Letters to Ponyville

by StapleCactus

Bulk Biceps - 2nd letter

I've killed, Mother.

Not even a full day since I got here, and already I'm with the field medic. Took an arrow to the shoulder too close to the collarbone. It hurt, sure, but its not the worst thing I've seen.

And by sweet Celestia's mane, the fucking things I have seen will give me nightmares for decades.

You know me, Mother. I never swear. Swearing is for low brow dolts who lack the proper mentality to articulate words higher than three syllables.

Makes you wonder what this war is doing to me, now that I think about it.

To recap, basic training was short and brutal. We were given the short end of the stick when we were recruited. Two weeks isn't enough time to learn much of anything, honestly. Our sergeant, who I found out was named "Bag Pipes" for reasons unbeknownst to me, said that we were going to be receiving additional training nearer to the front.

If we hadn't been attacked as soon as we got there, that might have meant something.

I don't know how they knew we were there, but they did. They attacked us in the middle of the night under the cover of a thunderstorm. They seemed to know where and how to hit us. It was….

I apologize for the tear stains on this letter, Mother. Remembering last night is...  painful.

Was it only last night that I saw my friends die? It felt like decades ago.

To spare you the nightmares, mother, just know that I had to do what I had to when I was forced to fight for my life.

Reading this must bring you such anxieties, mother. I apologize, but war is never pretty. All of those action novels about it were lying.

The doctor just told me that I should be healed within the hour. Normally that would be good news, but knowing what war is like, I would give up my wings right now if it meant I'd never have to fight.

I'll send you another letter as soon as I can. I love you.

Bulk Biceps