//------------------------------// // Bon Bon // Story: Letters to Ponyville // by StapleCactus //------------------------------// Dear Lyra, I know we haven’t been talking for a long time, and you might just crush this letter and toss in in the nearest waste bin, but please hear me out. I felt you had a right to know. I’ve been drafted, Lyra. I’m going off to war. By the time you get this, I’ll be long gone, so don’t come looking for me.  It’s just another thing you’ll have to forgive me for if you can find it in you. Celestia knows that I just couldn't face you before leaving. I don’t want to go, Lyra. I’ve heard so many stories from my father that I’m trembling just thinking about it. Right now though, I don’t have any choice, and it’s not like there is anything left for me in Ponyville anyway. Nearly everypony has gone, the sugar rationing has nearly ruined my business, and you probably still hate me. More than anything, Lyra, I want that to change. When I come back, I don’t want the only thing waiting for me to be an abandoned shop. I need to know there is a friendly face waiting for me back home. I know it’s selfish of me to ask, but I need you to be there for me, Lyra. I want you to be my friend again. I don’t think I can get through this alone. Whatever your decision, Lyra, please take the time to write me back. Until then, I will await your response. Your Friend, Bon Bon