The Great Pony Adventure

by Peaceheart


CHAPTER 1: Ready

It all started on one beautiful day in Dream Land, two sisters were having an adventure in the forest.
“Hey, Pinkalicious Cupcake,”
“Yeah, Peaceheart,”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure, what’s up?”
“I was wondering why didn’t we bring Marshdog with us?”
“I don’t know, why, did you want to bring him?”
“Yes, can we!”
“Sure we can, but we have to go to the treehouse first.”
“Okie, dokie.”
“Let’s go then.”
As they went back to the treehouse a robotic dog was sunbathing. “Hey, Marshdog,” Peaceheart said.
“Hello Peaceheart, hello Pinkalicious Cupcake,” Marshdog said.
“Hey, boy” Pinkalicious said.
“Boy, do you want to go on a walk with us in the forest?” Peaceheart asked.
“I’ll love to go on a walk!!” Marshdog said excitement.
“Okay I’ll go get your leash,” Pinkalicious said.
“Okay I’ll go get our backpacks,” Peaceheart said.
“I’ll stay here then,” Marshdog said.
“Okay let’s come back as soon as possible,” Pinkalicious said.
“Got it,” Peaceheart said.
As they went inside, Marshdog, laid down and was sunbathing all over again. Pinkalicious got the leash and Peaceheart got the backpacks and packed some food, water and treats for Marshdog. When they went back outside they began the journey that changed their lives forever.