Love and Cupcakes

by Ponyfan57


We woke up, tied to opposite walls so that we could see each other.
"Lightning, where are we? I'm scared!"
"We are going to die..."
"She is going to kill us... And use us as a secret ingredient."
She was scared out of her mind. And so was I.
Then she came out of nowhere.
"It seems that somepony just couldn't keep quiet."
"Please Pinky, just kill me. Not her. PLEASE!"
"Sorry, you broke the promise. I gave you a chance to live and now you both have to die."
"I'm so sorry Derpy.... I'm so sorry. I'm just s-so sorry."
"Now, who should I kill first... I think I will kill, you first."
She pointed at Derpy.I freaked out and tried to get her to stop.
"Let's staaaart.... Here!
She grabs a scalpel and cuts off her cutie mark. I was weeping and couldn't watch. Pinkie wanted me to suffer so she had something on my eyes to keep them open.
She then goes to the wings and cuts them off. She then goes to a pile of red hot nails and hammers them into her hooves. She then attaches the nails to a generator, which electrocuted her. She was given adrenaline and she then went to her insides. Derpy was fading fast again so Pinkie gave her more adrenaline. She harvested all of her guts and then ripped out her heart, and she then died. It was torture for me. She did the same for me except for the wings. She took my horn off. I was actually given adrenaline 3 times. And we were awake for the whole thing.

We died. Both brutally murdered in the basement of a cupcake store. I knew that I could have saved both of us, but then I would have to live my life with the horror of thinking that she could come back. I died, ashamed with myself. I could have saved her…

(If you are offended by some religious remarks, you may not want to read the next part [contains afterlife beliefs])

We went to heaven. I started to cry. I was completely ashamed of myself. She said, “Everything will be ok. It’s ok. No more meanie pants.”
“T-t-thank y-you Derpy.”
And we spent eternity in heaven

The End.