again. She then noticed Discord standing in her red wagon, his eagle claw held high. “Wait, what happened? Where is Dors Cid?” Twilight levitated the three dripping fillies out of the fountain and set them down in front of her, where she could look at them and at Discord simultaneously. “Anypony care to explain what is going on?” The three Crusaders tried to smile, despite their still downcast faces. Sweetie Belle looked at Twilight. “You mean…” Silently, Twilight waved a hoof, showing the plaza around them. Couples of ponies could be seen everywhere, most of them looking embarrassed, a few still nuzzling each other. As they were looking Rainbow Dash, her face red, passed overhead, making Scootaloo sink to the ground. The pegasus filly lifted her head a bit. “We…” Discord stopped filing his eagle claws for a moment and looked directly at Twilight’s eyes. “Isn’t it obvious? I gave them an enchanted bow, taught them how to make love arrows, and told them to spread the love across Ponyville.” Twilight looked back at the Crusaders. “Is that true?” Apple Bloom looked back at Twilight’s eyes. “Well, yes. But he told us he was a cupid, part of some corps, and that this was a mission for Princess Cadance!” Twilight mumbled: “Why I’m not surprised?” She looked back at the three fillies. “All right, I want you three to find your sisters and Rainbow Dash, explain what happened, and apologise to them. And I’m keeping that bow.” She turned to Discord, glaring daggers. “I need to have a talk with Discord. Or was it Dors Cid?” The two of them watched the Cutie Mark Crusaders leave. Discord lifted a claw to his eye, plucking a single tear. “Aren’t those silly fillies just lovely?” “Now,” Twilight glared at Discord, “what the hay were you doing?” “As I said, having them fill in for a cupid. Wait,” Discord started patting his body, then lifted a paw and snapped his fingers, a thin book appearing in front of him, “this time I even brought you an instruction manual! You can get your answers from a book, isn’t that great?” Fighting the urge to facehoof, Twilight took the book in her magic, but didn’t open it. “You taught the Crusaders how to create love arrows! Have you any idea how irresponsible that was?” Putting a pair of thick glasses, Discord tapped the book with a wooden pointer. “Oh, that. Page three; it’s diluted love potion, incapable of producing lasting effects. Quite different from the love poison they learned from a book somepony leased them.” “No lasting effect?” Twilight pointed to a couple still nuzzling. “What do you call that, then?” “Actually,” a pink face appeared besides Twilight, who stumbled backwards and ended on her haunches, “everypony knew those two loved each other, but they were too shy to talk.” Twilight turned incredulously to Pinkie Pie. “Fine, I get it.” She turned back to Discord. “But what about Scootaloo? You could have seriously injured her!” “Well, she wasn’t actually in any risk until somepony decided to cast a princess-grade Failsafe spell.” Twilight grunted. “Only because you had her flying in the sky, shooting love arrows at innocent ponies in the first place! I’m tempted to turn you back to stone, elements or not!” Discord stroked his goatee. “So, you want to punish me for showing those fillies how skilled they have become? Or for letting a flightless pegasus experience flight? Or perhaps for making two ponies realize they loved each other? Though if you mean the little chaos that has fallen on the town, “ Discord pulled a small gray statuette of a pony rearing, disturbingly similar to Twilight when she was still an unicorn, though with dishevelled mane and crazy eyes, “I do happen to know of an unicorn that made the whole town fight over a doll just because she forgot a report. I guess a new statue would look lovely in that fountain, don’t you think?” “Aagh! Sometimes I think I liked you better when we were enemies.” “Well, you know what they say, “ Discord touched one paw to his chest and lifted the other for emphasis, “friendship is magic!”