//------------------------------// // Carrot Cake // Story: Letters to Ponyville // by StapleCactus //------------------------------// My beloved Cup Cake, I know you’re probably upset that I haven’t written to you before now, but I just haven’t had the time. So, I’m writing this letter to sum up everything that’s happened to me so far. I don’t know where to start, so I’ll just start with bootcamp. They taught me everything about surviving out in the forest, which is where my unit is going to be most of the time. I’ve learned so much about everything, but there are some things they taught us that I’m not too proud of. They… they taught us how to kill. I’d rather not go into details but I… I’m going into this war with blood on my hooves. My commanding officer said that we have no time for our own feelings in a war, and he couldn’t have been more right. After bootcamp, my unit was assigned to the frontlines, and the first night there, I got to experience the horrors of war firsthand. The Griffons had launched a few squads to ambush us, but we were already expecting them. We charged at them, swords and all, and we caught them by surprise. The whole thing lasted about a minute, and it was over just like that. We looked around to see our enemies and I swear to you, they all looked so young. I found one young griffon who was badly injured. He looked so scared, and he begged me to help him. I froze. I just looked at him, then somepony came up to the griffon and… well, he silenced the griffon. I’m so ashamed of myself for letting that pony do that. I know that it’s kill or be killed, but I couldn’t help feeling sorry for the young griffon. I saw him and I thought of Pound Cake. I just couldn’t go through with it. War isn’t for me, Cup Cake. It isn’t for me. As for the pony that killed the young griffon—I never learned his name—he died last night. We sent him to scout ahead and he ran into a group of diamond dogs. Yes, the diamond dogs have sided with the Griffons. Anyway, when we found that pony… or what was left of him, I thought to myself, Better him than me. Can you believe that?! War changes ponies. All that talk of brothers-in-arms and all-for-one is a sham. In the frontlines, you look out for yourself or you’re as good as dead. That’s all that’s happened to me so far and it’s probably more than you wanted to hear, or maybe it’s not enough, but I just had to write it down. I don’t have anyone to talk to, so I need to let all these emotions out somewhere. I just wish I had the chance to be put somewhere away from all of the fighting, but I just can’t seem to get lucky. Just about every pony in my unit has been reassigned. Every pony except me and another named Half-Life. I almost forgot to mention it. For the brief time that I was in Canterlot, I saw Spike. Is Twilight getting any letters from him? He was doing quite well, last I checked. I hope he makes it through this war. He’s a good kid. I hope everything is okay in Ponyville. I love you and the kids so much. Tell Pinkie that I love her and that she’s just as much a part of the family as all of you are. Tell Pumpkin and Pound Cake that I love them. That I’ll always love them. And that if I don’t come back Just tell them that their dad is doing his best and he’ll be home soon. I love you so much, honey. I just wanted you to know that. I’m fighting this war in the name of Equestria, but more importantly, I’m fighting this war for you and the kids… and Pinkie. I know what I’m fighting for, and I’ll do my best to make sure everything goes well. We’re stationed near the Crystal Empire for the time being, so I’ll try to write you more often. The mail pony’s here. Stay safe. Love, Carrot Cake